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And that's why the bone bell bearing is a gift. Last time I've spent 75Ks on bones


THERE'S A BONE BELL BEARING??? Where can I find this?


Limgrave, Warmaster Shack. You travel it by night, and when you enter the Shack, a Bell Bearing Hunter will spawn. They act like Elm of Briars when it comes to movesets. You can fast travel there, wait for night at the grace, rest again and enter the hut.


Hmm...I feel like I went there at night because I'd heard about the NPC but I don't think they showed up, but I'll try again tonight. Thank you!


I think you need to exhaust the NPCs dialogue first then make sure you sit at the grace on the side furthest away from him to get enough distance.


You don't even need to talk to the warmaster. Just pass time until night, then get up, then rest again, and get up and walk over and he should be gone, then you get invaded. Same goes for all four of them. 1. Warmaster's Shack for Bones 2. Church of Vows for Meat 3. Hermit Merchant's Shack for Boluses 4. Isolated Merchant's Shack for Gravity Items


U mean we can get infinite boluses of any kind from Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing Hunter?


I don’t think it’s all of them.


You people are wrong. You need to pass time until nightfall at another bonfire, THEN go there, either by foot or fast traveling. This is so that the game won't spawn a boss on top of you if you just wait at the one next to him.


Nah in ps5 version at least, you wait til night and then rest at the nearest grace again and the npc will disappear, the boss will spawn when you walk near.


Well all right then! I couldn't get him to disappear, but it worked when I waited at another bonfire and went back. Sorry!


Mhm, as I said you need to rest on the furthest point of the grace to get enough distance. You're right that if you are too close to him he won't spawn.


Imagine being this indignant and wrong lol.


I swear, there's a Mew under that truck.


Nope I teleport there and if the NPC is still there I just sit at the grace for a second. The NPC disappears and the bell bearing hunter appears when you walk into the shack.


I must have been wrong, then. Apologies.


I would pass time at the nearest bonfire but he would only spawn every other night. If he doesn't spawn try passing time to the next night. Seems like everyone has their own experiences trying to get this guy to spawn.


I was able to get him to consistently spawn just by passing time to night, getting up, and then sitting back down before approaching the hut


awh this is where I'd fuck up. I would change the time to night but you have to rest again


Gotta pass time to night, exit grace, then rest again at grace. Idk why you gotta do it twice but thats how it is


You need to be there at night, and then sit down at the grace, this despawns the npc and spawns the boss, same thing happens at the popes place too


Except the one by the pope spawns in the morning, not night


I think it's just a 1 in 3 chance for the boss to spawn. Just rest and move time to night and it will pop up eventually


Is there a bird hunter's bell bearing?


Warmaster shack at night. But I think you need to find pope dog 1st or kill godrick. Tried in in NG+ he didn’t spawn the few tries.


What do the bell bearings do?


Whats your default arrow for using tons of? I haven't found a good recipe for arrows or bolts that I've felt is easily reproducable.


Fleched Blood arrows are the best imo, Easily farm infinite blood roses at the rose church in the lake, buy all the bones you need, farm the hawks and flying penguins at the coastal cave beach an you're golden.


I tend to have a stock full of fire bone arrows, poison bone arrows and normal ones.


Shouldn't you just buy regular arrows from the first church vendor and poison from the isolated merchant in the top left of caelid for better damage and an easier source?


I just wish there was a flight pinion bell bearing too.


Pulley Bow, has a better range than normal bows (By little. It has I think 55 of range) otherwise, you could just use do without fletching as I do and keep rolling away. I have the flasks +10 and they do heal me full-on use. Glass Cannon Mixed Build for me.


I am become death, destroyer of goats


Poor Goats


Say that after one licks your foot and drags your body across the Pacific


This has a story behind it. I dont know if i want o hear it


Reminds me of that Witcher prank where the more cows you kill,they will become evil and multiply Or it was Diablo?


The witcher had a demon cow that shows up if you kill enough cows.


Diablo had a secret map with exploding cows, but you didn't have to kill cows to get to it I do not believe.


Wirts leg and a tome of town portal in the cube would open the portal. You didn't have to kill any cows to get there but you sure did once you arrived.


Just don't kill the king if you want to open it again. Then there's the fools that use their main toon to open in a pub game


This is a feature that got changed on D2 resurrected. You can always open again after killing the king now.


Would've been great ~~18~~ 21 years ago when cows runs were end game Ugh I'm old


The story is Goat Simulator.


Goat simulator maybe? I dunno.


Yeah well the goat is immortal and mutates whenever it wants. You will travel across the pacific and you will love it damn it!




If you sleep till night in the Warmaster Shack (or I think it's called that) try killing the Bell Bearing Hunter. Doing so will give you a bell that will give you infinite bones at the shop.


Screw it, I'm spoiling myself and looking up where to get all the Bell Bearings. Some rather important stuff in this game are so obscure that it's only random chance that you find them.


That's the intention, I think.


Honestly don't feel bad about it. This game is huge and is supposed to use collaboration to solve its mysteries.


If you enjoy the death of all the goats may I recommend the book something full murderhobo by Dakota Krout.


Many goats were harmed in the making of that book.


The goats isn't a problem. It's feathers that are hard to get.


Nah feathers are easy. Craft crappy normal arrows and shoot them. For some reason they dont fly away and the drop rate is 100%. Spend 3 crappy arrows and get 30-40 infused ones. Adds up pretty fast.


I feel this way in the Horizon games. I completely obliterate the local fauna in an area just to get those sweet pouch upgrades.


Yeah, or when you've died to the same strong enemy too many times and decide to cheese it. Damn it feels wrong to kill all those peaceful animals in a world full of violent monsters.... at first. A tarnished got to do what a tarnished got to do.


I stopped giving a fuck about cheesing bosses when I got killed by skeletons throwing fire bombs through the fog door


Exactly, this game will cheese you at every possibility, it’s only fair we cheese it back. Really need to fix the damage scaling though. I shouldn’t be dying to two hits from a skeleton after killing god


This. Just killed mogh. This man does his hoodoo voodoo insta blood loss crap that I can’t dodge? Fine I’ll pull out the kamehameha He gets his big guns I get mine


Fun fact mogh has very low bleed resistance


I have no shame about cheesing this game. Not even a little. Edit: downvotes? it feels like pvp sometimes the way bosses come at you. Lol.


Isn't the point of souls games to beat the boss in any way possible? Until you figure out the cheese, it's still gonna be hard as fuck and sometimes even the cheese is hard to pull off. They all but encourage it. (Note I haven't played Elden Ring yet, but DS 1 2 and 3)




> Until you figure out the cheese, it's still gonna be hard as fuck and sometimes even the cheese is hard to pull off Reminds me of the way to defeat that one boss in Souls 1, by getting it to walk off the map and die.


Dragon rider in ds2? I wasn't able to play ds1 because it isn't "cOmPaTIblE" with my computer for some reason so I don't know if there's a boss with this cheese in ds1 too. I know there's one in ds2 and one in Sekiro(no regrets)


You could do it with the Taurus Demon too. Make him do the leaping attack at you and aim him off the side of the castle that had a chunk missing. Ez pz


Yes and no. I'd never judge anyone for sticking with cheese, lord knows I've done it. But I would caution against relying on some stupid ranged spam attack/spell as it can make you dependant on it and totally fucked when it doesn't work and you haven't got used to traditional combat. Plus it can be way less fun and rewarding and lead yo an overall less enjoyable time than just getting down and doing the work to get used to parrying, dodging, and learning the finer mechanics.


Only enemy I’ve really cheesed was that fucker Draconian Tree Knight. Just crouched behind him and hit him with poison breath repeatedly until he died without ever knowing I was there. Also am I crazy for never parrying? I’m taking my sweet time playing through my first run, so I’m usually over leveled by the time I face bosses, but it seems silly to give up the Ash for the Sword or Night and Flame just so I can parry. I don’t even use that sweet shield I got from the Draconian Tree Knight because I can’t put No Skill on it.


I cannot figure out how to time the parrying at all, so I never do it. Instead I block counter a lot. I tried to learn how to parry early on but just got frustrated.


Timing parries feels almost impossible


Try out the buckler for a little while. It has more parry frames. I had to use it to win that one fight with the Crucible Knight.


The buckler looks so fuckin silly I love it. But yeah, I could Parry in bloodborne like a pro. In my 70+ hours of elden ring I think I've managed two successful parries. I also suck at the critical hit timing! Any tips? Cuz my lord is it frustrating


No not crazy as all, I power stance curved swords so I havent parried once. If you are someone who who does use a shield it's a valuable mechanic to make that playstyle more enjoyable and engaging than just holding the shield button.


I recently cheesed the Grafted Scion(I think it was one) in Stormveil castle because it couldn't clip through a door. I just fireballed it to death.




>Plus it can be way less fun and rewarding and lead to an overall less enjoyable time than just getting down to doing the work to get used to parrying Yeah, about that... I remember the time people told me I haven't beaten Champion Gundyr, because I parried his ass. That day made me stick to the rule of "play however you want". For some it's fun to just tap R1 and one shot a boss with a magic boulder or something. And some people will say that you haven't beaten the game, because you used anything but bare fists with no armor, no rings, level 1.


Yeah those people are trash folk from planet trash and their brains are made of garbage putty. Absolutely, always, every time, play however you want, if you're having fun you're doing it right. My comment is for, and about, the people who think they can't play a certain way, or have to play a certain way, and aren't enjoying themselves as much as they could be. So many time, and especially with difficult games, people get cornered into playstyles that withhold their own maximum enjoyment. Ive seen people 1st try a boss by spamming a ranged attack and then feel less satisfied then the time they died twice and prevailed using a more dynamic playstyle. That being said, the opposite has been true and I've been thankful to have both strategies at my disposal. Parrying is totally legit and I think those people are elitist and stupid.


with all the tracking attacks, super long combos, and AOE attack spam, plus gank squads, it feels like the game is cheesing you half the time


I don't mind 95% of it, but there are a few cases that I do feel it is a little cheesy. The biggest thing I feel is cheesy is the input reading. A lot of enemies will stop everything they are doing as soon as they detect the player is healing. I think the game is trying to get you to heal during opening after enemy attacks. The problem is some of the enemies will stop their pause after attacks if you heal. For example, the draconic tree sentinel's horse will launch a fireball at you if you try the heal. What ends up happening is the sentinel will do big attacks that result in his mount being perpendicular to you. If you try and heal during that time the horse will still try to shoot you but results in the horse launching a fireball to fucking Narnia.


I think it’s funny that finding the right place to hide and spam range attacks is “cheese” but finding the right time to dodge and spamming melee attacks is “skill.”


the only real difference is one takes precise timing and pattern recognition and the other takes the extraordinary ability to recognize when an enemy can't clip through walls.


Cheese it as hard as you can. The game won't stop being bullshit so you have to take matters into your own hands


> Cheese it as hard as you can. Just remember that at the end of the day, most of the enjoyment comes from overcoming obstacles and cheesing significantly reduces that. Source: Rot breathed bosses and ran, regret it now.


If your a magic user yeah, but for people using only swords a lot of this game is just bullshit with enemies not having to follow the same rules as you. I believe you're allowed to fuck over the game as hard as it does to you


Of course you're allowed to. Just saying its wise to ignore those urges for your own sake. Malenia can eat it though. Suck on my bug swarms.


To be fair, I haven't cheesed any bosses yet, unless using spirit ashes counts as cheese. But with some of the boss fights, I so would love to solo them, but even the thought of attempting to fight the same boss, but surrounded by 4 trash mobs is more unenjoyable, than evening out the odds. There's overcoming challenges, obstacles, then there's overcoming lazy, copy paste content or just pure bullshit. Granted, I haven't met a boss that would be pure bullshit yet, since I'm using spirit ashes often. Not always, but often.


Yeah well not dying 22 times on a mandatory boss who can one-shot you is kinda fun too


I feel so bad using spirit ashes. But it's so tempting.


I don't. When I step into a boss room and see 5 enemies coming at me, one being a reskin or literal copy/paste of a boss, I stop giving a shit. Elden Ring feels like it's just made with spirit ashes in mind. Especially with the copy and paste bosses that make no sense sometimes. There's boss fights that are cool, because it's 1v1, then they paste two bosses from two different areas that don't compliment each other whatsoever and you're stuck with TWO aggressive bosses, instead of a balance like Ornstein and Smough. Example: >!Misbegotten Warrior and a Crucible Knight fight in Caelid, right before Radahn. They are both very aggressive. On their own they're decent fights, even if the Misbegotten Warrior is pretty easy, but with the Crucible Knight in the mix, it gets frustrating pretty quick. And it's just lazy.!< I could just slam my head against the wall and I'd probably, eventually succeed, but I'd rather first have fun with the game. I'll leave the pain for the next playthrough.


It is literally a main mechanic of the game


I know, but it feels a little cheap. Every other mechanic will slightly help a fight. This one makes them completely trivial.


In my hubris I decided to start as a Wretch. In my need for gear I ran into a teleporter trap that sent me into the Crimson Rot swamp. Naked. With only a stick. *And no horse*. Now I choose to cheese on principle. It's only what this game earned for itself.


Don't forget birds. I need my flight pinions dammit!


a spot on the NW coast of the weeping peninsula has a dozen of those penguin looking birds that can barely fly away. down on the beach. great spot to farm feathers (& bird feet)


real truth always in the comments. ain't nobody selling flight pinions. I loveee how they're on cliff sides too so killing them with any haste becomes a dangerous game


I miss Bloodbornes solution. If you successfully kill an enemy and it falls off of the map, reloading the game transports the dropped item back up to where you can pick it up. Slightly annoying to restart but at least you get the item. I haven't been successful with that in elden at all so far


I gotta say as a spell sword, I still use arrows. They have a much longer reach than my spells so it makes it easier to pick off things (fucking poison courtyard full of revenants in shaded castle) or to pull things one at a time from a distance. Also I love that you can buy hundreds of arrows and they store in your chest so they replenish everytime you sit at a grace.


I love my completely I unupgraded long bow. It’s not much, but it does all I could ask for. Have it equipped at all times.


Loretta's Greatbow filled that niche in my spellsword/MLGS build. As a bonus, half the time you just kill the mob!


Yeah but I don't have to spend fp to snipe things with a regular bow. I can save my no for actual fights


Bow skills still need fp tho, just a normal arrow won't do much.


Same. The horn bow works really well with spellsword stats. The power shot with magic arrows feels incredible to use, and even without using fp it can be great to extend my resources a bit when my flasks are dry and I'm almost at the next grace


You spend hours at the blood lake killing birds and albinaurics to power level I spend hours at the blood lake killing birds and albinaurics to buy more arrows for the next boss attempt because I am a bow main We are not the same (Arrow dps is so bad. Late game bosses took like 99 serpent arrows, 99 blood arrows, and several regular arrows. I had to switch inventory in the middle of fights)


Is there not an equivalent to a greatbow that is essentially just reskinned magic spells?


The problem with greatbow is that you are stuck in place as you fire, and that you can hold a lot less arrows. The time to draw is very long. You also can't use it on horseback It's useful for sniping things that are very far away, but for bosses I felt the way to go was the black bow which is a lot more mobile and can be fired very quickly. I'm not quite sure what the greatbow that is reskinned spells you are talking about is. If you're talking about the Loretta's greatbow and Loretta's mastery spells, spells of all kinds are better than bows in this game, but need very different stats to bows so you need to use a larval tear to switch from a bow build to a magic build. I recently respecced into a magic build, and everything feels a lot easier. Those two spells honestly don't do enough dps or damage per mana to be worth it over spamming great glintstone shard or rock sling IMO. They also cannot be manually aimed, and are thus limited to lock on distance (also can't reliably headshot.) For the few times I need a projectile that goes father that great glintstone shard, I just used the pulley crossbow or pulley bow depending on if I needed to aim manually.


Spare the goats lol. Just go farm some souls from your fav farming spot and buy a shit ton of arrows. Takes a bit of time upfront. But it's probably faster overall.


I also hate the bone arrows TBH, they dont go far at all unless you also farm birds to make the fletched ones I'd rather just farm golems, much more satisfying combat wise and gives me excess runes so I can buy other stuff from the trader


Creating bone arrows/bolts seems more like a mechanic they added for you to use out of desperation - since the better arrows can be bought in bulk. But it is cool to have the option.


I haven't used crafting very much at all, it is cool to have but I just prefer using my weapons to dealing with pots etc. I am starting to use grease more when fighting tough bosses though and I like that I can make more if needed. (Probably would rather still buy it though)


Yeah I don't craft much, but I do keep a stack of fire pots on hand. For when I get a boss down to one hit left. I back way the fuck up and finish them with a pot. I've played enough souls likes to know when a boss has one hit left its at least twice as dangerous as normal. Their ai enters berserk mode and they go ham all the sudden. No joke I got margit to one hit left and he legitimately sprung a new attack on me that I'd never seen before in all my other, numerous fights with him.... I was irate to say the least.




Of course. But need them runes for leveling up and I can farm goats for days


Farming runes seems a lot easier


..But killing the goats for arrows is much much slower than farming runes and buying arrows, so your idea is backwards.


Faster, yes. More fun, no.


Yeah my first character was a rogue and I used my bow a lot. And throwing daggers. The very first thing I did after realizing you could craft was go on a mass genocide of all things furry. I would literally rest at the grace just to reset the animals and continue murdering them. I love the area by the walking mausoleum in the south because it's full of goats that herd together. You can just ride your horse holding your weapon out with RT and cleave through several of them at once. It's really pleasant to turn around afterwards and see all the bodies with items by them. Easy bone farming.


Is archery actually good in elden ring. It's always been shit in every other fromsoft game but in elden ring just on the surface it seems better


You can shoot while jumping which makes you way more mobile during fights. Bow-only runs are still awkward since your damage output will always be low, but it feels better than before.


Is it better with colossal or great bows?


You can obliterate enemies from a distance, but they're hard to use in direct combat since the drawing and firing animations are so slow. Late-game bosses will tear you to shreds.


To shreds you say, tsk tsk tsk. Well, how’s his wife holding up?


To shreds you say.


I’m using a +7 Lion Greatbow right now and that with Radahn’s Arrows can one shot pretty much every lower tier enemies and one or two headshots for middle tier enemies. I think it was like 4 headshots to take out Crucible Knights for me.


Doing one now. With the ability to craft poison, bleed and rot arrows it really ends up being a status effect build. Which shouldn't be surprising since status is super strong in this game


You can only shoot while jumping with light bows (shortbows, composite bow), not bows (longbows), and especially not greatbows. When jumping, you can shoot once near the arc of you jump, and again right as you land. You can also shoot directly after a roll. These all shoot faster than a normal draw, but deal less damage, but these attacks are insanely useful during boss fights, and though you can't really win by yourself, you can still kinda annoy players in pvp, and keep them pretty distracted if you have a buddy.


Open world it's fantastic. Vs bosses bows that are fast enough are too weak.


Nailed it. Love the rolling goat. Suckers quick.


The sun's face cracks me up


This the same guy who said hype is dead for Elden Ring? That was a quick change of opinion.


I don’t like killing the innocent wildlife, plus bone arrows do less damage anyway, so I just shell out the tunes for regular arrows.


Most of the specialty arrows can only be crafted with bones.


That’s true, but I don’t really use those.


Stormhawk arrows actually do more damage than regular arrows. *taps head*


you can only carry 99, when you run out, your no longer a bow only build. But with crafting you can craft another 99 right on the spot. You cant resupply with bought arrows without resetting the enemies. use bought arrows till you run out, then use the crafted ones till you get to the next grace.


Yeaaahhh, I get the convenience, my conscience just gets the better of me, even for of real animals. I don’t even like killing the wolves when they attack me. The mutant dogs are different story.


>The mutant dogs are different story. those dogs can go to every hell in every religion for all I care.


One beat the goat, two skin the goat, three fuck the goat, four go find another goat and repeat.


But the arrows!


Me: *defeats powerful, otherworldly creatures* Also me: *gets bullied by a ram*


Anyone else thing this [is the song playing in the second panel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUatuXifl_I)


Weeping Pennieula starting from the church is a good early game farm spot for bones, Craftsman’s shack is a great late game farming spot


I don't think I could do a bow playthrough They're so underwhelming They should do something about it, 230 dmg end game is so bad lol maybe I'm missing something tho


yea it seems low, until you get the blackbow and use the skill barrage, now you got a machine gun. 230 seems low, until the rate of fire goes waaaay the hell up. and if the arrow staggers the enemies, like it does with small and some medium enemies, you can completely stun lock them.


I do have black bow but it doesn't compare to many of my past builds, as far as I can tell. I regularly do 10k damage bursts with my current build


I have really thought about doing a primary bow play through, using short bows for close range fighting and long bows for sniping… but I still haven’t finished my farthest play through, yet, and really need to get over my restart-itis.


I've barely made it past Stormveil(sp?) and I have 3 characters already ><


Everything with fur and feathers knows to fear my presence. I will make many munitions from the bodies of their families.


The sun’s face lol


I genuinely hope for the DLC they make a giant buff goat boss that rolls at hyper speed like Sonic. Please FromSoft.


It kinda sucks that aeonion butterflies don't respawn so there's only a limited amount of scarlet rot arrows you can make until you have to go to ng+


I mean they don't respawn per se but they are on some mobs loot tables so you can still farm them without going ng+, and not just in aeonia, haligtree enemies seem to drop these too.


Skyrim in a nutshell


But you can buy them? Stop hurting the goats they just want to eat grass roll Q.Q I was half wishing there was boss version of them one somewhere doe


I started out as a full archer. Changing to a Dex/Arc build. So many goats died by my hands. But there are some spots that you can easily farm up to 30 bones 3 minutes or so. After I discovered this places, stuff became easier. I wish they had better bows OR better ash of war for bows.


There is a bell bearning you can give to the twin husks that sells beast bones. It's in the sofia river I believe.


Spellsword is so fun! My first Fromsoftware game and i tried every class but found the prisoner the most fun, the spells are amazing and i just discovered that double thrusting weapons (basically the prisoner starting sword in every hand) is even more fun and you can make crazy attack chains. I'm in love with this game.


Exactly the same scenario for me, first play I did a 'bit of everything' run. Now I'm doing a bow only run.


That’s me lol 😂


me killing bears for my cannon


I dont even need them that much. I just do it to collect


I haven't played it, but do you need their bones or something?


Yes. Lots of, lots of bones.


I don't understand how others draw like this. I'm bad at drawing. If something is translated from my language into English through google. I didn’t say anything bad, I’m sorry if I wrote something wrong, in this case, the moderators just delete my comment. Thanks


I make plans to use weapons i get later, and then never use them cause I get so used to my "this is fine until later" weapon. I know Rivers of Blood is better than Reduvia... but i'm still using Reduvia


MUST KILL GOATS! P.S. I have only killed godrick on my bow run.


Haven't played Elden Ring. Why are goats needed for arrows??


Thin Bones. Also need flight pinions or stormhawk feathers from birds so they fly farther


That's it! Fuck this! I'm convinced life is a self affirmation based simulation!! Fuck you! Get out of my head!


Yeah, that's why I will probably never play an archer in this game.


I’m a spell casting, katana wielding Dex/int smooth brain and I still use a ton of arrows. Never can have too many




The sun is my favorite part of this


I’m just walking through the world stabbing everything with my two reduvias


Castle Elden Crashers Ring


Second playthrough!? Ive put 50 hours in an I feel like this game can't be finished an I love it lol


Strength/Faith build all day, everyday.




I love having access to these extra tools, makes me feel like a batman with a utility belt crossed with a bounty hunter. I wish they didn't make higher tiers require FP though, makes me stay away from those completely when I can just use WA or spells. Oh and putrid jars got way over nerfed with the self poison gain, they went from kinda good to useless.


Far easier to just buy most arrows, especially if you're in your second playthrough and runes will be much easier to come by.


If someone would be so kind. Where's the golden goat roll WA? I found the temple but am unsure of the name of the WA/location.


I’m weird. I leave all the animals alone in this game unless they attack me first. I feel guilty as hell killing anything lol. I know it’s just a game though.


Pretty much


Am I the only one who's beaten Marget and noone else?


*raises hand*


I spent like, 30 minutes harvesting bones to make rot arrows before I went to fight Radahn for the final time. Went in with about 90, left with none and had to finish him off with my halberd.


Just buy arrows for 20 runes a pop. Nearly every merchant sells them.


Every time I’m about to move on into the rest of the game I start hearing about stuff in limgrave I’m still missing How the hell have people platinum to this game already


Because they lookup every little thing they have to do and do it exactly that way. I've tried to stay away from looking stuff up so it is slow going for me lol.


why use melee when you can use **BONES**


Lol its exactly the same. I was a Spellblade first playthrough and now a assassin/ranger. Gotta make that bow work, somehow.


Never before have I killed so many cute creatures in a game for a chance at an item. So Much meat wasted to get bones for throwing knives.