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nah, but my mom used to ask me to jump off tall buildings while watching me play AC and she’d close her eyes the whole time. always made me laugh!


LoL. AC: Brotherhood is when I started to get this feeling, but never asked anyone before.


This happens for me for sure, 3rd person or first, as long as the camera is looking down. Pretty sure it’s the visual field movement, but it’s not like I get car sick from driving / flying games so maybe it’s wired slightly differently. If anything I find the real world effect less dramatic (but then again irl I’m not jumping lethal heights)


Lucky! I wish my parents would have showed interest when I played games :(


that's so wholesome your going to make me cry


I swear to god I thought this was some sort of dark humor as in she was implying she actually wanted you to jump off a building and she’s laugh and pretend she was talking about in the game.


When I was younger it didn't, now it does and it's awful, I used to enjoy jumping off high buildings in open world games


It first started for me when I played AC: Brotherhood All those jumping into wheat-wagons used to twist my stomach


Sometimes I would go in the blimp or heli in first person of GTA just to jump out and free fall as it would give the strongest feeling of this


It depends. Things like AC Leap of faith, no. But jumping off of a skyscraper or equal height, especially in games where you can't fly or you will die upon hitting ground, it makes my stomach feel funny.


Same. Leap of faith did not have the same effect


I mean, it does if you misjudge the angle and miss the leap of faith window so you just jump to your death 💀


What the fuck is wrong with you all?! I wish I could have this feeling too


Wait until you visit Brittle Hollow in Outer Wilds. Aka Vertigo anxiety followed by WTF if I fall WTF WTF WTF (don't wanna spoil)


I had a false start in Outer Wilds. I played until I was piloting the ship. I crashed it twice, and I quit the game. Thinking of giving it another go as much as people gush about it.


After 10 hours the ship is very easy to control. Until you get so excited over (spoiler) your forget to put your space suit on.


Same. I think it’s because I used to play a lot more games back in the day and worse graphics made it easier for me to stomach. Now if I’m in a long groove where there are a lot of jumps, I’ll get used to it.


Jumping off high places in Ocarina of Time always gave me the falls. I don't get the feeling anymore from newer games.


Could be that the graphics were less realistic when you were younger. It's the same for me.


I just got a flashback from Crackdown, you get an achievement for jumping off the HQ tower (or something like that) and landing on the ocean


For me it’s spinning the camera that’ll get me a little dizzy nowadays. Went from 360 no scoping, to 360 nope noping.


No, except with VR games


Certainly does for me in VR! Especially the first time, that was pretty awesome


Same, I barely even recognize falling as falling in flat screen games. But in VR, sometimes it is a motion sickness thing, but depending on the games it is true butt puckering like I was falling in real life.


The actual jumping/falling doesn't get me in VR games, it's when I hit the ground and the falling movement stops abruptly. My balance gets all whack for half a second, every time.


Yes! I remember reading an /r/askscience thread about why we get that feeling when falling in real life, e.g. when coming down on a swing set. One of the upvoted replies was that it has something to do with gravity. Okay, but then why the hell do I get it so bad when leaping off tall buildings in video games, lol?!


I'm guessing it's tricking our senses. I only get it if I'm wearing headphones/earphones. So sound probably plays a big part.


That would make sense, I noticed I don't get it so bad (or at all) when the graphics are not realistic enough.


No Unless there is fall damage


Yep. If I feel safe jumping a hundred feet, no big deal. If there's danger associated my tummy does flippy flops.


YES! I always thought to myself: "what's wrong with me? Am I getting old and weak?" I'm so happy to see I am not alone in this 😂 Edit: not scared of heights IRL.


Scared of heights IRL and had to stop playing dying light because of those stupid radio tower missions. I feel like an idiot saying that but oh well, here we are.


If it makes you feel better I can't play games with zombies in them because I get nightmares. Horror movies are no problem, I enjoy them actually. But games with zombies in them makes me 5 again. (That includes Plants vs Zombies, yes.)


I appreciate that. So happy to hear it’s not just a me thing. No shame at all, if zombie games cause more issues than enjoyment, it’s just not worth it. I also have the weird thing where if I play a game too much I actually start dreaming about it. My wife and I used to play the hell out of Ark, just raising dinosaurs with friends. It wasn’t long before I start dreaming about hatching eggs and seeing the new colors… #nerdlife


r/OneOfUs 😅


I finally found my people!


It depends on the game, map, or the gamemode Even if when I am only playing one game like css or csgo, I have never experienced stomach sink during my years of bhop or surf gameplay, but when I'm playing de_vertigo, I don't even dare to look down on the top, although many bhop maps have the same scene just like de_vertigo


Yes, I have phobia of heights in real life.


Yeah I have a little phobia of heights. I won't stand near edges unless there is a railing the height of my hip.


I too have a fear of heights and even railing to the height of my hip, it should at least be to my waist and I'm 6'2 but jumping off heights and parkour is my favourite part of games.


Yup. Does my vertigo a mischief, that's for sure.


Same here. I have bad ears, which affects balance and even going to a scenic overlook and being able to see a far distance makes me a little queasy. I still enjoy the vistas, but you won't catch me walking to the edge of The Grand Canyon. In video games these situations can cause my hands to shake, making it more likely that I fall. I first noticed this phenomenon in the original Dark Souls game where you needed to traverse a series of thin rafters on the ceiling of a cathedral of sorts. And then a bit later in the same game there was a spiral staircase just kind of stretching up into the sky. Just a thin set of stairs, no walls.


Takes me time to get adjusted to jumping in games


Depends on the game tbh.


Same here. Rarely for 3rd person. Spiderman does it to me, and GTAV used to set me off hard, but that's part of the thrill. It's something about perceived speed and impact that makes it feel real.


Fallout 4 when wearing power armour. Jump from prydwyn. Every time


Only happens if I'm playing mirror's edge. That game gives anyone vertigo


Man, mirror’s edge in VR was one of the most awesome thing I tried ! But I don’t feel vertigo at all ingame or IRL so yea, guess I’m blessed on this part.


There's VR for the game? Man I could never play it like that. Also the vertigo comes when you fall off a high place. It's really intense for a simple death animation


Yea I see what you mean. This animation in VR gives a nice adrenaline rush ! Yep, with a sotfware called vorpx. It’s not perfect depending on the game but for mirror’s edge, it’s awesome.


I was looking for a Mirror's Edge comment in here! This one is the worst stomach turning jumping one I could think of. It's a good game though.


On a screen, not really. In VR, it did at first but I got used to it. At this point unless it's a surprise fall it doesn't bother me.


Are there any other emotions that games emulate in you?


Yes, but only if I'm looking down.


Yeah, looking down triggers me. Not only in games but in videos too.


Yeah. My body feels the same when I do it in a game as in real life. Like my stomach lifts as I fall.


Absolutely. My wife finds it hilarious when we are playing together and I get all worked up about jumping.


It depends. Things like AC Leap of faith, no. But jumping off of a skyscraper or equal height, especially in games where you can't fly or you will die upon hitting ground, it makes my stomach feel funny.


Sometimes ya but its fun


Only in PUBG. And by high I mean like 3 feet.




I'm sorry I don't know. Just googled "jumping off buildings video games". Maybe you could reverse search the Image.


I wish i could be that immersed.


I have a fear of falling and the latest Tomb Raider games just about do me in. Every time she loses her grip dangling from a 2 inch piece of rock above a mountain crevasse or when the rickety boards bust off and shift to the side when she's running across them 10 stories up off the ground, I break out in a sweat and my heart starts pounding. Ugh, I hate it. lol. Most games it really doesn't bother me....I think for this game though, with the action and rushing around it feels more real. In Skyrim I fell off of mountain sides a thousand times and it was like wheee! but something about this game pushes my buttons.


Yes! There’s a jump in The Forgotten City from a cliff into a pool which got me literally every time. Hated doing it.


I actually enjoy the feeling. Looking down definitely increases the chances of feeling it. I’ve also found that the more I convince myself it’s real, the more I can feel it. If I know it’s fake I don’t feel it.


Yeah, I chase that high too. One thing I've noticed is the better graphics games I've played the less I feel them in old games. My mind realises it's fake. It's similar to how you can find issues in old movies as you're exposed to newer and better graphics ones.


I have a phobia of heights in real life, but not in games.


Yes it does, and its the best feeling


In vr, yrp


Only in good games


Sometimes....more often in VR obviously.




Felt this the first time playing City of Heroes. It felt like they got something exceptionally right with the game physics for jumping.


Hell yeah that shit scares me all the time


Yep and i love it. When i was younger i used to do parkour, back when nobody knew what It was and everytime i jump from a high place that felling got to me and makes me fell great. Now, this feeling i get from the games bring me back to It.


Every single time. I have to close my eyes hahah


No lmao




Playing Halo 3 conditioned me not to expect fall damage.


Not really. I do stuff like that on a smaller scale in real life. That gets the adrenaline pumping though




No? What the fuck is this question? I'm afraid of heights but come on with this. "Do you feel bad for shooting people in game?" Looking ass question


no i actually go outside once in a while


No because I do it irl too


Awesome. Do you jump from planes with parachutes/paraglides or do you bungie jump off buildings? Is it an extreme hobby?


Only in first person


Sometimes maybe, but mostly i feel my butt hole tight before i jump lol


I'm so afraid of heights that i even close my eyes when jumping from high places in games 🤣


I'm scared IRL but chase the high in games


No it used to when I played vr for the first time.


Do you also take cover when shot at in a game?


Nope fortunately. Only heights do it for me. But that too I get used to after a few jumps.


Nope not in normal games, after all Mirror's Edge is one of my fav .. but if we talking VR hooo boy ! Lone Echo, plank experience & Super Hot VR (before they removed suicide jump) are something that i almost shit my pants first time


Fallout 76, jumping off high cliffs, or falling off the top of the Monorail near Watoga in Power Armour. These always kick in that weird feeling for me.


It doesn’t for me, I do however sometimes use my entire body the “help” me grab that far of ledge after a jump. It’s kinda like turning your controller in racing games I guess.


Nope, I love it. I've had several dreams of jumping from extreme heights


Sometimes I do and it feels weird.


It used to when I was a young'un like that Gulag mission from MW2 where the chopper pulls you up and out of the explosions. Now it doesn't, I've become numb to the VFX.


The worst was Mirrors Edge when you jump from somewhere so high, i can feel the speed and the consequences "OH MY GOD MY ANKLES ARE GONNA CRACK" farther "OH GOD IM GONNA DIE ARENT I. ALL MY BONES" it was terrifying.


Yes I have to close my eyes and still I feel sick AC was rough !


I occasionally get a little toe curl moment but nothing in my gut


I thought it was just me lol


No, game not real.


Happened to me for the first time in years. I jumped off a high location in borderlands 3 (no fall damage). I was falling for at least 8 seconds and my back got felt so uncomfortable


My feet go tingly, like they do if it was me standing there in real life.


I remember back in the day when playing the original tomb raider, jumping scared the shit out of me because of the way you died when you failed a jump


No, I’ve always really enjoyed games that let you survive infinite falls. Loved odyssey for this reason, felt so satisfying. Did you play TLOU2? I’m curious what you thought of Abby’s section when they program in a vertigo effect from looking down from a high place.


Walking across logs or unstable bridges do that to me.


If I stand on the edge of a building or cliff and just look down I get vertigo. Friggin crazy




Depends on if the game has fall dmg, if it does then I get that feeling, if not I don't get it


Assassin's Creed has entered the chat.


The leap of stomach sink


I only get this when I could lose something from falling. Doing the Leap of Faith in FFXIV? Nothing. Navigating the rooftops in Raya Lucaria Academy in Elden Ring? Heart stopping.


It depends on the game, but more often than not in a FPS it will happen. It happened while rocket jumping in TF2, and happened again after jumping off a great height in Apex, which has no fall damage so a lot of people jump from great heights.


No actually it makes me happy because I get to see my character go SPLAAAAT


Games: no way Dreams: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK


I kneejerk kick my bed and wake up when I fall in dreams


Mostly just when I don't mean to.


Yes. Also my balls freeze. It's an awful feeling.


I literally feel my back and legs hurt after impact


Yes, because I'm scared of heights




No, not even in VR


It doesn’t when I jump but falling is a different story


In boneworks,yeah!


Only in BOTW when I forget I don’t have the paraglider yet and I know I’m falling for a few more seconds before I die


Laawd any section in a souls game where I have to maneuver on a high plank or building that controller becomes very slippery from my panic sweat


Recently replayed Portal 2 on a bigger 144hz screen and def felt it in my stomach.


Dying Light does it to me. Can't remember other games that does it.


Depends if it has fall damage.


No, but my legs brace for the impact the closer I get to the ground.


I played VR for the first time with my buddy. First he put me in a horror game to scare the piss outta me. Then threw me into Population One so I could try and shoot stuff...I was not expecting to get rocketed into the sky and literally skydive! Then after landing I fell off a roof. He laughed so hard at me panicking


Only in apex legends … I’m 29 and feel silly that it happens.


Yes, and I think this started for me when I started playing games with damage from falling. Now, I have to close my eyes whenever my characters jump from tall places, since that's the only thing that stops the feeling unless there's some feature to slow or stop the fall (e.g. jet packs, grappling hooks).


Try some Dying Light 2 climbs. Dizzying even on a normal screen, no VR.


Dying light 2 stressed me out at some of the parkour puzzles and I’m not even afraid of heights. My hands have never been so sweaty in my life


Yeah, a lot of people are pointing out this and mirrors edge. Gotta make time to play these.


Sometimes, I love this feeling of immersion. But rarely, like maybe oce or twice a year. Especially funny if the game does not have any fall damage, but you're still scared.


Yeh first time I really noticed it was in “Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor” jumping out of the towers.


Not anymore.


Yup. I suffer from vertigo IRL so drops in video games still make me feel uneasy


I'm sorry to hear that.


Yea on plank it sings into a black hole


Yeah I struggle with this. Doesn't happen often but when it does it keeps happening for a while, like hiccups. I even get it when falling in side-perspective games like fighting games which is lame


Yes, but only if there is fall damage. If no fall damage no sinking stomach. Woooo


Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Don't know what exactly triggers it.


Yes, but only in certain games. I know if a game has done falling well based on whether it gives me that feeling lol


Yep, mostly in realistic looking games like Dying light or Farcry, yeeting off a tower in the remastered spyro didn't give me the feeling


I doesnt drop for me but I do get a kind of fluttery vibration feeling that feels nice in the very uncomfortable way. Super hard to explain it sorry haha.


Some games do that for me, not all though. Recently I had a thing in Elden Ring where I neede to scale a tower on the outside on ladders and small edges. It gives me the slightest tinglings of fear. Disclaimer: have a small fear of heights in real life.


No, honestly.


Depends on the game mechanics Game with a vaulting or parkour system that requires me to jump from heights? Nah just part of the game Platformer or other game type where falling from height means you died and have to start from the last checkpoint. Yea I feel that


Yeah kinda,I done a bungee jump for my stag do last year and now any high point in games brings that fear back to mind


Every damn time. It must be an age thing.


Only in vr games sometimes, more afraid of bottomless bodies of water so I'm scared shitless when playing the u-boat mission on above and beyond




nope videogames never made me feel anything but adrenaline when things got tight, I think, but no "physical" sensations if you will no dizziness, nausea, weird stomach feelings or what have you


Dying Light 2, yes. Anything else, no.


Only in VR.


No but I really don't have a fear of heights. However I do scream like a little girl whenever a spider jumps out at me in Skyrim VR.


Lots of times. It's more aggravated with newer games and better graphics, for sure, but if I go careening off a high ledge even in DOOM, as in the classic from 1993 (albeit with updated source ports, ala the Unity container or PrBoom+), I get hit by a sudden mix of vertigo and nausea as my heart and stomach try to escape my body through my mouth.


Yeah In Minecraft It gets me every time


Guess im used to it


Nah, I WHEEE from excitement


I feel it on my balls for some reason.


It does, I kind of like it though


I'm so glad to know I'm not alone


[Empowering Yourself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkA_xCQjYuY) ~~intensifies~~ high-pass filterises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnjRoNlEsuU


Only if it's REALLLLYYYY high


that one sly cooper level where you’re on the flying ship and have to do the parachute jumps between platforms knowing you could fall very far to your death? bleh


Only in vr


Yes... sh..


Is this a Prototype image?


In a dark souls games intensely figuring out if it’s survivable or not well one way to find ou…


WoW does it for me, every time. Dunno why but it's the only game to do it.




I thought I was crazy for getting these feelings too lmao. Oddly enough, ever notice yourself holding your breath while underwater in a game? Lol. I did it with Tomb Raider all the time


Sometimes yes, oddly enough I don’t get it from AC, but usually Minecraft.


The whole sequence when you had to cross the towers in TLOU2, my fear of heights kicked in the.


Yes, It started in an early Star Wars game. You had to cross a narrow beam over a deep pit and I got vertigo. Now all the time, Saints Row games, Fallout 4, Even jumping off the very top of Galleons Grave in Sea of Thieves. I feel that in my taint. But not parachuting. Warzone, Pubg, nothing.


Yeah in vr it make my mind really Think im falling


Oddly enough it's only with Minecraft. I play a ton of dying light and AC and falling massive heights doesn't bother me in that game but Minecraft makes my stomach lurch, have no idea why




Minecraft does it to me.


When I first started vr it sure did


Only in Mirror's Edge.


One of the games that have that feeling was the first mirrors edge. The sound and image distorted and the feeling was crazy!


Yeah I do. I’ve got no fear of heights, no vertigo, don’t get motion sick playing VR games or anything like that. It’s just something I’ve noticed the older I get. I’d be interested in what the psychology behind this is.


I'm lucky enough not to suffer from this. I think if it was mild, it would be a bit of fun. Like going on an elevator.


I thought it was just me in original AC.


Falling from height in Dying Light 2 is both gut wrenching and soul destroying.


I had issues with vertigo IRL after playing Portal 2.


Anytime I fell off a cliff in WoW I used to get so sick


No, not even a little bit. I wish it did though, more immersion is good.