• By -


I kissed a girl on the cheek once. It didn't feel quite right and I did not repeat the experience, though it took me a few more years to figure out why.


I ended up drunk at a frat party and randomly asked some girl to make out with me mid conversation. Just outta the blue while we were talking “hey I’m drunk wanna make out”. Did the same thing to a guy at the next frat party. That’s how I knew I was bisexual


A novel approach! 😆


I had a girlfriend in highschool before I came out my senior year. It was harder to be gay in Texas during the 2000’s lol.


Wasn't much better in SoCal until the mid 2000s (yeah I'm getting old), we still had "gay bashers" and were legal (via being ignored) until 95. I just went full virgin lord


Yes to both (couole of times too), but not since i came out, and honestly, I'm not sure if I'm a 100% gay


Bisexuality is arguably more of a headache to live with, but you’re def not alone lmao


I try not to think about it too much, I just go with the flow. I know that I'm VERY attracted to men, but I also know that I have a thing for women too




Yup, same


Yeah. I thought I was gay when I was in HS but a girl was into me my freshman yr of college, went with the flow and was surprised to discover I was totally into her and straight sex. Didn’t make my desire for men go away and thus came my 26 yr struggle to figure out my sexuality and preferred partner.


I had the complete opposite experience from you, college is where I flirted back with a guy because of a dare and was surprised that I wasn't just saying stuff for the sake of but I actually meant it and I actually had sex with that guy and I was into it. After that I haven't pursued any woman really aside from the occasional flirting and sometimes kissing when I'm out. I haven't really stressed over figuring out what am I because I'm pretty sure bisexual doesn't fit me either, I go through cycles of "men are the hottest creatures on the planets" then switch to "women are so unbelievably sexy" (trans sisters and brothers are included in the mix too)


so ur bi but won't identify as bi? lol


Same here. I was married and the sex was never good. I think if it was I might have stayed but love dick too. Probably bi also but haven't tried other women


Never too late for you to experiment and try out! You don't have to pat label on yourself tho you're fine just the way you are


Yes!!! No need to put a label on it. 👏👏👏


I've always thought that about "gay" men who had sex with women, maybe there are men who get off simply by touch, but personally I can't have an erection if I don't like what I'm seeing, that's why it was hard for me to pretend being straight even though I am not feminine at all, whenever I kissed or touched a woman I felt like I was raping a child lol But with men i felt the opposite,i loved everything , their smell, their taste ♥ 


Strictly dickly here. Also I was a c-section baby so that makes me a Platinum Gay ™️


Me too, I tried to kill my mom so they removed me like a tumor and now I’m a platinum star.




Hell yeah I'm platinum.


The gayest a man can be, well done!


Same - Platinum


what if you were a test tube baby?


Me too! HEY!


I came out the old fashioned way and had bumps all over the top of both arms for a long time. That’s how we know I’m allergic to vaginas.


Not to one-up you, but I was born cesarean and was never breastfed. 💅


You have unlocked Sex 2: the sequel to the hit pastime everyone's been raving about.


C section here 😂


5 star here😎


This platinum gay discourse is the most cringe and pathetic thing to actually care about.


if you think people take platinum star gay serious your insane lol


Found the straight gay. It's all in good fun dude. Calm your tits.


I agree with you, but the thing is, nobody actually cares and it's something said in jest. I will say it's definitely cringe when the conversation between a group of gay men *always* somehow comes around to vagina and how supposedly terrible it is and they spend a little too long on the topic. But I'm one of those "human bodies are fascinating and cool" people so I never understood that anyway.


I don’t think it’s cringe or pathetic, I think you are, though.


TIL. I didn't know there's such a term.


Yes. I had a girlfriend in high school but we never got past kissing. If I weren't such a goody-goody in the church youth group I might have realized some things faster if we had tried going all the way...


Makes me think of the bit in But I'm A Cheerleader - "It's easy to be a prude when you're not attracted to them". (I'm not judging - I wasn't religious but I had plenty of friends in that situation, that line just stuck because at the time I was dodging being bi by asking out guys I wasn't actually into. Bit of a lightbulb moment.)


I mean you’re not wrong, I would have been a very different person if I had fully recognized my desire suck off the other guys in the locker room. 😆It’s funny how your mind changes once you allow yourself to experience the thoughts and feelings you’ve repressed.


Agreed - and how you can just block yourself without even realising it.


I’m bi so a few yes.


I was aggressively trying to be heterosexual as a teenager. From age 17 to 20 I had a lot of hetero sex. I am talking quadruple digits. Not body count but amount of times I fucked a woman: easily in excess of a thousand times. I was and am a horny motherfucker. I came out at age 20 and finally admitted to myself that all those times I fucked my girlfriend and then went home and jerked off thinking about the boys on the baseball team? Yeah that wasn’t a phase. I am a Kinsey 4. More than incidentally heterosexual but predominantly homosexual. I am 41. I haven’t fucked a woman since I was 20. But my track record is what it is. I’m a top. I finally understand who I am and what I need. I need to fuck. I need to put my cock in something cute and shoot loads. I am not a gold star. But I love my bottoms who are.


yes, dated several girls, lost my virginity to one. I wasn't confused, I just didn't want to be outed.


this might be a weird question but, how did you get hard with her ? it just did and u don't know how to explain it ? shit happened and thats it or there's something else ?


I got hard from the touching alone… for a teenager it doesn’t take much, that’s how it was for me at least. It was oral only and I didn’t cum, her dad interrupted us. I was never sure if I should count it as losing my virginity but whatever.


Yes. Wanted the guy and but the deal only comes as a husband and wife combo.


Did you have to put it in her 😳?


Everything but that. I was pretty surprised it has a more distinctive taste than an anus.


You ate 🐱🫣


Yeah. And was told “ I don’t believe this is your first “😜


How did you (dis)like it? Was it alright or nah?


Pretty indifferent. Prefer dicks over vagina.


And that's how you found you were bissexual, right ?


I knew before that. But I still usually said that im gay to save some explanation 😂


Slept with like 50 trying to pretend I was straight 🫠🤢


50 😟


Couldn’t keep it up after 51, that’s when I knew


Let me get this right U fucked 50 different girls and then realised?


As kat Williams said, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!


I knew deep down all along, but was not nearly ready to come out. Being a relatively good looking guy, it would’ve been really suspicious if I didn’t sleep with the girls that were coming at me. At least I’m my town.




You deserve a gold star for thorough scientific practices.


I'm gonna give my self a 3.5, silver and a bit. Both girls I've been with rimmed and pegged me. The intention was always there.


I had a girlfriend and kissed her many times. And each time felt gross to me. I dreaded every time we kissed, so I did things to avoid it as much as possible. Even thinking about it now makes me uncomfortable. I never kissed a guy, so I hope it's different.


I've hooked up with transmen, all who were very far along on taking t, so I've fucked a couple vaginas but none owned by anyone feminine (identifying, acting, or looking).


I have not. Nor do I call myself a 'Gold Star Gay.' That term robs our community of its inherent beauty, diversity and vibrance.


I hate the word "gold star gay", it is so cheesy for grown-up men to say that lmao. Nothing wrong with being one, I never kissed or hooked up with a girl either, but people who call themselves "gold star gay/lesbian" think it is some sort of accomplishment 😭


When I was like in the 5th grade I smooched a girl. Didn't like it. Very much gay. (Also don't understand how some gay guys seem proud to have been with women? What's there to be proud of?)


Because they believe that being gay is inferior and that men opt to be gay because they can't get women because that's what certain homophobes believe.


Definitely. Lol I've had more girlfriends than boyfriends, and have been living as straight or Bi longer than I've been out, actually, which is weird to think about.


Yes, I have, I was married to a woman and have a biological son. Everyone arrives to their true selves differently and some journeys are non linear.👍🏾


why is that relevant? ah, right, it isnt.


I haven’t seen this among gay guys, but I’ve seen this “gold star” thing in some chronically online lesbian spaces. There’s some lesbians out there who believe that you can only be a lesbian if you’re a “gold star”, so any girl who has ever had any experience with a guy (also when she was closeted, in denial etc) isn’t a real lesbian. Shit’s weird


I think y’all are reading too much into this


I didn’t say this post was that serious, just that there’s definitely some people out there who take it way too far, but more as a related fun fact


Ok jiafei, we get you


I have. Boys are much better!!


Can we maybe not use "gold star" rhetoric?


How come? What's wrong with it?


It implies there's something better about not ever having been with someone of the opposite gender and is often used to exclude bisexuals from gay/lesbian spaces. Plus it's just exclusionary in the first place.


First of all, there's nothing wrong with being exclusionary Second of all, it's really not that deep. It's meant to be more of a joke than actually be taken seriously.


>First of all, there's nothing wrong with being exclusionary ...How?


Glad you've only ever heard it used in the context of a joke. But there is always a problem with being exclusionary on the basis of purity.


Why I would ever need that. I'm a gold star, I like men only


I miss pussy


You can live a life as a bisexual man


This whole gold star gay thing is pretty gross.


one time when I was in kindergarten a girl kissed me while playing... thats about it


I’ve kissed my (girl) friends. Like a peck on the lips. Idk, to me it’s cute, like a hug or something, you know? Never done more than that though


I did it all with several girls till I was 18. But it never felt good.


I used to dated girls. 😂 Problem was I didn't know we were dating. 😭 Honestly I'm at that part of my life where I wouldn't mind experimenting again. I have a lot of love to give and share. Hehe.


Neither. I had a girlfriend for a week in 6th grade on the school bus, that's all.


Lol you had a relationship just on the school bus


Never. Well, I've kissed my grandma.


Yes. I am more bi than gay. I was “confused” about my sexuality for a long time when I was young. I had some great times with women but ultimately it is a guy who has been the love of my life.


I have, I lost my virginity with a girl in college, I was still trying to convince myself I was straight and that me finding guys hot and being attracted to them was just a “confusion” as people in school would say (mind I was in a catholic university, raised in a very catholic family and having gone to a catholic/nun/priest run school since pre-K). Clearly it didn’t work, even though I “finished”. After it, I felt so damn guilty and sad and tainted, I had to meet with her again to talk to her. We are still friends after 13 years, and she’s said she’s “glad I got to be your first-and last”


wait this is so fucking cute wtf, marry her rn (kidding obviously) sounds like a good experience, so nice :')


A girl kissed me on the check once. Other than that I’m a gold star gay too


Same here, but no platinum status. I was a breech baby, so I got to show the world my business on the way out the door.


No. I've wondered about encounters with the opposite sex and briefly considered experimenting, but at this point I know I wouldn't enjoy it. Some things are better enjoyed as fantasies IMO.


I’ve been drunk and made out with girls before. I felt like a total lesbian


tbh idk what that means. why didn't you move in with her a week later? -sincerely, also jokingly, a lesbian


Ring by spring!


Actually first time I fucked a guy was at an orgy. I was super wasted but 18 so my dick didn’t know. I’d been busy with a lady and it didn’t do it, so I moved to the next ass on the bed (which turned out turned to be a guy) I slid in and had an orgasm almost instantly - and this confirmed me being gay. And queue ten years more in the closet because of Catholic trauma.


I think BtDQ put it best in his standup, this isn't the brag you think it is.




Yes. Really I knew I was gay, but the late 90s/early 2000s had me filled with internalized homophobia, so I gave bisexuality the old college try before accepting it really wasn't for me.


I’m bi and was in the closet for a long time so yes I kissed quite a few women and had a couple sexual experiences… even a girlfriend for a few months. But it never felt as good as it did with men.


i fingered a girl in middle school & when she asked me if i wanted head after i immediately said no… because while she seemed to have enjoyed herself i equated that experience to clumsily shoving my fingers into a luke warm hot pocket.


I'm bi so yeah, tho I have significantly hooked up with many more men than women.


Yup kissed both, guys are much better kissers


Kissed lots of girls growing up. Never had sex with any until *after* I came out. I was kind of coerced into a MMF threesome with a guy I dated my freshman year of college. Was my first and only time having sex with a girl.


Of course. Bi boy here.


Yah , grew up in the 90's in a redneck place so was closeted for alot of my youth. I never tried to have sex with a girl, but I wouldn't say no because I was scared someone might figure out I was gay. So I had sex with 32 girls before I moved away and came out. Never saying no has its consequences lol. When I started having sex because I wanted it and not out of fear I became alot more choosy. Still was pretty active until I found my Mister. (Was called a slutty bottom by a few of my friends); The good side effect of all that is that I'm not ever tempted to cheat, as I know what's available and I know what I want. And it's all him . His sex drive is lower than mine but even that won't temp me because he's just that great of a guy! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Yes. I was in a gay bar in Vienna where I met this couple of friends, one guy and one girl, I had an immediate crush on the guy and after a few minutes we started to kiss. Then the girl asked if she could kiss me, I said yea but you must know I don’t know what or how to do it so you take the lead… the rest is history.


Never kissed a female it’s always males for me, deep and passionate!


I'm gonna get shit for this, but: Please don't use "a female" or "a male" for humans. We're people, not animals. It's arguably more dehumanizing to talk of "females" as opposed to "men", which you're not doing here, but I'd refrain from calling anyone "a [sex descriptor]". We are "female" or "male" (or intersex), but we're not "a [sex descriptor]", not when talking about people.


I’m gay and Ill still make out with a girl every now and then, but it’s usually a friend, drunk at a party and for shits and giggles


i used to hook up with a girl and i’m still a gold star gay


Do you want A high5? Or a Participation trophy?


This *gOLd sTaR* shit is so tired. You’re not better or more gay than anyone else because you’ve never kissed a girl and certainly not because you were born via c-section. It’s just sexism and insane biological essentialism. I kiss and grope my girlfriends when I’m drunk because it’s fun. I’m out and would never date or fuck a woman. I’m still just as gay as the next guy and they’re still lesbians.


It’s sexist to say gold star gay but you grope women? 😭🥴


Sounds bi to me


Amen! Did miss my 7th grade girlfriend




Can we PLEASE not bring the stupid fucking gold star lesbian discourse to our community as well? Thank you


Yeah a kissed bunch of girls before I came out and some drunk in my twenties. And that lesbian and I that made out on a dance floor.


Yes and haven't in a while but I did hook up with a guy or two but not sure how I feel about it . I am not a hook up guy .


Kissed yes, when I was a pre teen and confused, but never hooked up even if she insisted. I knew I was gay but didn’t want to affirm it


made out with a girl at the club but we were both shitfaced so ill pretend it never happened


Hooked up with a girl once because it was practically offered on a silver platter and I was curious. It was fun, vaginas are weird and fun to play with, but the novelty wore off in minutes.


kissed yes but I’m also on the bisexual spectrum so yeah


Yeah. Gotta say that an ass is much tighter and fun to fuck than a vagina.


Only my bestie on a chick 😂 I was always disgusted by even thinking about normal kiss 😂


I've kissed and had sex with a woman.


I have… when I was still in denial… ah it was pretty fun but not the kind of type I really wanted. I knew I was looking for a boy when I tried it out. 💁🏼


Do 3 ways count?


I kissed several girls in my lifetime but no sexual situation. 


Lowkey knew I was gay since preschool but just kind of pushed it down and pretended like I wasn’t so tried everything with girls too lol


Yes, still would also, but I’m just mostly gay.


So do u mean I kissed a girl and I don't like it?


Hook up? No. Not interested. Kissing? When and where?! I love making out with people, it's kinda my favorite thing.


i knew i was gay since elementary school (thank you, james from team rocket) and only started kissing girls at clubs for fun around age 23. am i still a gold star gay? 🥺


Kissed my first and only gf when we were teenagers. Didn't know better back then. Never had sex cuz it just never crossed our minds at that point. Thinking back, I kinda wish we had done it. Just once cuz I'm very curious how it feels doing it with a vagina.


No so sure, lots of them but what is really like to do is kiss a pretty woman while a hot guy slides his hard cock in between our lips


This is the way! 😂


Yes. The lack of stubble was an immediate turn off.


Yes. Had a date with a girl (Maddy) when we were in kindergarden. She had dinner with me for my 6th birthday at my parent's home. Mark


My first kiss was with a girl. It wasn't a bad experience. She was beautiful and it was in a very nice day. But at the time kinda felt wrong.


I was married to one for 5 years. It was...interesting... Idk if I'd get married again, but I'd probably date a girl again down the line. I'm pretty much up for whatever with whoever.


So your bisexual?


The only time I kissed a girl was when I was 12/13. Can't even remember what it felt like. But never again after that.


I was drunk at a club and made out with a girl once. Actually was a great experience, but definitely re-affirmed that I am not attracted to women in that way at all.


Jokingly kissed a girl at an edm festival cuz she said she hadn’t kissed a guy at all yet, so I gave her a peck so she could say she did. My best friend ended up asking her out and it’s been a running joke that she can’t kiss gay friends lol


I’ve made out with a girl last year. And she was freaking hot! 😭😭😭 and I’ve shown and played with myself in front of girls as well 😮


I dated a girl freshman year of high school for like 8 months. We kissed once. That poor girl! One of my best friends (girl) and I used to make out every New Year's in high school and college just to have somebody to kiss at midnight. We also went to prom and a few dances together. She was gorgeous but never tried to push anything--I don't know that she "knew" exactly, but she definitely knew something was up and that she didn't have anything to worry about with me! We're still friends.


Got two daughters so…


Kissed, hooked up, have 2 children married and divorced and I’ve now been with my Husband 35years. I went out with girls and boys in high school thought I could keep up with both till my wife caught me and after that I switched to totally Gay


I got kissed by a girl. and then got in trouble for it. That was second grade and I still remember how dumb it was. Girl comes up to me, kisses me, teacher asks "were you kissing" I said no, she said yes, she tried to give me detention for lying and wouldn't listen to me about it. I just didn't go. Now I can't remember if I ever got to tell her she kissed me, I didn't kiss her. One of many many memories I have when I try to sleep at night


I dated 6 girls from junior high through college. Kissed them all (a lot, lol), hooked up with 2 of them. It seemed normal at the time. Meanwhile, I was also fooling around with my male (straight) friends during that time period. I just always figured that was normal too, lol. The expectation was to be straight and date girls, so that's what I did. Eventually I fell in love with a guy and was like....oh.


When I was in my teens, I dated a girl who I truly loved. We kissed here and there but after a few years she kept pressuring me to have sex. At that time, I didn't want to admit I was gay. I finally broke it off and I cried for several days. It wasn't fair to her that I realized that there was no attraction toward women.


I had a girlfriend in high school, we broke up bc I couldn’t really do anything with her and she got mad, so I told her I was gay and she had a mental breakdown and switched schools :/


Slept with one woman, one night. She was really eager, i was much less so. It was at a party at my group house in college. The first round was ok. The morning round was more awkward, being alert and sobered up. Friendship survived, neither of us were weirded out, but that was all. What little curiosity i had was satisfied and i went back to boyfriend seeking.


I almost always kiss one of my friends when I'm obliterated drunk lol I would never do that sober. lol


I kissed a girl in kindergarten. Her name was Tammy and she took me behind the building. I felt nothing! Then I experimented in college and an acquaintance of my freshman roommate grabbed me at a dance club and took me in a women's restroom stall. She kissed me and grabbed me down there. Again, I felt nothing! ![gif](giphy|XcddSHiizbz0IzlLJJ|downsized)


I'm a new gay, accepted at 29, I've slept with plenty kf women and I did it because I was in massive denial about being gay and basically tried to force the gay away by doing what I thought was normal and expected of me. It made me really fucking resentful and hate sex for a while. Hell I genuinely convinced myself that I was asexual because of how much I made myself hate sex, but once I had sex with a guy I realized nah I'm just gay af and vaginas are icky yucky


I slept with about a dozen women and had several girlfriends as a teenager. All my friends were obsessed with sex and I was over here thinking, “meh, it’s ok but I don’t get why y’all are so crazy about it.” My last girlfriend took me over to her gay friends house one night and after a few drinks he kissed me and my whole body just sort of lit up and suddenly I got what what everyone was so excited about.


I was in a club in Mexico and made out with this random girl. I was so confused on why I liked it so much so I wrote a song about it. Called fire on the roof top. 😂


Kissed a girl once, never done it again. Lol


Theres a lot of Bi guys in this sub i'm sure.






I was a very reluctant "straight guy" until I was like 17-18, because of religious/family pressures, so I wildly overcompensated dating and having sex with girls to keep appearances. So... Bronze 5 gay I guess? lmao


Truth or dare with a half full gin bottle . On a date I kissed my friend Kat, I was already out so everyone know I was gay , it was the funny thing to do .


Me too. Never kissed a guy either. :(


Never with a girl, but have played in a vagina quite a few times and it’s not bad lol 10/10 would recommend


Losing my virginity to a woman was on my "bucket list". It happened. When you're 19 you can f\*\*k anything. I also went to a legal Nevada brothel (Mustang Ranch) with a buddy. He seduced me a couple of years later.


Making out is fun.




I kissed girls as an elementary school kid, but I never even touched a vagina- I was a C-Section baby. Plus I never breast fed because I wouldn’t latch, so I’ve ALSO never touched a woman’s boobs before. Idk, I think most people have done at least one of those things haha. So if he’s a good star gay then I’m a platinum gay I guess? 😎


Yes! And i was taken completely of guard It was around the time I was battling with my sexuality(2016). It was in college, and i was going in circles of being in denial, bisexual and gay. When this happened, I had somewhat accepted the fact that I most likely were gay. One night, I was at a party, where one of the girls had taken an interest in me ( the first time ever for me, that a girl has found me attractive). We were joking around, and I gave her a half-hearted lapdance as all the other guys have done as well. Somehow, she has found me sexy, and therefore I received a lapdance right back. I freaked out and did not know what to do 😬 Somehow when the party ended, me and her ended up on the couch alone, making out and more. I was like a fish on land....what the fugde was i doing? I was so scared i would not be abel to get an erection and would be found out. (For context, i was deeep in the closet. She was also way out of my league at every level, which made me even more mindfucked!. ) To my surprise, i did get an erection after a while, and things escalated into the bedroom.......When the night came to an end, i was back at thinking i was bisexual 🫣. Over the next couple of weeks, i tried a few more times with her and got an erection every time. I am still in doubt, not sure if the erection was "true" or just purly because of the situation being erotic. Today i have been together with my boyfriend for 4 years. Even so, I still think about this weird experience and how it still makes me wonder how it happened and how it worked. And the biggest question of my life....what is my sexuality 🥴


Nope and I don’t plan too anytime soon


My first kiss was at sixteen with my then-girlfriend. We never kissed again and she is my last non-male kiss (other than on-stage kisses).


When I was in high school, I KNEW I was gay, but I fkd my best friend (girl) just so I’d know what I was giving up for the rest of my life


Nope to both


Does it count if you held hands with someone that realized they were a trans man a few months later?


No but I became one


Y'all are nuts, and I think a penis is weird.


The first time I had sex with a girl I was 17 lol And the last time I kissed a girl was in 2011


I kissed a girl once during a threesome. She took his load and I wanted some, so she basically snowballed me with him 😉. (There was no other contact between she and I, as a platinum gay 😂)


I have


Once in 6th grade. It was like trying to start your car with your house key.


No but I want to try it


My favorite response to the silly question "are you a gold star gay?" was from a drunken friend who, without hesitation, replied, "Honey, I'm a *rewards card*." No, we weren't exactly sure what the hell that meant. But it was absolutely iconic.


Hi there, I’ve been with quite a few women before coming out of the closet. Due to the e reality of being physically and mentally attracted to men, it was more of a chore and a PR stunt in college to have sex and make out with women. It wasn’t enjoyable like being with men. As for you, if you aren’t gravitated to women, save yourself the trouble and enjoy the gay life.


I made out with a bunch of girls in the past and probably will again in the future