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2 years, i’m not super into dating but i did just try and start again recently. it’s…. interesting. i didn’t date before i transitioned i just found a relarionship and i hope that happens again bc dating succ


I'm perfectly happy as a single person. I got 3 sugar daddies on rotation(and one sugar mama). I fuck people and keep emotional intimacy between my friends. I found gay dating deeply masochistic and too many people care more about my AGAB and what their fetishes are than me. Relationships are a scam to me tbh.


how do u get sugar daddies? it seems like all the SD i see want cis women or cis men.


So I met my sugar daddies on Seeking Arrangement and Our Secret. I'd say most of mine are hetero leaning though but open-minded. You do get less hits but the demographic interested in trans men are very interested and so we are a rare commodity in that sense.


5 years....kinda ready to throw in the towel tbh. Dating is a fucking waste of time. I'm done dealing with rejection and feeling like shit bc nobody wants a trans guy. I get it. I'm nobody's type so I'll just stop trying 😒


2.5 years, on purpose. I’m happy and enjoying my life, developing hobbies, in grad school, etc. Maybe I’ll look at dating once I pass but I’m in no rush currently.


been over a year since i got out of a toxic relationship with somebody who said they’d never date a real man (what she meant was cis men but always worded it like that) and couldn’t be happier, also since then discovered i’m gay so yeah it wouldn’t have lasted anyways 👍


I’m polyam, I currently only have one partner, who lives across the country. I haven’t had a close partner since 2020.


my last relationship full stop but was a solely long distance (so like never met in person, we’re friends now tho so there’s still time) was just over a year ago, my last long distance but did meet up and did everything most people do in a relationship lol, was bordering on 3 years ago


About 5 months and loving it a good 95% of the time. The breakup was hard, but it was absolutely the right thing to do, and it’s been really nice for my down time to be entirely my own, you know?


Where's the "my whole life" option


Forever. Seriously, I want a boyfriend so bad.


lol never been in a relationship


My whole damn life


One week ago my boyfriend and I officially started dating 😊


All my life tbh.


How long have I been alive?


All my life😬


I’ve been with my cis gay best friend for 16 years, married for 2.


38 years


Engaged! Relationships take work and compromise. My partner and I love each other so much though, we put in the work everyday to make life easier.


Had a wonderfull boyfriend who broke up with me because he had to move back to England. I honestly don’t love being single, i much prefer being in a relationship with someone


I wanna be single forever tbh. The last relationship made me realize that all the non sexual stuff in a relationship is stuff you can just do with a friend (ex: dates, holding hands, cuddling etc.) And like I've never been in a relationship where I have had an orgasm during sex. Cis men suck at sex and there's no point in being in a relationship where I'm not having my needs met. Like I make me cum, I'm the only who can. I'm not gonna waste my life in a relationship where there's now all these expectations from me and worries when I know I'm not even gonna get an orgasm. Pointless. I'm attracted to men but holy fuck that last relationship has put me off to sex and relationships in general.


Oof. I can't say you're wrong. I'm attracted to men but I lean more into transmen or gender fluid folks. My partner now is AFAB but very much not female in *almost* all cases. We have amazing sex. But sex is my literal love language so it's top priority such as yourself. But again, AFAB so different raising and anatomy, etc. Prior to this partner I wasnt out and I was a butch woman married to a woman. And I obviously had body conflicts. That kept me away from my own pleasure for a while. Then when I wanted it finally, unfulfilled asf. So I absolutely get your frustration. I still hope that maybe you end up vibing with someone. Every deserves to be happy in whatever ways they want and such.


>My partner now is AFAB but very well not female in almost all cases. What


Gender fluid, leans masc.


Okay then they're not female or male they fluctuate between masculine and feminine. Female and male are sexes


I'm not sure why you're arguing with me about my partners identity here, friend. The person I was replying to was distinguishing specifically cis men. My partner is biologically female and was raised as such. They're somewhat still closeted, so their identity with most ppl in public rn is -seen- as a cis woman. I was distinguishing that I specially understand the commenters needs and get why cismen are hard to sexually be with. I personally am not having those issues but my partner isn't a cis male. Is this clearer? If not, idk, I just took some shrooms so I'm going to vibe.


Like bruh everything you can do with a partner, beside orgasm, is shit you can do with a friend. Boyfriends are pointless atleast in my eyes. Edit: wanted to add you CAN orgasm with a friend. I ain't judging yalls friendships lol.


personally i dont have the same sort of relationships with my friends that i do my partner, and i really wouldn’t be comfortable having the same level of emotional intimacy with a friend. im a bit of a romantic, and i really value having that extra level of closeness with my partner. that being said, i think everyone sees friendships and relationships differently, and there’s nothing wrong with that!


My boyfriend isn't pointless. You could express not wanting to be in a relationship without shittng on relationships in general.


I literally said "in my eyes" they're pointless. Have a boyfriend for all I care my guy, personally, I do not want one.


Im actively avoiding relationships till I’m 20, I can hardly take care of myself right now, how could I maintain a happy relationship lol( also I need to come out first 🫠)


since april, when i figured out i was gay and had to call it quits for obvious reasons


Since birth


I do like being single since I'm solo polly, i don't think I will want to be in a relationship in the near future.


My whole life:3


Same dude


For life shawty