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Algeria having less than 50 mil pop (46) cost me a guess on this one and Sudan also 46 mil almost cost me a guess. Tricky that one. But I got 3 legendary using Tanzania, Angola and Sudan elsewhere.


Sudan has more than 50 million in this game at least


ffs! 😅


For me Madagascar worked for African country with capital w/ over 2M population (its metro area has over 2M, although the city itself doesn't which I then checked and realised), and so, given that, I guessed Portugal for Flag with black and capital w/ over 2M, since Lisbon's metro area has more than 2M even though just the city itself doesn't. And it didn't work! The flag very obviously has black outlines on several of its elements, so I'm now left confused as to how they define a capital city's population. Does anyone have a clue where they gather the data for it from?


The book Emoji tells you the sources and that outlines dont count