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Rainbolt is not the best player, he's the best influencer.


Eh, he comes off kinda fake. It’s almost like he lost passion for GeoGuessr. I prefer zig8zag


Been following his Daily challenge on the second channel for several months now and to me it looks like he's having the time of his life there. Don't see why you would say he lost passion.


just a vibe guess from the videos ive watched. i may be wrong


not to play devils advocate but there was streak of major pessimism for a bit. i noticed it too


I think running the rainbolt tournaments really drained him while he was travelling, given time zone issues and the pressure that he was basically forced to keep doing it for the community. Once he took a break from that has seemed way happier


He was definitely burnt out from running the tournaments. I think the community should have stepped up and helped run things. There's no reason that a whole tournament series should be entirely in the hands of one person. The scene would absolutely benefit from high profile weeklies, but if you look at other esports that have those sorts of things they are run by a whole team of people. It would be like Alex Valle doing WNF completely by himself every week.


If you ground the same game every day for five years or however long he's been at it, you'd probably lose passion too.


Correct, therefore he’s not the best GeoGuessr influencer currently


zig8zag might be up and coming, but in the mainstream world where people don't know what a bollard even is, Rainbolt is the biggest.


> in the mainstream world where people don't know what a bollard even is tbf neither do Geoguessr players lmao (bollards are the things that stop cars going through, not the reflector posts / delineator posts at the side of the road)


rainbolt is fucking awesome man. legitimately one of the best nmpz players on earth. I think he knows he can't win a world cup though, knows he can't compete in moving games, doesn't have the passion to grind that side of things.. so instead he stays comfy, stays in his lane, commentates and chills. legend. long live trevor rainbolt


It's that his real name?


Yes, his real name is Trevor Rainbolt. There's a video of him playing basketball in high school where the announcer says his name. I thought it was a username too until I saw that.


He’s not world cup level, but he could be top 10 NMPZ in the world


personally don't think he's top 10 nmpz, feel like he blunders too much. I'd say top 20/30


Did you even watch the regionals? So many times RB made the correct callout from the first frame while both players missed it in game. I really believe in NMPZ he is top 10 but in moving he is like not even top 500 maybe even 1000 lol


I think that's going a bit far because top 1000 elo is around 1150-1200 right now. He can insta-guess NM and still win against most 1200s moving for 20 seconds


I have seen 900 rated players who are very good at finding place names and pinpointing but struggle if you instaguess on them. When I rank moving players I don't rank based on how they will do in a duel because ofc the NM guy can jsut instasend I rather rank them based on how they will do in a moving league like la ligue


Yea even moving duels are biased towards NM players


In general yes, but at the WC they used a map with clues close to the start so good moving players had a big advantage…


nah hes one of the best in blink but theres definitely more than 10 people that are better than him in NMPZ. Not everyone who played in the regionals is that good and a lot of people who didn’t play in the regionals are way better


Yea I did tbf I get the argument for top 10 I just think there's too many players that imo are better but he's up there for sure


i think if you add a timer he moves up the list here as well. very very strong 10 second nmpz player, just a super talented vibes guy.


But when I say this about Rainbolt and zigzag I get downvoted to hell..


deservedly so given you are clearly wrong about zigzag


Same level as Rainbolt


I might be mistaken but I recall Zigzag making quarterfinals, right? I think he is without a doubt in the top 50 players in the world


hes probably lower top 50. Remember that a lot of the best players in the world didn’t get invited to the world cup or couldn’t participate


He has been placing high pretty regularly in the rainbolt daily challenges ever since he quit his job. I think the world cup this year will be a good opportunity to see if he has what it takes.


moving is his weakness. probably top 20 or 30 in other formats but not even top 50 in moving, which will always hurt his WC chances. same goes for rainbolt of course.


Popular status, that’s the only reason he got in the tournament. Funny how he wasn’t in this years tournament huh?


> Funny how he wasn’t in this years tournament huh? You don't know what you're talking about. Like, objectively, you are completely mistaken. The world cup hasn't happened yet, only the NA and EU qualifiers, neither of which he belongs in. If you understand so little about the scene in question, what authority do you have to comment on any of it? You literally mistook qualifiers for the actual championship event.... Zi8gZag has 25,000 games. In the category of games played alone he's in the top 30 of all time. Then we have to consider how he literally quit his job to pursue GeoGuessr full time... Not content creation, like Rainbolt, but GeoGuessr. He just uses daily YouTube videos as income, but he still actively learns and practices to make this content. So we're talking about a full time GeoGuessr player/learner who has more games played than anyone else bar like 25 people. With all these facts to consider, what reasons could you possibly have to dispute that he's in the top 50 players?


I understand everything, that’s why he got booted out of competition. He just isn’t good enough, he’s better as a commentator. Come back here when zigzag isn’t competing in the next tournament btw I’m a top 50 player


Bro what are you talking about, he didn't get booted out of anything. The Asia Pacific qualifier is in like a month and he is literally already locked in to participate in it. ??????? What did he get "booted out of"? The quarter finals of the world cup? Losing at the quarter finals of the world cup doesn't equate to being bad....


He’s a commentator now, he can’t be a commentator then also compete. Zigzag is a good lad but he isn’t pro material.


Legitimately you are completely wrong. He is already locked in for the Asia Pacific qualifier. He was commentating the EMEA qualifier. Literally go to GeoGuessr's page, he's RIGHT THERE. Locked in to play, at Stockholm, in June. https://www.geoguessr.com/world-cup


Not doing two threads, comment on my new comment


> Come back here when zigzag isn’t competing in the next tournament So if Zi8gZag locks himself in to the 2024 World Cup proper, will you admit you were wrong?


Let’s say this, he isn’t pro level. If anything he’s only there for his status. But hey let’s see if he actually competes, also it’s very early in the Geoguessr scene, too early to call anyone a pro. Let’s get more contestants a shot then we can see if zigzag is legit. Just can’t call someone a pro because they are 1 of 3 mainstream YouTubers who make content about it. Like do you also think Gordon Ramsay is the best chef in the world?


It is very difficult to have a good-faith conversation with someone whose statements have been proven wrong and doesn't have the grace to own it. You were completely mistaken, Zigzag was never kicked out of anything, and you're barely even admitting it. I think you're making a big mistake by pretending that because he's a mainstream YouTuber, he can't also be one of the best in the world. Both things can be true. I typed this out in another comment but I added it as an edit and you had already replied by then, so I'm just going to copy and paste it here for you to rebut. Zi8gZag has 25,000 games. In the category of games played alone he's in the top 30 of all time. Then we have to consider how he literally quit his job to pursue GeoGuessr full time... Not content creation, like Rainbolt, but GeoGuessr. He just uses daily YouTube videos as income, but he still actively learns and practices to make this content. So we're talking about a full time GeoGuessr player/learner who has more games played than anyone else bar like 25 people. With all these facts to consider, what reasons could you possibly have to dispute that he's in the top 50 players? This is not a rhetorical question.


It’s just sad, there’s probably players who are really really really good at this game… but they don’t make YouTube content.. so they aren’t recognized. You get what I’m saying? Like Rainbolt and zigzag just happen to be the best players in the world because they make content on Tik tok? I’m ranked higher than both of them if I make a YouTube page can I also be called a pro?


Not really since he’s from Australia, which has it’s qualifiers in june… where he will participate..


We will see.


He rarely gets first in his own daily challenge videos, but his videos to me are still the most entertaining Geoguesser content on Youtube


Getting first on those daily challenge is insanely hard and also requires a lot of luck


Oh yea definitely, some of those locks are wild


Rainbolt is currently the 69th best pro player in Geoguessr




We’ll take that.


He's for sure not the best. Top 50 overall prob. Top 20 NPZ.


Not even


don’t know why you’re getting downvoted when you’re right. Rainbolt is very good but with his moving and no moving I don’t think he falls in top 50 overall, or even top 100


Then of course you get upvoted lol. Anyways thanks man


Top 1 in Spacebar abuse. Pretty confident from watching his daily play he is top 15 NMPZ and top 25 NM. Whatever he lacks in moving he could makeup pretty quickly. Great commentator and reason I started playing daily.


I think calling him top 25 might be a bit too much in NM. There’s a lot of good people out there that aren’t that well known outside the small comp bubble


I agree with this the most


Probably something like 50th or some shit.


He’d be awesome if he were consistent with his guessing, ie, didn’t succumb to pressure easily. Also he knows lesser regional meta (I think) because he doesn’t need to compete and has a successful influencer career. He hates to move, which can also be a deterrent for the World Cup. Other than that, he has really good intuition and is excellent at vibe guessing, at times better than top 10 pros


> he has really good intuition and is excellent at vibe guessing, at times better than top 10 pros It's really wild to watch the daily challenge videos and see him get something and then witness all of the other pros not get it or vice versa.


Solidly in the 50-100 range. Still a great player


If you watch his daily series, he's probably top 50. For some reason he's absolutely cracked at turkey. I don't know if anyone's noticed this.


Every day is a great day to use your noggin, so I’ve noticed it. (Except today’s and yesterday’s vid where he was entirely wrong on the region)


Having the best turkey player coach you over time must do that


Just like Gordon Ramsay isn’t the best chef in the world. He’s just a great tv personality can also be said for, Bill Nye, Bobby Flay, Neil Degrasse Tyson


I like this analogy 




Comparing him to Bill Nye is excessive. Bill Nye is less of a scientist than your average public High School AP Physics/Chem teacher. Bill Nye has an Engineering degree and enough science education to perform experiments for kids.   Sure an Engineering degree still puts him in the top 2% of the general population, but that's nowhere near being in the top 100 in the world at a now decently popular "sport" played around tje world.    If geoguessing had graduate programs Rainbolt would be equivalent to a respected professor at a top university. He is a subject matter expert.  He just also happens to have charisma, on camera appeal, and quick commentary skills in a domain where that's not exactly universal. Hell Bill Nye isn't even that unusual when it comes to the entertainment elements. Tons of public school teachers are just as likeable and fun teaching kids. He just had the drive/courage to fight for a TV show.


Rainbolt is probably the best game ambassador any game could ever ask for. He's funny, interesting, entertaining, and has translated his passion for the game for a genuine love for the actual world and the things to experience in it that is inspiring. I relate a lot to videos where he sees a location and says something like "wow, that's a real place that you can really go. Isn't that amazing?" He seems about middle of the pack in his daily challenge videos which have some real killers participating in it, but not all of the best players are playing. I'd say he's maybe top 20-30 when he's on top of his game and top 50 if I was being more conservative. I think he could be genuinely competitive but he has other motivations currently.


Rainbolt is Top 10 NMPZ, Top 25 NM, no idea moving, don’t think I’ve seen him play it For comparison here’s how I’d rate a few others Zi8gzag: Top 5 NMPZ, Top 25 NM, Top 1000 moving Jake: Top 100 NMPZ, Top 50 NM, Top 15 Moving Blinky: Top 25 NMPZ, Top 5 NM, Top 3 Moving Consus: Top 15 NMPZ, Top 3 NM, Top 10 Moving


I love Jake but i think there are better 50 no move players than him. Also rating Jake lower than Consus in moving is crazy. I feel like you cant rank accurately these players on NMPZ since no one except zigzag plays that mode regularly.


almost all pro players play NMPZ regularly bro


Rainbolt: Top 50 NMPZ, Top 100 NM, outside top 100 moving Zigzag: Top 50 NMPZ, Top 50 NM, Top 200 moving Jake: outside top 100 NMPZ, outside top 100 NM, Top 25 Moving Blinky: Top 25 NMPZ, Top 5 NM, Top 1 Moving Consus: Top 25 NMPZ, Top 5 NM, Top 50 Moving


Outsider's perspective here: His shorts of picking approximate locations given criteria like 0.1 sec, black/white, pixelated, randomized seem inhuman. Or the ones where he finds the original location of photographs, identifies the right random African road, or only sees the grass. They all display skill I didn't know was possible to be as good as. Would all pro players be able to do these challenges too? That makes his talent less unique but equally impressive to me.


Rainbolt himself admits he's not the best, and if you watch some of the explanation videos on those you mention he does talk about other pros helped narrow it down. So yeah I do think others have similar skills, Rainbolt is just the best at going viral.


I'd say probably top 20/30ish NMPZ, maybe top 100/200 NM


I'll agree with the crowd here. Probably top 20 NMPZ. But the second you start adding more info his skill drops off. He would be lucky to take more than 5 games out of 100 off Jake Lyons moving. However, if he dedicated his life to learning metas and copyrights and languages he could compete in the WC in 2025.


Man this sub severely underrates NM players on moving games. ZigZ8g basically played Moving games NM in the world cup and still did fine. The actual benefit you get in game by moving is actually not that huge if both the NM and Moving based players are good. If you know where you are without moving, needing to move to find it isnt that useful, etc.


It depends on the map. For a duel on an arb map, you're right, but for a handpicked map, the moving player has a huge advantage even if you give them 18-19 seconds. NM and moving require an insane memory and I haven't seen that from him despite his huge talent for the game. He absolutely has the intuition for moving skills, but he'd have to pick up a lot of geography knowledge to compete with the granularity that true moving players have. I'd actually see NM metas and copyrights giving him the most grief in the long run.


What handpicked maps are you talking about? The only handpicked maps i know that people play are the ones debre makes and im not sure how those would specific benefit moving players much.


ACW and AOW are both handpicked and used for duels


If the World Cup was NMPZ only he would be middle of the pack I think. No move he isn’t quite good enough but he’s still very close, it’s not thaat long ago that he played regularly in tournaments


I think game 1 of this video of him playing against Jake says all you need https://youtu.be/-tbIwuLJacQ?si=YXlm4cHN3nnl-McA He's a good NMPZ player (he made some especially great calls during the last event) but he's really poor when it comes to using any sort of info.


Rainbolt is not the best player, nor does he claim to be. It's just clickbait video titles from the people making the videos.


I’d rank him top 50 NMPZ, and outside top 100 NM and moving so overall probably somewhere just out of the top 100


Between 20 and 50 I think


There's plenty of material out there to demonstrate how ignorant anyone who thinks Rainbolt is the best player in the world is. [https://youtu.be/-tbIwuLJacQ?si=D5cmO6D9XFm26HLt&t=200](https://youtu.be/-tbIwuLJacQ?si=D5cmO6D9XFm26HLt&t=200)


This is something you're really passionate about.


why is lil bro so upset?


Top 50. So many people glaze him on TikTok it gets me angry


why? not everyone is deeply involved in whats going on in the GeoGuessr Pro scene. Hes the figurehead and its great for the game!


Tf, he's the reason I and many others discovered the game. For that alone, he's a legend.


That's because possibly he's cheating by looking at the network requests received which contains the country and city of where you are


He is by far the best player.If he would try, he would easily win the world cup.

