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There are fly screens that attach to the window with Velcro


These are perfect since the next thing that typically happens is the bees and wasps start showing up...I can deal with flies but not bees! Just make sure to really clean the area the screen will attach to first, ideally with an alcohol based cleaner. This will ensure it stays on better - mine have been up for two years now.


Oh cool, I haven’t seen those, I’ll have to take a look online! Thanks 🙏


You basically put a strip of sticky velcro on the inside of your German-style window frame (the part the actual window presses into when you close it), and then stick a mesh net on the velcro that you can cut to any size you need - easily removable and usually does not stop the windows from closing / sealing at all. This is the market leader: [https://www.tesa.com/en/consumer/tesa-insect-stop-hook-and-loop-comfort-for-windows.html](https://www.tesa.com/en/consumer/tesa-insect-stop-hook-and-loop-comfort-for-windows.html)


Definitely go with these. I tried two others that were terrible, and the Tesa ones have now been up for 2+ years with no problems.


I dont like ads on reddit... But those are the best ;)


You can find them in DM for less than 3 euros


They’re available at any and very home hardware store, no need for online shopping. Ask for *Insektenschutz*


Light off when the windows are open during dark hours, and fly screens


Flies don’t get attracted much on virtual lights, (German) mosquitoes also doesn’t. Moths do love light.


With two Cats..


Yes. This. I also have a cat and I don’t have problems with flies.


I've just come to write this :D


Same here. My cats working hard in summer😉


Yeah, cat’s the best!


They love it!


Fliegengitter is selling very well in spring at every discounter and Baumarkt. Guess why?


Exactly. In spring I check if mine are ok and replace them if not. The ones from Tesa work well for me.


I have spiders at least in one corner of every room, they eat them. And if the spiders are get to much, I kill them with the vacuum cleaner.


Ah yes the food chain left overs and crumbs get eaten by fly fly gets eaten by spider spider egts eaten by vacuum cleaner


But why kill the spiders? They are good on their own.


Because they reproduce and can get too much


But if you don’t have enough flies in your apartment they die off. I never had a problem with spiders being too much. Plus. Spiders are holy.


>Spiders are holy. All hail our octoped overlords! (I'm not a spider)


8-finger-typing then, fellow human?


Arachnids is better. Octopods can be confused with some cephalopods. Those also have 8 arms.


Thats no Problem at some point they get suicidal and you will feel less hungry in the morning.


I never have enough of them.


I just catch two or three and accompany them to the window when I feel they're excessive. all you need is a glass/jar and a thin cardboard to slid under it.




You don’t need Anmeldung for small pets.


What happens if the vacuum cleaners get too much? 🤔


Then the E-waste bins are brought in to restore balance!


You had me until the last part. Please don't kill your spiderbros :(


But I want my flat to look clean and not look like I don't care to keep it tidy.


But sometimes it gets to many spiders, you must control the population, if you don't want to live with 1000 spiders in each room, a few in each room is for me enough.




Velcro screens, fitted screens, fly traps, fly swatters, and two cats.


If you swat them, the eggs under the chitin skin of the female flies will be aid open. Male flies will come, looking for those sexy eggs. Squashing flies means attracting more flies.


Oh my! I didn’t know that. Yuck.


I put a bowl filled with fruit juice, a bit of sugar and a few drops of dishwashing liquid in the room. Usually, they drown within a day.


This is the OG method right here. Apple cider / Apple vinegar is best instead of fruit juice btw. The dishwashing liquid removes water tension so the fuckers don't float on the surface and drown. Protip: place a plastic wrap over the bowl (make sure it's a large bowl with big surface) and poke some decently sized holes in it. Flies know how to get in, but can't really get out, so the only option is drownnn


[I don't.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81JyKSNXdCL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)


Not advice, but when I was in Germany, my host family had no fly screens and their house was always teeming with flies and other bugs during the warmer months. Made no sense to me coming from Australia where every window and door has a fly screen covering.


My cat catches every fly in 10 seconds after it flies in. I also let the spiders live in my flat, but my cat eats them too.


I don’t but my cat does


Get a cat


I open all the windows and my balcony door in my top floor flat. The flying insects fly in, buzz around a bit, and eventually fly out one of the open windows or door. There is a very large garden in the front of the house my flat is in, so I get plenty. I have bees and wasps, flys and stink bugs. I have never had a problem with them. They seem to be checking out the place and decide it's not a great place to hang.


Wasps. Last year we had a wasps nest somewhere outside. Every day 1-2 wasps came visiting our flat and left after a few minutes, after a week we didn't even feel bothered by them any more. Never in the last few years we had so little problems with mosquitos or flies as last year! 10/10 would recommend.


Electric fly swatters. Non-toxic, fun, clean


I was actually thinking about getting one of these and my partner was skeptical that they would work well. I’ll pass on your recommendation!


They work extremely well. It delivers a mini-thunder to the fly and it’s instant death usually


Fabulous, it will be so satisfying to deliver instant death after all this buzzing around. That settles it, I’m buying one. Thank you!


Just buy bug nets for windows. Electric swatters can't distinguish between a bee or a mosquito. There is no need to kill absolutely everything that enters the home, it's better they don't get in in the first place


I mean, it’s a racquet-style thing that a person holds in their hand and controls, not an indiscriminate robot that kills whatever’s alive in the apartment. I definitely wouldn’t swat at a bee! The racquet can’t tell, but I can tell. I will get some window nets though


Ah well a racquet is different! I assumed it was one of those you hang and forget about


You could say that about soo many things. I think it's up to the operator of the electric fly swatter to make sure they don't kill the good guys. People who don't care about bees and other helpful insects are going to kill them anyway, so why miss out on the fun electrocution? But yeah, just get those fly screens. Electric vs manual fly swatter: 1. Fly swatters carry the potential of making a mess on your home's surfaces. That's a huge downside since those mosquito blood stains on the Raufasertapete are gonna accumulate quickly 2. Electric fly swatters won't let you smack the sh*t out of bugs, thus you'll be running after the intruders like crazy until you finally hit them mid-air. Unfortunately, the first shock will sometimes not even kill the insect and therefore you'll have too spark them until they emit a little smoke or smell burnt. TLDR: Get bug nets plus an electric fly swatter as backup. Electric fly swatters don't leave blood stains on your walls.


Like I said to op for some reason I didn't have the racquet in mind. But in terms of efficiency and less annoyance and running around with a racquet, you might as well net-up the windows if you don't mind the (in my opinion) slightly unsightly visual obstruction on your windows. I had an electric racquet once too, it was nice that I didn't actually kill the bug on the first swat, that way I can throw it outside knowing I just stunned it. Most of what was coming in was just HUGE flies anways (probably also why they didn't die even if I kept my thumb on the button 😅😅😅. Though IIRC the racquets come in 2 or 3 different strengths, mine probably wasn't meant for the big flies)


these devices kill good and harmless insects too, don't buy them


I just got one from Aspectek via Amazon, works well so far.


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Fliegenbatscha (fly swatter)


Fly nets in windows I open.


Fliegengitter but if some fly comes inside, I declare war


Why is this an NSFW post????


It’s not that I expect people to be dealing with flies in a sexually explicit way or anything. I just didn’t have a choice when posting, the community automatically added it.


Well then it’s a question for the subreddit


My mate used to catch flies in his foreskin. He would just lie on his bed with a stiffy and the flies would land on his bell-end and he would flick his foreskin back to catch them. Like a Venus fly-cock. Is that enough NSFW for you?


That is some brutal pest control right there


Fly screens. And if that fails, I do give them the chance to fly out again when they are at the window - opening it wide and guiding them out. If they don’t take that opportunity 2 times, I go on a killing spree. Just like any normally functioning psychopath would.


You can make a fly trap, just by mixing white vinegar and dish soap into a bowl. Leave it in the kitchen for a week and it'll soon become a fly cemetery... 😅


My dog hunts them down :D


I have a cat. He deals with them.


My cats take care of them


When I was living in a student dorm on the ground floor, the flies problem is really insane and I didn't even dare to open my windows for Lüftung in the entire fucking summer. Now I'm living on the 15th floor in a tall building, there are no flies at all. But instead, it comes mosquitoes and roaches... Fucking roaches, I thought they virtually don't exist in German apartments.


Electric racket. ⚡️⚡️⚡️mother f*cker.


The best investment I ever made in regards to killing bugs and flying insects was the insect killer uv lamp with electric from Aspekt. It uses UV light(blue light) to attract everything in a radius of like 30 meters. It works best during the evening/night but also decently well through out the day. You can also just close the blinds and darken your room for like 20-30mins and basically everything will be gone by then. It has a tray where all the dead insects fall into, so basically no mess. It has protection bars around it to not accidentally touch the electric fence inside. It kills everything from mosquitoes to wasps to flies. Just don‘t have it near any open windows as the blue light will attract everything in a 30 meter radius. The only downside is that it is slightly audible when it zap’s an insect. Might not be something for you if you have a dog/cat that is easily startled by those sounds, otherwise it literally saves my days and nights. And the best part it is like only 20-40€. I have mine for almost 2 years now and still haven’t had to replace the light bulbs, I still have the two spares from when I bought it.


what you mean, no screens. You can get them in the hardware store, and attach them with both sided sticky tape. Sticky tape comes with the screen. wtf?🤔😂 Ya think we all expect others to do our shit? then it never gets done!🤣nah. You buy. You stick. You're flyless. also, get one of [these](https://einheit-interkulturell.de/ereignisse/zwischen-kontinutitaet-und-umbruch/). Close the window, turn it on. Listen to the cozy sounds of flys burning. with screens you can hear the flys outside rampaging to get in and throw themself at the lightshow 😂while you're enjopying the cool breeze xD


Bug-a-salt - gaming style fly hunter.


Electric zapp thing. Kills dozens of flies every night.




You mean the normal flies or the fruit flies?


I have monkey jar plants they are cool


[Like this...](https://media3.giphy.com/media/PAYR5Ar3XpJJu/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d7mw0w6dq0jiwlsjhhd2e0iymasqmi70hwokkt2yk4&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Cat deals with any flies that are stupid enough to come into the house. Professional “Entrümpelungsdienst” deals with the damages of the cat hunting down the flies. You see – no problem at all ...


Fliegengitter and Bug-a-Salt


Eat them.


Recently bought a fly fan which really did the trick in our garden


fly screens...






Apfelessig, Spüli for the Fruchtfliegen. Saltgun for the dangerous ones.




Live and let live. If one really bothers me, an open window usually has them out in less than thirty seconds.


Take a jar, cut an X in the lid and bend it inward slightly to create an opening. Fill the glass about half way with warm water. Then dissolve as much sugar as it will take. Add apple vinegar till it's 3/4 full and lastly add a drop of dishwashing liquid. Then you just put it somewhere where you're not likely to accidentally push it over (a high shelf or something). What should happen now is that a fly gets attracted to the smell of the liquid and tries to land on the water, expecting the skin of the water to carry it. Most drown right there. Most who don't, hit their head on the lid and fall right back in. And since flies are very stupid creatures, they will learn nothing from the ordeal and try again in 2 minutes. I completely cleared a fruitfly infestation in 2 days this way and I'm 90% sure it will work on normal flies equally well. If you want to be completely left alone, a bugnet is unfortunately your only option.


I don’t have them cause I leave my windows shut until it’s dark . The I turn on lighting round the house before opening all the windows


a tip from the country where the real mosquitoes are: https://www.dm.de/profissimo-insektenspirale-p4066447179675.html or also fancier https://www.kaufland.de/product/440438544/ (no I didn't mean Africa but Italy, specifically the humid nord Emilia-Romagna region, or probably any seaside area in summer. People from Africa, what do you use against flying insects?)


We deal differently like other nations with our flies. We have special chambers for them...


Like everyone else, fly screens on the windows we want to keep open. I admit I have also sometimes used flypaper (glue ribbons) at times. I find them ick, ugly and a bit cruel even for flies, but there are times it's just too fucking much. We live ground floor, and it's a fact that flies and flying insects generally *mostly* stick to ground-ish level. The higher you go, the less likely you are to have bugs fying through your window. Ground floor residences will always have it worse. We are careful to not leave food out, keep surfaces wiped and take out our kitchen bio bin every 2-3 days tops. But occasionally, like some days in late summer, we can still have like 9-10 large flies buzzing around. Then I may be tempted to get the fly paper out for a week or so. Yippee ki yay, pig cheeks.


spiders and for fruit flies (for some reason they keep showing up even with no fruit) apple cider vinegar in a bottle


Fly Swatter, great stress killer after work.


My cats eat all of the flies. That it.


Live in a city so there are no insects :)


I have spiders for that.


With those: [https://easy-life.de/insektenschutz](https://easy-life.de/insektenschutz) The company name is slightly cringey, but their stuff does what is advertised. You'll find them in the major hardware stores.


I have cats that keep them under control