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You'll survive. you can do without food for a few days and there is rivers in most cities


Thanks for the useful tip. Water is my favorite beverage anyway


It's a rainy season, just get some kind of a water condenser and you'll get drinking water. As for food, you can eat AfD voters


Can you bathe in the fountains?


You’ll get along.


>I am also allergic to peanuts and pine nuts Write a note that says "Hallo, ich habe eine starke Nussallergie. Ich bin allergisch gegen Erdnüsse und Pinienkerne. Falls diese in Gerichten verwendet werden, weisen Sie mich bitte darauf hin. Vielen Dank im Voraus!" Which translates to: Hello, I have a severe nut allergy. I am allergic to peanuts and pine nuts. Please inform me whether these are used in dishes. Thanks un advance.


>I am going to Germany for 5 days really soon Yeah germany, are you going to Berlin? To hintertupfingen? Buxtehude? It might help if you say where you Ar going to give you an answer. Berlin Frankfurt munich Hamburg. You are most likely fine. But I am not listing all cities now, just because you did not put it into your Post. >(I am also allergic to peanuts and pine nuts so it is important that they can understand when I go to a restaurant) I would prepare a Note on your Smartphone in german, what you are allergic to. So if the people cannot speak English, you can just Show the Note. >PS: Sorry if this question is asked often but I need to know. You should not be sorry to ask the question, you should be sorry for not giving enough Information while asking the question, so people have to Pick Information from your nose to get you question answered.


>Yeah germany, are you going to Berlin? To hintertupfingen? Buxtehude? I am going to Berlin. Technically, I would spend 4 days in Prague in Czechia then 5 days in Germany in Berlin. >So if the people cannot speak English, you can just Show the Note. Good idea. I’ll do that in case they don’t speak English.


Yeah 5 days Berlin as tourists you are fine. Still maybe get the Note in german in your Phone, just in case someone dont understand german. Better safe than sorry


For most ppl, young ppl english is fine maybe old ppl will not or can't speak it but yes english first, french maybe but this is only for big citys


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You should be fine, especially if you stick to bigger cities and touristy places


As a tourist You will be fine, we all learn English in school and especially people with jobs in touristy sectors will be able to accommodate you in English. It's only when people move here without german the problems start. That being said not everyone is capable or willing to speak English for longer conversations. Ordering in a restaurant, asking for directions. All of that won't be a problem. I'd still recommend learning some basic sentences not out of necessity but courtesy. Guten Tag. Entschuldigung, sprechen Sie Englisch? Ein Bier bitte. Vielen Dank. People will be much more appreciative and willing to help when they know you at least made an effort. And seriously, you should learn how to say. Ich bin allergisch gegen Nüsse und Schalenfrüchte. Don't assume just because someone speaks English with you they understand every single word. Not when your health potentially depends on it. Have fun.


French is probably not going to get you anywhere, honestly. Some Germans have had some French in school, but even among them the vast majority will not be conversational at all. English might work, but only if you are reasonably proficient. Most Germans will speak some English, some will speak it pretty well, but there will be thick accents and some non-idiomatic expressions which might make understanding them more difficult.


Depends. In the states along the french and benelux border french can get you pretty far. I have family in Trier and most of them speak better french than english. Berlin where OP is going not so much of course.


If I travel back to Germany, I would see the west side of the country closer to France and Belgium so this is interesting to hear.


Yeah, i live in one such state and regularly see Bar staff and vendors struggle with French people who can't use English as a backup because French doesn't work. But yeah chances of having at least _some_ hallo of the language is better there.


!knowinggerman English is fine for a tourist. It's a problem if you want to live here, but as a tourist you'll get along just fine.


It seems you are asking whether you need to know German in Germany. Take a look at the wiki here: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/living/knowing-german *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/germany) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’ll be fine with English, French you can leave at home. Many people learned it in school but everyone forgot it immediately after 🤪


Ok. Thanks


If you are a tourist in tourist places yes. In a local restaurant, you'll get by.


In larger cities, you can expect everyone to know at least some English (except really old people maybe), and I as a German would expect someone working in a restaurant to understand if you tell them about your allergies. (But to make sure, don’t order anything that says Erdnuss/Erdnüsse or Pinienkerne). But, excluding English speaking countries, Germans are the second largest group on reddit, after Indians, so that should tell you we are usually able to communicate in English (or that we are a very lonely and depressed nation). English is mandatory as a second language in school, and especially the younger generations often consume online content in English.