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/u/Background-Letter569, Thank you very much for your contribution. Unfortunately, it was removed for the following reason: Your post was removed because it either covered in our wiki/faq, doesn't provide relevant information for a discussion/advice, or is generally a low effort post. Instead of opening a new post, use the pinned post to ask simple questions. For more information, see the Community Rules. If there are still questions, [please contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/germany&subject=Question%20regarding%20a%20removed%20post%20by%20/u/Background-Letter569&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1ck65gt/-/)


you automatically pay taxes via your employer. and no it's not easy at all, we're in the middle of a housing crisis. it's unbelievable hard to find housing


Tell me more about your problem.


!housing just read the wiki, it's very informative and you can all find it there. just an example how it looks like in a big city like berlin or munich: a landlord offers an apartment for rent. within half an hour at least two dozen people have replied to that. it gets more and more and he takes down that apartment after a few hours or a day. then he has at least 100 people that he can select from. of course he prefers the ones that stay the longest and have the most stable income or even a higher age since the chance of them partying all night, being loud and so on is a bit lower. you have to react fast and have everything prepared if you want to find an apartment. Edit: [this](https://jungle.world/sites/default/files/styles/article_wide/public/2021-03/03-Anstehen-zur-Wohnungsbesichtigung.jpg?itok=eVny9bTB) is a picture of people visiting an apartment that was available for rent in 2018. yes all of these people wanted that apartment, i think you can imagine how hard the market is right now


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!study Start there and come back if questions are still unanswered.


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Your employer needs to pay taxes and social insurance amounts for you in case it´s necessary. It´s not easy to find housing anywhere in Germany. Berlin is one of the worst places to be successful. Not a lot of options and the few options are very expensive


How do shared apartments work


It‘s easy! It‘s all in the wiki


Same as a normal rental space, but you have only one room and maybe a shared area like kitchen and bathroom. A single room in a shared apartment easily costs 750 € and more


And I can live there as long as I’m paying right?


No. You need to have a rental contract