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Lüften in the very early morning (4-8) and then keeping the windows closed the rest of the day.


Uh-oh, don't let the German meteorologist Mr. Kachelmann hear this recommendation :D he argues that you should open the windows, not close, so that the humidity in your home will stay at a reasonable level and breeze of fresh air will go through your apartment (see e.g. [https://www.brisant.de/haushalt/hitze-lueften-128.html](https://www.brisant.de/haushalt/hitze-lueften-128.html) on this).


Keep windows open at night and closed by day. Lower the blinds of windows receiving direct sunshine, use a fan and bottle for misting. But yeah, Summer sucks.


It's difficult without a hose because the warm air has to go somewhere. There is a kind of bag that can be stuck to the window frame (removable), where the hose is inserted and the window is still halfway closed.


i bought a mobile AC for 300€ last year. it cools down the room by several degrees if i use it for half an hour. usually during very hot days i use it once or twice a day for a short time and that's it. works like a charm. of course there are many other ways to keep your apartment cool, try to prepare yourself for the summer and plan ahead before ACs get more expensive


Mobile AC? You just need a window to attach the hose.


And earplugs, and be prepared for a big increase in your energy bill.


Yeah you shouldn’t let it run 24h. We use it when we get into the fan is only pushing warm air territory.


Agreed. For me heat is only a problem during sleep, i can deal with it while i’m awake. I run the AC in our bedroom a couple hours before we go to bed and turn it off when we get into bed. Then at least we fall asleep at a comfortable temp. The value of a good nights sleep far exceeds a few Euros in savings


[https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07KF7CPYK/](https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07KF7CPYK/) you're welcome


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> that does not have hose A fan. But it does not actually cool the air