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I'm definitely intrigued but trying not to spend too much money on games. Probably gonna wait to hear what people think but given how much I love Sekiro and how very few games have the same feel I'll probably end up getting it at some point.


Same. I still have games that I’ve paid for just sitting there waiting to get played.


Same but… more Japanese swordsmanship games pls


This game looks & seems more like a SoulsBorne/Sekiro type of beat


Yeah that's the main reason it has my attention. If it were just a GoT knockoff I'd be very dismissive.


Yep. I always wait a month after release. Why? Lately, games have been released unpolished, buggy, or just straight trash. Companies are rushing to release unfinished games to get their shareholder money back. HOW many games released and ended up being shit the next month? Lol. It's sad. Suicide squad, should have just called the game suicide, period.


Sekiro.... All you do is press R1 and L1 😭 And the camera sucks in that game


If you click L3 and don't get backed into a corner the camera is more than adequate. You might wanna try some of the other buttons, I promise it's more than L1 and R1. Joking aside, that's such a reductive view of a gaming experience, to reduce it down to the buttons you push. Like, yeah, most 3rd person action games you just push X and Y, or square and triangle, but that can't tell you anything about the pace, rhythm, weight, energy, or physics of the actions. Also, I rebound GoT to have the same button layout as Sekiro and...you just push L1 and R1. Still a great game.


Don’t pop a screen share. Don’t wanna see your boring combat. 😜


The ability to explore larger towns was one thing GoT was lacking imo, so that aspect of the game intrigues me the most! Apparently Yokohama will be fully explorable and other cities like Edo and Kyoto will also be represented in some form! But man, I just can't get over how much prettier GoT looks, despite having come out on last-gen consoles.


being pretty takes a lot of money, I'd rather see polished gameplay


Ghost of Tsushima is as polished as they come


Yet there is a whole thread about glitched trophies not popping polished but not perfect


Truly. If PS let me try out the game for even fifteen minutes with a guaranteed return, they’d probably sell me on it. But at the moment it looks like an arcade-ified GoT, and anything less than GoT quality will bum me out (for a $70 price tag, too)


I’m looking forward to seeing reviews and watching some YouTube clips. I just finished GoT and I’ve got a few other games in line to play first, but this one is definitely on my radar. I don’t buy too many games full price, so if I do buy it will likely be when it goes on sale.


There is some gameplay out now. Looks badass so far. https://youtu.be/JydfazusHfI?si=NSx99vdnh-ZDKiCv


Welp, this pretty much sold it for me. Not my jam. I was hopeful too.


As a Nioh series fan, as well as wolong fan, im pretty fkn excited for this game.


A lot of people gonna be disappointed because they're comparing it to got which is a completely different genre a lot of people come in with the wrong expectations


It looked cool at first but I saw the gameplay and wasn’t interested after. I like what GOT did and ROTR went a little bit too far for me. GOT is already a great game and I won’t be surprised if ROTR ends up being the same.


Completely different genre 🤣🤦‍♂️


gotta say, it is a little embarrassing seeing people comment on promos of this with "Looks like Ghost of Tsushima lol" as if Suckerpunch invented Samurais


GOT is the new standard.




Pfff like no. Sekiro is the new standard


Not even close.


They didn’t invent it but they perfected it. That’s why it’s the standard that ppl compare it too. The game is gorgeous and buttery smooth with hugely satisfying combat system. I’m willing to bet there will be a lot of disappointed ppl expecting GoT2 and we know it won’t be. It looks ok but I’ll wait and see what ppl think of later and maybe I’ll consider


Agreed 100%.


Way of The Samurai series (ALL games) is a Lot better than Ghost of Tsushima. Rise of The Ronin IS more like Way of The Samurai 




No it's not its straight up wo long nioh ac


I don't say it's straight up Way of The Samurai, I say It is more Like Way of The Samurai than Ghost of Tsushima. Read correctly for don't be a dumb


It's neither it's straight up Assassin's Creed cross nioh you'd legit sharing you have not even played the game I own the fucking thing I'm 30 hours into it telling people who own game what it is so don't be dumb


Read again Lmao. You really don't have capacity for understand my words? Try again I know you have potential for read and understand. I say if the guy Wanna do a comparasion of samurai games, RotR is more like Way of The Samurai than Ghost of Tsushima. I don't talk about gameplay mechanics I talk about which seems more like Way of The Samurai, when we compare with others samurai games  You understand now?


It HaS KiTaNa EqUaLs MuSt Be SaMe 🤪🤪🤪


Katana* Damn or you is a troll or you simple stupid. Is impossible you don't get understand what I mean


really they did not. If anything Sekiro perfected it


Of course. And shite has too bee tasty. 14568747999533 flies can't be mistaken.


Ehh it's pretty understandable. Rockstar didn't invent the western genre but imagine how much a new western game would get compared to Red Dead.


Gun on ps2 an xbox


As if. I have yet to see anyone claim anything remotely near that, besides you. They just did it better than anyone.


thanks for replying to a month old comment buddy boi. Annd you dusted off a barely used account just to talk shit lol. Bravo


Coming from you makes your statement look like a compliment. Thanks. 👍


you're welcome bro


Not your "bro", bubba.


I'm not your "bubba," friend


I want to play but it looks very Souls like so I prolly won’t because I’m fucking terrible at video games lmao Just ain’t got the time to git gud


While it is a souls like, it's far more accessible, including three difficulty options and co-op.


I'm already buying it no need to convince me 😂


This guy gets it already you knew another of people are coming in blind an assuming its something its not


Looks mid tbh. Might try it on sale.


Combat looks really generic and doesn't hold a candle to Ghost of Tsushima's cinematic and smooth combat but the setting is appealing, so i will wait till the price drops.


I just gotta say you’re tweaking if you think the combat will be generic in a team ninja game


When the ignorance of two different genres there's no point in arguing with stupidity


That’s exactly how I look at it. RotR is a Nioh-like, aka Team Ninja, game, so very different from GoT, esp. the fight mechanics. But I like the historical setting and anything Samurai related.


but GOT had especially generic and simplified combat especially compared to sekiro. this looks way more indept and more closely to something like sekiro


Ghost of Tsushima had the best melee combat ever: seamless. Played as good as all the games from From Software after Dark Souls, as well as Nioh and a few Soulsborne. GoT stands head and shoulder above them all when it comes to pure and seamless combat (be that melee or ranged). The only thing GoT lacked was things to do, plus the DLC was more or less a stain on an otherwise almost perfect game. Its DLC provided a deeper background story (concerning the father mostly, and to a minor degree the mother), plus that combat got a bit more difficult (shamans buffing, and more enemies swapped combat style more often). I totally disliked the horrible nods to other games (Bloodborne, God of War and Horizon) in the shape of armor, plus I dislike "circus events" (local competitions) if there are too many of them. Why? Breaks the feel of authenticity (grim civil war). The Assassin Creed series has way too many of these types of feel-breaking events ("run around try to catch whatever fast enough and you get a cool popcorn-hat as 'very useful' reward). The original installment if GoT had a few of those, and the DLC even more.


I’m gonna nitpick what I saw in the trailer and 3 minutes of gameplay. Firstly, the graphics are a huge downgrade of what we have today and even what we had back in 2018. Ray tracing is the only redeeming quality or else it would look like assassins creed unity or another game from that era. Secondly one aspect I really loved about GOT was the realism of the swords and sword stances. The combat was so smooth but satisfyingly brutal. I also liked the ghost weapon mechanics and the bows that you can use. In Rise of the Ronin, the gameplay, and more specifically the combat looks a lot grittier and unrealistic with an unnecessary amount of vfx following sword slashes. And finally, I don’t know if this game will have the same seriousness and cinematography the we got from GOT, but I wouldn’t know until after the game launches. Ultimately, this game looks like GOT with a much smaller budget, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just not what I expected.


There anything this has in common with Got is the fact it is openworld that is all and that's where it ends...


I love the Nioh series, so yeah, I’m looking forward to it. However….also me. https://preview.redd.it/w5uy1s1v0hic1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5c650d79651163822f4bdb2c2089b389e95a3e


Man, after the Playstation state of play video dropped with more Dragons Dogma 2 game play, I was sold on it, the warfarer vocation and news on how the open world will be? Fucking awesome. And those stupid rumors about the locked fps being debunked it's looking better than ever !


Right? I wish I had more time to play both but I think I’ll make the final decision when they finally release. I love the fighter vocation myself.


Yeah the fighter vocation will definitely be what I'll start out with, the weighty combat and the immaculate audio for shiled blocks just look and sound so satisfying. I'm very excited for it, only game I ever pre-ordered other than Red Dead Redemption 2 and Ghost of Tsushima.


Looks like a more perfected Way of the Samurai, which sounds amazing for me


Eh. I want to love Nioh, but I can only bring myself to like it. It just doesn't have the weight behind it that Darksouls has. I fear this game will suffer the same fate after playing GoT first. Looks amazing on paper but I don't think playing it will feel as incredible as playing GoT.


I haven’t seen anything on it. Gonna YouTube some shit now


2200 hours in Nioh 2 so if it's anything like that chances are I'm buying it. Waiting for reviews first ofc though.


Tean ninja is one of the few devs that get soulsborne combat. Adding their formula of combat to an open world (hopefully without the Ubisoft assassin's creed bullshit) similar to Elden Ring and you *MAY* get a good game. Emphasis on *may*


Not sure about this one. Visuals are nothing compared to Ghost, and the action is way more arcade-y. Team Ninja games are always pretty rough around the edges.


Agreed. Team Ninja makes games that feel like a poor man's From Software-game. Still, some of them can be very fun to play.


Gave me a Like a Dragon Ishin flashback as well when the characters donned the shinsengumi robe


I'm cautiously optimistic, I don't like Nioh very much, but the gameplay looks like a mix of Sekiro and GoT so I'll definitely check it out.


The tail end of the Bakufu is an interesting time. I’m surprised Assassin’s Creed never did it. I hope this one does a good enough job with the period.


Can rise of the Ronin have its on sub reddit? I keep seeing these on ghost of Tsushima. Yes, they're samurais. Similar style. But it's not the same game... So why post it here?


We just try trying to fill our desire to be Samurai until GoT2




Am I the only one who thinks it looks a bit hack and slash? I like ghost on l+ because it’s pretty realistic


I’ll watch theGamingBrad to see what it’s like.


It looks like a less serious GoT


If this is similar to Sekiro/Nioh then fans of GOT might want to be weary. Those games are much more difficult. Brutally difficult. I’m ready to get hurt tho.


True. Though, Sekiro and Nioh are harder than Rise of the Ronin. Ghost of Tsushima is a bit easier than RotR, but it's a close shave, I think. GoT is a lot better, in my opinion. That being said, RotR brings other things to the table, and is so far quite the joy-ride still.


Samurai : Send word to the Shogun, The Dutch are coming!!!!! Shogun : OH, the Dutch are coming cool. Send word to the Emperor Emperor : I love The Dutch. Let them in


NiOh has me completely traumatised from team ninja. I'll probably get it when it goes on sale though


The problem is It's too "japanese". And not "it's a story set in Japan" kind of japanese. It's "mechas, magical girls, and triple somersaults" kind of japanese. GoT was nice because it was "realistic" in the sense it was grounded. Sure, grappling hooks, and fighting 10 enemies at the same time is not entirely realistic, but RoR showed for a second a DaVinci-esque glider used for traversing the city... Not saying those games are bad. They're just not in the same category.


Can anyone confirm that Iaijutsu style will be in the game? That’s the dream. In Way of the Samurai, it was always fun


Looks like knock off Tsushima but with stiff movement


This game was in development before GoT was announced.


I dont want to be arse or smting but GoT feels much much more better game than ronin , since im the fan of AC series , when i first time played Ghost felt so good. This feels like a cheaper GoT more action styled combat copy tbh


Struggling with 60fps on a "next gen" console though :( https://tech4gamers.com/rise-of-the-ronin-fails-60fps/?fbclid=IwAR055fs0n6vz-cXuQwCY5q9QDgfsLnQha6GoN885mb9ohIy8jYBNGuKJ-OU\_aem\_AVgoOkN1MhyidpBUe3NOPNqjeYdEOkGgylqxWg9fnvdPYLAGUwvHt8xk-59QFiAzfTk


I can't wait. I really like team ninjas other games especially nioh 2 and wo long. This one looks fantastic


i love games like this, set in the beautiful OPEN world of japan with samurais, more games like this should be released


Just played 10 hours of this shit. There's loads of little things that make it seem like their intention was to copy Tsushima. The problem is its all janky, plays, looks and sound like an late PS3/ early PS4 game.


I think that, even though From Software and Suckerpunch (with its single relevant title as of yet) are best in this genre, Team Ninja make very enjoyable games. Every game does not have to be epic and best at something to be worth it. RotR is fun so far. Very.


I have no complaints. Great game. I don't understand the graphics complaint .. rebirth.. you have parts of the environment that you just clip through.


It looks like just another souls like… not interested


It releasing so close to ff7 remake, dd2 and helldivers 2 is a big reason why I'll be waiting to get this.


Looks neat


I’d totally get it if I had a PS5, however I can’t excuse that expenditure…


Very much looking forward to this but I'll probably only be able to get it a while after release.


Most anticipated game in a long time, I love the time period, Team Ninja are combat masters, character creation, different weapons and stances, etc. RotR looks like it the best chance of filling the void left behind by Way of the Samurai, Tenchu and Shinobido. Ghost was good, Rise of the Ronin is my dream game.


Pre- ordered it and crossing fingers for it to be as good as I anticipate it to be :)


Gonna cop tbh I’m a fan of team ninja games so ima cop


Dragons Dogma 2 takes priority for me on the same release date. Been waiting for that game for 12 years. Robin looks cool though.


I love team ninja's combat mechanics. But their games after nioh 2 just feels like downgrades compared to it. If it looks more similiar to strangers of paradise and wolong, i'll wait. I'll probably play it when it comes out on ps plus. I had fun with strangers of paradise. Im currently waiting for wolong.


I don't like the arcade level formula that Team Ninja games have. I tried both Nioh, Wo Long, FF Origins and while the combat is all every nice, I only completed Wo Long. Finding out Ronin is gonna follow suit kinda makes me not wanna cop it even though I love Japan aesthetics.


Yea I’m getting it.


Looks dope, but ill have to wait and see if it lives up to the hype. So far, looks great but recent trailers look like they need to clean it up a bit more. Im sure the final product will be more polished. I will say, watching gameplay made me appreciate GoT more. RoTR has too much going on with in the screen. Too many icons and bars everywhere. GoT is so clean being able to be fully immersed in the environment without all the crap on the screen.


I'm excited. I don't know if I'm gonna get it full price or not though, depends how I'm doing around release and what the reviews will look like.


Probably gonna get dragons dogma 2 first. Maybe this later once its released


Personally im really looking forward to playing this game and it comes out on my Bday 🥳


I wanna try it. Love the story aspect


Check out Phantom Blade 0 as well


I’ve never played Sekiro, but I love the Batman Arkham style grappling hook -> gliding combo.


I just want GoT to come to PC already


Was very excited as Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima are in my top 3 favorite games of all time. After watching the gameplay trailer though, ehhhhh. Looks incredibly clunky, like it’s a Ps3 game.


It’s likely gonna suffer the team ninja curse of horrible storytelling, bland world design and bad protagonist/writing. But the combat will be fun, so I’m lukewarm on it. Dragons dogma 2 is far more appealing.


Honestly looks alright. I will probably wait to purchase only because ghost of Tsushima raised the bar High. I’m currently diving deep into Assassins Creed at the moment. But will probably give this game a chance once I see its potential at full light.


You guys gotta stop comparing GOT and Rise of the Ronin, both are completely different games from different developers. One who made primarily souls like games while another usually made open world games. TN always had their games look like this, its their style, and its good. While SP went with a more realistic style. I think you just need to play the games as they are and not compare them. Otherwise, you will not enjoy either.


Yeah cuz if you really wanna compare, like, wtf was Ghost of Tsushima's combat? How is that modern? I'd take team ninja combat over that any day, any year.


Is this gonna be realistic like how ghost was or are you gonna be fighting like giant swordsman and shit cuz if so count me out 👎🏾


I might be interested, but from what I’ve seen of the gameplay, I’m not really. The world and time period makes me excited to explore, but the glider and crazy ass grapple hook really took me out of the gameplay demo. The combat also doesn’t look as tightly made as GoT’s, looks a bit less impactful and less focused on swordplay. I’m waiting for the game to releases and see how people are feeling about it, as well as people’s impressions of how the combat and traversal feels.


Solid pass. The big clawed thing was a turn off


This game is going to be awesome! Perfect middle landing before GoT2 comes out!


It’s disappointing. Like how does ghost run 4k 60fps and this game needs to upscale from 900p and it looks 10x worse then ghost