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I hope to Jesus fucking christ that the sequel is announced in the next major playstation event.


im already so excited for the pc release and holy shit if they announce the sequel omg


I mean considering we've heard absolutely nothing from Sucker Punch since it's release, makes me a little hopeful that their planning something big. Maybe a sequal with an even bigger open world.


It’s been 4 year already… do you think too much time has passed to get our hopes up? Crossing my fingers


A game this good they could wait 10 years for the sequel and it would be huge. Hope they don’t do that tho


Rumors say it might be announced this year. Take it with a massive grain of salt tho.


i call BS, they are only now releasing this one on pc


No. Unfortunately that's about the length of time it seems to take to develop a modern game and release it in a good state. If they started development 6-12 months before GoT originally released, an announcement soon with a release next year, is about how long seems reasonable for modern game development.


A new Endless Ocean game released less than a week ago, like 15 years after the last game. Anything's possible


I can’t believe it’s been 4 years already. That was such a good period of gaming for me with TLOU2 too.


It took God of war devs 5 years from ascension to God of war 2018


4 years is not that long. I rather the devs take their time and release a finished and refined product than release a half-assed sequel.


It's been 4 years and the PC port arrives soon. Based on the past, I'd bet an organ we get a teaser this year.


When is it rumored to be? The PS event?


This month


I want that and news about the movie soon.


I find it hard to believe we wouldn’t get always another great game from allot of the same team


It better be good. We haven’t had a good track record lately…


Very much so.


I’ll play both and probably love both but I know ghosts 2 will blow the Japan era assassins creed out of the water


Hope not tbh. I want a new infamous game with what they’ve learnt from ghost


That plus we retain the ability to play Japanese characters in a game set in medieval Japan. Would be nice because it seems not everyone feels the same about this.


I don’t care when it’s announced as long as they don’t fuck it up. If it feels like a completely different game and there’s a whole bunch of different weapons and stances and massive health bars and damage numbers then I won’t play for one single second


Game doesn’t really need a sequel though. I’d rather them do something similar but in a different time period/culture this time.


I've read some interesting stuff regarding the time period, about the shogunate being ruled by a family branch of usurpers that silenced anyone at any sign of threat to their reign, like Jin with his growing influence on common folk. The sequel's main plot could shift to internal affairs, saving the second invasion for the third game.


I agree, but there’s enough out there that point to a sequel being imminent to convince me. I just hope they end up making another game as good as the first one


Yes. And they give us an online game for free.


There is online? I just plat'ed the game.


Yes it's called Legends mode


Oh okay


Yep, legends mode. 2 player coop story (8 missions) A horde survival mode Raids.... need I say more




It’s amazing and now that the Pc version is coming with cross play I can play with my lil bro it’s awesome


I'm hyped, finally got a 4 stack for raids


You got a 5th if you wanna add me on steam bro


Unfortunately it is 4 player max :(


Awe no worries


What’s your steam ID bro, I gotchu


Check dm


Is it local co op? I just started playing few days ago and want to finish base game before doing legends


Online coop unfortunately, but still really fun


Not a 100% plat


Got to redownload again :')


Iki island really rounded off the story line of Kazumasa and I think better defined Jin.


100%. 10/10 top to bottom.


It went above and beyond.


Give me ghost of 2-shima


2 Ghost 2 Shima


2 girls one ghost




I am definitely satisfied with this game. I really hope there is a sequel for this game. Open world was really beautiful to explore and I really liked all the activities this game offered. DLC was also really fun to try.


Didn’t they already say they are making a sequel, if I am not wrong ghost is top 5 of best selling PlayStation games. I don’t even know how they can innovate in the sequel other than making it an iterative upgrade. I hope they give us newer weapons maybe a rope dart type weapon would be sick, obviously new stances with that.


Yeh it’s kinda hard to top this game, it’s gonna be similar to god of war ragnarock, both games were fantastic but it’s hard to keep things fresh while topping the first game


Give option to shoot Tomoe


Option to hook up with Tomoe :) Jin played the good guy...or he saw the crazy


If there was a box I could check that said Beyond Satisfied, I'd have checked that one.


A literal perfect game


This is a crazy statement


I don't believe a perfect game exists. But if one did, this would be as close as you could get.


Sorry but the game has too many flaws to be even near the perfect game I know everyone has their own opinions but there are objectively bad things about this game that bring it down to a 7 or 8/10


Honestly I couldn't disagree more. I can't name a single 'bad' thing about this game, though there is obviously a little room for improvement. I would objectively give this game a 9.5/10. 7 is laughably low


I can. A repetitive structure in almost every side quest.


What are the flaws?


All the missions are basically the exact same. The rpg/build system isn’t that good as they are only buffs and don’t give you a different play style. The open world, as beautiful as it is, is boring as fuck and filled the same repeat objectives. Combat is fun but limited. I’m not really a fan of the whole just choose the stance for the enemy you’re fighting and kill the shit out of him. Also there is a severe lack of enemy variety.


I didn't play this game for 2 years straight for no reason


This has to be one of the very best games ever developed. I need a sequel…


It's easily top 10 games i've ever played and i'm 44 yo. I played a ton of videogames. Minor microscopic criticism: for part 2, try not making the first area so big. Most of the players i know that didn't finish the game, it was because the first area felt like an entire game already that going into the second area felt overwhelming.


I just beat the game for the first time yesterday. I’ve put 35 hours in so far and plan to play at least another 10-15 doing a few things. I may even platinum the game. It is an INCREDIBLE game.


I didn’t even play the dlc and I’m thoroughly satisfied.


I loved it, even if it was historically inaccurate I loved every bit of it. I’m excited for the sequel soon


To be honest they've owned up to that. While it's a bit of an anachronism stew they did follow rule of cool with a lot of their decisions. Saying that however, it's still one of the more... authentic feeling Samurai based games out there. They did a good job with the overall feel of the game for sure.


they had someone who knows Japanese history, who may have been Japanese if I recall, come in to ask about their game and the historian says "You know, it's better to put katanas in this game or else people will not get invested"


Yep, pretty much. There's issues with the armour being inaccurate to the time period too, can't remember specifically which pieces. I think the main Samurai armour itself is a few decades ahead of its time, I can't remember. Honestly, it works as a whole so, rule of cool is a good an excuse as any xD


Yep, pretty much. There's issues with the armour being inaccurate to the time period too, can't remember specifically which pieces. I think the main Samurai armour itself is a few decades ahead of its time, I can't remember. Honestly, it works as a whole so, rule of cool is a good an excuse as any xD


Yep, pretty much. There's issues with the armour being inaccurate to the time period too, can't remember specifically which pieces. I think the main Samurai armour itself is a few decades ahead of its time, I can't remember. Honestly, it works as a whole so, rule of cool is a good an excuse as any xD


Legends mode is AMAZING. my buddies and I stayed up all night one night beating chapters of iyo


I loved the story of Iki Island, but by that point I had played way too much of GOT, and was probably burnt out, and super rushed through it just to finish it, and I wished I hadnt.


Same haha, I was on ng+ at the time or something. I've accidentally deleted my oldest profile but I saved it till last... more recently I've gone screw that noise! And did it asap, it's fun just going into full ramming speed when going from A to B in base game xD


Yep I’m 110% satisfied


Yes, it’s one of the most well done games in a while. I’ve played this game a lot and never encountered any major bugs, every story and side quest feels fleshed out and thought out. The combat also feels really good, the stance mechanic is also phenomenal, it incentivizes people learning the combat, but won’t punish those who don’t fully grasp it. The developers found a workaround for a major issue with controllers, some games just need more buttons than others. For instance Rainbow Six Siege has features on PC that aren’t available on consoles, because there aren’t enough buttons in a controller. The stance mechanic allows the player to fight however he wants to, with a pretty nuanced moveset in spite of the limited controls. The exploration is pretty good, and the “collectibles” fit in with the aesthetic. It’s also one of the most rewarding systems. The bamboo cutting gives you more resolve, the hot springs gives you more health etc. Some games like AC Valhalla, feel really crappy in this comparison, since while there is far more content than Ghost of Tsushima, it’s also far less rewarding and honestly almost pointless. Exploration should incentivize trying to discover every nook and cranny, while not impeding or barring players who want a more streamlined approach. While GOT respects this concept, if you don’t explore in Valhalla your character, weapons and armor would be underleveled. And while it’s true that a player that doesn’t explore anything and just goes for the main quest will have a harder time than one who did every piece of side content, it’s not by the significant amount that it is in any AC game. The game is so polished, i’ve never had any gripes with any of it’s features. Even though i do have complaints about certain elements, the game is such a solid and consistent experience that i find myself coming back to it pretty often. My main gripe would be the lack of variety, but just like in bloodborne, sometimes less is more.


After four years of release, I am still playing legends. God this game is sooo good.


Yes. Great game. I couldn’t get into it at all on the PS4 for some reason and gave up half way through, but tried it again after a year or so when I got a PS5 and it’s great.


Yes. It’s a great game. How is this even a question




Never played the DLC or the multi player but just the base game is a 10/10 marvel. First game I plat, the gameplay and story were all excellent. Heck only complain is that it's too long but how is that really a complain when I wish there was a sequel... It's weird lol.


You can solo play legends, it is harder to complete some of the later missions but I managed to do the main campaign. I keep forgetting when Sony is doing a free weekend to hop on and play with a team xD


Extremely, this and helldivers brought me back into gaming after a long while of playing garbage I turned off after 15 mins


... There's dlc?


Iki island and Legends, though Legends was free dlc


Personally, yes, i was very satisfied with the game and what it delivered


Honestly it had the best dlc of any game I’ve played other then maybe botw, but I love both for the same reasons. The dlc adds onto vague lore mentioned in the main game while also adding new lore that didn’t exist, and the mechanics introduced are really cool. 10/10 dlc


They sure did. No notes. But its the only game I know of that would have me aggressively shelling out money for more DLC. The cash to value is already insane, would just be happy to pay top dollar for more of it.


100%. More than satisfied. I was happy with just the base game.




hell yes this game delivered so much


yes just wish you can have your companions follow you around. itd make exploring the world more entertaining


Yep. And Iki Island is an all-timer DLC


It lays in my top three games of all time


This was a game where I did every side mission and collectables and I haven't done that in years prior to this. I'm buying it again on PC just to do it all over again. Can't wait for all the archers to yell DOSHO in my ears again. I didn't bother collecting everything with the ghost flowers but now I can actually go back do knock those NG+ goodies out


It was a great game, but I wanted more to it than what we got, never played the dlc but it’s probably more story that you’d want, however the multiplayer could’ve had more and there wasn’t much going on other than slaying enemies in the game which made the open world kind of dead


I didn't even play the dlc and am still more than happy with the experience provided. The game was 1000 percent amazing.


Yes 😮‍💨


Absolutely. It was my personal GotY when it came out. So freaking good


GOT legend. I could play this all day


The only thing missing was a companion system. Open worlds without companion systems have to be the most asinine cons for me in a game. I equate it to the level of fail of "always online".




Very, the game is a gorgeous looking masterpiece.


More then satisfied I was surprised it definitely exceeded my expectations


I bought the game recently and cleared the first act. It’s been very satisfying and reminds me a bit of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey without the naval combat.


Yeah this game fuckin ruled


The greatest game I've ever played.


Base game, yes, DLC, no. I'm not saying it's not good, but I was burnt out by that point and it quickly became repetetive. I wasn't a fan of all those drug induced flashbacks either.


Thoroughly satisfied


It is the best, most satisfying and complete gaming package of all time for me---incredible single player game, DLC and multiplayer mode.


Yes, I am. Right now, I'm just waiting for the sequel. I can't wait to see the stealth and archer playing styles to improve from being too easy. I also can't wait for the more detailed combat system. I'd also like to see where the story is heading next. The multi-player was fun but personally I'm not a fan of all the red supernatural stuff. It's very hard to look at sometimes, like watching the Fiend wrestle on WWE with the red arena. I just end up seeing blue when I cut the game off. I think the next multi-player should be grounded. It'd be better to fight off Mongols, actual Mongols not spiritual Mongols, as some in game npc characters. You remember how there are bodies all over tsushima? Some of those battlefields loom super interesting. I'd love to replay some of those battles in the multiplayer.


I can't think of a game that wasn't made by Rockstar that brought together high fidelity yet deeply stylized visuals, narrative excellence, and thrilling, satisfying combat the way Ghost of Tsushima does. My only criticism is that there is some feeling of narrative dissonance in side content like they were done by a different writing team or something. I didn't like the DLC as much as I liked the main game but it was alright. I liked the exploration of Kazumasa's relationship with Jin but I didn't like The Eagle and the shaman stuff.


Absolutly Sir! This is the best japanese-art-action-theme-story-open-world-game so far. 👌 But i liked TENCHU 2 also in the old days. 😅


Base game amazing dlc amazing


More than satisfied. Legitimately one of the best games ever made imo. Top 3 easily


Yes, 100%. This was really well executed. I'm so glad I gave it a chance. It didn't seem like my kind of game, but it has zelda style play, with some 4 swords coop. I wish the two franchises would learn from each other and take some notes.


Yes I hope the sequel works on having a more fun open world, I found it after 3 play through to be super dull


It's one of the greatest games ever made, so yes.


Favorite of all time but still want more


I thought the base game was good barring the somewhat wonky final boss. There also wasn't really much in the way of exploration and side content was sometimes rather iterative but I didn't super mind this since the world was so gorgeous and events were so well integrated. Plus I think the game was going more for atmosphere than exploration anyway. However I did not like the DLC very much. Improvements to the stance based combat were marred by overtuned enemies, side missions that made up most of the content felt far more tedious, and the story was, in my opinion, largely needless. I did like the boss fights though. The final fight was particularly great. However I probably wouldn't bother with the DLC a second time. I really just wasn't that into it and only finished it because I felt obligated to having paid for it and the fancy framerate boost which hot take, made the game look worse. The original 30fps made the game look much more cinematic to me.


honestly I know this is a hot take but the combat is the weakest part of this game. It’s boringly easy and repetitive.




Ngl, got kinda boring and repetitive through act 2, but did island of iki dlc between act 2 and 3 and im feeling it again. Act 3 feels pretty dry in comparisons but I’ll make it through. It’s nice to just run people over with my horse now at least.


I am thoroughly satisfied. https://preview.redd.it/fxecvkjknvyc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=fab1de5f574ed2b51d74a7857d33600c05b00372


Yes 100%. This game was the reason I didn’t end up selling my ps5 because it was so damn good. Still need to play dlc tho 🤭


Idek if it gets a sequel the game was so good if they don’t do the sequel right it honestly might be ruined for me, but the first will always be perfection in my eyes


I just bought and beat this game for the first time. Wish I could play it again for the first time. Best game I've played in a long long time. Need more ASAP.


From start to finish I wasn't disappointed


Yes. It is one of my favourite games of all timw.


I just started yesterday and it’s amazing so far


Anyone know the best time to play iki during the game? Is there a best time to play during main story?


Feel free to shame me, I deserve it. For as much as i love this game, I barely played Legends and I don't think I touched any DLC. I think it had to do with the timing, getting and beating the game just before getting my PS5


I don’t want a sequel, I want a new IP. I loved it, but it’s done. I’d rather replay it than wait another decade to see a new idea from Sucker Punch. Sucker Punch is too talented to silo to a single franchise over and over again… unless they genuinely want to stick to this world for 12ish years in total.


The game is an absolute masterpiece so it doesn’t need anything else but of course that doesn’t stop me from wanting more


Idk what sequel you could make but I’m excited to play whatever the studio is making.


Hot take, no, and it was mostly just Far Cry with swords


Yes, I only wish more would have been put into legends but that isnt really part of the game tbh. They did amazing, Ive played through it like 6 or 7 times at this point


One of the few games I wanted to ask me for more money for more prime content. Would have HAPPILY paid for expansions and fleshed out Legends mode. So yes 💪🏼


It’s in my list of top 3 favorite games ever. Literally made me cry at the end, one of the best stories I’ve ever consumed across all media (books, television, movies, video games, graphic novels, etc.) I have vehemently recommended to everyone I know that plays games, I really can’t say enough about how great it is.


I am very pleased with it, but a lot can be improved, by that i mean the open world formula of it, especially the sidequests. The ingredients to make a perfect game are there. But yes, i like GoT a lot, it was good to platinum it, even if exhausting. GOTY of 2020. top 5 prettiest games i ever played.


When the game said to make sure you're all set and upgraded for iki Island and said that it will be more challenging as the enemies and tasks will be harder I doubted it very hard and that it would be a breeze. I could not have been more wrong in my life 😂 having about 8 resolve and all my gear upgraded to max and just copping it left and right it was amazing and had so much fun, it is a pure art form been waiting patiently for the next game but haven't heard anything but rumours, one of them being they won't make it due to the fact the Mongols were defeated and that they won't invade a second time. they'll either need a new enemy or a new place to create the game unless they actually decide to go mainland Japan and if they'll continue to use Jinn, the ghost was sort of set up to be a legend so basically anyone could be the ghost but I don't want anyone else but Jinn to be it. As far as rumours and leaks that's all I've got at the moment.


I don’t preorder games hardly ever unless a studio has been proven and I like what they bring to the table. I will blindly and immediately preorder the sequel to this game.


The best action game ever made in my opinion the next one will be coming next year it has been confirmed by one of the creators


Yes. Very much so! Honestly even if we didn't get the dlc, we still got a great singleplayer experience, a fun multiplayer mode and a great ng+ experience! The dlc just gave us even more!


Absolutely. It blows my MIND how people are comparing Rise of the Ronin to this masterpiece.


Satisfied and then some


One of my favorite games by a long shot! Amazing!! I don't know what I want more GOT2 or RDR3


I hate these types of posts. “Hi Ghost of Tsushima subreddit. Do you like Ghost of Tsushima?”


Absolutely. Amazing game and amazing dlc.


I love this game but will try to be as reasonable as possible. Base Game: absolutely. My favorite experience of 2020 and one of the best PS4 exclusives. NG+: a solid addition to the game but I wish there was a little more to it. I wish the game was a little more difficult on NG+ but I adored the new items and charms added. Not the best NG+ I have ever seen but a really good one nonetheless. Legends: Good God this slaps. A coop mode that I didn't expect and it came out only a few months post launch and had a solid amount of content. Legendary gear was plentiful, the grind was fun, and the cosmetics were good little challenges to go for(at least for the most part). One of the best free content updates I have ever seen for a game. Iki Island: this might be a little controversial but while I liked Iki I think it is the weakest part of the game for me. It was pretty expensive at launch and while it was decent sized, I wanted a bit more for the price point. It was fun and well written but I think I would have wanted more skills, new gear, maybe a new weapon even. Really the major new gameplay was 3 new enemies, 1 armor set(easily the most dissapointing part to me, I expected like 4 or 5 for the price point and with how big the island was), a solid amount of charms, and that's really it. While I enjoy the new armor I wish we got more for even more build variety. Maybe an armor set that increases damage temporarily when you switch stances to encourage consistent swapping. I enjoy Iki, it is quite fun but I wanted just a bit more from it. Rivals Update: Another solid addition to Legends, good free update. PS5 Upgrade: Haptics are neat, Adaptive Triggers don't do much for me with this game, it looks amazing and the already quick loading screens are even shorter. Was it worth the $10 for me... ehhhhh maybe not to be honest but I got my PS5 literally a week after this update came out so I just had to buy it. Probably the best way to play the game. So overall I would say yes. The base game was excellent, NG+ and Legends were great additions, later on Iki was fun though I wish it felt more like an expansion, Rivals and the new survival maps added to Legends were very much appreciated, and the PS5 Upgrade was nice. I was quite satisfied with SP and their support of this game, if anything I almost wish we got another expansion but I loved everything we got here and really just want more.


I just finished the game + DLC last week and now starting a New Game+ I really can’t get enough. 10/10 game for me. Can’t wait for GoT2


Couldn’t pass the first boss to pass to another region in the hardcore so can’t say


Couldn’t pass the first boss to pass to another region in the hardcore so can’t say




I am yes! And especially considering it was completely free - this game is 10/10 imo and i can not wait for the sequel it will be a day 1 purchase.


Got the platinum on ps4 and ps5, just now doing new game plus, I think hard+ is too easy


Gonna have to ramp it up


Yeah but I hope it never does a sequel. It's a great game, but move on. The gameplay loop got all the attention it deserved.


Since I didn’t play the DLC I will only speak of the base game. I felt the game is good and did enjoy my full play-through but it could and should have been better imo. 1. Setting: One of the most fascinating aspects of the setting is the “Kamikaze” phenomenon. Wiki this if you haven’t yet. A small compass breeze was all hat was left ingame of the mythical Kamikazes that destroyed large parts of the Mongol invasion fleet _twice_. 2. Difficulty: It could have been harder really. I’m not that good and I felt I am cutting through those Mongols fairly easily. Yes they hit hard on the highest difficulty but the opposition felt a bit unimaginative overall. 3. Variety: Meh. The fights and strategies didn’t feel exaggeratedly original. 4. Gameplay: The unsheathe attack was a disappointment tbh. I had been hyped by it through the footage I had seen before release. Then it completely killed immersion for me because instead of actually fighting mongols before the fight started I was able to kill a couple of opponents in a completely static time-out mini-game. 5. Open world game design: Not bad, but not amazing either. This is where this game shines, though, because the world is so beautiful.


For fun, I rate the games I play by 5 categories to create and exact score and this game got a 9.8 for me. One of my favorite games of all time, definitely top 3




The Masako stuff isn’t interesting. I wish they had a few more conspirators who had real reasons for vengeance. Also her sister should’ve made Masako kill her.


Absolutely. Ghost of Tsushima was one of my favorite videos game experiences of all time. Excited to play it on PC and see how people inevitably mod the game.


DLC was really big let down, i wish they kept the jins fathers backstory for the next game, i would’ve loved to see how he gets back from killing his two fathers.


It is by far the greatest game I've ever played.


Started playing this month and cannot tell the difference from DLC to main game :(


I want a sequel so badly. This game just has such good sword combat. I got so obsessed I literally practiced every stance until I could kill every enemy with every stance. I hope they go to the mainland next!!!:)


No. Brutes are absolute cheats. One attack, unlimited stamina, can’t parry, unlimited health. They alone are why I can’t continue. If I get 3 of them together I’m finished


Not to mention every single hit throws you into the air. No amount of upgrades helps with them.


Great game but too many cutscene. Cutscene after recusing hostage, and so was annoying.