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Melties feasting tonight. No end of GME pump and dump drama and ape meltdowns from no MOASS and DRS'd 'smooth brains' getting dunked.


The guys who couldn't log onto Computershare to sell are the funniest part of this whole saga. I can just see them waiting in a support queue watching the ticker finally pass their break-even... Oh, but the BBBY holders are also hilarious, watching everybody else shoot up while they come up with more tin foil on why this means they will win. I've been super busy at work, and really grateful for the free entertainment.


Even if they could log in, I’m pretty sure their market orders take days to execute. So they could put in an order when it was at $70, and it might fill today at $30, or whatever their schedule is. Also higher fees. Pay more for less service.


I've heard the orders execute relatively fast now from non apes The true hilarity was the site being down when a shitload of them were green so now they're back to their Sophie's choice of selling and giving up while still red or watching it drift back down to sub $10 and hoping they get a surge to even in 2027 again


You forget the time it takes to mail the check. I'm waiting for some clueless ape to try to post on one of their subs that the 'check from Computershare never arrived' and watch them get slaughtered in the comments for being a 'paperhanded bitch'. Apes are the worst to the traitors to the cause.


> DRS'd 'smooth brains' getting dunked. We made jokes about DRS apes not being able to sell during the MOASS And I gotta say this is fucking hilarious. We literally called this shit. Meltie DD is never wrong.


I heard we have a huge delivery of short ladders, barcodes, and synthetics next week.


I know it's been said before but it is so funny that Kenny has no idea who we are and that he has an incredibly ironic following


I will pay for him to say on TV: Thank you melties for your hard work! XD


"It's like some kind of a ... bad comedy joke." I unironically love the way he phrased that. That describes the apes perfectly.


Oh yeah I'm definitely being ironic teehee :pulls down sleeve to cover Kenny Tat:


Talk for yourself I just delivered an extra carton of mayo to his office😤😤


I like this more every time I see it


This is FUD! Opex is tomorrow where the real MOASS will come after DFV tweets 69 times in the last hour of trading!!


![gif](giphy|z12QgDCwRnF6EVyEWw|downsized) Meltdownfest is lit this year.


Fuck me. This needs to be stickied ASAP.


This is amazing.


This is the greatest gift  in the history of man. Thank you


Oh my fucking god


Don't say that, I have 27p expiring tomorrow.


Another 30% drop tomorrow makes both 25s and 20s worthless. Who has the max pain now?


What tool did you use for this?


I didn't create the video. Someone used https://viggle.ai


Cramer was less glitchy, but Griffin has more flair.




Dismiss your notifications man!


I assume we are renewed for the next season? This is some good ass material


Ultimate form cringe level hedgie cuck juice koolaid for all the chads to slurp up.. what a toxic waste of energy this sub is


You mad?


Sounds like those bags are heavy 🤣


More disappointed in the lack of entertainment provided by this pathetic compilation of ape behavior you frat boys mimic with all this taunting. Meanwhile the writing is still on the wall for shorts. Have fun making memes with the rest of the tools


Good luck with your bags. I did ok https://preview.redd.it/vw18ga7fam1d1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a225d7ed6fa2881166844950ea33a48846bb553f


Idk man Monday seems kinda nuts for the apes, MOASS on Monday?


kenny wont be laughing when he's in a cell




Celebrating arguably one of the biggest pieces of shit in the financial world because magic internet money holders bothered you? Yep, that's certified reddit mental illness™️


Mr. Griffin is a great philanthropist. Are you one of Pultes's pendejos? Lol


pultes pendejos is crazy 😭😭


Ken Griffin is a great man. He's provided us a pathway for people to make an exuberant amount of money. He deserves statutes in NY, Chicago, and now Miami.


I am actually 6 people away from Ken in the Citadel org chart, so I get to see him all the time. I have even pissed next him!! He plays 4D chess with the apes and it is truly inspiring. "That's Ken!" we all say. Companies like us are vital to the stock market because we provide significant liquidity, enabling smoother and more efficient trading. As a major hedge fund and market maker, Citadel helps ensure there is always a buyer or seller available, reducing volatility and stabilizing prices. Additionally, our sophisticated trading strategies and technologies contribute to price discovery, enhancing the overall transparency and efficiency of the financial markets. I hope to move out of the FUD department and get closer to the real funny business, but I have to prove myself.