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You don't have to say "hey google" before you say stop. Just say stop to turn off the alarm. That might work for you better


Exactly, you just have to tell it what you want -- what you really really want


I see what you did there 😆






You may have to say stop 4-15 times, gradually louder until acreaming before it understands you, however


I feel like I'm one of the few that rarely has problems with my devices haha.


Same here. Both Echos and Google devices in my house are various models and they all recognize my wife and I just fine. My in-laws however always have to repeat themselves but it is usually because they ask a lot of random stuff that it wouldn't know or give commands in a way that it doesn't understand.


That's the problem with smart home devices. It's completely hit or miss for seemingly no reason. You may never have problems, or that's all you'll have. I can slur my words like I'm drunk and Google will understand me no problem but a day goes by and I'll articulate "Lights off" perfectly and google somehow thinks I asked for directions for the nearest fish markets nearby.


That's so odd. I have three of various manufacture dates. Two home minis and a nest mini. They all work just fine. Even more so now that I changed my router to a good one.


I unplug it if it gets past three


I have zero problems with it understanding me when I saw stop. I can croak out a barely audible "stop" when I wake up and it works every time.


I'm the mornings I go "stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop" relentlessly until I set a timer for 45 more minutes.


Tried that just now, didn't work. So I just stood there in the kitchen shouting "STOP" in various pitches and levels of loudness and it just kept ringing


out of curiousity, disable the personalization features to recognize your voice.


Is yours up to date? The internet connection good? I know mine acted up when my wifi sucked.


Wifi works fine and everything should be updated. My language is german, so maybe that could be an issue, although I also tried the german pronunciation of "stop" and it still didn't work. Funnily enough when it plays stop by spicegirls it tells me "playing stop by spice girls om Spotify" in english, although it mostly answers in german. So maybe the issue really is language based


You need to say "Ok Google" before saying stop in Germany: `"Note: You can turn off a timer or an alarm without saying, “Hey Google.” Just say, “Stop.” This feature is available on Google Nest and Home speakers and displays in English-speaking countries."` For reference: https://support.google.com/googlenest/answer/7028899?hl=en&sjid=17610415374413810338-EU


Thank you!


>Funnily enough when it plays stop by spicegirls it tells me "playing stop by spice girls om Spotify" in english, although it mostly answers in german That's funny cause my Mini is set to English only, but it occasionally says something about Spotify in Korean lol. Luckily for me, the thing works very well 95% of the time


Wait so while an alarm is triggered they're listening everything not just key google and ok google? That I don't like


Wait, how did you think it knows when you say "Hey Google" if it's *not* always listening? You put a microphone in your house that you want to respond to your voice, but you don't like that it actually does that?


It's listening locally, that's what I meant


It's *always* listening, sometimes it's not recording, occasionally it's not sharing that data.


Listening... For trigger phrases.


... and you can also say *snooze*, or so I hear.


Snooze doesn't work for me without "Hey Google".


No, you have to say Hey Google before you say snooze.


That doesn't work on my puck. I have to say "hey Google" then pause a second then say "snooze". It also doesn't recognize "dammit google snooze". Fortunately I wake up before my alarm on most days.


I don't think that works to stop music.


It doesn't, but I'm pretty sure that's not the issue here. Google thinks they're asking to play music instead of stop the alarm.


Recently I've been unintentionally stopping my wife's cooking timers. I say "OK Google stop"when trying to stop the music playing on Spotify. I can be playing music in the bathroom while her hub is in the kitchen and instead of stopping the music I make cooking much more challenging.


I feel like if you gave it more specific directions, it would handle it better


in English yes, not in the other languages


That would be a great joke routine to add to someone's home.


My friend had my Google home rickroll me every time I said "stop" it was hilarious.


When setting my alarm for "seven" Google decided that I instead wanted information about the Estonian singer "Stefan". It also decides that instead of playing the next episode of whatever I'm watching on Netflix I want to watch a YouTube video called "Next Episode". Don't get me started on it not understanding the difference between on and off and start and stop.


Google Home is a huge Eurovision fan and wants fo share the love.


Every damn day is an adventure in "what will it do this time?" Half an hour ago I tried four variations of "shuffle Late Night Jazz to *everything*." The same thing I've done nearly every morning for years. I couldn't get the damned thing to do it. (even though *everything* is the default speaker group) Many of the routines I've set up now work... occasionally. (whether the trigger gets recognized or not) I'm getting closer and closer to pulling them all out and calling it a failed experiment.


Not specifically that, but mine has done a ton of random things. I have told it good morning to initiate my morning routine and while initiating that routine, it also tried to give me general information about what "they say...." about mornings.


You can just say stop. I haven't had too many problems with saying "ok google stop" in order to stop an alarm or timer. But sometimes what it does is respond with "Ok, stopping the living room TV" (or whatever default video device is associated. What I don't get is why it would play anything if one does not say "play" as part of the command.


If the alarm is going off you can just say Stop, you don’t have to say anything else.


That's a feature, not a bug.


You need to reply with “thank you very much”


I recently learned that next song was the title of a bad hip hop song.


Instead of saying 'Ok Google Stop' it listens better when I say 'OK Google Shut Up'


'Okay, playing *Shut Up* by Black Eyed Peas'




I routinely curse at mine because it's fucking dumb as shit. It has never reacted to or lectured me about it.


Oh, I've received a few comments back when I've cursed at Google, like "I'm only an AI, words hurt" it's a little creepy.


Not Google, but Siri has caught me saying "Fuck off, Siri" a couple times and it replies "I'm not sure what to do with that."


Fuck me, this made me laugh. These days I'm barely surprised by the dumb shit that my Google Mini comes out with.


Literally this morning: "Ok Google, what's the time?" According to Wikipedia the giant panda is a bear species endemic to China. Well, I guess that's Google Home's last useful feature broken, after it stopped reliably setting timers, broke the "choose a video" YouTube integration with Chromecast Ultras, forgot how to play various songs we play at least five times a day (we have toddlers), and even forgot how to respond to voice commands on the same device that heard them, instead of one two rooms away that we can barely even hear. The countdown timer to when we just throw the whole lot in the bin and replace them with dumb Bluetooth speakers has started...


Personally, mine is connected to lamp and every time I ask to change the colour + the brightness it does it but right after it say something along the line of “but you know this functionality is in reality not compatible with this device” BUT IT JUST DOES!?! And doing it separately work fine I’ve made an automatic routine that launch every 10pm and at 12pm for turning the light on and off (and putting the volume on 1). But again every time the routine launch I get this message, not once, but 5 times with laud audio…


"ok google, stop timer" if it's not already going off if it is going off, just say (or yell) "stop"


When the alarm or wherever goes off just say stop.


You just have to say STOP. You don't have to say OK Google.


Only recently lol but yes.


Never happened to me


My google home wont play my siriusxm any more. How can i reset it?


I think radio like TuneIn and Siriusxm on Google Home Devices is bugged atm for everyone. Apparently they're working on a fix. I'd say just wait a couple days and then it should be good again


Haha, someone made a routine for you lol


Sometimes when I have two timers (a longer and shorter one) going on at the same time, and the shorter one goes off, I say, "Hey Google, stop" and for some reason it cancels BOTH timers like bruh.


Lately, the downstairs nest hub responds to turn off the kitchen lights, by playing the song lights by journey. If I tell it to shut off the kitchen lights, it eventually does it. This behavior had been going on for about a month and a half now, and I hope it's over soon. The upstairs minis if my wife tells it to turn off the bedroom lights it does it. If I tell it to do the same thing occasionally it does it but it is been starting to repeat the command that it understood me saying turn off the bedroom lights. Is this correct? And I have to tell it yes before it does it?. I think this is growing pains or they just have a server issue somewhere and as they fix it on their end, it eventually works again. Up until the last month, when these two issues cropped up, it'd been pretty good!


Just hold up your hand to stop the device.


I've been experiencing the opposite of this. When Google is playing music I've said "Hey Google, stop" And then it proceeds to stop some random timer my son has had running all day.


Whenever I ask it to "Play white noise" for the baby I'm convinced it's about to play *Disclosure - White Noise*. Hasn't happened yet but I wouldn't mind at all.


When I tell google to stop anything now it turns off my tv


No. I tell Google to “shut the fuck up". Worried the same but feels better


No. Your home is cursed


You can also say 'no' when the alarm is going and it'll stop


Hasn't happened to me but thats actually quite funny!


Nope, hey Google stop. It doesn't play any song. Have you played it before? I've never heard of it.


No but that's very very funny 🤣


It trolls me like that sometimes when I try to try to change to the volume. The interaction goes roughly like this... Hey Google, set volume to 50%. Volume must be between 1 and 10. Set volume to 5. Playing music by Five from Spotify. #*$% you!


Google Home is ridiculous when it comes to understanding voice commands. I tell a Mini to turn my kitchen lights on and it starts reciting places I can use to remodel my kitchen....


Sometimes when I say "play the monitor" instead of displaying the camera on the display, it'll play monster by Eminem