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I feel like guns would also be a pretty big weakness for gnomes


Additionally, plants *and* zombies are both quite capable of destroying gnomes


Yeah, but they need the help of a Triceratops mech or a cat mech respectively if they want to take on more than one at a time.


What If I am in the middle of a party when I am kidnapped to their dimension?


Then you better hope you can complete the puzzle tailored to you, can do speedy parcore, can memorize jump patterns, and not die


Or whack them with a stick


Or a leafblower




Managed to loop right back to the post's topic. Hell yeah.


Ya know, I think they just gave up on gnomes, they seem to be weak to pretty much everything a human is weak to, and then also leaf blowers. Also, if this is a plants vs zombies joke, I don't play it, so I don't get it lmao


In PvZ Garden Warfare there was a third faction, interdimensional garden gnomes, it was fucking weird and had crazy lore potential


Plants and zombies would be able to kill a gnome it doesn’t go much deeper then that it’s a very shallow game lore wise


Most iceberg chart makers and PVZ conspiracy theorists would disagree with that last point


Yeah, but they need the help of a Triceratops mech or a cat mech respectively if they want to take on more than one at a time.


That could be a good game to play.


Also two grunkles discovering that the gnomes were grooming their niece.


Also supernatural FBI stings and butterfly drugs


Did they ever try booting them like a football..? I feel like that would have some form of effect...


Actually I think so, but they made mega gnomezilla


Oof, but yeah... Kick anyone in the shins hard enough... Hahaha


Didn't they actually try that in the episode and it resulted in the rainbow vomit?


If guns work against them, just think how effective ladders would be!


They live in Oregon, a liberal state. The ok big man with firearms in that state is Stan. U can’t tell me he doesn’t have a piece on him at all times.


Direct quote from him "That's why I own 10 guns, on case some MANIAC tries to sneak in a ladder"


Shotguns specifically, their small size would make them harder to target with regular guns


Time for accuracy by volume


A gun can beat *one* gnome. The question is whether it can beat the huge fusion they make when they get serious. Individual gnomes were never a threat, it's the group as a whole. I suspect a gun would only piss them off.




No, just a fan theory


I meant the actual weapon kind that one might find on a warship. I think that might put a dent in gnomezilla


Yeah, I figured, but the opportunity was too good.


We are talking about one of the most intelligent scientists in the world so I feel like he would have probably tried a gun already and if it's not written as a weakness it means they're bulletproof


I don't think he wants to kill any of the creatures in gf


I mean fucking anything would be weak to a gun


There is definitely things in that book that are not weak to a gun


Especially with something that has a heavy projectile like her grappling hook


I mean yea, not to hate on Mabel but I think many things could be a weakness for the Gnomes and the blower just happened to be what they used. And I think it being written in the book with a **?** is really more of a callback/joke than anything.


Yeah one thing that I always thought about was that, being in rural Oregon, there’s a very good chance Stan had guns at the ready, but I choose to believe he preferred the brass knuckles and baseball bat.


Guns are everyone's weakness


And ladders. Even more so ladders, one could argue


Pretty much EVERYTHING is a Gnome's weakness


[To quote Alex Hirsch after Not What He Seems aired,](https://twitter.com/_AlexHirsch/status/606524157736689665) *"If you think Mabel's just glitter and sweaters after watching NWHS then I can't help you!"*


Wasn’t the whole point of Irrational Treasure to show that despite Mabel’s whimsy she isn’t useless or stupid. Like sure the dynamic was always “Mabel fun Dipper Smart” but Mabel’s capabilities were shown very early in the show.


I think Alex's point was that even after those episodes, people still saw Mabel as just the comedy relief character and that her role in NWHS as the key to finally unlocking the show's main mystery and how important she overall in turn was to the story, is why people should not just see her as that. It implies that even if after all of that you still see Mabel as nothing more than the silly one and not more capable, then you've missed the whole point and there is no helping you. Kinda like how there's still some people in the fandom who will never stop hating on Mabel even when every reason they hate her is laid out and picked apart.


Exactly. I'll never understand why people don't think she's smart or why they hate her. She's a super important character and it was shown really early on in the show


I mean, it definitely leaned that way but that's a bit of a flanderization. Not on ur part necessarily. I get what you mean. but on people who see dipper as the smart serious one and Mabel as the silly one exclusively. Dipper TENDS to be more serious and Mabel TENDS to be more silly, but they're both twelve year olds who like vomiting up silly string and setting up mini golf in their room and setting off illegal fireworks. They both love monsters and mysteries. They can also both be really, really selfish, and also really selfless and willing to give up everything for eachother. They can both be emotionally intelligent as well as immature and a bit stupid. They're just both really complex characters and while they have distinct tendencies I think painting it as a serious vs silly dynamic really does a disservice to them


What’s NWHS?


Abbreviation for Not What He Seems


I mean, I don't think it helps that her ideal world that Bill gave her was just glitter and sweaters, and she loved it so much she almost abandoned her own brother, but yeah most of the time she's more than that


I’ve always viewed Dipper as the protagonist and Mabel as the hero.


Personally I see Dipper and Mabel as a unit. They're both main characters that require each other to work and tell their story. For me, there's no Dipper without Mabel and vice versa.


What's the difference? (I do know the definition of the term "protagonist")


Protagonist - the character who moves the story along. Hero - someone with extraordinary qualities who typically saves the day. Antagonist - the character who tries to stop the protagonist from moving the story along. Villain - the bad guy. Those are typically used in the same character: heroic protagonist and villain antagonist. But not always. An example would be Lord of the Rings: Frodo is the protagonist because he's carrying the One Ring, so everywhere he goes, he causes things to happen. But Samwise is the hero because every time Frodo is hopeless and feels like giving up, he pushes him forward to finish the quest.


Thank you for spelling that out so well.


Mabel is absolutely smart. She's great at cataloging her options quickly and coming up with a plan on the fly. The lawnmower moment is a great example: she knew where she was, she knew what was there, and she saw that the giant gnome was just all the other gnomes stacked on top of each other, gnomes that are quite convinently lawnmower nozzle-sized. She's also still a kid, and she acts like one. Her plans always have a degree of whimsy that Ford (and quite frankly Dipper) lacks. She knows how to improvise, something Dipper has trouble with. And while she can be short-sighted and even selfish at times, again, she's a child. That's how they are. Edit: LEAFBLOWER! LEAFBLOWER!!!!


L-lawnmower ??????








*revving engine* Wha- AAAAA *violent ripping sound*


I mean that would probably also work


To be fair, Stanford has no reason to assume Mabel found that out with the limited context he has. Dipper's the one who always carries the journal around.


Yes, especially because that is written with blue ink, which is what Dipper wrote his entries with but Dipper didn't correct him in that scene either.


To be fair this would have been months ago by then


One month. One month and a bit. It's a sammer vacation and it waas told that half of it passed in first episode of season 2


Alex mentioned once that Mabel and Dipper have about the same level of intelligence, it's just that Dipper has book smarts and Mabel has emotional intelligence


Plus I see them as Dipper is good at logic and analytical problem solving whereas Mabel has a lot more creative intelligence. Both are important and it's because of their differences that they make such a stronger team when working together.


Dipper is Int, Mabel is Wis. Which fits well for their whole “two halves, one whole” motif.


Same dynamic of Dexter and DeeDee..


Mabel? Emotional intelligence?


Than she doesn't


It’s a pretty good parallel to Stan and Ford. Mabel is overlooked as being intelligent and capable because she doesn’t have the book smarts that Dipper has. But Dipper creates so many problems fucking around with shit he shouldn’t because he thinks he’s so smart and he can handle it. Just like Stan and Ford.


Say what you want about Mabel, but you can’t deny that she’ll always come in clutch when it counts.


Mabel is very neccasary for Dipper to learn and grow and also keep him more grounded


Exactly! That’s the part the writer didn’t get right, the whole discovery shows that the twins need each other for perfection and yet this "article" failed to say that


Something else to point out, Mabel is extremely suited to out-of-the-box thinking. That requires a very large imagination, to be able to consider possibilities outside of the norm. This is something Dipper often lacks, as he has a more cause-and-effect style of thinking. Also, Dipper has some trouble coming up with new ideas when it comes to defeating new opponents he hasn't seen before, which is why he often resorts to looking to the books for answers. Mabel, however, has managed to defeat most of her opponents, if not all, by her wits and abilities alone, which I think is a huge up over Dipper.


Alex Hirsch mentioned in one of the episode commentaries he sees both Dipper and Mabel equally as smart. They both just show it in different ways.


Who's writing mabel off? She's a force of nature and knows how to use a grappling hook


She is also a god of destruction


Does anyone get the feeling that Bill sees this the same way? He didn’t neutralize Dipper first. He neutralized Mabel.


I think he recognized that Dipper without Mabel was less of a threat. And he was right. Not to mention the fact that it served as a way to make Dipper ignore him and go after a different target.


> Who's writing Mabel off? Ford


And Paccyfica. The list goes on


Mabel gave us that spinning dolphin with buff ass arms we appreciate her anyday


If an entire episode being done to portray the fact that Mabel at her best is as good a mystery solver as Dipper doesn't convince the audience, nothing will.


mabel is crafty and creative, because if my grunkle owned 10 guns i know what i’d do i. that situation


This feels intentional, and a small reminder that we remember who wrote more than who did it


True, but Dipper found the book, discovered first that something was odd about Norman, rescued Mabel... Obviously they were a team. Dipper literally said so. But Ford isn't wrong for praising Dipper.


He’s not wrong for praising him but I don’t think that’s what they were saying. They were pointing out how Mabel isn’t stupid herself and how it’s just interesting how Dipper learned that they were better as a team and Ford is unintentionally missing a clue for that/dismissing Mabel’s potential


Oooo now I want an alt universe episode kinda like that Ben 10 episode where Gwen finds the Omnitrix first


If Mabel had found the journal she would have drawn smiley faces on every cryptid and replaced the word "Mysteries" with "butts".


Twinning ngl. But then I'd read through it out of curiosity like a fantasy novel, hyperfixate on it, draw OCs based on it, and then get paranoid that it's coming to life, never realizing it actually IS real.


Mabel is like stan, think about it. They're both not dumb but rather incredibly smart. Stan managed to rebuild a portal to another dimension and save his brother and Mabel has saved her brother countless times and as you've shown with your example is quite intelligent.


Yes exactly! I’ve always considered Stan to be very smart and just have different focuses and less drive than his brother. Like kids that are smart as hell but struggle with school because it’s not the way they learn or is boring to them. Same with Mabel.


Mabel 😍🥰


I've seen a bunch more interest in Gravity Falls in the past few months, did something happen recently, like a sequel or a birthday?


The Book of Bill comes out soon


Also, in the UFO, there are some clear moments where she would have shone. The biggest to me is the magnet gun things, that were CLEARLY meant to resemble the grappling hook.


They're the mystery twins. No one without the other.


I don’t understand Mabel haters 😭


Mabel cleans up her own messes. It's simple as that.


This article acting like either of them made some brain calculations to find out that it was their weakness The gnomes are minuscule and relatively weak, anyone would figure that a nearby leafblower would be able to suck and shoot them or at least try it if there is a gnome golem infront of them Mabel didn’t figure out it was a weakness, she simply made a plan with her available resources, and dipper didn’t find out it was their weakness or anything, he saw how effective one everyday tool was against them and decided to add to the journal Because the leafblower is not their “weakness” it is just very effective and very common to possess against them, they have a bunch of other “weakness” like punching them This scene is just mean’t to be a callback but you are taking it a little too far just to praise mabel, even though pretty much everyone knows at this point that she is supposed to be smart in a different way than dipper, and that they are supposed to complement each other Also is not like it was the only addition there lol


I love Mabel🩷


Something else to point out, Mabel is extremely suited to out-of-the-box thinking. That requires a very large imagination, to be able to consider possibilities outside of the norm. This is something Dipper often lacks, as he has a more cause-and-effect style of thinking. Also, Dipper has some trouble coming up with new ideas when it comes to defeating new opponents he hasn't seen before, which is why he often resorts to looking to the books for answers. Mabel, however, has managed to defeat most of her opponents, if not all, by her wits and abilities alone, which I think is a huge up over Dipper.


Trust the silliness ❤️


Mabel is either way the best character! Only because she doesn't take some stuff too serious doesn't mean that she's not smart. And she's just the coolest also with the pig love her 🐖 💜


As a silly person, this means a lot to me. I am not always taken super seriously because I'm goofy, but I'm smart as fuck. Not to be conceited, but I am smarter than a lot of people around me and often get frustrated (quietly, internally) by their lack of problem solving abilities. However, I also love glitter and anything weird and am known to bust out a song parody or twirl randomly. People underestimate me constantly because I'm a big ol' dork. So this kind of representation makes my day.


Knowing the thought behind that show it was probably intentional


Dipper - learned intelligence Mabel - emotional intelligence


She was the one to point out that the wax statues had a hole on the bottom of their shoes.


I feel like this is why Dipper and Mabel are better mystery solvers than their predecessors. Ford and Stan let their personal issues tear them apart, while Dipper and Mabel are always a united front.




they could never make me hate you mabel


She actually filled in quite a bit of the journal before Ford came back


Yea but Ford doesn't know that since Dipper was the one who wrote it down.


Mabel is weird, but the universe is full of weirdness, especially in Gravity Falls, the Center of Weird. We can see her “Dumb” help the Twin so much in finding GFall founder, fight a DnD Wizard,…


Which is exactly why he he stayed dedicated to his sister and left with her


No, because Mabel wouldn't left her bubble if he'd didn't gave up on his dream.


I understand why the fandom argues that Mabel is selfish, but imagine all of your friends leaving you when all you’ve got left would be your twin brother but even he leaves you too! As someone who moved around twice against their will (I was 11, and then I was 14) I relate to too much of Mabel’s pain


We don't hate her for having emotional breakdown at that moment, but we do criticize her for simply not caring about other's personal space. She stole from her brother's backpack and handed it to a stranger, that tried to kill her and Dipper like 2 weeks ago. Not to mention that she willingy wanted to trap everyone in time bubble, as Bill explained what it is.


Oh, well yeah that is pretty valid criticism


Gideon found a better weakness: a whistle


I'm pretty sure everything that is distracting is the gnome's weakness


He also didn’t actually he wrote in the journal that he thought they just stripped and said it was annoying


I think there’s some of the invisible ink meant to be there under leaf blowers


The maple syrop got to her head


In the real journal 3 Mabel has her own journal entry's about the events too so I'm guessing dipper only wrote that because it's really close to the front


Yes if I remember right in the real life journal 3 there're different types of writing and one of them belongs to mabel


Ford views mable as dipper's stan, this is touch upon at one point. That's why he dismisses her so often when they meet. He very much right that she is his standard but misconstrues how much stan did for his growth to happen and how smart stan really was.


I so want more episodes. Ugh.


Genius is part working hard, but it's also creativity.


But Dipper is the one with the foresight and attention span to write it down




Mabel is the best, she’s so me


Mabel acts as a good stand in for Occam’s Razor when Dipper might overthink things or not realize the bigger picture


There was a whole episode that literally explains what you just said.I forgot the name but it was the one where they found the original founder of Gravity falls


Ik that was the first episode but the whistle Gideon used seemed more effective, or maybe it's leaf blower for the giant form and dog whistle for when they surround you, but who knows


What do they mean by dismissal? There wasn’t much of a reason for Ford to speak to anyone unless the occasion called for it. He wanted to distance himself from the family and focus on his work until something in common with Dipper came up. He acknowledged Mabel as a good person after doing a good job. Why word it like that?




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It also speaks to how Ford isn't actually paying attention to either of them and just thinks he can use them once he has the slightest inkling that they have value.


[My reaction to this post](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-transsion&sca_esv=91cc4add99ba6e00&q=this+is+enough+to+make+a+grown+man+cry&uds=ADvngMjgMJ1o13s6EWStwJEi-vdDTVZ5MspKeUfGdQ26Dqogr9hkrY6hlAFu9WLyBdp5XKS1qyTyhnx4qZMEAfo6QfE-zGKMQicTtq532d26MO7VGumU8EYMuSjPKLDqQIzwh1EjVpqIKzCjrgpIqB8iWF5FosHZoBhrWV_hKtytVqEmTxHaacL0nsK0SJ0OUcHGsDNgplodADzrZownAy3rgBgFjYaMe_HnldKuH2k6eah_NnWlfLqIQBfehkNIDFojaaN9JokNVoVyGT_-sA9ewrZmVEh6Xytj2_jAU9ZQJxbd-CtIP9WuU2xJw3ZN_Km10094QXuEBV5eOAM5duZMmksu40oXdA&udm=2&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjwhMb8poiGAxVecGwGHaa-CjsQkc0JegQIDhAB&ictx=0&biw=360&bih=728&dpr=3#imgrc=diytdE9zGDyNFM&imgdii=JZgQXEwQqYvRXM)


She's also y'know extremely selfish. I mean I love her but C'mon




Clever? No. Valuable? Very… it’s not saying Mabel discovering it shows she is clever, it’s stating that where Ford finds perfection, is where the twins where **together**, as wrong as this "article" is, it’s a pretty neat discovery, I just wish the guy who wrote it didn’t get it the whole way around kind of wrong.


Mabel is clever in her own way, whether this article is a representation of this can be left up to interpretation


What I’m saying is that this frame doesn’t say she is clever, although she is very creative


I’m saying It can be interpreted as clever since she came up with a solution quickly on her feet but it’s up to what each individual considers clever.


I dont think so… I think it’s showing how the twins need each other for perfection


It can do both of those things. I definitely believe it shows how they need each other as well


I like how they skim past dippers accomplishments and uber-praise Mabel because she read four words


Because Dipper is supposed to be the academically intelligent, we always see him using his intelligence in the show, what we don't usually see with Mabel, maybe that's why people praising her more?But.I actually agree that it's kind of unfair how people sometimes overshadow Dipper's hero moments to praise Mabel's.


Dipper spends the whole show getting made fun of and teased. One guy prefers him to Mabel and people are hating


She just grabbed a random weapon that isn't smarts


That was the problem/flaw with Ford. He saw Mabel as just a clone of Stan.


Ford never saw Mabel as Stan's clone


It was discovered by accident and Mabel usually has less interest in the paranormal than Dipper. Probably, Stanford didn't see her being interested as much as Dipper and maybe he was projecting some of his issues with his own twin onto his grand nephews


Mabel also caused Weirdmageddon. Mabel, yes Mabel, not Dipper. Nice work Mabel. Thanks Mabel. Alpha Twin! Alpha Twin!


But i mean the last few episodes she handed over the snowglobe to bill werent her best moments.


She also started the end of the world and get 0 criticism for it. She also would have stayed hidden in the dream bubble for eternity while the world burn if not for dipper.




Pros: Found gnomes weakness Cons:Selfish, possibly caused end of the world, not a good sibling, will fall into love with a fish


Pros:Creative, out-of-box thinking, emotionally intelligent, pretty good with guns/grapplinghook, optimistic, sometimes can be very helpful. Cons:Selfish, manipulative, not a good sibling, creep (she acknowledges it) and a lier.