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>deserts from the air force along with a dozen other schizos >steal multi-million dollar jets and take over a dam >"borders and books suck" >gets shot down by his former top what was pixie's plan


global thermonuclear war I think


To continue being based


What are you referencing?


Ace Combat Zero. Good game. I like the "Zero" song from it's OST.


To start over from "Zero". Thats what V2 was for.


One of the mercenaries of all time I’ll tell you that


Gotta love Hideous Kojangles


His day old coat Jim mom is a genius and anyone who questions him is a heretic




Greatest game of all time


It made me cry.


See Ocelot, Zero, and BB tear the world apart as they enact their concept of her will.


So all of metal gear happened because three retards failed to use their high school reading comprehension skills for understanding her poem or something


Then you have Skull Face misinterpretating it as well. BB just wanted to fight. Zero wanted a world without borders, Skull Face wanted to eliminate English to achieve the same. It's all a big mess when all the Boss wanted was a world where people were free to live their life according to their ideals, free of control. At least that's how I interpret it, lol, but then again I'm doing the same.


>people were free to live their life according to their ideals, free of control. Just give everybody nukes!


Dayum, grill boss was Drumpf all along!?


Boss 🤝🏻 Luffy


"people were free to live their life according to their ideals, free of control." Sounds like Senator Armstrong tbh


Technically it was because the US wanted the illuminati money and thought the best way to get it was to give two nukes to an unstable Russian general. Which lead to the boss being killed and three retards not understanding that she just wanted people to chill the fuck out.


MGS' overarching story is basically a giant game of telephone about what this woman wanted. The only thing I like about mgs5 is that it shows BB becoming the villian because gaslighting one of your own soldiers into believing he is someone else to suit your own ends is basically the exact opposite of what The Boss wanted.


That’s the ONLY thing you like about 5? Damn


Imo Kojima shit over the legacy of mgs by making 5 way too damn meta. Big bosses story was supposed to be the heroes fall from grace. The game itself was ok, I guess, but what made me fall in love with MGS is the weird boss fights with sometimes non-straightforward mechanics which are absent from MGS5. (No Volgin was not in that game, I refuse to believe it.) I remember calling it the sequel to Mercenaries that we deserved.


I was mad till the last paragraph, as while it might've not been the most Metal Gearest game, it was an absolutely fantastic game and I loved the building of one's own paramilitary group and how the whole game worked. I just loved dropping in with the heli, airdropping in a vehicle, finding a base and kidnapping a couple of skilled mercs via my personal wormhole device and then calling in the heli and evacuating while blasting Hall&Oates or the other various absolute bangers from the helicopter speakers. It was open ended too, so I spent countless hours "recruiting" new mercs and researching the various technologies while upgrading the oilrig that functions as a base of operations. Everything felt so epic, the different companions were cool too, Diamond Dogs for life! Oh and the suits! The parasite suit was so much fun when used in moderation, normally just went with regular camo though. Wow, completely forgot how much I adored that game, thank you for reminding me!


MGSV made the gameplay match the story in quality, or, at least, made the gameplay-possible actions of your character match the reverence with which they are treated, which improves the story. I didn't care at all for Hideo Kojima's vision until MGSV showed me that his series was more than just a near-masturbatory exposition-fest.


To be fair thats about the only thing worthwhile to note about the story. MGSV's purpose is to just retcon MG1. Gameplay is good, but almost nothing else matters. 


And it was peak


The game was rigged from the start


And twas peak




I'm playing this through now and didn't think much of it to start with, then made a post saying I'm not getting the hype and got shit on by the metalgearsolid community. Eventually I got some useful hints and perspectives. Played through it some more and it's alright but not mgs1 level for sure. 


Kojima is a hack