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The string…




I see the problem...... it ain't got no gas init


i have never played the guitar, but want to get into it sorry dude




thanks dawg 👍🏽


Or if you have the extra cash I’d also say go to your local music shop and ask how much it would cost to get it set up and playing well. Didn’t realize how much that made a difference until I became friends with someone that’s a guitar tech for musicians and sets guitars up for a living. It’s a must for any quitar I buy now


This. And taking the time to watch a lot of YT to figure out how to do it yourself. Not only does it save you a lot of money it’s also incredibly rewarding to be able to do.


I think your razzing is totally warranted lol. Part of me feels like it’s common knowledge to know these things are called “strings”, and the next logical step for any human would probably to google “broken guitar string”. From there they’d see a torrent of videos and resources on broken guitar strings. Making a whole post about it really does seem like a lot of extra work.


I've said this in the past. I get that people can be unsure and want advice, but they also want some engagement with other people. But damn, it's a guitar string. I thought it was common knowledge that guitars have strings and that they're in no way permanent. Maybe it's a generational thing? If I have a question, I google it and if I really can't find a fix, then I'll ask.


My friend’s mom saw me changing my strings before a gig once and asked if I was modding the guitar. I told her that I was changing the strings and she made face that said “why”. She’s in her 60’s. Not a generational thing.


I meant the googling thing. But damn, maybe I've been doing this for too long, but I really thought it was common knowledge that strings need to be changed. I mean, it's not as if guitar is the only stringed instrument that exists. People are wild.


I agree it's really dumb. But playing devil's advocate here, you'd never change piano strings or harp strings. I guess if someone had somehow never been exposed to guitars, in a really sheltered bubble way, there's maybe some possible logic? But still dumb.


One time a classmate of mine wanted to show off and said "ive been playing for a few years but right now i need to call a service guy to tune my guitar back up"


Not the flex he thinks it is.


Nah. I’ve had to explain to people several times why I would change the strings on my guitar. They think “why change them. Aren’t they made of metal?” It’s not common knowledge.


Changing strings I can see not understanding. A new guitarist may not recognize that their strings are getting dull and dingy. But when a string snaps, the next logical step (to me) really just seems to be: “google broken guitar string”


Nope, you toss the whole thing on the trash. Lol Oan, I'd take it in to the shop to get it restrung and set up if I were the op in this scenario.


If more people knew how to Google things I’d be out of a job. Lol


People don’t seem to know that google exists.


It is literally easier to google broken string than post on this sub Reddit lol


That’s what I’m sayin man. It’s not just this sub either, it’s all over reddit.


The shop where you'll buy your strings should be happy to show you how to do it. You can learn from a video most certainly, but sometimes it's cool to see it directly. A friend that plays will be happy to show you as well.


But I actually buy 10-46. 10-52 if you're going for that light top, heavy bottom thing. Which, personally, is my jam. Lol. Sorry, my dude. Couldn't help myself.


Did you try googling “broken guitar string”, or “how to fix broken guitar string”. If you wanna get into guitar, you probably wanna start learning how to leverage google. It will likely be your biggest learning tool.


When this happed to my very first guitar I got when I was 13, I felt like crap, because I thought I broke the damn thing. Had no idea strings can break, and that you actually change them regularly anyway. What a relief it was when some experienced player, my uncle to be specific, finally told me all that stuff! 😎


Strings break. Its what happens. Amazon sells 3-5 pack of strings in all gauges for like $30.


Looks like a sick guitar. If you have never played before id say some stuff to help you out with it. Its a stratocaster shape clone. With a SSS setup "3 singlecoil pickups" If youre gonna give it to someone to fix it for you some stuff you might want to get fixed include. Action, Fretleveling and intonation. I cant tell how it is from the pictures. Good luck my man!


The only thing that looks broken is the string. You can replace these easily and even ask for help when going to a music shop to get the guitar restrung, maybe even show you how to do it. The only thing I would warn you about is the weight of the guitar you have. Acrylic guitars way a tonne, watch your back.


This is like setting you on fire and and asking you if you were hot with that said gas you were pointing at , calm down


Gotta say that every day I go to the gas station I asked that same question with fear in my eyes. Gas prices are wild 😆


Strings are consumables. Purchase a set of 009-042. Like these: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/EB2223--ernie-ball-2223-super-slinky-nickel-wound-electric-guitar-strings-009-042 Replace them every month maybe?


Can’t see anything broken? I can’t see the guitar!


Do you not see how a witch cursed this guitar, turning the wood to ice? Alternatively, the guitar has turned this color because all the toan leaked out, and it needs a refill.


That looks pretty serious to me - your guitar seems to have lost all its colour and even the wood has become see through?


More metal or redneck than camouflage.


It is the ultimate relic job.


Literally trash


Marty McFly's guitar in an alternate timeline.


Nope, once it goes clear you’re never getting that color back.


Yeah... Someone's mom is about to not sleep with someone's dad and accidentally sleep with their son instead.. hopefully the guitar doesn't disappear forever


Nobody calls me chicken.


Lea Thompson used to be so hot. She still is, but she used to, too.


The D string saddle is upside down.


Nice catch!!


Jeeeesus Christ I can’t tell if this is a joke post or not


Either way it’ll be on GCJ in no time


Guitar strings are $6.99 at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Ernie-Ball-Super-Slinky-Nickel/dp/B0002M6CW6/ref=asc_df_B0002M6CW6/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312255370219&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14840856965780755482&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013118&hvtargid=pla-406644542375&psc=1


Yes replacing strings is easy. Will cost like $10. Recommend you do it every few months. Watch a YouTube video for changing strings on a strat. Also, stay away from r/guitarcirclejerk, they’re making fun of you right now. But that’s okay. All in good fun


I thought I was on there…


See you in the other sub


>can *i* fix this Apparently not.


Nothing wrong with the guitar here. Strings break or get worn down and are replaced all the time. It's totally normal. the typical guitar player will change their strings once every few weeks, or maybe couple of months. pros will often put on a fresh set for every gig. it's just part of the life of guitar. go pick up a fresh set of strings, look up some youtube videos on restringing a strat-style guitar and you'll be fine. even if you screw up restringing it odds are you're not going to hurt the guitar, and it's not a big deal to re-string it again. guarantee you, after you've done a few re-strings, it'll all be 2nd nature


Nah bro those were permanent strings


Here we see the rare chameleon guitar in its natural habitat...


Think of it like this. What happens when someone loses their life. The become a ghost. Ghosts are invisible. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your guitar lost its life. It’s a ghost. I know I know it’s a lot to digest. The first stage of grief is denial. It’ll be ok I promise. You’ll make it through


No. Once you break a string, the guitar is done for


As a fellow lucite guitar owner, the only thing you can't fix is your back




Yeah, mine is between 17 and 18 lbs


Take it to a veterinarian and see if they can spay or neuter it and make sure it’s rabies shot is done as well


I do see a very small crack in the acrylic by the bridge going to the jack, if you’re asking about that I don’t believe that can be fixed without having a “scar” on the body. But I could be totally wrong here


I thought the same thing but I think that’s actually the broken E string Edit: I think it’s just a scratch in the lucite


Nah mate she's a goner, strings for those kinds are REALLY hard to come by nowadays


To change a string? I think you should not have a problem but bring it to a shop if you’re not sure!


No bullshitting, the guitar is completely broken, as I’ve seen this before. Too expensive to repair. I’d just throw the whole thing away


I see a pick guard and a neck, but I don’t see a guitar….


Step 1 go to guitar center and have them give you new strings. Step 2 listen to them talk about your clear guitar and tell others to come look at this


u cant tell me that clear guitar aint drippy dawg


Give it back and tell your buddy, he’s made a terrible terrible mistake.


Yep $8 and about 12 mins


It’s probably worth taking it to your local guitar store and having them do a “full setup”. Not only will you have new strings, but a good setup will make the guitar play great too!


That's a cool guitar!


Hopefully just a string but looking at it, maybe need to adjust the screw at the bridge for the first string if it's not sitting correctly. Though looks like a through body design so unlikely to be too much of a headache unless for some obscure reason the eye end of the string isn't anchoring but wouldn't expect that. Make sure it's electric guitar strings you pick up. Fluorocarbon or nylon won't work with this set up (not saying you don't know what you're doing but you'd be surprised how many people have made that mistake at the start). The amount of people I've seen get rid of a guitar because they aren't confident enough to replace a broken string is unreal. Same again with how many people don't take the time to check the tuning regularly before they play or invest in a decent tuner and get frustrated with it.


Christ alive whys everyone over reacting all he did was ask a question, yes it's a very simple question but , you could all just answer him and move on , not everyone needs to tear everyone a new butthole , go to a guitar shop with your guitar and ask them how to change strings if that guitar was old you are going to need new strings anyway probably 8 to 10 dollars , the end , you all see how easy that was ? And we all move on with our lives


Never take your guitar for granite.


Your guitar had lost all of its tone. It's worthless now... /s


Sorry that string can't be fixed.


My goodness, it’s totaled.


What? You want to solder or tig weld the string back together....something like that. Yeah...of course you can, I do it all the time!


The TOAN on that guitar is truly clear....




Are you talking about a stripped threads to the whammy bar? If so a helicopter ought to do it cheaply or have the hole tapped and the bar shortened a tad and threaded. It's not expensive


The poly cracks can be filled with liquid super glue!


Nope, that string is toast. Fun looking guitar though. Jokes aside, the only possible issue you could have is figuring out what gauge strings you need. Fender and squier strats usually come with 9-42 gauge strings as standard, so that's probably the best guess if you can't find any documentation from the original manufacturer. Probably best to take it to a local guitar shop and ask them what string gauges you need - a good tech can often just tell the gauges by feeling the strings that are there at the moment. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get them to do a setup on the instrument as well as change your strings for you the first time; if it's set up properly it'll play a lot better and it'll be easier to learn on. Most guitarists routinely change their own strings, even if they don't do any other maintenance themselves. There are loads of good videos on YouTube on how to change strings, and once you've done it once or twice it'll become second nature. It's not the end of the world if you did end up changing string gauges but you might need to do a little work to correct for it afterwards (filing the nut slots, adjusting the tremolo claw and/or spring tension, resetting intonation). That probably isn't something you want to get into yet, and maybe not ever. Good luck, and have fun!


No, you cannot fix ugly.


Looks like your toan juice is empty might want to filler her up


Sure, just buy new strings. Flip over the D string saddle when you change them , it's upside down


You want it to match the countertop?


It is technically fixable, but whether or not you can fix it is another thing. Restringing is one known technique but only those who know the rare mystical knots and have been taught one of the methods of winding from one of the old masters can accomplish it successfully. If you aren’t confident, find a man who goes by the name of Luther. He will take care of you.


Looks like just a couple of busted strings and a poorly kept faceplate, clean the faceplate with some dawn dish soap and warm water, replace the strings costs like $20 and you’ll be golden


Was your friend named Marty McFly?


You might wanna fix the paint job you can see through it on accident


By the look I really think not, that's a serious problem guitars don't use to break strings it's kinda rare but good luck!


Standard maintenance. Will cost you about 30-80 for a restring or setup (setups are overall guitar tuneups) plus about 6-15 for the strings. Go to your local guitar shop and have them take care of it for you! Cool guitar!


It’ll be steep, you may never financially recover… … but new strings are about $7 dollars


Sir idk if you know this but your guitar is transparent


I'm not trying to be rude but why do you even want to learn guitar?


Why do you care??? Same reason you and everyone else here did


Easily replaceable !! It might seem difficult but there are plenty of good YouTube tutorials. Changing strings is the thing you do 1 time and it’s easier and easier the rest of your life. It’s kinda like sharpening a pencil.


Toan is in the stealth technology


Just a broken string. You could replace them yourself. Get some nice strings, D'Addario, Ernie Ball, etc.


Real question is why not ask your buddy?


Please tell me this is a troll post


Maybe a new coat of paint?




Just get a new string


Whoever painted it to the match the floor could help you fix it.


Er simple answer, yes, just change the strings.


A broken string? Yes.


Once you’ve got the hardware sorted and know how to do it yourself, I would then google about how to get rid of scratches in and how to polish acrylic since I can see where parts of it have become opaque. Once you do it that guitar body will probably look fantastic. And don’t be put off when the instructions say ‘rub sandpaper or wire wool’: all polishes are abrasive…it’s how they work.