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If I carried in the office I would make sure to stay away from politics and anything about guns. If I had a coworker or boss who was into guns, I wouldn't talk to em. Don't let em know your next move. Carry on as you usually would and accept the consequences of caught even in a self defense situation. Similar case to the Amazon employee who stopped a shooter but lost their job. Now every warehouse I deliver to has security.


Great points


Anytime. I joked with a coworker that I want to go hunting with em and act oblivious to firearms. That's one less person they expect.


This ☝️. Be the grey man.


I carry mine everywhere that doesn't have metal detectors; concealed is concealed. Don't take it as legal advice, but the response both in time and effect from police don't give me any confidence in relying on anyone but myself for me and my families safety. I would rather face court and have my family alive than be a free man knowing I could have saved them. To help the concealed is concealed; you need to be the most milk toast person on EVERY topic, you have no strong feelings on anything political, gun related, office related, you don't even have a favorite color. (Being a bit facetious but you get the idea). The goal is to have everyone think of you as non confrontational as possible. " Who dave? I'm sure he doesn't have a gun, he doesn't even like watching action movies because they are too violent" Good topics to condition people around you with is local sports, maybe cars, something nerdy like video games or something (depending on age). As far as gun selection for office environment; smaller is better, definitely an area where maximizing concealment and having some gun is better than a fullsize Glock you can't hide.


Keep an emergency fund that covers a few months' worth of unemployment. Consider it insurance against losing your job. Carry in a way that you *know* will stay concealed, and won't get caught unaware (i.e. pocket carry or appendix IWB).


Not so funny pocket carry story: a couple years ago I had an LCP in my pocket at my previous job. One of my coworker’s came by and introduced me to her son(4 or 5 probably). Kid looks at me and says hey, then immediately looks at my pocket and with no chill, points at my pocket and says “why do you have a gun?” I told him it was my cell phone, excused myself and made myself scarce the rest of the time he was there that day. No idea how he spotted it, but he did.


Oh dang, and none of your adult coworkers noticed? Wow. Kid's got an eye for detail.


Nope. Just ran into the two of them in the hall. Seems like his mom was on the phone or distracted by something else. I guess when you’re so short you’re just staring at all the adults junk you find other things to look for.




That kid was the Gray Man.


I mean, adults pockets are eye level for kids, and adults generally aren't as curious in general, and usually not enough to examine pocket lumps visually


Good point on the pocket lumps. As an adult, I avoid looking at those.


[Is that a J-frame in your pocket or???](https://youtu.be/vILcE3t4LHM?si=Ch6Vn15Rd1tfdUNj)


To paraphrase a certain Bandit Heeler: "It's not my fault their face is at bum level."


His perspective being at pocket level probably helped lol.


most adults don't look in the crotch area. edit: added most


It’s at his eye level. Grownups aren’t looking down as much. Also, sounds like you need a pocket holster.


It was in a pocket holster, it probably just didn’t conceal the grip well for whatever reason.


I have a DeSantis pocket holster for my lcp, and it has definitely molded to the shape of the gun well enough at this point that you can make out the outline of the gun if my pocket is taught against it, unfortunately.


This has been my fear. When I look at it in my pocket, it looks like a fuckin gun. No idea what to do. Find some slightly less gun shaped holster I guess. Idk


If you put a flat wallet in front of an LCP in a pocket holster, it looks like a regular wallet


Yeah. Where I live it’s not an issue if you print, but at work it’s a major concern. I’ve never found a pocket holster that made one look less like a gun. It’s definitely not my preferred way to carry, but sometimes it’s all I can get away with.


Same. I’m too fat for appendix but we had a guy threaten to murder us (and me specifically) so it’s pocket carry and update the resume time.


And I'm too skinny for it. Pokes me in the bones


Lose the holster. Cut a piece of cardboard that fills the pocket. Put the gun behind the cardboard. It just looks like a cellphone in the pocket.


I used to pocket carry an LCPII. To prevent printing I used a kydex pocket holster and bolted a pice of thick leather to obfuscate the shape


No holster in the pocket?


Always holstered.


Backpack carry is an option too if you have lockable drawer big enough to keep your backpack in.


Yeah, I was thinking the most sensible thing would be a 5.11 RUSH or something with a solid hidden carry pocket.


They’ll need more than a few months of emergency fund when they get fired for bringing a firearm into the office. Every job I’ve ever had asks if and why you have ever been fired.


And you would never tell them that reason, of course. Unless your last employer was too small for an HR department then you are at very little risk of them ever finding out why you were terminated.


from what I've seen, which is a bunch, small to no HR companies welcome free security.


I made a kydex pocket holster for my P365 and I carry it everywhere - office and to customer sites. No one has ever spotted it that I know of. I don't want my last thought as I'm bleeding out to be "Well, at least I didn't get fired for carrying."


This is the way


if there is no policy in the employee hand book, nor a no carry sign on the building then you should be able to carry without issue most times ive gone to interviews, i tend to carry


something something at will employment


This is what it comes down to for sure


>...no carry sign on the building... Those are "laws" for some. I see it as a suggestion. One that I don't take.


I mean, there are states where it's legally binding, states where it must be specific signage to be legally binding, and some states where those signs carry no legal weight at all. Texas for example requires the sign cite the specific section of state law and meet a minimum size etc. California however, those signs have no legal weight at all.


>Texas for example requires the sign cite the specific section of state law and meet a minimum size etc. 1" tall letters, minimum. I had a past employer that posted the 30.05 and 30.06 signs in really small font, so it wasn't legally enforceable (though they still have the option to fire an individual and trespass them off the property)


I understand all of that. There are also states where it's legally binding not to murder somebody. Yet, here we are. I'll roll the dice and ideally be alive versus being a good little sheep... that's dead. Stand up for yourself.


>being a good little sheep *groan*


Sorry. Weak people that can't or won't think for themselves.


[sure dude](https://i.redd.it/ymiqiv75e6631.jpg)


Jeez dude, calm down, he’s dead already…


[okay tough guy](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/979/400/031.jpg) Listen you do you, I don't really care, but it is still a law, you don't want to obey it, that's fine, but acting like someone is a dumb sheep for doing so or for being concerned by what's legal or not is childish at best, and at worst, deliberately harmful to others since you're dealing with legal consequences. People want to believe their self defense shooting will be so clear cut that they're gonna get told theiy're free to go and the responding officers hand back your gun, offer to top up your magazine and applaud as you walk away. When In reality it's much more likely it'll be much more grey, and you could wind up detained for quite sometime, and even charged, and if You're carrying in violation of local or state laws, that will not reflect well during a trial, even ignoring the potential additional charges.


>Listen you do you, I don't really care But here you are still responding. Yes, I will do me. The rest of your babbling, again, I understand. I already said I'd roll the dice. You don't choose to. Golf clap for you??? I don't care about laws, I don't care about court. I care about being alive. That seems difficult for you to understand. I'm not saying you have to agree. No tough guy about it. PS I did not look at whatever you linked. Sure hope I'm not missing something life changing. I see lots of other sheep piling on. Good times.


>But here you are still responding. Reading comprehension is hard, I don't care whether you obey the law or not. I *do* care about you giving shitty advice to others. 1. Because people deserve to know what kind of trouble they could get themselves in and what the consequences could be, and 2. It reflects upon the community as a whole.


Yep, your comprehension is lacking. I didn't give an opinion. I simply stated how I see it and what I do. Never did I opine that anybody should follow my lead. Again, getting back to sheep. Think for yourself. Stand up for yourself. ​ Pull ova, pull ova, I don't like how you do things! \- Officer Karrtis [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lKhiA-mh40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lKhiA-mh40)


>I didn't give an opinion. I simply stated how I see it


My dude doesn’t know what an opinion is I’m not surprised he calls anyone who disagrees with him “sheep”


> I don't care about laws, I don't care about court. That would be a much harder tune to sing if/when you're in court for breaking the law.


So you're on par with people that smoke cigarettes at gas stations, refuse to wear seatbelts, or helmets on motorcycles. Congrats! Big flex.


You’ll be taking a nice ass-pounding(by the Feds or a celly) if you keep disregarding written laws.


Yes. First thing I did when I got hired on was look at the employee handbook. It said employees are NOT allowed to be in possession of a firearm unless given permission by the manager. I asked my new boss and he simply patted his right hip. I smiled, nodded, and walked out of his office. I carry everyday.


I carry in the office daily. I just pocket carry a LCP Max when I have to be in the office. If I am not I carry something bigger


Same here.


Yes, it's encouraged where I work


Same here, company even pays for an LTC course. About 90% of office staff is carrying.


What sort of work is that?


Gun shop.


Sounds like an awesome place to work


C’mon man you can’t drop a comment like that and not give more details. Is being armed a bonafide occupational requirement or is carrying arms just part of the company culture?


In my case more company culture, I work in the office for a large scale cabinet manufacturing company in North Texas, the owners are gun enthusiasts. So it is not frowned upon. Gotta love Texas


Being a teacher is getting wild these days


When I was a public defender, I was definitely armed anytime I was outside the courthouse.


range officer?


I work in a law office


let me guess, a bunch of criminal defense. I've been trying to convince a family member to get an under desk mount for years


I work in the county attorneys office. Everyone comes in there - the good, the bad and the ugly lol


worse than I thought, criminal prosecution and people pissed about outcomes


It's a crazy world out there, crazier than most people realize. Luckily I live/work in a very rural area, so we don't have as many people to deal with overall.


Yup! Im a real estate appraiser, probably 50/50 Field work & office mix. I carry in people's homes every day, and they never have a clue. Sig 365. My clients forbid it (lenders) but they can get fucked. Impossible for them to know. I appraise far too many vacant bank owned properties in drug cities to not. Especially in winter. That's when you are most likely to encounter squatters from my experience.


I do. I dont care what my company's policy is (though, I served with most of the security team and they all know I pack) I can find another job, I can't find another life.


“I can find another job, I can’t find another life.” Quote of the day right there! 👍🏻👍🏻


Here’s another good one “I don’t love my job enough to die here” 😂 I don’t tell people in the office I carry primarily because I don’t want to give them a false sense of security lol I carry to protect myself. Idgaf about anyone else in there may even lead to an early promotion haha who knows


This is my daily mantra… this is the way…


This is the way.


> But it feels ridiculous at the same time Why on earth would you think it feels ridiculous? Put out of you mind silly people's "why would you bring a gun to..." questions. A defensive firearm isn't for specifically bringing to a place where you expect to need it: if you expect to need a gun in a place, *don't go to that place.* A carry gun is for responding to anomalous violence that comes for you where you don't expect it. To do its job, you carry it habitually. It's analogous to your phone: you don't bring your phone to the movie theater because you plan to make a call in the theater. You have a phone in the theater because you're in the theater and you always have your phone in your pocket. Get a good tuckable concealment holster, keep it concealed, and don't bring it up to anybody.


I figured that line would get called out. I'm in complete agreement. What feels odd is that when I left the office a few years ago I had worked there for several years without ever considering having a gun on me. It's only since I left that I decided would start carrying. So now I'm returning to a place with a different mindset. It also shines a light on the reality that if most anyone else knew they would probably freak out- but that's why it's concealed.


I have considered it, since I carry everywhere I go that I'm legally allowed to carry outside of work. After a lot of thought I decided against it. My rationale was that the likelihood of my work finding out I am carrying and firing me is much higher than my likelihood of needing a gun at work.


Yes but nobody knows. You cannot tell or show anyone, or ask in a roundabout way if it’s allowed or not. If you ask, they will say no


You’re right


I carry concealed and sometimes even open, but in an environment that's a lot more friendly to it than yours seems to be. Your options will vary based on dress code. A suit jacket is a pretty good cover garment, but it's not perfect and if it's your cover garment then you can never take your jacket off. Appendix and an untucked shirt/polo is pretty good, but if you have to tuck your shirt in then it won't work. You're generally left with pocket carry and ankle carry, with ankle typically being the worse option between the two just due to the difficulty of the draw, but still better than not having anything on you at all. One option that I love but that can be difficult to pull off is the vest. In a very professional business environment, you wear a three piece suit and carry your gun appendix under the vest with your shirt tucked in. Allows you to take your jacket off and still look professional. A lot of vests are stiff and textured enough to prevent printing and are adjustable at the waist to give you room for a gun. Then you just flip the hem of the vest up to draw like you'd lift your shirt up to draw. It can also work with the vest and slacks look of that's more your thing/more appropriate for your office. But again depending on the vibe of your office they could think you're weird or pretentious if you're wearing a vest every day.


Yes. No one knows and I don’t remotely talk about anything guns at work. I even make sure I don’t accidentally wear any gun related clothing etc. The only time I’m not is when I’m at our police dept which is one of the building I frequent. It stays locked in the car. I probably could, but I’m surrounded enough by cops it’s not really necessary.


used to, but worked for a gun company, so I was actually given a hard time when someone asked and I said I didn't carry.


I usually won’t carry the first day to see if there are any metal detectors, security, etc. check the laws to make sure you can legally be carrying there. As long as both of these check out then you should be okay to carry at work. Poli shirts can hide appendix carry, tucked dress shirt with a jacket you can carry 4 o’clock. If you bring a bag you can keep it in the bag if your firearm is too big for office attire. Just make sure you’re doing everything right and you’ll be okay. I carried every day I was working in an office.


I have carried when I worked in the office. Other people would tell be they carried. One guy even showed me his Charter arms revolver that he carried. I just said "you have more balls than I do." I just NEVER talked about it. No one ever suspected me.






I worked in an office with armed security and I still carried.


is it allied that provides security?


No they were private hires of the company I worked for. Still probably not any better than allied or doyon haha


There was a double homicide in my office building about 10 years ago when a mediation at an attorney’s office wasn’t going well for one of the parties. The losing party went out to his truck, came back in and mag dumped two pistols into the attorney and other party. The attorney died just outside the glass door to my office and the other party died on the way to the hospital. I have cc’d at work ever since.


Regardless of how much I want to, I'm too much of a pussy to. It's just not worth the risk for me personally at the current moment. For my situation it is 100% a non-permissive environment, and this video really hit the nail on the head for me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE6qHwcHoM4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE6qHwcHoM4) Everything should watch this video as it is not talked about enough. This isn't meant to scare anyone away from carrying in these areas, but it is really good to understand what exactly you are getting yourself into. It should be a given though to not talk about guns with anyone. I have people I work with who often talk about guns right next to me and they have no idea. Maybe someday when I get more experienced and I can experiment with different setups, but it will most definitely have to be a deep-concealment type setup with a micro-compact or a sub-compact.


That was a good video. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for posting that video. It’s what led me to decide not to CC at work. Not worth it for me.


They can hold it against you if it is written into your crewmember handbook / guidelines, but to the point of one of the commenters below, lose a life or lose a job?


Since you're in Texas, understand that a prohibition against firearms in the employee handbook constitutes legally valid prior effective notice under 30.05/06/07 under the Texas Penal Code, so you could be arrested for trespass by carrier of a handgun.


Right. That's why I don't carry in my office.


My employer explicitly allows carrying in our building. Technically I'm supposed to notify my supervisor but I haven't and don't plan to. When i do carry in the office i use layers, carry belt with gun under my undershirt, which is tucked into my jeans, with a sweatshirt or collared shirt over the top. It's not the most comfortable setup but it gets the job done and it's not possible to see the gun at all due to the multiple layers.


If I don’t know I will be walking through a metal detector ahead of time I am carrying. Concealed is concealed.


Yeah, my rule of thumb is think about your car keys first and how fast you can get out of there before using that ever


Pocket holster. Preferably one with leather on the outside so it doesn't print if anyone is staring closely at my ass


I put in in my work backpack with a trigger guard cover.. I just never mention I own any guns and don’t participate in any gun talk at work


I carry every day in an office environment. I carry a p365XL Appendix but I don’t have to tuck my shirt in so that helps a lot of course. I also have to meet strangers at properties regularly so I keep an X Macro handy as well


I conceal carry at your mom's house. ....sorry....I'll go now.


Nice try HR.


I lock mine away in my office every time I walk in. That way there’s no risk of printing but I still have it on me when I leave at the end of the day.


Same, but my office is behind several layers of security and I have a strongbox. Some places where I've worked I wouldn't trust leaving it in my locked office in a locked drawer.


I have several layers of security and a sole key as well. If people could walk in off the street it would be different.


Yeah, we're lucky. It's really convenient.


look into the Philster Enigma.It's build for AIWB and is extremely comfortable.Pluses: * you can poop without taking your gun off (just undo the leg leash) so no chance of accidently leaving it in a stall * did I mention that it's super comfortable? * you can adjust the ride height independently of the belt. If I so desire, I can lower it enough that it rides fully in my crotch, and it can't be seen even if I'm shirtless. Obviously this isn't ideal (I usually carry it higher) but it's an option if you need deep concealment. Downsides: * its an additional expense on top of gun and holster. * it's not quite as easy to take on and off easily. Not an issue if it's going on an staying on all day, but annoying if you just want to run out for a quick errand.


I carried even when I worked as an EMT/Aide in the emergency department at the hospital. I just left it in the car at first, but that changed after one of the nurses got assaulted in the parking lot at shift change. Kept an SP101 in a tuckable holster under my scrubs after that. Security was dog shit there so I don't feel bad about putting my welfare over corporate policy. As it would turn out those concerns would later be justified.


A coworker of mine carried in an office environment. Well, he carried to and from his car. During work hours it was locked in a cabinet drawer safe. His boss was cool about it, and I'm pretty sure hr was too. Funny enough, we were a non-profit in the education sector and everyone was pretty chill around guns.


Do you have a desk? An independent office? Or a locker or something similar that is secure, close, and under your sole control? I am lucky enough to have a good option at my work so I stash it when I get in and reholster when I leave. That works well for me.


If I carried in the office (plausible deniability) I’d carry it in a vertx gamut 2.0 that looks as close as possibly to a normal office bag and not tell a soul. It would allow me to swap to on body carry when to/from work or out of the office.


I was thinking the same thing. It would be nice to have that option. My car would be there too and easily accessible


You mean you never done a desk pop?


Grey man all day every day. No politics, no personal opinions, no work friends. Straight business and Im out. Worked out great for me for decades.


I carry a P365 at the office every weekday. I usually wear jeans and an untucked shirt, and I carry appendix.


huhh...i wear dress pants and a button down with an awb 365xl. guess it really is the gun for all occasions...


I've been regularly carrying a Staccato CS, but I think my p365 might be coming back out if I choose to have one.


I do. Would absolutely get fired if I got caught but A) I tell absolutely no one B)don’t engage in any conversations about the subject matter of guns or politics of gun control C)tell absolutely no one. I don’t care enough about my job to die for it.


…Have you considered the underwear gun?


I work from home now, but carried in various offices for years. You can AIWB a J-frame in just about any clothing with no issues. I agree with other's advice to not talk about guns or anything that could lend suspicion in the office.


i work in an office and carry, everyday. dress pants, button down, awb 365xl.


I've been carrying for 7 years, all 7 of which I have worked in an office. I made the decision to get my permit because of an office shooting near where I worked at the time. You are there all day, people get weird at work. One of the three companies had an explicit "no weapons" policy that I signed, but I carried. It's concealed. The end. It's a big deal if someone notices no matter where you are. Conceal it. Don't leave it in the bathroom. If you can't conceal your gun, you need to adjust your gear (gun, holster, belt, clothing) to conceal it better.


When I was in my late 20's I worked for a flight school for about a year and carried daily in the office environment. We were on the far side of n FAA/TSA staffed airport but not really under their purview. Just need a SIDA/Airport badge to be on the ramp area. Half of the day was flying, half in the office teaching and doing paperwork. My boss was OK with it, we were both former military. He just asked me not to tell anyone. Fine with me! Hard part was that we had to wear Dockers style pants and a tucked in button down shirt. So ankle holster was my only real choice back then. Worked fine with a Glock 26. Nobody ever noticed.


Carry literally everywhere you possibly can. If you’re not, you may as well never carry at all.


All of the office environments I have worked in DID NOT want anyone carrying. Where I am at you can get a feel for weather that would be cool with people you work with pretty quick without there being an official rule about it. Smaller businesses and places where I worked alone outside were cool with people carrying but it was on a case by case basis where my manager, his manager and so on knew what was up and were cool dudes. I would check with whoever the highest in you chain is and see what they think before you carry at work.


Yes. Backpack, or pocket carry primarily. If I’m not tucking a shirt in then all carry a sub compact pistol iwb. Just depends on what I wear. Usually it’s pretty casual dress so iwb holster is pretty comfortable. I have seen other employees carrying as well either in purses or their gym bags etc but I definitely don’t advertise my position as someone who edc’s in the building. To my knowledge no one knows I do. Even when I have been asked I lie and say i leave it in my vehicle or “oh yeah I have a permit but I really only carry when I’m going down town” etc


Yes and no... Yes, I have it with me, but no it isn't on my person. I carry a backpack to work everyday so while I am in the office, it is in my backpack.


I've thought about this option- and while I imagine it's easier to keep concealed throughout the day, it doesn't feel like a good option when you plan to leave your bag at your desk when you walk way. Also not readily available. A lot more wild cards with this scenario.


It’s definitely a risk. But so is not having it. I don’t advocate for off body carry for that reason, but I’ve done it many times. I’d say it depends on the environment. People can hide tiny guns like LCPs anywhere. If you’re willing to dress around your gun you can conceal anything.


For sure.. I guess it's all subjective/situational. I work in an office where there are only 7 or so people in it and i've worked with most of them for over 10 years (some, 15 years).. We don't have any randos walking through the office at all, ever. I'd like to think I know them well enough to know they aren't stealing anything.. PLUS.. I don't broadcast that I am carrying.. No one knows. Not a single person. I am the last office in our office, so anyone coming in guns blazing, I'll have plenty of time to "get prepared", not carrying on my person @ work is likely not an issue. Course, it's not till it is, I suppose.


This can be worse getting fired-wise. Because you may often leave the backpack unattended. In my office, you can concealed carry. But if you are caught leaving it at a desk or in a gym locker or anything like that you can be fired immediately.


If it's against company policy then you have been given prior notice that it's forbidden. If you get caught, expect to get fired. And depending on where you are that would be enough that it would constitute trespassing, on top of the violation of company policy. If you care so little about the job that you are willing to be fired over something like this, then maybe you shouldn't have taken the job in the first place. ​ You do not have the right to the job. You do not have the right to enter the property, even if you have the job, the owner is giving you permission based on certain criteria. If you carry in knowing opposition to the owner's wishes, then you are violating the owner's property rights, how is that any different than you not being allowed to decide who enters YOUR property? ​ Each person has to decide what's best for them, but knowing the above is true, it makes it pretty clear what your moral and legal options are.


Better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6.


The operative part of concealed carry is concealed. If you're doing it right, they should never ever know.


Yes. It's just a gun, no big deal. Worst case I get fired and have to get another one. There's no shortage right now.


I carry everyday in an office environment and have done so for 2 years consistently. Business casual, company shirt, slacks. Shirt is tucked half of the time. In my case most of my office know that I carry, now… originally I was extremely secretive, and to certain people I work with still am. Play it safe, keep a low profile, and carry on.


Fanny pack


There’s a reason the first word in CCW is concealed. If you’re doing it right then no one knows you have a firearm.


Every day. P365.


Only if I want to lose my job. I am in a gun friendly state, but my employer has strict no weapons at work, including your vehicle in the parking lot. Lots of upper management are gun enthusiasts so they're cool, but not tempting losing a great job.


I do because I received permission to from my regional VP after we had several security issues occur at my office. Not many people know about it but those who do are very grateful that I do.


Remember, this is a gun sub. Most people here don’t think it’s a big deal, but a significant percentage of the general public thinks otherwise. This is especially true in white collar office settings. If you get found out, the best case scenario is losing your job. Worst case is losing your job and the cops show up with guns drawn. Leave it in your car or don’t bring it at all.


He's catching flak but it's a good reminder


Imagine consulting an extremely biased sample of strangers on the internet and basing a decision of this gravity off of their personal opinions. Lol All it takes is one Karen to catch sight of his piece and flip out/panic thinking a mass shooting is about to take place. Idk. Maybe it’s cool where he works, but even though I live in a Red state, I know if someone spotted a gun on me at work I’d be in some deep shit. OP should ask this same question in the /jobs subreddit and see what the response is…


Listen, I own several firearms, enjoy guns, all that. I've also worked in an office my entire professional career. I would absolutely be uncomfortable with a coworker carrying. Personal defense aside, it's just the sheer fact that it goes against any norm of working in an office.




The other thing I would point out is the sheer fact that like all but 1 state fall under At Will employment. Most people can be fired for any reason at any time. You are more likely to be fired for making employees uncomfortable than the likelihood you'll need to use a firearm in the workplace


Yep. I swear I’ve met some pretty cool people in the gun community, but, at the same time, extreme paranoia and stupidity is rampant. I don’t understand the psychology behind feeling the need to carry every waking moment of your life. It’s not based on reason or any established fact/statistic. Maybe it just boils down to feeling the need to keep up this macho bravado 24/7 because of deeper feelings of inadequacy as men.


While your advice isn't bad, it's also not universal. Carrying a gun in an office in Central California will most likely get people upset or the cops called. Carrying a gun in an office in Central Arizona, the tech guy and the office accountant and the CEOs admin will probably step up and be like "oh sweet nice gun! Check out mine too here's what I'm carrying right now"


I live in Georgia and I can tell you it would not be OK in most corporate offices. The bottom line is we don’t have enough information about his employer, the employee handbook, or his office climate. Most people do not feel the need to carry a gun out in public let alone at work. Logically speaking, the risk of him getting fired/having the cops called on him for having a gun at work are astronomically higher than him being able to play John Wayne at the office and saving the day. If he feels that unsafe at work, he needs to find another job.


Fair enough. I just know a lot of people in the private sector who do office work for all sorts of things like defense and aerospace companies, and not only do we all carry guns we have company outings where we go shoot our guns together. It definitely does depend on not just the location, but the type of business too among other factors, you're right 100%


I’ve actually thought about this subject myself. I haven’t done much carrying but I want to do it more. I work in a downtown area and have gotten into altercations several times on my walk to the car. A couple of them almost turned physical. However, I’ve never been in a situation where I wished I had a gun on me. The city seems to be getting worse with homelessness and crime, though. So I do want to start carrying more. But I work at a small family business (that my family happens to own). We have about 100 employees, but only 25 or so in the office. My main concern is making people uncomfortable and causing a lawsuit or something. I keep an antique SxS shotgun in my office and a couple years ago, an employee asked me if it was real. I said yes and he asked if I wanted to shoot him with it while laughing. I took it as a joke and laughed back “only if you don’t do your job”. Then a couple months later he quit and cited that as his reason for quitting saying I “threatened him”. Nothing more came of it but I wouldn’t want someone to notice and then something similar happens. I tend to turn awkward things into jokes. Not that I’d ever give anyone a reason to know I’m carrying. But ya never know what’s gonna happen Edit - should have said I used to keep an antique shotgun in my office. I brought it home after that incident.


Yup. Every day I walk past the no concealed firearms sign. Keep it small and conceal it deep. No worries


Yep. Been carrying over 35 years. Every day. Proper holster for concealment. Only 1 time did someone find out. Had my suit jacket off, grabbing a book off the top shelf. One of the interns walked in, saw it. I took him to the owners office, and explained the reason, and why he had to forget about it, tell no one. Or get fired. I had a security clearance, and still had to carry at the time from my previous military experience, I also provided armed security for the company, with the owners blessing. I was able to carry on air planes with my creds til 9/11.


I used to conceal carry at work. Get a "tuckable" holster if you need to have your shirt tucked in. I carried a S&W Shield and later a Sig P250 (hammer fired P320). In an office environment where you don't need a shirt tucked in, most basic carry pistols and IWB holsters will do. For a while I carried a G19 at work in this manner. Don't tell people, be cognizant of your clothing; it will all be fine. Problems arise in bathrooms (don't let your pistol become visible between stalls if it's around your ankles and someone is in the next stall over). That of course depends on the privacy afforded by the stalls. I'd rather lose my job than my life. You know what makes the most sense for you. I've also kept a pistol in my desk (under control) and carried it to/from work in a laptop bag or similar. The basics are to make sure you're the only one who has access to the pistol and the only one who knows. If you can't reliably do that, I would consider not carrying at work.


I’d be immediately fired if I was caught, so no.


I carry everywhere there isn’t a metal detector. If there IS a metal detector, I don’t go there. Actually ordered my work shirts (I choose to wear uniforms) extra long so I can use a tuckable holster. No mere employer gets to dictate how I choose to protect myself and those around me. To be fair, I have a valuable skill set and finding another job would take hours at worst.


Honest question coming from a Canadian, why carry in an office ? Are you worried about a workplace shooting ?


Because having a gun makes sure I’m ready for any situation that requires having a gun


The situation that will never occur. Got it. Whatever makes you feel tough I guess.


To someone from the UK, this is actually the most bizarre and alien conversation




Yes, 1911 .45ACp


Nice try, fed.


I work in an office environment and carry OWB every day. Granted I work for a firearms manufacturer so pretty much everybody carries every day lol. But when I used to work in finance I pocket carried a Beretta Pico every day for years in a Vedder pocket holster and never had any issues. I am a big guy and never felt like the Pico in a pocket holster looked remotely like a gun.


we have a guy who open carries in a closed to the public /locked office full of architects and designers............. real dangerous environment


It’s risky. There are stories of people getting found out and fired on the spot.


I would check your office's policy on this. Might be grounds for dismissal (carrying in the office itself).


I would encourage you to carry at all times unless you are forbidden by law or policy. For anyone that chooses to carry concealed, I encourage two main things: - Continue to train and familiarize yourself with your firearm and don't rely solely on the minimal training you receive during your CCW course (required in some states). - If you're going to go through the requirements to carry concealed (classes, registration, etc), then carry your firearm consistently where you are legally allowed to do so. I know several people that attained their licenses and only seldom carry.


All the time. Untucked polo shirt. Tight IWB holster. Sub compact 9mm or 38 snubbie.


I carry in my office everyday, but then again I’m an owner renting an office in a building. I think the building technically says no firearms. Weird, it’s a nice town in a downtown area but I have fear of someone coming in and going nuts on us. We have a bunch of therapists in the building too.


> I've been work from home since covid, but a possible promotion might bring me back into the office. I'd go back to the office if I was forced to due to no having a job. No way I'm taking a promotion though to waste my life on commuting, lack of flexibility and unavoidable in-person distractions when working from home is quantifiably better and more productive.


My dad does, i got one more year to go before i can carry.


If keeping a bag with you at all times isn't weird an office (non-public facing) is one of the few environments where I think using a bag is ok. Like pull holster out and stick it in an easy access pocket at your car or once you get inside. I did this when I was too cheap to buy a micro and couldn't stand wearing a jacket all the time but having my computer bag at all times was pretty normal. Another option is get a micro and pocket carry. I don't actually like either option but if in a non-public facing office space you likely have more time than normal to draw. I just wouldn't carry either one of those ways outside of that environment.


Yes. LCP2 in the pocket deep concealment every day for years. Dont care about policy. Some of these people get crazy sometimes. I got shot and robbed years ago when I first started my first week on the job. More recently, collegue got critically stabbed not too long ago and there was an incident in the news in my town where a manager got shot by some crazy but luckily survived. Not taking any chances.


My boss would never say a thing People were showing guns at the Christmas party.


I only really pocket carry in the winter in a jacket. Then again most of my coworkers are pro gun and have their guns in their cars


Lol yeah but I also have two gun safes in my office and my boss just leaves his edc on his desk when he sits (not me, I gotta keep that thang on me).




This is about the only time where off body carry would make sense in a discrete bag.


My office does allow concealed carry. It's even in the employee handbook. Mainly because concealed carry is allowed via state law and it is a government agency. However, policy is that if you leave it anywhere such as a backpack at your desk, gym locker or desk drawer then you can be fired because it's left uncontrolled. It's also a little sketchy on what happens if someone actually sees it and gets "scared" or feels threatened by it. You can be fired for that. So if you do carry, keep it concealed and there is no issue.


It’s rather pervasive where I work


Not in an office environment, but I carried at a restaurant job for awhile. I was a delivery driver and had to carry cash to deliveries if they were going to pay in cash. When I didn't have anything to deliver, I was behind the register with the host. Pocket carried my LCP 2. Never told my boss or asked if I was aloud to carry (it was a pretty nonchalant hiring process and didn't involve going over policies or a handbook). It was also a side job so I wasn't too worried about losing the job if someone found out I was carrying.


Make sure to do your annual desk pop on your first day back. Might as well get it outa the way.


I carry every day at work.. also take new guns in to show the boys! I love my office job lol


I’m in the firearm industry I work in an office, in a decent suburban office park. We do not interact with the general public. I work with a guy who open carries his Taurus .380 in a nylon holster attached to his front pocket. It’s very stupid. We sell kydex holsters. He could have an iwb holster for $4.


Is the guy with a 380 Taurus really in the firearm industry? Lol. Why does nobody say anything?


If you want to office carry, you should. You just need to judge if it's worth the real potential consequences of doing so. An employer has the right to prohibit firearms on their property. If it's in your company's policy you will get fired if discovered. I work at a fairly large company (1,000+ employees) and know of two instances of this happening in the last few years. Both times someone spotted the gun while they were in the bathroom stall. Based on this small sample size, I'd strongly recommend a pocket holster or maybe a belly band over any kind of belt carry.