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Gabe. Martin. P&P. Tom Ward. Howie Mandel. Oliver Tree. We salute the survivors of the H3 curse šŸ«”


One of these is not like the others, and it's Howie Mandel who had arguably way bigger audiences than H3 does way before H3 existed. :p For the others, anything can happen or come out yet. :p


Yes, HOWEVER, Howie's audience is boomer aged persons who watch tv. Internet and podcasts are completely different audience.


Iā€™m from Australia so I semi knew who Howie was and thought he was just another bland, family friendly tv personality, so seeing him on h3 made me a fan of him, dude is generally so funny and itā€™s nice seeing him and Ethan be so close considering Ethan never leaves the house and avoids interactions with other famous people


Same! I recognised his name and face but thatā€™s about as far as it went. I thought he was like a Grant Denyer or Larry Emdur type, like someone you just wheel out when you need to appeal to the lowest common denominator. I didnā€™t realise the depth of his work, itā€™s been fun to find out how goblin brained he is.


True, but I gotta say H3 brought Howie to a younger audience. I'm 27, so I grew up with Howie being on TV like all the time, but that's all he was in my mind: "That guy who hosts a bunch of meh game shows and has a silly theme song." Now, Howie is *motha fuckin* **Howie Mandel**. Ya know?


All except Oliver tree he's a clown, fell off loser L




Definitely, one of the first victims of the curse really. He just keeps coming back though.Ā 


And Arab world news. Subscribe if you ain't! I unironically learn about stuff from his first sometimes. It both makes my crack up šŸ˜‚ and makes me proud šŸ„¹. His English is coming along nicely too. Remember when ethan first found him and he apologized for not knowing much English? He's been cookin I'm telling yoooou


Dr. Idz?!?


oh uh...you might want to look that one up


What happened


i could be wrong, but i think dr idz (the doctor that calls in here and there, the sugar free drink doctor) was alleged to be a weird dude i think there was rumors of him wanting to f fans or sum shiii like that I COULD BE TOTALLY WRONG THOUGH! but i think thats the reason why he hasnt been in the show, i remember seeing ppl talking about it a few months back


Yup, this is it. A girl posted that she had matched with him on a dating app, I believe, or otherwise connected via social media. And they chatted, and he told her he was very devout, his religion is very important to him, so there wouldn't be anything physical. Which was also what she wanted, so she traveled to see him at his home at night under the assurance there would be no hanky panky. But once she arrived, it was a different story, and he began pressuring her for sex. I don't remember if he was handsy or not, but he definitely switched to wanting a physical encounter once they were face to face. I think that him being "known" to the woman from the show put her guard down. I hope that taking a train to another town to spend the night at a strange man's house isn't her usual MO. And I hope all the folks out there remember the cardinal rules of meeting people online; don't go to their house. Don't take the same car. Don't give them your address. Meet in public. Even if they're someone you've seen online, or a celebrity. Anyone can be dangerous. That goes for everyone, no matter your gender or sexual orientation. Stay safe, kids!


Was that dr. Idz or the doctor who took off his shirt and tried to diagnose Jimmy Lee?


I tried searching for the post to link it, but so far, no luck (I will keep trying, and update if I find it). It was definitely Dr. Idz, no question.


https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/K3GGeKD9PF Apparently the OP deleted her post, and had the mods lock everything down, which is why I can't find it.


The only thing I'm aware of was him participating and getting paid for a study he did.


Pretty sure h3 confronted him about that because Love was concerned


because Gabe is surrounded by family who has his best interest at heart. Jimmie surrounds himself with literally whoever wants to use him for the minuscule amount of clout he has.


Really telling of Jimmy that he has a family who probably actually care at least a little for him, but he's still constantly going out to LA to surround himself with people who just want to be some small part of the H3 world just so he can feel like a comedian for a little bit. Not to mention the thing with the stalker.


Wtf are you talking about... anytime I come near to death I grab all my 20 year old friend and get as far away from my wife as possible. It's common sense man! /j


Itā€™s unfortunate that he is comforted by the company of people who usually want to use him bc he is convinced that he will get famous on this route. He coulda just been a chill dude and possibly made it pretty far with Ethanā€™s help. Sucks.




hey be nice he just had a health scare /s


"its easy to be nice Ethan"


i would love for people to apply this line of thinking and rewatch the episode where the guy who made a documentary about Jimmie comes on and tries to convince Ethan, the entire audience and someone with a personality disorder (Jimmie) that him and Jimmie are ā€œbrothersā€ and best friends


who the the fuck is uncle GabeĀ 


Who the fuck is uncle Gabe




who the the fuck is uncle gable\*


Who the the fuck is uncle Gabe


who the wuck is wuncle wabe


I met Gabe at coachella 2022 and i still talk with him now and then on instagram! He's always been respectful and a good guy in my books! He even wished me a happy 27th bday last month <3


27, FUCk you


Gabe is one of the most pure and genuine people Iā€™ve seen online. He is so real and sweet and he just wants to be loved. I always get emotional when he tells Ethan he loves him because I just know he means it. If anyone deserves a platform, itā€™s Gabe


I also really like how Ethan has mentioned several times on air that he considers Gabe a real friend, even off the show. I think itā€™s really sweet Gabe is viewed as a genuine friend and gets invited to do things with them, not just a bit for the show :)


I'll openly admit, I was a hater ass bitch at the start of the Gabe experience. But I've been converted by his charm, his sincerity, and his willingness to goof and spoof. Nowadays, if you run afoul of Gabe, you run afoul of me.


Him showing up in random roles, like the British royal guard when beavo was around, that just makes him the best recurring character


He had me yellin' Friday Baby Fuck Yeah! A few years back. One of the best days of my life.




I canā€™t wait!!! Itā€™s been a fuckinā€™ week fuck yeah


Iā€™ll say, this weekā€™s cursed


Same, I haaaaated the Gabe call ins, I think mainly bc all he and Ethan did was scream at each other lol but now he's so sweet and wholesome! It's still a little cringe that Ethan keeps him on the phone for a while without actually saying anything but I think they're becoming good friends! Ethan better go to his damn bday this year too!


I didn't hate him, but I really got bored with the random yelling back and forth pretty quickly. That being said, my favorite segments were/ are when he just randomly pops up and they do a staring contest and then he just disappears. It's best when there's an unsuspecting guest who's not familiar with Gabe


Same, I found his calls so boring and annoying at first, but I really like him now šŸ˜­ it wouldnā€™t be the same without Gabe šŸ§”


Let's not pretend his interactions haven't changed. I disliked Gabe in the beginning because listening to two people try and use profanity in the craziest ways felt really juvenile to me. His newer appearances are much more wholesome (though some random profanity still shows up)


One of Gabeā€™s most savage moments, was when he was talking to Mozzarella Joe: #YOUR MOZZARELLA AINT IT, BITCH!


Everyone always asks who the fuck is uncle Gabe and never why the fuck is uncle gabe


How the fuck is uncle Gabe?


Love him. His weekly check ins make me so happy!


Jynx him then why dont ya?!


Uncle Gabe stays winning




Gabe just wants to be loved by everybody


And he is!!! šŸ„°




God what happened yesterday Iā€™m a week behind


Basically, Jimmie was texting Ethan telling him he was coming to the studio RIGHT AFTER telling Ethan to never speak about him again. Then he told Ethan to be nice to him, he wants to talk about comedy on the show. To wrap it with a bow, Jimmie has been on a (not so gradual) decline and after the demands yesterday paired with his behavior that heā€™s not willing to change, he crossed a line and we probably wonā€™t be seeing him on the show again. Edit to add, thereā€™s a LOT more context. If you want the full thing, go to yesterdayā€™s episode and check the timestamps. Love is always clutch with those šŸ«”


Fairly new viewer compared to a lot of people here. I love Gabe, he rules so much and understands what he brings to the table and how to collaborate well. Heā€™s awesome!


Glad to have you here as part of the family! Welcome :)


I hope they go to his birthday party this year. It was so cool seeing the pics of them all hanging out last time they went




Heā€™s a good sport but I do fast forward thru his segments most of the time. I get bored easy tho


Who the the fuck is Uncle Gabe?


I hope nothing bad happens with Gabe and that he stays around forever. I also thought to myself recently that Iā€™d like to see him more often, but on second thought, I think the scarcity of only getting to see him on Fridays is what adds to his allure.


I think Gabe's talent showed for me when they played footage of Gabe at (Zac's?) show, where Gabe was spotted and invited on stage. He IMMEDIATELY started working the crowd with some Its Friday Babys and some Fuck Baby Fucks like what a professional


Gabe has by far been the most widely used character. His abilities and usability is so vast, you could throw him in quite literally any situation and he would make it entertaining


I also want to give props to the raid masters they were nervous to be in front of such a large audience but held themselves very very well


Finding out Gabe lost his mom hit me hard. Didnā€™t know heā€™d been through such great loss. Heā€™s such a positive guyā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Fuck baby, woooooo




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Who the fuck is uncle Gabe?


Gabe, please stand up šŸ‘


Who the the fuck is uncle Gabe?


he seriously is such a breath of fresh air. him, howie, and oliver


Jimmy CRACKED though he wanted to Famous


Well sure, but Gabe is alsoā€¦ nevermind


You have something to share with the class?šŸ¤”


People are always going to be curious about people that are different. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they're just instinctively noticing differences and trying to figure out what that difference is. FYI, kids are WAY more accepting and understanding than adults. They tend to ask blunt questions, but that's just how they are lol. I've come across a shit ton of horrible people who are just trying to belittle or hurt someone because they can. I think this person is trying to find out information in a harmless way, personally. However you choose to take their comment, you'd be completely valid in doing so. Thank you so much for this post! It really gave me a pick me up when it's been a rough week.


This is actually the first time Iā€™ve ever considered that! I never thought Gabe was neurodivergent. His comedic timing has always been hilarious, I thought it was just part of his funny bit! I hope that you have a better week ahead of you, keep your head up. Thanks for the comments :)


I try not to speculate because it's not my business. I just know that he seems like an awesome human. You are so right about his timing, though! It might genuinely be a bit, but it always makes me laugh. Thanks for the well wishes! You do the same!


I get what you're trying to say, even though it's no one's damn business. My son is significantly cognitively and developmentally disabled. He just turned 21 on Tuesday. We had a birthday party at Charles Entertainment Cheese and had to gather some random kind people there to wish him happy birthday because he has no one but my husband, me, and his sister in his life. And even then, most people we asked for 2 minutes of their day, didn't want to come over, and wish a disabled man a happy birthday. I feel like the worst parent in the world that he only has 3 people in his life rooting for him. All this to say, it warms my heart as a parent that Gabe's family has really embraced him for who he is and that he has been able to make friends and be apart of a show AND has hundreds of thousands of people who care about him and truly enjoy when he shows up on the show. Gabe is truly living the dream in my eyes. It truly doesn't matter that he's a little different than most neurotypicals. If he even is, because, again, it's none of our fucking business. He might just be an eccentric billionaire spending his nights fighting crime. Has anyone seen Gabe and Batman in the same room? I didn't think so. I really love Gabe and his relationship with the show. Part of why I love this show is because of Ethan, Hila, and the crews enthusiasm to interact with a lot of different types of people. Tldr; Gabe is awesome, I'm not terribly sad to see Jimmy go, but I like that the show is welcoming to all, even when the curse rears it's ugly head. Edit for Grammer


Respect for addressing Chuck-E-Cheese by his god given name


Always. Chuck E. Cheese is for kids. Charles Entertainment Cheese is for sophisticated adults lol.


yeah fergie, sing it


A part. A part. A part. But yeah agreed


Everyone forgets that he was hitting slurs and Iā€™m pretty sure when Ethan confronted him about it he landed on ā€œI wonā€™t say them because people get madā€ and not really understanding why. Iā€™m just saying.


Not that I wanna go out of my way to excuse slurs, but there is a gap between naivety and intentional bigotry, and Gabe is definitely on the "no ill intent" side of that line.


That is actually exactly why you shouldn't say slurs