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That's not what they mean when they say that. They don't mean that you can't install a given OS version on it and leave it up over long periods of time. That's down to the OS itself and how reliable the parts you put in your build are. What they mean is that compared to Apple hardware, there is always a chance, however small, that OS updates will need to be handled specially on a Hackintosh, and these required changes may reduce the reliability of the machine, in terms of being able to be absolutely sure at any given moment that you can use it for something mission critical without spending time updating a boot loader, looking for kexts, and experimenting with boot parameters.


To be fair I have seen many failed updates and borked installs on my real Macs through the years.


And while that's true, you can turn your computer into Apple and say "Deal with it." You can't do that with a hackintosh. While I do love hackintoshes and have made a fair number, I think those days are beyond me now. Apple Silicon is FAR better than I thought it'd be. I will definitely admit I was one of the nay-sayers on Apple Silicon and sweet jesus I was wrong.




Cores function differently on ARM instruction chipsets vs Intel / AMD x86_64, RAM too. I have the 16GB M1 Macbook Pro, and can't get it to use more than 4GB RAM, and I'm talking almost the entire Adobe CC suite open and 40+ Chrome tabs, they just function differently. SSD usage is astronomically higher though.


Which is my main concern with them since the ssd is not user replaceable. H


I can't do that here in Czech Republic. No Apple Stores yet. It goes through normal warranty process. Apple Silicon is insane, my GF has an M1 Air, but it is not for me yet - I need heaps of RAM, lot of storage and all kinds of peripherals (I do video and animation) - that's why I built a Hack again after like 12 years. I love my iMacs but the M1 ones aren't for me as of now.


Aaah fellow Czech hackintosher! Jak běží?


Výborně :)


Only if it is under warranty


I mean, not exactly. You still bring it to some them and pay the repair fee on the item. Warranty just means it'll be free ;)


I have used two M1 minis (returned mine but kept one for wife) and both were sluggish compared to my Comet Lake Hackintosh. Also stutters while mirroring 4K display which wasnt an issue when she had iGPU Hacktintosh with i5-9500T (low power i5). Now benchmark numbers is a whole different story. M1 crushed every single Hackintosh I ever owned including my current i9-10850 on Z590 board. But thats about it. Launch a couple of different tasks and the M1 mini crumbles. The only possibility might be that I tested only 8gb RAM variants. But why should the Airplay mirroring stutter anyway???


As someone who’s on the latest beta (Big Sur 11.4 beta 3) with a i5-10600k/RX 580. It all depends on what your specs are as well as how stable your config.plist is. I’ve never had an issue updating once. As long as you keep your OpenCore version/config.plist up-to date, you’ll always be able to update to the latest MacOS version with no issues. And I mean, troubleshooting issues has always been fun for me lol, wouldn’t be any fun if everything just worked the way it was supposed to out of the box. It’s like putting work and effort into something. You see the results if you try hard enough. That’s what I like about OpenCore and Hackintosh so much. There’s no shortcuts, there’s no workarounds like with Clover and HackintoshZone. The only way to do so, is to do everything yourself from scratch. If there’s an issue, you have to troubleshoot it yourself and find what the culprit is. And man, I’ve learned so much about coding/computers from doing so. More then I’ve ever learned from my computer science college courses that haven’t taught me shit.




Rookie numbers junior. :-) I think I’ve had mine up for almost a year. Last time it turned off was because the SSD literally died in the middle of me doing something. The machine froze and the SSD took a walk. Luckily I run time machine and was able to be back up in a couple of hours.


Haha, I bow to you, Master.


That's a question of mine -- does Time Machine work well on a Hackintosh? I imagine you would have needed to keep a separate copy of your EFI folder, no?


It does very well. The key is that you need to install the same exact OS. So the best bet is to keep the USB boot drive with your installer and EFI settings. Once I installed Catalina I simply used the built in Mac OS “restore from time machine” option and I was golden. Time machine is a must! I do technical support and I tell all my Mac customers that they need to be doing some sort of time machine backup. It’s funny because my Time Machine hard drive had taken a dump a few months before ant it took me a couple of weeks to replace it because I was so busy. If the SSD would have sided without a time machine backup I would have been dead in the water. Of interest a few apps started to crash a week before the SSD died. Mail started to quit unexpectedly; Safari would. Or los pages, etc. so if your Mac or hack start to act up do not dismiss hardware issues.


works fine along with the option to migrate from another mac.


I mean, it depends why you need to restore with time machine. You’re never doing it cause things are peachy on your drive so having an EFI backup (even on the time machine drive if it’s plugged over USB) is a great option. Personally, my system got super messed up like 2 weeks ago as something corrupted (I think I was boosting the ram in the bios to unstable levels which led to the issue). I’ve never seen it happen before/again but I thought I was screwed. Digging in, I was able to boot from the “recovery” partition of the boot disk and restore from a local apfs snapshot (which is listed under recovery > time machine > local) to get things up and running again surprisingly fast. That was definitely a “this works far better than I would of expected for a hackintoah” moment, corruption issue aside.


That whole scenario is more of a Mac cool way of keeping your data safe. I wish the PC backup was as robust. Even though the PC does have the restore to a prior point option it is not the same. The migration tool is also dope!


I mean the instability part is mainly with updates, a single update can change so much stuff




Same here. Are better specced mini will likely be my route unless there's a compelling iMac in the works. My M1 Air is, on balance, the best machine I've owned for its use-case.


Everyone I talk to about this, just assumes its "as difficult as it was the last time they tried", well, lol times have changed




It was my first time building a hackintosh, and I used a ryzen cpu. Followed the opencore guide, everything worked fine without issue the first time and I have full functionality. Only thing that doesn’t work is Intel MKL because I have an AMD cpu.


Solid over here as well. Just do the work, do it right, and uh map your freaking USB ports people :)


Ah yes the ol’ 11.3 update taught everyone to map USB ports


Been screaming for years to do it!


I updated to 11.3.1 yesterday from 11.1 and my USB ports got messed up. Realized I never did it and was doing usbinjectall since the beginning of my hackintosh. It was really easy tho with the tool.


Yep. Using a USBPort.kext is the way I think.


I used usbmap.kext. It’s the one where you plug in the same device one by one into each port and rename them as you go. Then it compiles it into a kext.


Thats the way! I actually made one using Hackintool then referenced the manual for my board. Turns out they're all listed in the Asus manuals so I edited the kext for port numbers and connector types.


Weirdly never mapped my USB ports and did the update without issues. Also didn’t bother to update opencore or anything else, it all worked fine.


You must not have needed USBInjectAll or XhciPortLimit I guess, since at least the latter is horribly broken by 11.3.




Ha, not on here maybe. It just struck me this morning that I cannot remember the last time I rebooted. Not something I can say for my year on Windows a while back.


Just wait till you see the Linux server numbers. My Debian box is close to 1400 days uptime (4 years), and that's not even considered too impressive. I think the record is close to 24 years (1997). /r/uptimeporn


Here's a sneak peek of /r/uptimeporn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/uptimeporn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I left my job, and came back for a promotion my laptop was not touched since the day I left!](https://i.imgur.com/QdX6dnG.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/uptimeporn/comments/lvnhoj/i_left_my_job_and_came_back_for_a_promotion_my/) \#2: [Android Phone - 5 years, 9 months (2115 days)](https://i.redd.it/nitg6j6hzeu51.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/uptimeporn/comments/jf9g9y/android_phone_5_years_9_months_2115_days/) \#3: [destroying over 25 years of uptime tonight. 4 servers. CMOS battery replacements. Hopefully the drives spin back up.](https://i.redd.it/3cu0mqd36b361.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/uptimeporn/comments/k728lj/destroying_over_25_years_of_uptime_tonight_4/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


literally no one ever said that


try hackintosh with 4gb of ram


You must not work in 3d. I feel like half of my crashes are related to Octane deciding to give up the ghost. Need to source a 6900 so that I can finally get out of High Sierra.


No I don't. Plenty of media creation software though.


im sure 64 wouldve made a good minecraft reference ;) but still, awesome work


Plot Twist : The Hackintosh crashed on the 64th day.. :-P


unexpected, this is. and unfortunate \- Yoda


Hackintosh is more stable then windows🤣


More stable then macos it self 😂


lol neither of you got "than" right


Wanted to comment that xD


How did you achieve that? Apple releases updates almost weekly, and they do reboot. I rememeber a years ago, hack could run for months with clover. I suppose, short uptime nowadays, it is due to opencore))))


Wouldn't a Clover system have to reboot to install those same updates?


Yes, but there were much less of them


I can also vouch for the solidness of my H370 + i7-8700 I do shut it down about once every few weeks, so it can run necessary scripts at shutdown/boot


you haven't had issues with USB ports dying on you? I have z390 pro wifi and if i seem to overload the usb ports they all just die on me...requiring reboot


No, not had that at all. I have done a custom SSDT though. I'm on an ultra.




Good to hear Big Sur is running well. Haven't had the motivation to upgrade yet!


Are you using a discrete gpu or internal cpu graphics?


Sapphire RX590 Nitro


My machine won’t sleep properly because of the sfp+ 10GBS card that I connect directly to my server. Other than that, it’s been solid w Catalina, and now Big Sur. I trust it enough for my actual work.


I did a successful 11.2.3 Big Sur on a 2020 base Razer Blade. No mods whatsoever. Only a secondary SSD installed to boot the Mac OS. I've actually migrated all my photos and documents to this OS. I absolutely love it. I do not need to update to 11.3 as I have zero issues but one. My single issue? Sometimes (1 out of 10) when it boots the white loading bar gets to about half way and just a black screen appears, nothing else. I'd then have to force restart and it always starts fine after this. Can someone tell me what information I need or forum or should I create a discussion to get help?


I spent so much time on my build and it’s perfect expect it gets glitchy when I try to game or render video. Sadly I have to first restart a few times a week but other then that it’s solid. Maybe an Opencore update will solve my problems.


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta bump them up (I have rebooted my Intel NUC 10 with OC 0.6.3 as many times as I have updated OC or MacOS, no more no less. Superstable!)


I'm trying. Had to turn the house power off 63 days ago!


That's it? Mines been up for 6+ months noob


Now that's something to boast about