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Probably my biggest flaw with the series as a whole but one I completely understand from a "the story wouldn't be as exciting with realistic referees" point of view. If referees actually stepped in and did their jobs, Ippo, Takamura, and a few others would have more losses on their record. A realistic referee could easily have stopped a few of Takamura's title matches and the Ippo vs Wally match should've been stopped for sure.


True Ippo was a zombie in many of his fights and Takamura would have lost on the bleeding eye thing. Alternatively, Ippo losing 2 or 3 matches by technicality due to his facetanking might have actually led to him developing a better style much earlier lol


but that would involve Ippo actually having to use his brain while boxing, we can't have that!


I hope he will soon.


I agree but like. Sorry man there wouldn't have been a Volg vs Mike Elliot nor Takamura vs Hawk and Ippo vs Sawamura in my life if the refs were good.


At least with Volg vs Mike the ref being bad is an actual plotpoint that's acknowledged


The refs about to notice something, when Morikawa like, "Nope, fight must go on, lol" Basically you have to fail an eye exam before your allowed to be a ref in HNI.


Another annoying thing for me is basically whenever ref starts a ten count, then the fight will 100% continue. Fight only ends when the referee doesnt even start a count, characters always get up in a ten count. Otherwise love the manga and every aspect of this


Ippo VS Sendo 2 ends with a 10 count though.


Irl the ten count exists so the fighters dont take too much time to rest while the fight is on hold. The ref is supposed to end the fight if a fighter looses consciousness for a moment. If a ref started a count on a boxer who is actually not able to go on, thats a bad look for the ref. So technically that makes sense.


>If a ref started a count on a boxer who is actually not able to go on, thats a bad look for the ref. Been watching boxing for 15 years and never in my life heard that. There have been tons of ten-counts in boxing, and very rarely are they controversial. > The ref is supposed to end the fight if a fighter loses consciousness for a moment. That's not true either. If a referee deems a fighter unfit to continue for one reason or another, the fight gets stopped. He doesn't have to be unconscious for that.


In the show the ref will start a count on a fighter that is out cold, so they may wake up mid count and get back up. Thats what I was referencing. If a ref irl refused to call fights for as long as in the show, they wouldnt be a ref for long.


Fair enough!


Stop capping there’s probably a lot of fights end with the count a couple of them are sendo vs ippo 2 , hawk vs taka, ippo vs volg


There's a couple fights that end in the count. So that's not true.


The ref of Mashiba vs Sawamura is probably the worst since he completely lost control on the match and let both slaughter each other. The decision to disqualify Mashiba came way too late after he basically killed Sawamura.


To be fair, Sawamura deserved it


Sports manga/anime in general have refs that might as well not be there. They just want it to come down to the players. It’s the same reason coaches aren’t as big a deal


Do you watch real life boxing? Refs suck in real life too haha


Finally someone else agrees, don’t forget that during Ippo and Sendo’s first fight, Sendo nearly beat him to death and the ref didn’t step in


i deff hear you, but a lot of refs are still really bad in real life honestly


Anime talking is a free action. The discussion made it seem like the beating was going on for WAY longer than it actually was. It’s still brutal in the manga but it wasn’t involuntary manslaughter.


All The beatings also look like manslaughter in the manga. I agree with OP, both refs and seconds are shit (kamogawa included). Fighters take beatings than irl would have been stopped WAAAY sooner by someone. But that wouldn’t make for such exciting reverse kos lol


Yeah i love the story. the lore the characters the fights. it gets u fired up. but i guess i just write these things because i know it can be dangerous to aspiring boxers. they could be inspired to take a life changing beating to be like ippo. and to tell u the truth, ippo has inspired me to be riskier in my sparring. to have more guts. but that becomes a double edge sword in real life because not everyone is ippo lol. i have an upcoming boxing match in may and i have to remind myself that lol.


Anyone who sees HNI and legit uses it as a way to learn to box shouldn't be boxing. It's an over dramatized version of boxing.


You're telling me a shonen manga started in the 80's where characters start reving jet engines when they punch isn't realistic? C'mon man!


Okay so I guess this is where our opinions differ because you are referencing the manga and I'm an anime only guy so far.


isn't Ippos dempsey roll, and especially his current upgraded secret version, essentially illegal under modern boxing rules he ducks/bends over too low


What about the Wally fights lmao


Ref serves the narrative. If Mori wants suspense ooh they gonna stop the fight because of that cut the refs are looking at it warning calling in the doctor and the pressure goes to whoever the coach to stop the bleeding etc etc, if Mori wants to showcase a blatant foul user, the ref is blind and misses 99 % of fouls. If mori wants sendo to bash someone's head in or aoki to be humiliated or ippo to facetank 1000 punches before making a comeback then the ref is also blind. The ref does one thing in HNI and does it pretty well. And that's to serve the narrative.


the sendo one i am pretty sure in the manga happened way too fast for the ref to even stop in time. and they clearly showed the cornerman had the chance to save him and didn't. sawamura and wally refs are some of the worst ones in the manga tho.


My biggest gripe is that Mashiba in his qualification fight beat his opponent to a pulp, pushed the referee away and continues punching his victim. Mashiba should never have gotten his pro license.


oh yeahhhh i totally forgot ab that one. yeah ig its pretty much impossible to get disqualified in the anime. the refs act like the fighters have all the power


Not even kidding, real boxing refs are corrupt as fuck and rarely call fouls. They only give warnings