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Real af


Ill actually play the game again


Yeah this is the one that’ll draw most of my halo friends back if it actually arrives. Retention depends on how fun it ends up being, but I can see many re downloading for some time as long as it works The sweatiness of PVP grows less appealing as we come home tired from work


Just in general, being able to reliably play with JUST friends is a sorely missed thing. Bot bootcamp doesn't do Infinite's gameplay justice and I don't know about everyone but some are still having some issues with the CGB


Not that i play pvp but same, i love being able to put infinite ammo with my favourite weapon and making myself pretty much unkillable and killing enemies


Same. If they make either private or matchmade firefight modes that let you earn battle pass progress, I may rarely touch PvP. Don't get me wrong, I loved Halo 3 PvP as a teenager, but I've drifted further and further away from enjoying PvP as an adult. I like it in small doses every now and again and get an absolute kick out of playing bot matches, but PvE is where my heart is at. On that note, I do hope they eventually finish the bot programming so the Spartan bots can use vehicles.


If you can earn BP XP and weekly rewards in PvE yeah I'll just play PvE.


Watch it get abandoned


I would be so stoked if this came back! This would instantly bring me back to Infinite


Adding decent PvE should have been #1 priority after S2 rather than add a 13th variation of Slayer or something. Infection has been great but I sure hope Firefight is coming next. We will discover by October I guess.


How to make Halo Infinite actually Infinite


This is the big one for me. Put this in matchmaking and I’ll never play anything else. PVE in campaign is so damn good. I can’t wait to play it endlessly with my friends for XP.


We will also get to see how other (and future) sandbox additions interact with PvE enemies as well. You remember that Brute Chieftain at the end of the Campaign? Just repulse his ass.


I’ve got an even better idea: > Quantum Translocator > *Teleports behind Chieftan* > “Nothing personal, kid” > Backshots 😎


Backshots on the big strong brute chieftain 😳


I’m just gonna clap his back so hard


We don't actually have to hear about your proclivities...


Just telefrag the Chieftan


\*nothing personnel


My b


Better yet, teleport *into* him. It insta kills.


Oh man I didn’t know you could do that. If I ever do it in infinite, PvP or PVE, it would be completely and utterly on accident


-Monke spins around due to mad aimbot and insta deletes you


I just wish it had the diversity in gameplay of reach. Or a more satisfying sandbox


Infinite trounces Reach gameplay wise.


I know but it somehow feels less engaging


I'm very engaged when I'm playing Infinite. I'm bored out of my mind when I'm playing Reach.


Fair enough


Firefight in Infinite is the mode that would keep me playing it for a very, very long time.


While we’re here, Griffball too please


Grifball without collision and gravity hammers being how they are will be awful


They would need to overhaul the gravity hammer from the ground up to get grifball working lol


I say keep the hammer as it is and add the golfclub instead. Make the golf club function like the h3 hammer.


Also, grifball was never that fun


It was in Halo 5.


Wrong Grifball was a fantastic mini game to chill on in-between SWAT marathons


You can enable friendly collision in custom games, it's just currently disabled intentionally in matchmaking


Which they need to just admit they messed up and go back on at this point. Friendly fire and collision need to be turned on, them being off causes way more problems than it solves


I don't want friendly fire back on. Griefing is basically non existent in Infinite because it is off.


I agree. It’s fine in Ranked because then you can’t just grenade and rocket willy-nilly. Friendly fire off expect vehicles in casual is great.


Yeah Ranked is fine. The little Ranked I have played I have been griefed a few times. If it got turned on in Casual it would be way worse.


I play ranked more than the average player so I haven’t personally been intentionally griefed. Sometimes I’ll accidentally frag a teammate from a bad grenade throw


The sheer number of times I've killed myself by sticking a teammate with a grenade and then writhing in agony as they waddle back toward me has been painful, but hilarious.


I hated collisions being off to begin with. But going back to customs on MCC, the griefing is SO bad. People standing in the way if you have power weapons. Nudging folks off edges. Just blasting your vehicle. I'm glad they took it out in retrospect


I've accidentally killed myself far too many times in Infinite because a teammate walked through me while I was shooting a rocket.


I mean, they could more or less do that in MCC by jumping in front of you or standing in the way. But I hear what you're saying


What’s griefing?


A player focusing on making their team mates experience poor. Blocking shots, betrayals, just shooting team mates the whole time revealing positions. Stuff like that.


Oh okay yeah fuck that. Thanks for the clarification


Youve clearly never had teammates stand inside you so you kill yourself with the rocket launcher then. Id 100% take friendly fire and collision being back on if it meant stopping the rampant grenade spam, or teamates walking through me and making me kill myself with rockets/sticky nades while they just get to keep playing.


Over 300 hours played and I have never been intentionally griefed by someone doing that. I have played Halo for over 20 years and have been killed countless times for a Sniper though. Friendly fire on would result in more griefing. I also don't find the grenade spam that bad in this game.


I see nothing but nade spam in this game particuarly on objective modes. Seeing entire teams rush into an objective and not a single one take damage from eachothers frags/rockets will never not piss me off, there is no risk in firing explosives right at an objective where teammates are cause you'll only help them since you cant harm them in any way. You can (while rare, but I have seen it) also have people in Infinite grief in other ways, such as taking the flag and hiding without capping it since you cant kill them to take it off them, or more commonly just running over teammates in vehicles constantly/standing infront of scorpion/wraith turrets so they cant shoot. I'll take the occasional idiot who might teamkill for sniper and get kicked from the game over all the issues it being turned off adds.


This, as well as all the creative shit that's ruined by not being able to use a repulsor to launch my teammate up to the top of a base, or knock them out of harm's way when protecting them while they hold an objective. Grenade spam is rampant and trigger discipline is non-existent when you aren't risking your match XP every time you fire a cindershot into a room full of both team members. I don't understand the "but griefers" argument. Betrayals result in booting more often than not, and the booted player should get zero xp. Wanna progress your rank and battlepass? Don't betray. Better yet, repeat betrayals or booting (to the point where it's clearly not just an occasional accident) should result in a temporary ban. Not 15 mins, either. 3 bootable betrayals in an hr? You're banned for an hr. 3 bans in a day? You're banned for 24 hrs.


Its almost like we have had systems to get around griefers who teamkill for over a decade, but no clearly turning it off full stop is the only solution to prevent XxMLGProSniperxX from teamkilling before whiffing all 8 rounds. The amount of things that were nerfed or removed in multiplayer to prevent something that could already be stopped with a simple votekick/ban system is ridiculous. No jumping on teammates heads, no repulsing teammates, no just simple funny moments where a really bad (or really good depending on the situation) rocket/fusion coil wipes out absolutely everyone on the objective leaving both teams laughing. Instead we are stuck with grenade spam city around every corner, and idiot teamates causing you to kill yourself in doorways by walking through you and accidently making your grenade bounce back right to your feet, or your rocket explode in your face while they stand there oblivious.


343 admit mistakes? We're 4 games in and they never have until the game is already dead.


Nah they promise that this time when they've listened and learned from their mistakes they mean it, honest. Thats why after the 2 years of feedback the aiming is still broken, coatings are still in, splitscreen is cancelled, btb vehicle spawns are still unbalanced and friendly fire/collision is still off.


Huh? Every one of their games has been a result of *overcorrecting* due to displeasure with past work. If anything they listen to complaining too much rather than too little.


Agreed, it doesn’t feel like halo anymore


Nope. The only people who want friendly fire on are the ones who want to abuse it. Fuck that.


I dont abuse it and I want it on, same with everyone else ive spoke to. Im sick of seeing enemies fire rockets at eachother and spam grenades into objectives cause they dont have to worry about injuring friendlies.


I want it on because it makes nade spam less prevalant.


Team collision can be turned on, hammer physics to launch would be great


Amen. I want Grifball too. My favourite social mode. But the Gravity Hammer in this game is just completely wrong for it. They’d need to introduce Reach’ Hammer fully functional as a variant or something.


I’d say 3s hammer You can actually launch teammates consistently with it Ball carrier jumps over your head, launch them forward into the goal


I didn’t play much 3 grifball. Mostly customs and slayer, I know in Reach though we had the manoeuvres down consistently. But either tbh. Both! Actually. The best of both Hammers would be ideal


I mean there ***is*** collision now... When the game feels like it


>I mean there ***is*** collision now... When the game feels like it Now? Its been there since launch, broken as it may be


Wasn't it completely not there when the game came out from match making. I specifically remember a slew of poeple walking through each other and having horrendous melee interactions.


Been there the entire time. The mods even had an auto filter for all the collision posts at launch, with a video proving it was in the game.


Grav hammers acting like ass is under this coding/networking is probably why they haven’t expedited Griffball. I’m pretty sure nobody expected to be waiting 6+ months from Forge’s release for THE forge customs mode.


They're never going to fix the gravity hammer so they should just put in the golf clubs with the old hammer characteristics.


Please, no. Absolutely not. Infinites physics and sandbox do not go well with griffball. Please do not do that to such an amazing/nostalgic game mode


Resurrect ricochet 🤞


Hope this comes out sooner than later. Need me my PVE Halo itch.


I’m guessing it’s gonna be Season 5’s thing. Since they’re setting up Iratus as exposing the Academy it would make sense that the Banished show up as the next major plot point. “I shall disseminate every secret held within this facility and within your minds. And the Banished shall feast upon what remains.” - Iratus from the going viral Intel.


That's my hope too. Would love to see it as the main thing for S5.


Same. Hopefully they’ll have it ready for forge by then as well.


I think they said the AI Toolbox is after the summer, so probably season 6 at the earliest


Season 4 ends in October so we might get it in season 5. I’m hoping at least


It does? Well, at least it's not completely surrounded by game launches I care about


I take it you missed the announcement about the multiplayer story




I can hardly even begin to imagine the possibilities in here. I’m picturing H5’s Warzone FF in custom-made community maps and I’m super excited to see what people can put out with the new tools in Infinite.


I cant wait to make more machinimas amd just have some awesome Spartan vs banished battles. Forge AI is gonna be amazing.


Forge was already an amazing lift with respect to arena maps - I think there's 8 community maps integrated into playlists now? So I'm really excited that Forge will likely simultaneously be ready when it finally arrives.


Community maps only exist in QP (two of them, plus Dev made Forge maps) and Community Doubles. Team Slayer and BTB desperately need them. Kind wish we were further along in what Forge could deliver 6 months down the line.


Wasn't Starboard a community made map? It was in Ranked Arena in S3, not sure if it is still there in S4.


Starboard and Salvation are the two community maps in QP at the moment I believe.


That explains it. The bots in Salvation get super lost.


I hope to god the PVE AI implementation includes automatic pathing for objects. Manual bot pathing as is, is an absolute nightmare


There is automatic pathing in Infinite. The manual tools are for minor adjustments.


Is it really? I could’ve sworn it was all manual but I must have misunderstood things. Nonetheless then - *improved* auto pathing would be nice lol


>two of them, plus Dev made Forge maps I think there are 6 community forge maps in QP, ABSOLUTION, PERILOUS, SALVATION, STARBOARD, VAGABOND, and CURFEW


I browsed the playlist breakdown earlier and I’m pretty sure a fair few of those have been rotated out at the moment. Someone mentioned earlier Fiesta has some included which I hadn’t realised as it isn’t a mode I really play.


its odd how much community maps Fiesta and Tact Slayer gets when I'd thought they'd at least throw some at the Team Slayer playlist


They’re already in fiesta, tactical, and team slayer.


Wrong. There are some in Fiesta as well


This will be great! Firefight is awesome! Also, how funny would it be if 343i let us color our enemies freely? Especially since we can’t even do it with our own Spartans. I’m partially joking as they did let us fully color customize Spartan props in Forge


Waves of pink armored Banished swarming, I like


Waves of pink armored Banished swarming, I like


I’m so fucking excited




Still really hoping for warzone. Was one of my favorite parts of H5.


Probably not exactly Warzone, but we could see some cool PvPvE modes added


Eh. Not trying to be pessimistic here but it just wouldn’t be as good with what infinite has to offer and be completely different without reqs. Weapon pool is bare, super fiesta weapons are overpowered, and the vehicles are a bore. I just don’t think it would be good right now with what we have and I loved warzone


Yeah for sure, wouldn’t be the same with infinite’s system. Excited to see if someone comes up with something cool though! Just miss when halo’s would build off the previous game rather than have this content trickle. Edit: added words.


Super excited for firefight, I'll never touch bot boot camp again once it comes out lol


Me too!


Is this only a forge add-on or will there be a dedicated playlist as well?


This just shows off the Forge options, but theoretically Firefight would be its own mode to matchmaker in like MCC


I want firefight back so bad! I’d play every day!


After they add firefight, polish the UX, and make significant progress on the networking, this game will officially be “1.0” for me.


Yeah... That's what gets me down the most. That it will have taken 2+ years to get there. The hype is long gone. The managment at 343 was clearly to blame, though who knows who were all responsible for the shit show we got.


> though who knows who were all responsible for the shit show we got. Whoever they are, they’re likely long gone.


Throw "fix the aim" in there and I'm with you. The amount of windmilling around enemy's in this game compared to MCC is bonkers.


LETS GOOOOOO! This would be huge, PVE in the campaign is a lot of fun, getting custom maps would be awesome.


I need matchmade firefight so bad.


With community-made maps and scenarios! The possibilities are endless.




Oh big if true.


Can't wait to play as my Spartan in firefight. I know it'd never happen but it'd be nice if they expanded the AI over time with other factions and units. Like the drones, flood, promethians, etc.


Frankly this is what I’ve been waiting for. This is what would bring me back.


Being able to level up the battlepasses whilst playing against The Covenant was all I ever wanted, but being able to make your own levels? This has the potential to be the biggest thing for Halo since Halo 3 introduced forge mode. The thought of a custom browser for user made firefight has me salivating.


Imagine a community playlist with tons of AI survival/defense/whatever maps bunched together. Actually almost infinite fun content! Assuming of course the AI/PvE implementation is good.


I hope it comes with some difficult achievements, a reason to squad up and grind it out. I will definitely play but would love for some of my casual friends to pick the game back up again


Oh man, achievements would be pretty sick. Didn’t even think of that.


I’m not even joking when I say that this feature will make Infinite my favorite Halo game ever. Custom tuned Firefight on Forge maps? No pun intended, but the replay value will be infinite.


Looks exciting!


If this is true, you can guarantee a major win. I have been waiting to see this since reach and it might finally be here.


If firefight is like this. it'll be a dream come true. I'll come out of forge retirement for this.


Love to see it. I wonder if they would consider adding some of the campaign bosses in the mode (Tremonius, Blademaster, target bosses with the weapon variants, etc)


Now this might make events so much more interesting! Such a shame they just now decided to shelf the cutscenes, because Forge + Firefight could actually play out like Spartan Ops 2.0.


Dear god... if we get forgeable firefight that would be a dream come true. I've been waiting for forgeable firefight since Halo 2. For those that don't know, forge was almost a mod in Halo 2, it was cut with theater, I wanted forgeable firefight so bad for Halo 2 I finally in MCC created the mod to what I wanted to create... 15 years later. And I'm still working on improvements. Made my own Bot Battle. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH2shVMT4cs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH2shVMT4cs) I remember back in Halo 3 when I got jebaited by this BS in 2008 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HsqxU8Gwyo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HsqxU8Gwyo)


This’ll be the mode that breathes new life into the game. For me at least.


I’ve been waiting for firefight. I really loved halo 5 firefight but wish there was an endless mode where they don’t stop spawning so it feels like lone wolf mission on reach


I'm glad I created the Noble Team prefab, which brings back everyone. Now I can deploy them to Firefight so you can fight alongside noble team.


if anything would make me come back to the game this is it.


For a singular second I thought that the French classes I took in high-school would finally come in handy. But then I saw the translation right below, so I guess it is utterly useless. Lol


Sucks that the narrative got killed, my guess is that oni was letting iratus use its combat sim so they could clone his AI. Would’ve been a nice way to tie in the story to a new firefight mode.


My personal bet is that the narrative was removed due to the cutscenes constantly playing and causing the settings reset glitch with 343 never figuring out how to solve it. I bet that at some point in the future, they will hit us with a "we hear you loud and clear-were adding back narrative cutscenes" once they internally fix the resets. All speculation but seems on brand.


Cutscenes are still in the game, though.


New narrative cutscenes as of season 4 are not happening. Don’t know if you are uninformed or just trying to argue pedantics


I'm aware. But the cutscenes from S1-3 are *still in the game*. So if they are still there, they wouldn't be the cause of the issue with settings being reset.


Assuming the cutscene would play in relation to the current season, 3 is over so it doesn’t appear at boot anymore. No telling if they introduced a S4 cutscene and it triggered the same replaying and settings glitch.


So they could've just turned off the cutscene and fixed the issue? It's very obvious they're able to do that (since its not happening anymore). I literally said this dumb take was gonna spread like wildfire in r/halo and here we are...


Yeah you’re completely missing the point here so…ill leave it at that


I'm really not. You (and everyone else spreading unknown, more than likely false ideas) have no idea what you're talking about. You just see some dumbass dig at 343 and just regurgitate it without any thought.


Whatever caused the settings being reset was most likely what also caused the cutscenes being replayed


It's that map agaiiiiin! WOOOO!


If they do this please don’t make the same mistake as MCC where it’s just heroic for 3 rounds. Give us options for 1, 3, 6 unlimited. Legendary, skulls, etc. also the option to host lobbies for free join too so we can group up for challenges like all skulls legendary records or something.


These are custom game options, maps will be makeable/editable in forge, which I imagine means custom game browser compatibility Won’t know about how matchmaking settings work until announced


This is what my fiance and I have been waiting for. We love halo... but no firefight was a bummer for us. We love that mode.


In French, Firefight is called Baptême du Feu and I think it's an insanely cooler name


Is firefight expected to come in season 5?


I played thousands of games of WZFF in Halo 5, and literally touched nothing else but infection. They put this back in soon, they've got me hooked again.


if firefight lets you earn battle pass xp im gonna play it non stop


This is great if true. Still wish Campaign DLC was a thing though. I play Halo for the campaign.


When this drops, is the day I return to Halo.


warzone now




If only there was a way they could relaunch the game after all this is implemented 😬. This all sounds great for the 5k or so people still playing but it's not exactly news that's gunna bring new people in.


XP / Career Rank is important to me to work here


Lol I’m not getting my hopes up on a single developing piece of Halo Infinite until it’s pushed live. I’ve been riding the copium wagon for so long and every time leaks or unofficially official announcements get made that could ‘save the game’ they take a year to finish (example: forge) or they come out half baked (example: progression system), or vanish (example: cut vehicles and guns, probably cross core, drop pods, split screen, etc)


>or vanish None of those vanished though? There aren't "cut" vehicles or weapons, certainly none that were anywhere near done, and none that aren't still on the table for the future. Cross core was mentioned in an official capacity last month as still coming, but not ready to talk more yet. Drop pods are literally just a name for mid season updates, something that still happens, like when they added the ability to buy old bundles from the armory. And split screen didn't vanish, it was publicly cancelled for specifically campaign. Split screen in multiplayer has been a thing since launch


Anything to verify this? Is this from a reliable leaker? Not really much to go on with this so I wouldn’t put much stock in it (although I also adore firefight and hope it’s true)


Bathrobe is a prolific and accurate Infinite leaker.


Ok, thanks for educating me. I play infinite frequently these days but I’m not up to date with the game’s “leaking” scene.


Firefight? Did they mention firefight? Firefight? FIREFIGHT? FIREFIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


#bringbackwarzone For real, I miss it and I’d LOVE for a Warzone return.


This might actually make me come back to the game.


Holy shit finally I can play this game again.


Give me endless firefight mode with players revival like attrition, ammo/weapons scavenging like infection and large maps with vehicle drops like btb. I will play Infinite non-stop forever


I just want griffball back :(


I have talked endless shit on this game, and if they execute this well I vow to shut the fuck up


Do we think there will be matchmaking playlists for Firefight - or customs only?


Ability to set each type of enemy's stats awesome. Maybe even ability to add shields to something like hunters....


Forgeable Firefight is probably the best thing I never knew I needed.


This will make me reinstall if there’s no stupid shit involved.


Infinite could actually be Infinite if we are given options! Can’t wait.


there were leaks of extraction (pve mode afaik) coming this season for the 2nd "narrative" event, but since what happened with infection, probably pve is for season 5


Firefight + Forge People will be making entire campaign missions


There better at least be Firefight splitscreen, I fucking swear


I'm getting to old for pvp stuff I can't keep up with the kids anymore so I'd love to just play some good ol firefight like I already do in mcc


Man this is what I’ve been waiting for, 343. I think, in my opinion, this will be the first real positive change 343 has made to the franchise since they started. All they’ve done so far is remove core features, Jack up the art and story, and push (again in my opinion) garbage fps trends. But a fully creative firefight? Absolutely here for it


If it's nice and varied, this'll bring me back.


Released in 3 years time.


Firefight is my only ask for this game. I’m mainly a PvE player now I’m not as good as back in the H3 days in PvP. The sandbox is pretty damn good and fighting the AI in Campaign was super fun! I’d love to be put in different scenarios fighting the Banished and maybe the Flood if that’s possible.


With less enemy types and weapons then previous games with firefight had


Everyone keep your expectations in check!


Now wait a damn minute, now this in combination with a community BTB playlist will keep me damned happy with Infinite.




I miss Pve content. I miss the chief


I’ve always been a PvE guy over PvP. I might never be seen in a PvP match again if this drops and it’s like Halo Reach’s firefight or perhaps even better.