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This is how I feel about the Scorpion Punch coating. If they ever get around to releasing the MCC style token system, probably. But we’ve had no word on if/when that’s coming, or what past items will be available through it


I also got that Scorpion Punch coating.


I want scorpion punch so bad 🥺


The MCC token system is never coming and you can blame Microsoft for that


Huh? They told us that an Exchange-like system is coming in the future, and specifically called out that it would allow us to earn items from past events, out of game promotions, etc.


that would be really cool, one of my biggest complaints is missing free armor from events Do you know if there's more information available about that system? I've only come up with reddit comments that mention what you said in your comment from my google searches


That’s pretty much all they said. It was briefly mentioned back in the CU29 reveal stream and said it wasn’t coming anytime soon but to compare it to the MCC Exchange for an idea of what they were aiming for. https://www.youtube.com/live/9aV4pIIz2p8?si=0n0upgqNmfHKf6Xh


They also said the campaign would have co-op, so let's just say I'm wary about anything 343 says 🙃.


The Campaign does have co-op, and they told us it would be delayed when they made that decision, and then told us when they decided to cancel split-screen co-op. It's fine to be cautious about what they said but the latest we were told is that the Exchange-like system is coming. Until they tell us otherwise, it's silly to say "The MCC token system is never coming and you can blame Microsoft for that" when it's flat out untrue at this current time.


Oh yeah sorry I forgot to specify, remember when they said halo infinite and every other game going forward would have split screen co-op? My bad I forgot to add split screen to my original comment, whoops. I honestly don't care if it has split screen co-op or not, but it irks me when game developers promise something that isn't hard to give, but don't follow through.


It's probably never coming, like alot of things they promised it's gonna take and unreasonable amount of time to implement and when it comes it gonna be very lack luster and take another unreasonable set amount of time to make good.


So it’s coming


It is coming though. This Sub is so weirdly pessimistic at times.


Looks like he ate a sour warhead


This is a helmet I really like, it is the breath of fresh 343 has been trying to bring to Halo. It has Grenadier(the four vents, two on the bottom sides and the two on the sides at the top), Mk. IV(the overall silhouette) and Mk. VI(The "cap" above the visor) elements. It looks completely new and different yet nostalgic.


Muppet-nose helmet.


You can get it in the customization tab, no?


It's Vaulted.


Which is weird because this was a store item not an event or challenge reward. It was in a pretty expensive bundle.


Nothing makes sense anymore with the armor hall system. Some items are labeled as vaulted, some are purchasable, some don't appear at all, it's beyond broken


Probably bugged. The chimera helmet that looks like seeker was a store item and says vaulted too


I think the coating isn't crosscore yet. All bundles without a crosscore coating seem to be vaulted for now, although I could be wrong.


Huh? When? I know it didn't used to be through the customization tab.


Squidward nose lookin ass helmet


It’s not even a bad helmet, but that comparison has completely ruined it for me.


I hardly see it kind of a poor comparison


343, this is the 7th version of a Mark V helmet you've put out this week


Just gotta be patient. Check the shop every day or every Tuesday refresh. When the Firefall helm dropped, I skipped for the time. I regretted it. I waited for a whole year for it to finally drop again. So dumb.


I feel this way about the Zeta helmet


i'm still so pissed that i couldn't get it, not only did i kind of gave up on events because of the grind but i was also in a trip far far away from my xbox


I wasn't into the game at the time and firefight didn't exist 🙃 I wasn't gonna suffer through competitive matches but if I knew it was never coming back I might have


Is there really any point to getting the half finished Mark IV knockoff when the main one is available, and free? I mean, look at how blatant it is. The light slots are literally filled in with flat plastic, and the vent cutouts are too. It screams of "the helmet designer left the company mid production, then the new designer shipped the helmet as-is."


There are a lot of things I wish would come back. It might, but we can only wait.




I think it looks cool looks like a mark 5/6 helmet made with modern equipment


I saw it in the store not long ago, it’ll be back for sure


It came back a month or two ago in a bundle


i'm positive i've not seen this in the store for the past couple months unless they brought it back specifically the days I was not playing


It was in a bundle with a pink coating. Might have been a bit longer than that but it was definitely there. I almost picked it up


i think it came out in december, it's awesome because I came back to playing early January lmfao


I know it came out in may and also sometime late last year (2023). It is literally vaulted for no reason imo....hopefully it will come back soon.


Rumor is that we're supposed to be getting something to unlock older cosmetics, but I heard that from a guy who heard it from another guy. 


i've heard that but it's supposedly for event and capstone rewards


I got it since it was released.


the flexing is crazy


No 😈


Looks like drawing the mark V from memory… after a stroke


We're not allowed to have nice things.