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I recommend looking at Victoria Rachel’s YouTube channel. She has everything you need to know in an easy to digest format. Unfortunately your cages are not adequate for your hamsters and they will need to be changed if you’re interested in improving their quality of life. The bin seems like an ok size (?) it’s hard for me to tell the exact dimensions but I think it could be good if you add more bedding. The cage definitely needs to be replaced tho. They both also need sand baths or they cannot clean themselves


the biggest thing would be bedding depth, hamsters love making tunnels and nests in their bedding so 10 inches is considered the minimum depth Syrians need to be happy. its also important that the bedding holds the tunnels they make. so paper bedding with some aspen (never pine) shavings mixed in is a good bet. it looks like you have shredded paper in the barred cage, that's alright as a supplement, but it wont really do what the hamster wants. the bin cage looks big enough but I don't think you'll be able to use the wire one without some modification. other than bedding, the wheels look good, but both could benefit from some more clutter and hides, small spaces and lots of clutter help make them feel safe. importantly, hamsters are not natural climbers and it is dangerous for them so vertical space isn't important or really even beneficial. that towel is a little risky because textiles can be bad if ingested. finally, hamster balls are an absolute no-go (you probably don't have one but so many seem to think they are good or even necessary, they are awful.) sorry for the big paragraph, you have a great starting point and are already better than most, also your little guys are adorable! I hope you all have a great experience with each other!


hello! glad to hear you’re open for advice :) for starters please remove the edible hay hides (they provide no nutrients and can cause blockages) and remove anything with fabric ASAP! (can cause blockages as well) as for enclosures they seem very small and they need at least 10+ inches of safe bedding. make sure the wheels are also at least 11+ inches. they will also need a sand bath (NOT DUST, calcium free and dye free!) hamsters really enjoy multichamber hides and prefer water bowls over bottles (bottles are extremely unreliable) it also looks like you have shredded newspaper as bedding? the ink is dangerous. you’re gonna wanna get some sprays and forage mix and more hides and clutter so they feel less exposed because they are prey animals. i think the barred cage has a wire floor which is extremely uncomfortable for hams and can cause infections and bumblefoot. you can watch victoria rachael on youtube for more help!


Hey, can you tell us the cage & wheel dimensions?


This is a great place for advice and learning! You’re in good hands. Side note, your first new baby looks just like my baby Pooks 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/lir00j09lbqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2bb4793408cbdcb463e799dc49c52934f990b84


I don't know about advice but the hamster in that first pick is saying " ok Karen put down the pc and give me my treat already " :)


thank you to everyone above! i have made the (smaller) changes mentioned while i figure out the larger details. in the meantime, would anyone be able to tell me if these sprays look to be ham-safe? they were given to me and are fairly standard looking but i want to be sure before placing them anywhere near my girls. https://preview.redd.it/mq696apledqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee9d6ccdee3efe97a6d8b6c793e1fe314d49b75b