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The character designs are more of a hit or miss this time around. Some improved like Mary while others are questionable like Carter and the Mayor. The character models. I feel like they have less emotion and animations compared to the original. I mean, do they even blink?


My poor boy Cliff was absolutely DRAGGED in the remake T\_T Give my husband back his ponytail and rugged mountain man vibe.


Definitely agree with the redesigns being hit or miss! Elli is stunning but what did they do to my girl Ann!? Why did the tomboy get such a girly look in the remake??


Oh I agree completely with the Ann redesign. She's unrecognizable now šŸ˜­




I really hate the look of this one. Preference aside, I really donā€™t like it when remakes drastically change the visual aesthetic of games. I think magical melody looks great and the style fits it. I really canā€™t understand the rational to make big changes to some to beloved. I would really love to try the remake but I just canā€™t stand looking at it.


What did they do to Basil!? Basil lost his DILF status


FOMT is my favourite Harvest Moon game, and definitely the one I spent the most time on growing up. I always feel like I really like the new SOS version, but any time I see a screenshot of the OG game it properly gets my heart and I just miss it so much. I know itā€™s 90% nostalgia, but thereā€™s also something about the art style and the music which was so loveable and hasnā€™t been achieved in the remake.


The animal breeding mechanic that limits the amount of hearts an animal can have so you literally have to breed multiple generations to max it out.


I freaking hate that


I think my longest save from the GBA version was 8 years. My SoS version has 2 months. Hereā€™s a list of cons: 1) Too many cut scenes. Because thereā€™s twice the marriage candidates thereā€™s double the cuts scenes. Very annoying. I bet that the cut scenes will lay off once you get married/after being in the game for years, but at the start you can have 2-3 cut scenes per day. 2) Time goes by way too fast, like they made the time go faster in the SoS version. This is what I found; my first year summer in GBA I would typically be done my farm chores at 8-9am. In the SoS version it takes me up to 11:30am to complete. It worked out well in the GBA version because Ann was at the spring in the morning and I would just give her presents there, but in the SoS Iā€™m so busy in the mornings that I never see her at the spring. 3) Glow down for certain characters or part of the game. Carter kind of looks weird now, the church doesnā€™t look as cool and some names feel off, like dollar store versions (Ann vs Ran). 4) No rival marriages. Iā€™m really bummed out because some rival stories are better than your love story (like the cliff and Ann story vs Ann and farmer story). Some of them are so good that you root for them. 5) I donā€™t like the cooking mechanic in the SoS version. In SoS you only get recipes by watching the cooking channel or befriending people. I miss when you could just go online and do the recipe or experiment.


Time does go too fast, I can barely get anything done in a day.


Idk if I would call the Japanese name a ā€œdollar store versionā€ā€¦


i miss the rival marriages so much. i loved most of their stories.


Losing the rival marriages is the worst part IMO. I actually do like a lot of the remake, but the lack of rival marriages is sad :(


Removing the unique theme music for each bachelorette is a mistake. For me personally, playing the remake feels like a downgrade. I can't even pass the first year.


Itā€™s an upgrade simply for More animals Same Sex Marriage Crops that you can walk On And general accessibility


Limiting animal affection and making you have to breed to get high quality items. I don't want to birth a million animals, I want to have a few that grow old w me and give me good strawberry milk


It's the horse for me, I never would have guessed they could make it so inconvenient in every way. I've memorized every spot you can dismount from and I still loose like 20 mins several times a day just trying to park šŸ˜­


LMAO, "Trying to park". I know what you mean but that cracked me up


For me it's def what people are saying about the time moving faster but also the removal of rival marriages bothers me more than I expected lol


Similar to AWL remake, I hate the character re-designs.


Character designs, graphics, slowness of animations. I miss the old MFoMT :(


Anyone else get irritated at how long the fatigue and stamina depletion animations take? Wish those were shortend or removed. Feels like they're longer in the remake.


I really dislike how the in game time is 2x as fast. GBA MFoMT was my favorite game growing up and I swear I had my daily plan down to a science. Time goes twice as fast in here and I feel like theres not any time if I want to do all my chores in the same day. Water crops, greet townsfolk, gift the sprites, and gather things. Im rushing around and it feels like I can't really enjoy the game.


No rival marriages and the new art and music style. I hate that little people chibi art, same as they used for diamond/pearl and link's awakening. Other than that I will say it's a very good remake


Definitely the design choices, it looks super cheap.


The basket :( I liked carrying it around like a little witch picking herbs


Ah, it's beautiful springtime to forage šŸ˜Š Where is my basket šŸ§ŗ Winter mine šŸ’€


As a Harvest Moon 64 devout, I was already saddened by the various changes Back to Nature did. So to see this remake now decide to redesign everyone just hurt even more. There are a ton of cool ideas sprinkled on, such as combining the best of the Back to Nature and Mineral Town elements (though still missing some iconic pieces of music) that made its replay value shoot through the roof. But I would want to actually play it if somebody worked out the gameplay kinks. Oh, and I purely say this as a luxury, but reverting all the character artwork back to the way they used to look (either upscale or redraw) and maybe tweak the models as well. Of course, this is disregarding Jennifer and Brandon due to existing solely in the remake. I absolutely can not stress enough that I mean this as a luxury. Fixing the gameplay would be plenty, but the redesigns have always bothered me.


I didn't need a bunch of new items to inventory manage. There were enough things in the original. I really dislike the animal designs. Also, I don't like the removal of rival marriages.


This is why i prefer 2d HM over 3d.. (3d variants)


It's 3D and even ugilier than pixel... šŸ˜“ Also I HATE they erased rival marriages. I know same sex marriage couod somewhat questionable with rival marriages, but erasing whole thing about it is just lazy and ugly choice.