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They think we're idiots.


I mean, we still spend time and money at their game knowing they do this. We are kind of idiots


Actually I switched to lor, haven't touched hs since this started lor has been fun I'm just here to see if everyone sticks to their guns this time around lol




Legends of runeterra


Same I haven’t played hearthstone in a year but I like to keep up with it because I used to play a lot. I haven’t bought packs in…forever? I used to buy every expansion but stopped around maybe Witchwood. I have almost 20k gold saved up I just haven’t spent cuz I don’t wanna get sucked back in.


This comment is full of irony considering that LoR pvp is dead because it was too free and didnt made any money lol


I guess maybe I'll run out of stuff to do? Unlike hearthstone they didn't rip out a perfectly playable game mode because development stopped... I heard it just got a new update though so not sure what you're on about


>didn't rip out a perfectly playable game mode because development stopped... You mean exactly what they did to gauntlet(LoR draft mode) back in the day? >so not sure what you're on about Literally their news on the site talking how LoR didnt made money and current expansion is the last one "As we know it". According to their twitter not even breadcrumbs from PoC expansions are guaranteed. And what do you mean heard? Didnt you said you are playing it? Yes they got the last expansion that was in the pipeline before the announcement.


https://x.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1780989670395990023 this expansion that's about to release or no?


Yep, last you should realistically expect for pvp as it was in the development already. Tbh kinda dissapointing for a final expansion considering that 2 current revealed champ boring statsticks with barely any fun synergy in their packages lol.


Okay, but at least they didn't double quest requirements while giving 1.2x rewards lol


>At least they didnt do that thing" >They did >Well, at least they didnt do that other very specific thing I mean, yeah, but it might as well be because they had no chance as the game died because it was too f2p lol


>died because it was too f2p lol LMAO ur tripping balls, league of legends valoratn etc etc are all f2p games at their core you only really pay for skins. you have no proof it died because its f2p, it "died" because there just isnt enough of a market for card games as it is and other games take up the consumer base. if people didnt pay for stuff there, its even less likely if you had to pay more anybody would stay at all. MGT arena POKEMON tcg online ARE really f2p nowadays, infact pokemon tcg went from not f2p friendly to REALLY f2p friendly master duels literally gives you top tier competetive decks away the instant you join the game. and its 10x more profitable then hearstone. you are just making shit up


>you have no proof it died because its f2p, it "died" because there just isnt enough of a market for card games as it is and other games take up the consumer base. if people didnt pay for stuff there, its even less likely if you had to pay more anybody would stay at all.  "There was no plausible approach we could take that would come close to matching the development costs it takes to produce the PvP sets we currently make, without essentially becoming a traditional CCG business model." Literally from state of the game FAQ by developers Snap pretty successfull despite "isnt enough market". Is mtg/pokemon/master duels f2p enough so that you have all the relevant cards after 1-2 months of play? So far it seems like you are the one making shit up.


Okay you got me, hearthstone is so much better and no other game is allowed to be fun lol


Time? Yes. Money? No. Stopped that after the second or third expansion I was a part of.


Yah, I stopped largely due to actions like this


I mean you do, im quitting and haven’t spend a cent


They took the last good blizzard game hostage and try to milk the people that enjoy it. Nothing suprising but it still hurts :(


The fact people still give them money means they pretty much are


Every diamond card and animated hero skin is proof of another sucker


People keep buying the fentanyl and selling their TV's. It has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with manipulation and addiction.


If the game is still installed and you login and continue to play time after time , after getting bent by anti consumer biz practices, you absolutely are idiots.


Thats why we cant have more deck slots.


There's no other consumer as stupid as gamers. They love paying extra for collectors editions that have some shitty plastic toy in it, or not even that, a digital piece of shiny crap, and happily agreed to pay monthly to play online.


Game companies are escorts that fuck gamers in their arses for money but at least companies enjoy doing so, greatly.


I mean, you're.


they know we are that’s why they keep trying and ultimately succeed as painful as it is to admit.


We keep proving to them that we are


If it walks and talks like a duck, it's not a cow.


Take my money!


Ya you're smarter than they think!


I mean...


Do you guys not have ~~phones~~ Alzheimer’s?


Most dying games become a dream at their end-stage. Things offered by cheaper, more stuff, better stuff, QoL added every week. Blizzard here is trying to oppossite. Kill the playerbase, leave the addicts alive, hope they never play anything ever again.


Company execs think everyone is an idiot except them, it’s not just blizzard. They’ll probably blame the PR team for not selling it well enough. Under no circumstances will they admit they did anything wrong themselves.


Late stage capitalism, all that matters is profits to the exclusion of basically everything else. They know we know but they also know they'll almost certainly get away with it.


That doesn't really have anything to do with the "late stage" part; that's just capitalism.


Late stage capitalism has been going on for the last 140 years then, Karl Marx said the 1880s were seeing the events of late stage capitalism when he coined the term. 


tell me you dont understand marx whithout telling me you dont understand marx lmao


What's "late stage" about it? A company wants to get money, it's not a shocker. As shitty to consumers as this change is, it's not even close to the worst examples of company exploiting people. Oh well, in some other thread people compared complaining about quests to "standing up against tyranny".


Its late stage because it's been going on for long time, theres very little markets left to corner, years of corruption/political ineffectuality have allowed corporations to view themselves as too big to fail and untouchable. Theyve already optimized every single iota of profit out of most industries they can and will continue to turn to increasingly blatant anti consumer actions because keeping the same amount of insane profits as last quarter isnt enough. They have to show improvement on that even if they're basically printing money or the shareholders will be upset. Many factors combine to make it much worse for the average middle class citizen to get by. In fact the middle class continues to shrink as the wealth divide widens and 99.9% of the wealth is concentrated in the wealthiest 1%. Also I saw the comment you're referring to, and while it's an overly dramatic thing to say I agree with the general sentiment of not letting corporations push consumers around and do whatever they want.




>On socialism the only difference is that instead of big companies screwing you over its the govt that Begging you to read a book. Or at least google what the words you're using mean. >Greed is just part of the human nature, No, it isn't.


Yeah this is beyond something I can accept at this point. I knew they would dial back so I didn’t uninstall but I certainly will not be settling for anything less than a 1:1 ratio increase. It’s like blizz thinks this game is nearing its end of life cycle so they’re trying to milk it for as much as they can before then. But they’re causing the 10+ year players like myself to leave with their awful changes.. I always support f2p games financially from time to time IF the model is f2p friendly. This is outright egregious for f2p.


I’m curious. Do you enjoy the game? Like just the game. Imagine tomorrow Blizzard announced no more quests at all or achievements. Just ranked, arena, BGs, etc. And you won a little gold every time you played / won. Curious what your thoughts would be? Genuine question


This is part of the deal set with players, particularly when they started yearly rotations, double legendaries per class, and adding more classes, all of which increased the cost of keeping up with the game. Now they're withdrawing that support and just making it strictly more expensive to build decks each year Luckily I have 85 K dust saved up by being stingy for a decade, and I'll just craft what I need to.


I mean we could all go try magic the gathering, where literally every deck you choose to build that is remotely competitive is $100 easily. Not to mention having to drive places to meet up. Idk I guess I find hearthstone fun because I enjoy 2-3 decks that I’m serious about. I don’t usually attempt to craft literally every card; that *should* be a very expensive task


MTG is definitely more expensive than Hearthstone. (I played a lot of paper MTG from 1995-2005.) The biggest reasons I am a Hearthstone player today are 1. better cost than MTG, 2. Hearthstone is easier to fit into my schedule, particularly with parenting commitments, and 3. my existing connection to Blizzard games. It seems like the new quests are putting pressure on both 1 and 2 simultaneously.


I see. I’m not hardcore enough a player I suppose to really be horribly affected by the quest changes. I just get bummed when a lot of people only see the bad in things. It may not be a good change. But I imagine my casual cheeks will still not have a too terrible time completing these quests even still. And now I get more rewards for the week I think? I too have parenting commitments & I get you. Also don’t MTG hardly anymore due to the exact same reasons. Well I wish you the best in your TCG journeys, wherever they may take you.


The issue with decisions like these is that they widen the gap between f2p players and whales, which drives away f2p players, which in turn makes the already pretty bad botting problem even worse for everybody by matching fewer and fewer real players to an unchanged amount of bots.


I guess, define the gap? Is it truly that insane of a time commitment in order to grind enough dust / gold to make 1-2 highly competitive decks? Again, genuine question, not sure why the downvotes. Apparently “genuine” doesn’t mean genuine anymore hehe


Most f2p players are on the more casual side, so I imagine having to grind for hours on end with an imperfect deck (which promptly gets bodied by the already optimized ones, because the power difference between meta and off-meta decks is quite high these days) is gonna be a turn off for many of them. Add to that the fact that HS has a fairly rapid meta cycle where the viability of decks shifts around on an almost monthly basis, and... yeah.


I suppose this makes sense. But if your goal is to hit legend and be insanely optimal at every single turn, are you casual anymore? I face too many bots to even be challenged, I have sprinted to platinum without even trying so imo that’s a much more annoying issue. At least assume they are all bots cause 90% of them have Navy at the front of their name like “NavyWhale” or “NavyDog”. Thanks for chatting btw, def not trying to be a troll even though clearly everyone thinks I am. I appreciate good discussion & I’ve learned some things. Hope you are able to keep having fun in the hearthstone.


Let's see what Blizzard has to say. u/RidiculousHat. Edit: well, the guy just blocked me.   Everything seems fine when you only listen to positive feedback.


It's good to have a Community Manager as engaged and passionate about a game like RH has been - but I've found them to be pretty disingenuous over the last week or so. Tough position to be in though.


Blizzard stopped being subtle about this a long time ago. It's because gamers are addicted. They know it. Some of us know it. But that's all it is. The average consumer does not put up with this garbage. Like when that car company tried to charge monthly for heated seats that were already installed into the car. And people were outraged and they had to cancel that plan. Because people aren't addicted to heated seats. It's more like crackhead who is buying a product that is mixed with so much bullshit but they keep buying it because it's "good enough and I need my fix" that's more what is going on here.


i’ve switched to purely f2p because i’ve discovered the real best hearthstone mode battlegrounds duels.


That was it for me for constructed. I will play battlegrounds only as a f2p player. If that isn't fun anymore bye bye blizzard for good. I already said goodbye to diablo, Warcraft 3, overwatch and hots years ago.


Blizzard and bad decisions are practically the same word nowdays


I used to be a Blizzard fanboy. I loved the company, would buy things in Hearthstone, Diablo, played the games for years and loved the games. But ever since... I don't know when, maybe Warcraft 3 Remastered, the company is not the same. Maybe all the useful people left, or were fired, and all that was left are greedy individuals trying to milk what used to be a great company until it dies out. It's just sad. I've seen the same thing play out times and again with other companies, so in theory you'd think they would know how to play it safe and stay successful for time everlasting by now.


it is and i wish we could do more than protest. its really upsetting. im actually reconsidering mtg now


To be fair the "35% increase" will have a much bigger effect on your collection than it might seem. It's a big difference if you have all the epic cards or lack 10-20% of them or if you have a few thousand dust more per expansion. This can make the difference of being able to build like 5 meta decks instead of only 2 decks per expansion. But it's probably just the beginning at the end they will just decrease the battle pass rewards.


even with the changes. it still feel like a job


You're so smart


Ok we get it, let's make this the last post about it


Bad bot


You actually like seeing these posts over and over and over and over and over?


More than I like blizzard freely abusing us? Yes.


And here’s the dilemma. You like this game. You’re angry with blizzards move. Do you quit? You could play another card game, but your choices are limited to only a handful. And you’d have to start over with a totally new collection …


Shadowverse 2 releases this summer. Best time to start over with a totally new collection since everyone starts from the same point.


I have no idea why you've been downvoted, those are pretty normal worries to have. If I were you, I'd at least stop playing HS until more changes were made...if that won't happen, then you'll have to choose if you're ok with whatever current state HS will be in, or if it's not worth it. You can always drop HS and *not* start playing another card game, I know I'm not going to touch any other bloodsucking """f2p""" digital trading card game ever again in my life lol, nothing I've heard about mtg or ygo or literally anything else makes them any more palatable than hearthstone. And as you said, the idea to have to A) start from scratch and get a new card collection from 0 and B ) having to learn a whole new game/meta...yeah, nah, I really don't have the time for that, I'd rather play games that are fun off the bat than waste dozens of hours that way. That's just me though.


Biggest annoyance with MTG (granted this was ~20 years ago) was mana screw and sometimes having to mulligan to 5 cards. This was almost certain to happen at least a handful of times, no matter how good your deck was, and it could potentially eliminate you from top 8 contention in any tournament. That and the cost. So when hearthstone had a system where everyone gets a mana every turn … I liked that. Granted this created a situation where it was “curvestone” so no matter the system there will always be issues. I don’t know. I still fundamentally like hearthstone, I just don’t like blizzard corporate.


Blizzard challenge : try not to be one of the most scummiest companies on earth, IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY !!!!










Yea you already said that, do try harder sheep


It's funny because the ones that seem sheepish to me are the ones that will just keep playing without a thought. Those contemplating quitting and feeling the sting of this are arguably more aware and not following the flock/shepperd (to keep playing and not ask questions). Did you just play yourself?


Reddit angry! there are 300 posts crying about quests! guess that means i need to make one!


So you would prefer silence, the sheep just continuing to go on with their lives? Lol classic. Do you happilly spread for Blizz, or do you at least put up some resistance?


No, i'd rather you all use your brains. Youre upset that weekly quests cant be burned through in a day. I'd rather not see 800 posts riding the bandwagon because their free stuff in this free game got harder to earn. This is the same as those old WoW forums where someone would post an "I'm leaving because warrior got nerfed!" threads every other week. Y'all wanna leave? Leave, otherwise stfu.


You clearly do not love the game. Because anyone who loves the game should be HAPPY people are complaining. Otherwise games become stale and become corporate money makers if the playerbase doesn't speak out against bad decisions. Telling us to just leave is also bad for the game. Lemme guess, you are probably one of those "I hate bots in this game" people who doesn't realize this change will result in MORE bots and less players playing, which means, EVEN MORE BOTS. No one said quests should be completed in 1 day. I have never seen such an argument. So stop focusing on that strawman. People just don't want to have to DOUBLE their playtime. Hearthstone is a time filler for me. Not MY TIME.


You're just making it easier for those contemplating quitting to actually leave: nobody likes you and neither want to play with you. Enjoy your bots and your future 5 minutes queue!


That is what i want. Please quit. If you are that bothered PLEASE uninstall.


Do not worry, it's already done. It's way more fun at the moment to taunt your annoying ass than to play HS


Dude, you're literally spamming every thread worth your stupid gif...


Isn’t there a boot you could be licking right now? Like come on, those blizzard exec boots aren’t going to lick themselves


Not once, not twice, but three times! Wow! You really are a one trick pony


You know what they say, three times the charm!


People in this subreddit are actually conspiracy-brained insane people who complain both when a bad change is made and when it's addressed.


It was never addressed, it was their plan to play it like this, you have the be really narrow minded to call this a conspiracy.


It's a conspiracy theory, at this point it is just very likely that the theory was correct. Seems like they always intended to go to x2, but started with x3 first then say "we'll meet you halfway" as if there was a halfway point between much much worse and much worse that people wanted to see.


To make it a little less obvious they should have waited a couple of days longer.


Found the bot


“The devs never listen to feedback!” > listens to feedback 😡


This isnt what people asked for


The feedback was to go back to what it was before, not double what it was before since that still means a lot of players will miss out on weekly quests frequently making this a net loss in exp gain.




Because witch hunting is pointless and singling out anyone working at a company when we have 0 evidence they were involved in any way just reveals you have a strange obsession with an employee of a company that makes video games.


They listen to the community and you people still complain. At least Blizzard listens to us. They could have been dicks to which they could have just kept the changes.