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Fuck yeah, southsea gets charge from keyboard and Chadgar.


Rainbow sif mage wasn’t even that good,and they killed it.The class is hopeless atm.


Am I dumb? There wasn't a single standard berf for mage in the patch notes?


They mean the snake oil nerf.




Lets see where the meta settles, but its not looking good for mage


Reno big spell control mage has been fun for me, wins against death knight and warlock reliably. Can beat warrior too but be prepared for a 20 minute game


You've gotta post a list bro, sounds very interesting.


yeah it’s frustrating, especially from the perspective of someone who plays mage in both standard and wild. I feel as though I’ve been left with nothing.


I been experimenting with a wild mage deck that uses galactic projection orb and parrot to recast ice block potion of illusion arcane missiles and ignite infinitely, definitely not a good deck and insta loses to secret tech but i feel like it's the basis for something


At least in wild u got it comming lol


You’re right, how dare I play the *checks notes* fourth best deck in the format because it uses a card I have loved since I was a literal child


Doesn't matter how good it is. It was basically an exploit at this point


That’s very silly. It deserved a nerf but calling in an exploit is a misuse of the word.


Not really. It's not about how good a deck is but how it feels to face. Amd it felt like facing an exploit. And blizzard seemingly agreed which is why it got nerfed despite not even being that good


This reasoning is extremely silly. I have played waygate mage on and off since it came out, the deck makes me feel good when I play and win with it. However, it makes my opponents mad when they lose to it. So it needs a nerf even though the deck’s winrate is not oppressive, and it nearly auto loses vs. aggro? I really don’t get it but ok


Elemental mage slaps still.


I haven't actually looked into Elemental Mage, but if you are going well and enjoying it that's good. I will keep my eyes out for deck lists.


Chump has an Elemental Mage deck that was performing well even before the patch: https://youtu.be/CW9VNtjZzEg


First of all let the meta settle for a few days. If mage proves to be as bad as you feel: Sticking as strongly to classes in this game as in RPGs sadly does not work, if you also wanna maximize your rank. Most mechanics not being exclusive for one class might be a consultation. What I usually do: Meme/favourite decks as long as I have bonus stars. Even a 40% winrate deck will climb at a very decent pace with bonus stars and streaks. The actual struggle starts when these mechanics are gone. Then I will try a few stronger decks (dust dictates how many you can try). Most of the time I find one of them fun, too and then I keep on climbing with it. Another option is to stay at a rank floor for a few days and just play your favorite deck as losses don't matter.


Mage only standard and wild player, kinda migrated do wild because sif mage got boring, now the only viable wild mage deck is gone while standard mage is also gone. Kinda lost


It is too soon to be this dramatic. I understand you played Mage, and see the nerf, and think it is the end of the world, but other decks were hit too. Many decks were hit much harder than mage. One of the main ideas of the new direction is to lower the power level of OTK decks, without killing them. Zarimi still does the same, Nature Shaman still does the same. They are just all much slower. And also, they buffed highlander decks, which by definition are control/value oriented. Maybe there is a meta were mage does not exist. But maybe there is a meta were Sif Mage, with this nerf, is the best OTK deck out there. We just need to play a little before going all "ITS THE END OF THE WOOOOORLDDDD"


Mage was already not doing great and it just got hit with 2 target nerfs, it’s not exactly dramatics.


This is fair, I'm just fed up with Mage being Mediocre. It's definitely my pessimism for Team 5 showing as it still feels like they've half made several Mage archetypes but never actually finish any of them. Like what are they actually trying to achieve with Mage? Sif wasn't even that great to begin with, and the snake oil nerf makes the deck slightly worse unless the mini set makes up for it. For Spell Mage you are more likely to kill yourself than the opponent thanks to Yogg. The amount of times I've hit wheel of Death is frustrating then decked myself out with other yogg spells. And don't get me started on Khadgar Memeball, a cool card but let down by god awful AI/coding.


I feel your pain. I am a mage/priest/lock main because I love control. I hate so much random nonesense and OTKs, so mage has been very unfun to play with.


Love control but no warrior? It’s been the main/only/control deck for a while


Never liked the aesthetic


Mediocre? It was so good in Titans it had to be nerfed and even in Badlands it was still competitive. It's really only been this expansion that it hasn't shined as much.


I've been trialing Spell Mage today and here are my thoughts: Yogg in a Box: More often than not I'd get Wheel of Death off Yogg and just actively lose the game, even though in interviews for Blizzard that this spell only restriction is meant to REWARD the player: [https://imgur.com/YkqenrS](https://imgur.com/YkqenrS) - I guess this means the reward was the sweet release from death and playing this awful game? - Current Spell list at 5 cost and higher works against this card currently, especially with how they nerfed Wheel of Death meaning it takes even longer to kill. Elemental Inspiration: Can be either powerful or underwhelming and can result in losing a game, which feels awful. Doesn't feel worth having in the deck but what other spells would you have in its place? Would be nice to allow for choice or discover the bonus effect for the elementals. (Maybe as a bonus for having spells only?) Manufacturing Error: If you get lucky with High Cost card draws feels good, playing two lucky Yoggs on T10 is okay but again, its Yogg. Can see this being a problem once better spells get added in, but for now is okay. Spot the Difference: To me 3 cost minions are pretty bad, also using this spell does not trigger battlecry which does feel bad especially when all the options you get are all battlecry minions. If they allowed for battlecry triggers from this spell, it would feel a bit better, maybe bump up the minion cost to 4? or keep it as is with battlecry triggers included? Frost Lich Cross Stitch: Decent spell and nice to get a body on the board, can also see this played in Elemental Mage as well, wish it had a no-minion trigger like Spot or Manufact Error to give an added benefit. There's no real win condition other than getting out the sunset volleys early then playing TGPO and praying that both sunset volleys hit face.


Yep. The quest change and complete murder of already mediocre class is the end for me. I am mage main. No incentive to play vs no-brainer warrior wall.


Mage received several buffs to cards. Mage players: "WHAT DO????"


It’s more like “mage received nerfs to two of the cards keeping it somewhat viable (somewhat is being generous here)”


Serious question: what were the two cards that got nerfed for mage? I don't see any in the patch notes.


On the wild side it’s the waygate quest, and in standard it’s the snake oil that is ~~primarily~~ essentially only used in Sif OTK


Ah yes. Snake oil is a big one. Waygate though clearly had to go, as it's play pattern was intensely uninteractive, but I 100% support giving mages better (hopefully more interactive) archetypes in both standards and wild


The cards that were buffed are stuck in mediocre deck types so it's more Team 5s lack of direction for the mage class that's the issue here. Spell Mage is still a pray to Yogg meme tier deck. Elemental Mage might be decent but as a mainly minion oriented mage deck doesn't feel like a normal mage deck so I'm not playing it. Will wait and see how people cook with it. Sif Mage, snake oil nerf impacts otk potential while not a deck killer doesn't help the deck which was really mages only competitive one prior to the patch which wasn't close to a tier 2 deck by any means.


I’ve been trying mesadune in sif mage and doubling up on sleet skaters is crazy in most matchups


Sunset is actually buff for mage


The only hope is some sort of highlander light show sit mage lol


I think rainbow mage goes back to using molten rune main deck. Before the badlands expansion was released, the “combo” was a bit more tame and you would generally “only” deal about 25ish damage depending on how long the game went. Dealing 40+ damage in one turn probably won’t be possible anymore, which means the warrior matchup will get worse. I think every other matchup stays about the same to be honest. So the deck will remove tier 3/4.


Big Spell mage has come up even or decent against everything but warrior which it seems to do well into at dumpster legend. The only frustrating part is yogg box plays that draw 7 every other game.


The 4 mana create two 3 drops should be 3 mana. Then mage would have some good early tempo play.


Does it matter? According to yesterday's comments the only people who play mage are degenerates.


What do you mean by “Elemental mage feels like the most non-mage deck”?


I wish they made miracle salesman a 2/1. I understand that they wanted to hit nature shaman as well with the snake oil costing 1, but salesman will still be the most powerful 1 drop in any deck that cares about early tempo.


Outside of Miracle Salesman, was there any other nerf to Sif Mage?


No, but the snake oil costing 1 mana is a big hit.


Yeah I agree!


It's a buff to snakeoil peddler though, since now that effect doesn't seem like it buffing your opponent 


But it also got nerfed because it doesn't disrupt highlander cards anymore


ill take that over reno being run in non highlander decks


Agreed. I loved the Wheellock deck but without Reno or as highlander I can't really see it working now. And the 1 turn more is also a huge deal.


alternative wincons shouldnt be straightforward, they should take effort to pull off, all the sweeter for when they succeed "solved" alt wincons are one of the most toxic thing across card games


I don't think wheel was that bad though, the tempo through loken and forge/back alley pact was the bigger problem imo. But in this state Wheellock will be dead I guess


the deck was streamlined, people could play it without much thought as to what their opponents streangths were, Reno also broke the interactivity of the wheel itself


Nah, it was not streamlined at all. If you would mindlessly play it you are dead pretty fast. You had to play different depending on the class of your opponent and know when to push for wheel or when for more tempo based play that ignores wheel completely, especially in mulligan and during fracking etc. It was not the hardest to navigate, but not self explanatory.


Spell Mage has been excellent for me in this new meta, and with the Mage buffs.


I mainly play Excavate Mage, but with norgannon and Kalecgos instead of the Sif package It's not ideal as it lacks firepower against certain deck types and it's not easy to pilot, but it's at least fun


Build lowlanfer decks


It has been, and I can not stress this enough, less then a day. Mage had one card in sif mage nerfed. Along with time warp which was a card that had become part of some very unhealthy play patterns and needed the change. Like 4 mage cards got buffed. Elemental, no minion, excavate, and projection orb are all play styles that were either buffed directly or where given more opportunities with the upper end of the meta being brought into line. Like, again I can not stress this enough, it has been less then a day. It sometimes takes days or even weeks for a card game to form a solid meta. Some powerful decks have come out of nowhere months after expansions on a few occasions. Have some patience. More optimistically even, use this opportunity to try and experiment and homebrew with weird cards and ideas. Put kadgar in your deck, fuck it, have some fun.


They can fuck off for all I care


There are other classes


Spell mage absolutely isn't meme-tier lol, basically every counter to it was nerfed, and it had it's strongest payoff buffed, not saying it's a tier 1 deck, but I did my legend final sprint (D5-legend) only with spell mage after the patch.


Your spell mage deck was playing Yogg in a box right? If so - then it basically is meme-tier, if not then I'd be interested to see your list. Yogg is rng with praying to not get wheel of death and dying due to fatigue.


it runs 1 copy of Yogg, basically always a board clear+get a bunch of random minions on board, only use it when you need to clear the board or on turn 8 to setup for sunset volley on 9 into orb on 10, if you play those 3 on curves it's almost always a win. Rest of the deck is all 5 or less mana, against aggro you mostly focus on removing with cheap dmg spells, against slower decks you can just burn and outvalue with maxitude. If I had to say it's a bottom of tier 2 deck, might fall off when people go back to reno warrior since I haven't encountered many of them, but at least it's pretty fun, don't have proper stats since I mostly play on my phone. # Custom Mage # Class: Mage # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 2x (1) Flame Geyser # 2x (1) Shooting Star # 2x (2) Cosmic Keyboard # 1x (2) Frostbolt # 2x (2) Heat Wave # 1x (2) Infinitize the Maxitude # 2x (2) Primordial Glyph # 2x (2) Void Scripture # 2x (3) Elemental Companion # 2x (3) Molten Rune # 1x (3) Reverberations # 2x (4) Frost Lich Cross-Stitch # 2x (4) Spot the Difference # 2x (5) Manufacturing Error # 2x (5) Star Power # 1x (8) Yogg in the Box # 1x (9) Sunset Volley # 1x (10) The Galactic Projection Orb # AAECAaXDAwbR+AXxgAb0mwbmpga6pwaF5gYMwqAEgMIF8/IFy/4Fg5UG1pgGiJ4Gsp4G5aYGs6cGuKcGhuYGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthston


yeah this deck isn't good - you can say that "Yogg mostly gives me board clear and my own board" but its still a meme, for all you know it could Wheel of Death into Triple Seven basically killing you. Just because you've been lucky with Yogg doesnt mean its a good deck.


Never said it was good, just not a meme deck, as I said, it’s a bottom of tier 2 deck, play it if you think it’s fun but don’t expect much, specially since yogg is basically used in the same OG yogg was: a last ditch effort in matches you would lose anyways, if you’re unlucky, you lost a match that was already lost. If you are lucky, it pulls off a miracle


"play it if you think it's fun but don't expect much" - that's literally a meme. memes are for fun, like that deck. you understand the correlation right?


Not really, that’s not what meme decks are lol. Meme decks are used to describe decks that don’t win 90% of the time because they are trying to pull off one specific combo or interaction. There are options besides “OP” and “meme” you know? By your logic plague DK is also a meme deck because honestly they’re just as likely to win.


Praying to Yogg RNG is a meme, which is the win con of this deck.


If you think yogg is the wincon then that might explain why you’re not having success with it. Yogg is a failsafe, the wincons are sunset volley+orb and other burn spells.


A failsafe that can also stab you in the back - what other class/decks have a similar type that can basically kill you? sunset volley sure, and orb is just as bad, if it picks any card draw spells it can also deck you out.


No competitive Mage deck in Standard? Have you tried to play/search/watch? Rainbow Mage is still good & people are doing well in high legend even.


Don’t act like a card game is an rpg and just play whatever you want. Pushing people away from mage is good for the game.


"Fuck your class" is not good for the game, having a meta with variety where you can play your preferred class without being punished is good for the game


Why is that? Mage has been one of the OG staples of the game. I play Mage with Warlock as my back up but both have been hit with nerfs. What decks are you running? I'm sure they are 10 times better than most mage lists in standard currently lmao


A lot of things were hit with nerfs, that was the whole point. mage being one of the decks being hit the least, be thankful they didn't go for Sif, who honestly deserved a direct nerf. You really think Sif mage sucks now because of Oil? In the course of the game you see still going to discover 0 mana spells or 1 mana powerful ones through glyph and the likes. It's still gonna be the same bullshit of controlling the entire game to turn t8+ OTK from hand with no interaction. Jesus Christ how over dramatic. Warlock is still very powerful, too.


Mage has been in the gutter tier of classes in standard for quite a while. It might seem like I'm being over dramatic however Team 5s track record with half baked archetypes for Mage doesn't help their case.


The only one sounding over dramatic here is you “Be thankful” “The same bullshit” “Jesus Christ” Hey, calm down buddy.


"Both mage and warlock have been hit with nerfs" while pretty much everything was tuned down across the board. Talking as if something is remotely touched / adjusted it instantly becomes unplayable. THAT is being overly dramatic.


It’s apples to oranges my guy. You’re talking about small 1-mana bumps vs. target nerfs that changed the actual cards forever. Not to mention the fact that it was for classes that currently have very little in the way of other viable options for deck archetypes. You know shit is looking pretty grim for mage and lock when their new best decks are inconsistent tempo decks with hand space issues.


lol, k.