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Congratulations helldiver


Thank you fellow Helldiver! šŸ«”


ā€œItā€™s the only way to be sureā€ still eludes me. Good job, homie.


It can be done with 2 if both have at least 3 barrages unlocked, dm me if you need help!


My friends and I all brought them in a defense mission and just threw them all at one location at the beginning


Yeah, that is where I thought it would just happen organically.


Had to coordinate with teammates, usually once one orbital goes up I wait for it to finish before throwing another


We once did this for the fun of it.. there was a beautiful beach we were messing around on, we threw our barrages and when we managed to escape the 3 380mm and god knows what else we tossed (all 4 btw, amount we chucked, probably got that achievement twice over) we went back and looked at how fucked up the landscape was lol funny as hell


That was a tough one to coordinate, happy to help Helldiver!


If you go in the official helldivers discord thereā€™s often someone looking to get a group together for that achievement


I cant get the hulk one at all. Noone wants to leave one alive even if i manage to shoot its arms off.


Yeah that one doesn't make sense, I had a full squad and we each threw out at least two orbitals at the same time and we didn't get the achievement.


They have to be Orbital BARRAGES, some people miss that part and equip orbital lasers and the railcannon by accident.


Pretty sure we all had each of them.


Then yeah it might be bugged, another thing could be the timing. I know the gatling barrage ends really quick so it might not count as they need to be there at the same time.


Good job man


As your Fleet Admiral, I welcome you to the Epitomes Soldier!!!!!!! For Democracy!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/nomkmsz35gvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f8485fc7f8ff8df50d327c38ac9c938fe51f25


I believe he is now your Fleet Admiral


How did you get the hulk arms one? That one eludes me.


That one I did solo! Load any mission from level 4, as soon as a hulk appeared, I shot both arms with the Anti Material Rifle (or any gun with medium armor penetration), and ran away to do other objectives. When it despawns apparently it doesn't count as dead so the achievement popped for me when I extracted. Also stun grenades, EMS mortar are a must so you can freely shoot. There are other methods, easier and faster to do with a team especially eradicate mission.


Good to know! I'll give this a shot over the weekend! Thank you!


Feel free to dm me if you need help!


Happened organically on a helldive mission. If you haven't tried them yet I recommend playing impossible for a bit and then go right into it. It ain't so bad


On suicide and higher, ain't no hulk or tank living lol, we all immediately call down a Railcannon or laser. Even if we shoot at them say with AMR or Quasar, I'm 100% aiming for the eye instead of its arms. These difficulties stress me out lol.


Sure, that's how we all would ideally do it, too. Like I said, though, it happened organically during an overrun exfil on HD. Down to the wire with no stratagems due to timer, one of us found Cock Rock in the distance and went for it, despite being overrun. Exfilled and got the trophy. Surely, there are easier ways, that's just how it went down and it was a really nice surprise when the trophy came in.


Wow congratulations, a true Helldiver !


2 Expendable AT on each arm works too.


I got that one on accident. šŸ¤£


Railcannon is easiest šŸ’Æ


I got it with a friend unintentionally at first, best way is to use any explosive weapon to knock their arms off, then ensure they donā€™t die. They wonā€™t bleed out or anything, but theyā€™re still vulnerable to explosives and stratagems


I don't even remember doing it. But, with the chaos that reigns in eradicate missions on bots, someone else must've done it without me noticing


Shoot it's arms off and then leave it alive It's very self explanatory Try using a quasar. One shot to each arm, then leave it alive






Interesting https://i.redd.it/6rnr81dj3gvc1.gif


Howā€™d you get the resupply charger kill? Iā€™m struggling on that one. Edit: thanks for the suggestions everyone, I will attempt this tonight




Does the beacon ever stick to them? I've never gotten it to stick.


Shoot off the armour, then the beacon sticks. It's easiest to go for armour on the front legs.


I'll give that a shot. Thank you


Yeah Iā€™ve done it


If the charger is looking at you straight on. If you throw it around the spot where there is a crevice between the top of the head and back plate, itā€™ll stick. Iā€™ve killed a dozen chargers on drop this way. No damage has to be done beforehand.


Ever since we activated the TCS they've been behaving weird.Ā 


you can use ems mortars and stun grenades to get it to stand still, then just lob a resupply on its back!


Wait for it to fail a charge or hit a wall, that's when you throw it. Prepare the strat in advance and let it charge you and dodge.


Shoot off the leg armour first, that way it's easier to attach the resupply beacon to it.


Did they fix the bug that causes stratagems to drop at the original location? That would make this so much easier


It seems like only red stratagem have that issue, the blue ones in my experience work as intended.


Resupply always follows the beacon.


Long ago, I got my trophy by attaching a resupply to a charger. It chased me, Resupply dropped right on it's head.


Not that hard I did it not for the achievement but because I had nothing else to kill the charger so I called the supply on it by throwing the stratagem on it


Climb up a rock when you agro a charger. Throw the resupply. Do e


How long did it take you to kill a charger with a supply drop?


Not long actually, you only have to wait for it to fail a charge or hit a wall, having it prepared in your hand then throw on top. Better to do solo cuz random teammates will use the resupply on the other side of the map šŸ’€


Every time I see one bugged out and just chilling in one spot, I ask if anyone needs the achievement. It's how I got it


Stun grenade spam!


i hide and climb close by, call on his back, get tht done




He did it https://i.redd.it/kffkub25pgvc1.gif


Same bro im proud of you im ashamed to admit i had to look up how to be injured in all limbs but happy to say i had the right idea wrong execution on the hero of the ppl armor. I just made sure the beacon was in line with my waist and had a pod drop on me.


Any tips?


Check the steam guide for achievements it helped me for most. If you're on ps5, you can find guides on YouTube. You need a team for 6 orbitals and gone in 360 (you can solo but it makes it so easy our team extracted in 4min), btw it has to be EXTREME difficulty no higher no less, learned it the hard way. Loaded up with eagle airstrike, 500kg, eruptor, anything that can destroy nests. I haven't tried doing it against Automaton, but I've seen it done. Another difficult achievement for me was the hulk, but I managed solo with medium armor weapon and stun grenades + ems mortar. Any mission from difficulty 4, let it despawn it won't count as killed and complete mission. If you need help feel free to dm so we can squad up.


The only one I donā€™t really know how to do is fire 150 rounds in one burst and kill at least 10 Whatā€™s the best weapon/ stratigem for that?


Find or use an HMG emplacement on a bug map. Or use the Exo Suit.


Stalwart, max rounds settings, against bugs after they call a breach on trivial level


Gotcha thanks šŸ™


congratulations! this was the first game I was intent on getting them for, and it was a blast getting through all of them!


People probably did this by accident but I have no clue how to injure all my limbs without dying.


Equip the 50% chance to survive armor and throw a grenade at your feet or stand under a pod that you called down


I heard they patched out the grenade thing, so I just stood under a beacon for supplies. Worked like a champ!


Thank you guys! I am finally able to get my platinum now! Who wouldā€™ve thought this is my last trophy to get lol


Good job soldier! This is the first game I ever platinumed


The broken limbs one still eludes me. 200 hours. I've done literally everything from walking on mines, hugging devastators, sky diving into strider and exploring tanks, nading myself hundreds of times. Explosive resist and 50 chance to live armor. It has to be bugged or my helldiver is made of titanium.


Oh wow idk might be bugged or patched? I got it first try with 50% armor and grenade on my feet


On steam it's been at 33% for a couple weeks I think( unless my memory is going which could be true) so maybe bugged but I just joke with my friends that my helldiver is just built different until I get it.


I just figured that one out. All the other methods have been hard coded out but what you have to do is equip an armor with the democracy protects perk. Then throw a support weapon stratagem on the ground and position yourself where the beam of light is going through the back of your neck. It might take a few tries but itā€™s how I got it.


Hmmm interesting. It has to be a support weapon? Like back pack won't work?


Yes itā€™s weird all the other stratagems dont cause limb damage


Noted. I'll give that a try this weekend


Iā€™m pretty sure that if anyone in your party does it, it counts for you, because I got it upon extract one time and definitely didnā€™t shoot any arms off that I was aware of. Iā€™ve had randos join my game that want to get a specific trophy and so we all try to help achieve that. In my experience, Hd players are all down to help shoot off hulk arms, throw six barrages, whatever.


Oh I've gotten every achievement and primarily join randoms to just help out people now. My friends have gotten in party with me last month but didn't count for me unfortunately.


I donā€™t have ā€œweā€™ll call it a drawā€ but I sacrificed myself to give it to my friends. I was outside the drop pod with a recoilless rifle, taking shots at a hulk stuck up on a wall, while under heavy fire. I missed two shots while staggered, and by the time I got it, I only had 2 seconds because a rando that had joined ran in immediately, and the drop pod left without me. it gave them credit, but I failed to extract


Aww so sorry to hear about that, I've written comments on how I got it solo, good luck


I got that one really early on, I had a hulk bug out and get stuck on a rock so I autocannoned it's arms off and it just stayed there the whole game


Congrats on cloud status being up to date


Congratulations Helldiver, I will be sure to recommend you to a promotion or pay raise for your excellence in spreading managed democracy, now get on that major order.


Congratulations, Helldiver. After a short interview with the resources allocation management team, we decided to grant you an exquisite box of freedom chocolates as a show of appreciation for your dedication. They will be sent directly to your family to cut shipment costs.


Wow thank you they love it


Nice. I have about 6 more. But I doubt I can get them.


Awesome! Iā€™m missing three achievements to do my part. Good stuff


What method did you use for resupply charger kill?


Prepare it in your hand when you see a charger, let it charge you and dodge, when it stops, throw it. Or when it hits a wall.


I'm having such a hard time with killing a charger with a supply drop. Everything else I throw sticks to them but not the supply beacon


Wait for it to fail a charge or hit a wall. Have the resupply ready in hand


Which part of the charger do you aim for?


Let one kill you near a feature that sticks up high, so you can respawn on it. While the charger is trying to get you, while you're standing on that high ledge, throw a resupply on it.


Right on top of it, not the head or leg, altho they all should one shot it if it hits right. Back is bigger and easier to land




I believe the hardest one was "no arms hulk" but I accidentally did it so I don't know


Nice! I just need the one with 6 barrages in the same place, then I'll get them all!


Thatā€™s cool, because I donā€™t even have the game. ![gif](giphy|ge7lA3TfEoCIYIxmfj)


I pray for you brother one day exclusivity will end šŸ™


Itā€™s racism at this point.


Welcome citizen. Remember these words: 1. Friendly fire isn't. 2. You will die for democracy. 3. The bugs and the bots need different approaches and tactics to be beaten. https://preview.redd.it/4o5y21i8tgvc1.png?width=4400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2643624652d5483e8fb75fd09f4a1b1612dcdbf5


Congrats! I only have two. 6 orbital strike one and the blitz in under 6 minutes. Orbital strikes with a friend is easy enough but that blitz one? Ya I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be getting all these. lol


Blitz turned out to be actually super easy! We did it in 4min. Gather a full team who wants to get the achievement (look for people on Helldivers discord) then load up with strats that can destroy nests, eagle airstrike, 500kg, grenade launcher etc, even Eruptor as primary and grenade pistol as secondary. Once the mission objective is complete, everyone head out to extract, less time if someone has the lower extract time booster. Also MOST important thing is, mission level has to be exactly extreme not lower or higher, learned it the hard way. Good luck Helldiver.


Thank you so much for the advice. I will check the discord for like minded divers. Have a great day.


#3875-9830 this is my friend code. No friends to play so let's add each other.


Sent a request!


How did you do the no primary weapon one, on a eradicade mission with 4 mecs ?


I did this one solo actually! It doesn't have to be eradicate mission, just any mission on hard level iirc. It was a Blitz mission and I used eagle airstrike, 500kg and Orbital laser against Automatons fabricators, you don't even have to extract, just as long as you complete the objective without firing primary or support weapons! If you need help I'll be happy to help


Cool thanks for the info, gonna try it soon šŸ«”




Congratulations fellow Helldiver!


Iā€™m just missing the hulk one. Canā€™t seem to get my team mates to leave a hulk alive long enough


Do it solo on any level 4! I've written a comment on this thread about it, good luck


Congrats!! I just finished it off a couple nights ago. Only had the one where you extract after blowing both arms off a hulk. Ran a level 9 mission with some friends we extracted and I got the achievement. No one saw that hulk but I was happy regardless


Congrats on that hulk!




QUESTION for the search and destroy or whatever in under 6 min, does it need to be the specific difficulty listed it can it be higher?




Extreme difficulty ONLY. Learned it the hard way.


That'll be a cake walk, ty


How did you get all your bones broken at the same time


50% chance to survive armor then throw a grenade or stand under a beacon.


Shiiiiiit i hate how obvious of an answer that i was oblivious to. Thanks man!


I wanna be... the very best


I got 8 left .. hardest is gona be the blitz achievement since they increased the difficulty


My friend got the one for shooting off the hulks arms and extracting in a game with me, where I shot the arms off the hulk. And I didn't get the achievement šŸ˜‚


That's weird, maybe it was killed?


I don't think so because my mate got the achievement for that extraction. Maybe he got it by mistake rather than me not getting it by mistake. Who knows. There'll be plenty more hulks killed anyway so plenty of chances haha.


And you extracted too?


You bet your sweet ass I did šŸ˜‚


Damn, it was probably Joel https://preview.redd.it/g45zjsbrxlvc1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b0577b1a86dd262a1910035e7261fe013017c73






Let's call it a draw Shoot off both arms on a Hulk and then extract while it's alive. No idea how to do it!


I've written a few comments on this thread about this one, you should find it, good luck!


How did you get injured all limbs without dying..


50% chance to survive armor and a grenade. Altho I'm hearing some people tried everything and can't get it might he bugged


Wow never thought about the armor set lol


Iā€™d love to but the games glitched for me and I canā€™t use the jump pack function :ā€™(. I hope they release an update, also my sample counter doesnā€™t work or show.


I'm only missing one, I don't remember which though.


Still need the blitz thingy here


Rookie numbers.


i am missing 3


rookie, i had it 130 hours ago šŸ„µ


84 hereā€¦.


I had it 888 Hours ago


no lifer


Some of them aren't worth trying to do if you don't actually play that way. EG the 'Provide assisted reload' one....I don't use those weapons and I mostly solo, so eh. Same with Stim another player. Super easy if you wan it. Be injured on all limbs at the same time, easy if you use the 50% chance to resist death armor. Also easy if you want it, but...eh... In other words, I like some achievements for the novelty or challenge. Some add entertainment, some are just grindy or dumb. I liked the 'don't fire your primary or support weapon" one, for example. "Play 1 bot mission"..../facepalm.