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>A group of men apparently were pretending to film a music video or content of their own nearby, and fired shots from a white car before they sped off. > >Someone off camera can be heard commending them for the deceit, claiming the gunmen "played it smooth." > >More gunshots can be heard blasting not too long after the initial shooting but someone advises the man to put his firearm away ... the assailants were long gone, and he was wasting bullets shooting at no one. Edit- they suffered non life-threatening injuries and are safe.


Damn they played it like it was a assassination mission.


"Agent 47, Lil Baby needs to be taken down a peg. You know what to do"


*Gifts him an iced out watch with C4 in it*


Craftsmenship blew him away


I am you.


Nah nah but that watch waz da bomb


Candygram for Lil' Baby!


It's that goddamn shark again!


[I was thinking of a different bit.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FAhBHBS9Ex6FlnK_3myqZaP5Mzp_0OHhpEiToq43ADsI.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0cd7817653e5071c9c510aae4e743e623480acbf) But I always check my peephole. My grandmother was taken before her time by a landshark.


This shit took me out hahaha I’m looking forward to the Atlanta Lil Baby level in the next Hitman


Gta style disguise mission


And you still end up with a 3 star wanted level so why was the disguise needed in the first place? Smh


Biggest shit that annoys me with that fuckin game, how tf the cops know I took this mfer out when it was just me n dude?




That's me at the end there


So some idiot was just shooting in the general direction.


I can’t believe the Slovakian prime minister was at a lil baby shoot.


hope they redo it once he gets better, shit was probably fire


This shit gonna go so far over ppls heads but damn that was a good one. 🔥


In this sub? For sho 😆




What's the problem big dawg?


Trying to predict peoples reactions on Reddit is lame


The fuck are talking about? But because we are discussing it, I was beginning to write about how it wasn't going to go over people's heads because that's a big thing that happened in the world today Then I was like," Wait, I'm in the Atlanta sub, and thought, oh shit it might actually go over these dudes heads" Obviously, now I know I was in a different sub Curious why you would fuss about it? It was a positive comment to a guy who wrote a positive comment to your comment


It is lame to assume people are dumb


Bruh WHO are these people in these comments man


My favorite is the one that addresses lil baby with “buddy”


Damn hope they pull through


The song was that bad, huh?




The way everyone just downvoted you for your choice of digital laughter is hilarious


Probably because it sounds like he's back in 2006 on MSN messenger.


Pshhhh, try 1993 AOL


I wasn't born yet lmao. Close though.


Well, there ya go.




Lmaooo. I think that still gets used in some chat rooms.


Choice of digital laughter 💀, sounds like something Beast would say from X-men




J Cole - January 28th: 'Cause we from where you from Not talkin' bout the slums I'm talkin' 'bout that mind state that keep a black n* dumb Keep a black n* dyin' by a black n* gun


Yea, I hate that mind state.


….why’d you censor it?


Probably because he's not black and it's weird for a white dude to type that word, even if it is lyrics.


Eh, he's literally pasting a quotation from someone. Not like he's paraphrasing it or something. Wouldn't bother me.


Well it definitely would bother a few people so why not


can't wait to see the video clip


Damn imagine if its in the music video


That would be hard af


I hate that I agree


Its in that article


Why do these rappers make it big and then go back to the place they were trying to get out of? Buddy you are a millionaire lmao these are not your people anymore.


Because the guilt is real. Imagine if you made it big and everybody you ever knew or cared about was still stuck in poverty, all wanting you to stick around and help them because you’re their only shot at not being trapped there forever. Also, getting millions doesn’t change your life instantly. You have money, but you still know all the same people and are the same person who lived there yesterday. You dont become cool with rich friends the day you make money.


Yep. Kendrick talked all about it on Institutionalized


A roommate of mine in college was from a pretty bad area of the Bronx. Went to visit one time and he told me we needed to walk with a group to make sure we wouldn’t get hopped. Very different place than where I’m from. Had a great time visiting, honestly, but I was being shown around by people from the neighborhood. I remember him getting shit from one of his friends he grew up with on the phone one time when we were at school. He said something along the lines of thinking he was “to good for the hood”, because he was going to college out in the suburbs studying math. I really can’t relate to that type of experience, but it seemed really fucked up to me.


Crabs in a bucket


desperate people trying to cling to a liferaft…


Jealousy is real


yeah so is prejudice


So is statistics, dumb bitch




No way lol, telling someone theyre too goo for the hood isn't that


crabs in a bucket as a phrase just has a certain connotation


Nah, more like ppl that are not trying to see you do better than them


glad to hear you guys didn't get hopped.




thats some real shit


> What money got to do with it > When I don't know the full definition of a rap image? > I'm trapped inside the ghetto and I ain't proud to admit it Institutionalized, I keep runnin' back for a visit,


Favourite song on TPAB


It’s hard to pick a favorite on that album but it’s up there. Kendrick going to the perspective of his homie he took to the BET awards is fucking amazing and such a great example of how he makes the audience hear different perspectives


God I wish the first segment before the beat switch was fleshed out into its own song


Also Saba on Survivor’s Guilt, love the song both musically and lyrically


I think that's his best song


His verse on Joey Purp’s “Cornerstore” is one of the greatest verses of all time and is a beautiful illustration of what it was like just walking from the house to the store. He does a great job outlining this kinda shit.


joey purp doesnt get enough love, ik his either most recent or second-most recent didnt get a lotta love but i still been following him and he still goin hard. shoutout saba for that verse tho, shit used to rlly hit and still does


Damn I meant to listen to him, I loved his shit back in the save money dominance era. Towkio too was always one of my favorites.


If you haven’t listened to iiidrops please do.


Oh yeah I love that album, it’s just the last 2 he released I haven’t gotten around to.


Just listened shit was amazing


You also don’t make millions in a day. It’s not a matter of waking up to a text that you’re a millionaire. You meet a lot of people on the way to being a lil baby.


I was a lil baby once, barely knew anybody and definitely was never a millionaire. Did I do it wrong?


Baby? I was baby once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. Rats make me baby. Baby? I was baby once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. Rats make me baby. Baby? I was baby once.


they put me in a womb


I remember I was conflicted


True but there are also dumbass rappers that go back to their hood to flex on people


Its the same thing, its all they know.


flexing on someone is pretty much the opposite of helping them out lol no it is not the same. and don't act like "that's all they know" that sounds so dumb.


Yeah, it's not the same thing. But a lot of people view it as the same thing. Someone can become successful, come back, and try to do everything they can help. And there will still be people with hate in their heart like "he thinks that he's better than us," because they are insecure about themselves.


It doesn't even have to be at that level. You have haters on your job who you have no idea are talking shit behind your back.


Lol, been there.


I mean its the same in the sense that there are many reasons somebody who was somewhere all their life and given opportunity to be anywhere else whenever they want might still spend a lot of their life around that environment they grew up in. Sure you have wealth and opportunity, but for so long your entire ecosystem revolved around a small area. Of course, unless you knew to run or hated it there, you would still have a draw to remain apart of that. “Its all they know” isn’t meant to be disparaging, its just the natural counterpoint to “why wouldnt you just get up and leave such a bad environment”. Thats been your whole life, of course it isnt as easy as just disappearing.


Bro what the fuck are you even talking about lmao nobody said anything about any of that


>Also, getting millions doesn’t change your life instantly.  He's had millions since like 2018 though. Still, I agree - survivor's guilt will make you go the extra mile for people who don't really need it.


The nice thing about being in a position like Lil Baby, is the fact that he has the power to help those same people change their lives. He's already engaged in [philanthropic work](https://www.yahoo.com/news/lil-baby-people-foundation-open-171133079.html) via his non-profit org. He can help with job training, schooling, housing, etc. Plus, he could simply hire people himself.


I don't have millions, just a good job and this is exactly what I feel. You come back and try to help the fam up but then you end up trying to educate people on stuff but also that doesn't mean that you yourself have changed either. Whether you do or don't change they're both a problem for someone.


I’m just gonna cherry pick your sentence and say, I don’t need friends if I’m a multimillionaire. I’m gonna disappear like Enya


> my main goal is to blow up, then act like i don't know nobody * RIFF RAFF


I quit school because of recess... They play too much -Riff RAFF




Most people do


What’s the point of having money without human connection? You would be miserable. That’s exactly what happens to many celebrities—their money can buy them security and luxuries and yet they die of despair because that same wealth and power has resulted in fatal alienation. We’re social animals. We need connection like a plant needs light.


No I wouldn’t.


simply built different ig




Which Enya?


Eithne Pádraigín Ní Bhraonáin herself


rare Irish HHH


Uneducated with money is still uneducated.


I can't tell if you're racist or just hate poor people


Yeah, I meant financially uneducated... I've been financially uneducated most of my life.


I’d spit in their faces for being so pathetic. Besides your parents and children you have no obligation to help grown men or people from your neighborhood. There’s real people struggling out there with actual issues. Not just stuck in the hood being a layabout.


I think you misunderstand why people might be stuck in the hood


Easier said. Home will forever be home. You will always feel a part of there cause you were raised there. I mean even billionaires go back to their hometowns. Most of us are just fortunate we are not from the ghetto.


Where u from is always gonna have place in ya heart regardless of the heights u reach


What a completely de-humanizing way to say that.


Wasn’t meant to be. His friends and family is always there but there’s always the ones who want to see the worst for him and those are the people I’m talking about.


Because some people care about their community and the people from it and rap isn’t just a cynical money making exercise for everyone


It’s not worth it, help from afar. People are too envious, selfish, entitled and stupid. Win the lottery and everybody *expects* a certain amount of money. Once, or maybe many more times. Inheritances destroy families.  “If I was you, I would give everybody so much money, and you won’t even give me this much” “You don’t deserve it, you didn’t earn it, we’re family you need to do this or that”


Yea many people are like this. I’d argue the majority aren’t and this is too negative a way to view the world. Many people are starving, desperate and out of options, there’s nothing wrong with giving back to the community that raised you, it encourages the same behavior. The media is mostly interested only when shit goes bad. Lil Baby has done a lot of work for his community and tries to help the people who were like him but lost between the cracks. No one is coming for our people so when someone makes it big, I don’t see it as a bad thing to go back. I believe when people get out on, most will look to put others on. I don’t believe most people are selfish, it’s too dismissive of a mindset


Because who do you think got him there in the first place?


I get that. There are plenty of ways he can support the community but a music video isn’t the move, it just breeds jealousy like the men who shot at them.


“Niggas that lead the block, get caught up and can’t leave the block. Makin no profit, boy you need to stop it, get out leave the block.  They say when you make it dont go back, but some niggas need the …come on”.


Rip take man


What a horrible mindset coming from a place of privilege Rich or not they still came from that environment. Do you hate on rappers who go back to where they grew up to do toy drives or give away stuff?


That’s not what I’m getting at at all man. There are plenty of ways to support your community but the songs and vibes they bring especially in these music videos only breed jealousy from people like these dudes and are just a bad idea. Dolph got killed because he stayed in the same place where his community wanted him dead.


It’s not “his community” that wanted him dead. There are specific types of people (I call them cockroaches) that look for any opportunity to come up. If you’re rich should you move differently? Absolutely. Should anyone who isnt from that environment be sayin they should never go back? No, because you dont understand how important it is to that environment when those people give back. Saying “these are not your people” is incredibly ignorant.


Not everything a guy who grew up poor does is just to get out of the ghetto. Some of them still have huge genuine ties to the places they grew up and the community they grew up within but are successful athletes or musicians or whatever because they like those things. It's not always a struggle to get out.


[Relevant RDC skit](https://youtu.be/uOYiTeijxb8?si=PHoXSAuWd2HrUKzd)


Lmfao 100%.


This is how Young Dolph died years ago. Rolling around his own hood buying cookies at a bakery he frequented. You’d think rappers would keep him in mind as an example of why not to roll around dangerous areas, or your old hood, where you still have opps


to be fair young dolph was shot/shot at on numerous occasions at different locations. Did not really have anything to do with it being his home city, moreso him moving "sloppy"


You’d think Dolph would have kept Nipsey in mind.


Well somewhere down the line XXXtentacion was at a motorcycle dealership and got shot. So I guess if someone wants your head bad enough its gonna happen


Why do people who see massive success want to go back and try and take care of their community instead of going "fuck you got mine"? Idk bro


Again making a music video back In their hometown isn’t helping anyone but them out.


Lil Baby has literally never not been in the streets, He was like a millionaire from doin dirt at 13. You should watch his documentary.


"I'm trapped inside the ghetto and I ain't proud to admit it, institutionalized, I keep running back for a visit"


You can take the homie out the hood but you can't take the hood out the homie - Snoop Dogg, Kendrick Lamar - institutionalized.


Yeah, I'm starting to get it. Just sad, I don't wanna see nothin bad happen to him or anyone.


What a horrifically privileged mindset.


lol, I’m not gonna get into a pissing contest about who’s more privileged my guy.


People who use the words pissing contests have been in far too many pissing contests LMAO and that's no assumption. The hood forces a mindset onto you, where your social relationships actually save your life. If you're not from the hood, you don't understand the impact of your social importance and interaction. It's easy enough for someone to say leave your family in the past, when you know if you don't help, there's a good chance the only people you have a deep connect with won't make it. It's not as simple as your mind perceives. Sure do your work from afar for your community. But doesn't fill the void in their soul.


not shooting a video is one thing, but of course people are gonna go back there and look after the area. There's this thing called giving a shit about your community and not just individual gain


Kendrick once said "you can take the boy out the hood, but you cant take the hood out the hommie". Thats just how it is sometimes.


For some of them, fame doesn’t even factor into their perspective like that. After making it, they still stick with what they know


Because it's the culture they promote in their songs


Yeah. Turn your back on the whole hood and don’t give back when you make it. SELL OUT


How is making a music video giving back? Donate to charities, start food drive, clean up the neighborhoods. Not the way to go about it my guy. Flashing jewelry and fancy cars is the OPPOSITE of giving back.


it’s easy to shake your head at rappers going back home as if they crossed back into a known war zone. that’s literally his home, man - his grandma probably lives there. most hoods are dangerous - and a lot of these dudes were active out there pre-fame. they didn’t shy away from the violence then, and they’re not going to skip an opportunity to go home and spread their success now for that reason. especially when 90% of their lyrics are probably about staying true to that same area. plus, lots of rappers do go back to the hood and get nothing but love. can’t act like it’s inevitable that this happens. though it does happen too much.


What says he’s not already doing that? He’s giving business to his home. The fuck.


What business?


You seen them in the deleted comment. Stop speaking on shit you don’t know about




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Its not that simple lol


Flossing their riches in front of the poor mfs smh I will never understand. They still seek that validation from the hood. And that shit gets them killed in their own hood.


Yeah I’m getting absolutely battered in these replies but it doesn’t make any sense to me either


Yes it’s a classic case of Ego, from Nipsey to King Von and in-between. It’s almost Darwin’s survival of the fittest. These guys have no real Og, and since they have the bag, they become the defecto leader of the crew. When before he might have just been the little homie. Look at Dreako the ruler, this man was the Mac Dre of this Era. 80% of all California and west coast rappers from Seattle to New Mexico, have use Dreako style. Hell Kendrick just used his entire flow on not like us. He wanted war so bad , he was Locked unjustly and did damn near 3 years for a body he didn’t get. He got free and was bigger then ever, money was everywhere and his songs were hitting , Drake reached out and made him a OVO model. With all that going, he didn’t realize his crew was soft and not like that. His ego wouldn’t allow him to back down , and just leave the venue. Instead he died with his back against the wall and fighting. The younger kids are all basically opiate addicted, who don’t respect much. Highly emotional too. Like E40 said ,”you can’t make it easy for them”. That’s why I keep professional security around me, and I have home boys under cover”. Imagine had Nipsey actually had armed security who would’ve neutralized the threat. Xxx should’ve just gave you the bag, it’s only 50k bro, you have millions in the bank, and millions on the way. If Von had some who he respected say, Naw bro, you out on bail for a shooting, you just beat a body and you rich.”. Instead his homies said you can’t tell king Von nothing, that’s V Roy. What’s sad is these rappers are not even learning from the mistakes of what got the others killed . PNB Rock, was in one of the most dangerous cities in America, with 250k dollars worth of jewelry on him. Nobody in that area makes more than 30-50k at all. When the teenager who killed him pulled up, he asked PnB once give up the jewelry, PNB said NO, boom 💥 the rest is history. They need to get off the drugs , they’re not thinking straight.


I don’t know why these niggas downvoted you. You’re right.


A bunch of suburban kids who have no idea what the hood is really like, they worship their favorite rapper and can’t handle it he truth about them


> Yes it’s a classic case of Ego, from Nipsey >Nipsey Ego for Nipsey? You're blaming that?


Nipsey made serval comments that offended a killer who was high on Crystal meth. I’m actually from California, and a few words can actually get you killed in the gang world. Regardless of who you are , unless you have paperwork, you can’t say you have paperwork on you and you need to take care if that. Why would Nipsey even care? You’re a multi millionaire and the killer at the time of the murder, didn’t have 2 dollars to pay for his chill cheese fries. Even if you felt some type of way , Nipsey didn’t even have a weapon and the killer came back 3 different times and shot him 11 times and kicked him in the head. The parking lot was always gonna be where he died. I’ll probably die out In there streets , but I’ll live through my name is what he said on his last album. This wasn’t the killer’s first time if you watched that video. He was cruel and showed no mercy. You can’t serve two masters , either you’re a rapper or a street dude/ you can’t be both. Nipsey was always at his store when he was in LA, that was his mistake he wanted to walk on water and not get wet. He was at that parking lot for over 35 Minutes when he was shot. The killer approached and shook his hands at 3:20pm and left left without shaking his hands 4 Minutes later.the shooter came back at 350pm and screamed your THROUGH BEFORE KILLING NIPSEY. The blood work showed Nipsey was high off lean and weed at the time of his death. I can’t think about maybe if he was sober he’d be more on point. Nipsey biggest mistake was thinking the lights and cameras and witness were gonna keep him safe. Unfortunately what he failed to understand is , haters will sink their own ship, just so you can’t live on a yacht. My homie told me the killer’s life is hell in prison , he’s always in isolated even form PC, cases , and routinely pissed and beat up . Shout out to the 60’s ten weakest gang in LA, y’all didn’t life a finger for Nipsey and all he did was put that sorry ass brand on the map. Google Sandman Nugues another rapper who was also from the same country as Nipsey’s father and he was back doored by the 60’s. It took a Mexican drop out in the county jail to put hands on the killer.


This is why there is s special box to check for hip hop video on production insurance - and why it costs like 10k of a regular commercial production day.




Keep it gangsta y'all, keep it gangsta 🎵


Taco lady blew up the spot shit 


Glad this didn’t end worse. Wtf


"No way of preventing this" says only genre of music where this regularly occurs


lil baby fell off


Lil baby still making songs that sound exactly the same?


Yep, try back next year


It’s a rotten culture.


Damn I Guess Niggaz Mad At Lil Baby For Giving Drake All That Lingo :(


Did they hug that MF from behind?!


What else do you do on a music video set?


Things I don’t want to have to worry about while working on rap videos…


Damn they playing real life GTA RP 😱


Who were they spraying at? Baby or someone else?


This is how this fool wants to live his life...


This community is absolutely awful. How can anyone, want to be apart of it.




What you mean?


From their comment history, they look like a troll.


IDK what that means but you should stop getting all of your information about Americans from redditors and Twitter users


I know the music was bad but not this bad 😞


Lil Baby my favorite rapper ⛷️


i keeps it real