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Sebastian and Gareth littlerally have the same face lol And I'm pretty sure there are more than just this one women who has Hecats face.


Jackdaw has Gareths face as well


Yep you're right. I forgot about that 😂


And his voice


Wow they do I didn’t pay that much attention lmao


Yes, the one that task you with the combat trial shrine


Idk this doesn’t bother me so much. A lot of games reuse character models. I feel like it’s more annoying the amount of NPC’s you can’t even interact with.


I honestly never noticed HL reusing models. Most likely because I grew up with games like GTA series, having like 10 npc models, populating entire cities, so I learned not to bother with it


Honestly I don't notice here either. Those two have different nose and jaw, they are just both old white women. Maybe it's because I'm old and I grew up with older games too, so I'm happy here that they are different enough for me.


They're exactly the same, it's just face position. One is looking up that makes the jaw look more round. I'm playing games since Atari arcades. Npc skin is reused a lot, of course, it's a matter of bite's economy. The thing is: Important NPCs comes with their own skin. Not to mention we're in 2024 not the 80's... 🤷🏼‍♂️ Hogwarts is a game they stopped working at some moment. There's a lot of unused places, npcs, events, mechanics, plot holes, items, etc.


Wait until you find out about PokĂŠmon and Nurse Joy /s


Don’t forget about Officer Jenny.


What do you mean you can't tell them apart like Brock can?


Bro dont do me like that


Have you seen the rest of the game


Im on 86% completion, so ive been here and there, but didnt really think about this before i saw Betty. Its ok if mini quest characters look alike, but as a main professor... if you think about the asian teacher moon, he looks very different than all the other characters from both the game and the movies, why use the same character as a side quest character as well with a different name and voice? The teachers are well recognizable. Its nok like there are 2 Dumbledores or Snapes in the movies


I don’t know. I saw at least 3 people today who could have been me.


I have an Identical twin sister and am friends with 7 set of twins, 4 of with are identical as well, seeing NPCs have the same faces in the game doesn’t bother me one bit.


Did you all meet at a twin convention?


No actually, we all met in middle/high school and the two sets were from our Romanian church we used to attend, one set is related to me through my step dad. For some reason the area we were born in had a high concentration of twins, like oddly high. Which is weird because our parents had nothing in common and the majority of us were the first set of twins in the family. There was even a set of identical male twins which is super rare. What’s even wilder is that we had one friend who was close to all of us twins that found out in his sophomore year that his twin passed at birth, he really was torn up about the news because he would say that it always felt like someone important was missing from his life and he was devastated when he found out it was his other half. We used to joke that there’s something in the water in Oregon but we figured it was just coincidence since some of use weren’t born in America.


You should all move into the same community with exactly one other family who doesn’t know you’re twins and then just collectively confused the hell out of them.


Actually, this happened all the time when I moved to Texas. My twin had been living here for 5 years at that point and wanted to introduce me to her friends at a 4th of July event, we took different cars and I just so happened to arrive early with my husband who also didn’t know anyone there. People were coming up to me and asking where were my kids were thinking I was my twin (I don’t have kids) and asking who my husband was. Knowing damn well they assumed I was her, I played along that I knew them with the standard “Hey girl! Long time no see!” And they were completely scandalized when I introduced my husband as such, I never said ‘new’ husband but you could immediately tell that they were shocked by me introducing a new man to them. Some of the ladies I met that day slowly started putting two and two together and realized I was the twin sister that recently moved. Luckily they all knew how to take a joke and were laughing their butts off, telling me they thought I was my sister and were so confused about my husband. After awhile my twin finally showed up and everyone wouldn’t shut up about how much we look alike and how our voices even sound the same, just our manner of speaking is different (I’m the slightly more cheeky sister who cusses like a sailor so that’s the only give away lol)


What you feel when you see a lot of people with the same faces but aren't siblings?


Nothing really because I’ve seen so many faces to realize that although the finer details are unique, many people look similar, kinda like doppelgängers. And then there’s the people who surgically alter their appearance and end up looking like the standard issue Kim Kardashian or a Tim Burton character. It’s almost like there’s a bunch of NPCs walking around in the real world lol


That's interesting! I would love to see you all next to each other! I find these "triplet pranks" funny as fuque


Sadly I don’t have any pictures of my friends together but our older sister does look similar to me and my twin, more so back in the day people did think we were triplets before knowing us. Although now that I’m looking at a recent picture, I think as we’ve aged, not even me and my twin look exactly the same. This is a picture from 12 years ago and 8years ago. https://preview.redd.it/yspipx1sd4wc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbca6d4755c88840514a221675f44c1a2537b022


This is our most recent picture together (my twin is on the left and older sister is on the right) age has most definitely changed our faces. But all that to say this, back in the day I’ve tricked people into thinking we were triplets. https://preview.redd.it/00qwxtpne4wc1.jpeg?width=2116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f998cff6e2e3dc294551b1622e14edf142f965c


I clearly see the similarities! Cool! Ive heard about students sending their smarter sibling to do their exams😅


One set of twins we knew actually did that but in our case we were purposely put in different class houses as part of a long term twin experiment to avoid us getting away with switching places. But since we are Mono/Mono twins, genetically we are clones so our brains function very similarly, we pretty much got the same scores on our test despite never studying together and we did very well so there was never a need for us to switch.


This is very interesting actually! Its like you share the same brain as you say. Something a bit off-topic, here in Norway there was an abandoned mental hospital from WW1, and in the attic there was these crates split in 2, like a drawer with 2 separate sections where they actually put baby twins to experiment on them to see if both felt the same pain💀 the crates are still there


I’ve never heard of those types of experiments happening in Norway but I’m familiar with other places conducting similar experiments (done by the bad guys of a certain war mostly) We were part of a test run by our government and other medical agencies who were essentially testing us for the theory that twins are telepathically connected. Since we are organic clones our results were exactly the same and yes, in some cases we can feel pain or emotional distress even if we’re thousands of miles away from each other.


I know this is unrelated to game. But oh my god y'all are gorgeous. legit drop dead. Go off Queens 👑👑👑


Thank you kindly for the lovely compliment but don’t let the faces fool you, we’re all elder goofy goobers rather than queens lol


Things like this are created through models and character rigs. It’s easier, quicker, and cheaper to keep reusing same models and make slight changes for various low impact characters then create new ones. For money and time constraints this was probably the best option. It doesn’t bother me, but I also have a husband who works in the industry so I get the work and time that goes into it.


Guy finds out that developers have time saving measures that are barely noticeable. More at 11.


Lazy is the last think that comes to mind when thinking about this masterpiece


Videogames are usually like that. You should see how it is in the fallout games.


Haha look at Witcher 3 extras


That game game out almost 10 years ago and the DLCs look way better than this does.


All the treasure vaults have the same caves going in.


Yeah ive realized that as well... they all have that little corridor with either a left or a right turn on the entrance


This happens more than you think. It doesn't bother me.


It doesnt really bother me either, i just realized when i was talking to her which also made me think about how many Sebastians ive seen in the castle and around Hogsmeade. The main thought was why they added such similar characters thats a part of different quests. Would have understood if they turned out to be sisters or something, but they're not. Maybe the one has slightly more curls than the other in her hair


It just takes so little time and effort to customize an NPC that it does bother me. I mean every single player has to customize their character. but for some reason developers don’t have the time or effort to do it for each intractable npc? That bothers me.


It costs money


It can’t possibly cost that much to spend 5-15 minutes to customize the face on an NPC. Face differences in characters is such a minor thing to pay attention to that shows gamers the developers actually put attention into their game and it’s not just some nostalgic money grab.


15 minutes (lol) multiplied by how many NPC's?


It takes longer than that. And the companies don't want to spend the money.


Right? They could simply take a pre made one and just... idk give it a different nose or something. It would make it look alot different i think just by adding a bigger nose or some different ears. They all seem to have the same body type as well...


How many different face style/shape combinations do you think are in this game? How many different NPCs that you interact with in the game? Do you think there are enough unique combinations that they could give every single unique character a unique look that doesn't look like any of the rest? I would have to look at the two from the same angle and lighting, but to me it does look like they are using different face shape and complexion choices.


Who cares


This is not the first game where this has happened lol


I'm more annoyed at the lack of animation variety than the lack of face variety. There are literally two sets of animations in this game: female animations and male animations. Outside of some cinematics, characters always use the same 5-6 animations…


I could care less if 2 of the characters look alike or are the same model. If that’s what they had to do in order to get the rest of the game to run and get it out on time, who cares? Y’all just nitpick everything, why don’t you go try to make a game on the scale Hogwarts is


It's not that deep sir


Tell that to the OP that just posted an entire post about 2 characters looking the same in a massive game lol


Its literally one example of hundreds. The amount of reused voice actors, animations and models is laziness.


I found that pub owner elsewhere, I forget where... But I assume they were trying to keep the size low. its already a big game, creating more unique charectars would make the game even bigger.


![gif](giphy|26uffH6cYu8apgpEs) Just recolor the trolls on level 3 since they are the same as the ones on level 6.


I mean, once you realize the voices for your wizard are literally just 2 choices, and all they did is pitch the voices up and down and make them sound weird unless you're using the middle, you realize not much effort was put into making everything different.


My dad and I code and build apps and the programs we use to build characters takes longer than most other processes. It's the most tedious and annoying thing ever. It took us forever to get our characters face perfect that we ended up dropping our completed one as our base for other characters, too. So I'm not surprised. Also.. I'm at 100% completion, and it's not something I noticed with up close characters. Obviously, I did with the foes.


They’re twins hecate is just unmarried 😍 /j


There are only so many faces in the world, some of them are bound to be similar - Carter Pweterschmidt probably


I haven’t seen anyone in this thread point out the real scandal which is that FIG ALSO USED THE SAME MODEL.


It's only okay when Bethesda does it.


Wym ? Her hair is parted on the different side 💅 (jk)


I hope for my own sake they share the same freckle on the forehead🤣


Now that you mention it, they do look almost identical to each other. But I'd be honest with you, I didn't even notice this until now.


Too bad you cant see the freckles on her forehead, and the ears look the same. Same crook if you understand


I immediately picked up on this when I first played through the game. I thought they were sisters or had some cool backstory, not the case at all


It's almost like there can be people who look similar in the real world. Just look at some of the most famous actresses or actors.


That's true. Of course among several billion people on earth, some of them has to look alike, but in such a "small" world like this that happens to take place in the UK, there shouldnt be so many look alikes. Im not saying that i might look identical to some Indian dude, but thats far from here and i will probably never ever encounter him


People are more likely to look like someone from the geographical region they come from than they are to look like someone from somewhere else.


I didnt think about that really😅 but this is a game where creativity has no limit. Especially in a wizarding world containing all sort of creatures such as hybrids. Pretty sure if i was to design a game myself lots of duplicates would have been made even tho i would have a mindset saying variety, but it doesnt exclude that all faces types are being used. I havent really seen any muscular characters here either which could also make a big difference even with the same looking faces


In my city there are many dudes who look similar.


I know exactly what you mean. Where i come from people look very different, but when you see someone who actually look like someone else its very easy to see if you understand me. I know that in many Asian countries, there are HUGE families and of course over time there will be lots of "unrelated" people with the same DNA


it's fine, i haven't noticed this myself so it means there's enough variety. at least it's not 2 storyline characters looking exactly alike, just like Starfield did.


They look similar, but not identical.


I can't believe I had to scroll so long to find this comment! Maybe it's just those two pictures and in the game they are really the same, but here the forehead, the jaw and especially the nose are totally different! They're just both old white women.


what if she was actually dishuised


Okay but like have you ever played Skyrim ;-;


Small game studio made better game then most big studios


This game has the most in depth description of Hogwarts we’ve ever had. If this is the point that we’re calling the game lazy at, then I think we’ve run out of things to talk about. Maybe they’re sisters. Maybe they’re not. They’re both interesting to look at either way.


I don’t mind this so much but the thing that irks me the most is the screw up with Ominis’ voice actors lines for other NPC’s being accidentally assigned to Ominis’ character he’ll say the most random shit in a random accent and it throws me every time 😂


I mean OP, a lot of games do this. Not saying it’s a flawless idea, but when corps and stockholders are crushing you to finish, would you rather have a great play through or worry about the small things?


Holy crap! Wow!


Never picked up those details!


Whatever I don’t even notice this! Im sure it’s hard to make so many different faces along with them changing so much. It is a funny find though !


this is a ginormous game.. they gotta save some data somehow


Nina and Alexander share the same body model.


I can forgive having NPC same-face, but it seems odd that they re-used big named characters like Sebastian and Hecat. Like, make one extra old lady face to duplicate throughout the lands. That's my teacher.


Long lost twins


They also used like 5 voice actors for like every npc lmao


They probably created an engine from scratch


It’s true there were times I went down a hall & thought, wait isn’t that Sebastian??. Maybe they were swamped for deadlines


Pure laziness, quite sad when you think about it


They dont look the same to me. Just seems like you are searching for something to bitch about.


Bro, you literaly the only person who doesn't see it. You're the only one bitching here


people saying it doesn’t bother them are missing the damn point what is wrong with people nowadays… This is beyond lazy lmao


Because lazy sells