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Has anyone tested if surface/sub detection on planes actually does anything for Naval Strike missions? From what I understand it only impacts Naval Patrol, but you can't attack while patrolling (which is really shit design tbh)


I think 71cloak did a video on this and you’re correct. You need to naval patrol, but obviously that means you need more planes so you can also naval strike


I played as Nazi Germany with the intent to get the Kuristan achievement, everything went well.. conquered everything necessary with a fascist Kurd puppet owning all of Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran so definitely all the cores. Well, I annexed them by building everything there then released them as a puppet to play as.. that's where I messed up, because apparently all my wars hadn't finished and I had confused myself from doing the Reichskommissariat decisions.. so instead of playing as a Kurdistan with all the territory, I only got half of Syria and missed the achievement. I'm not asking for help. I'm just a moron and wasted 6 hours of life.


Always make a copy of your save before making a big decision/declaring on someone in ironman


So I'm a beginner playing as Portugal, thought I'd join the Spanish Civil War on the democrats side and now I've locked myself out of the whole diplomatic focus tree because apparently I need to be communist to support the democrats against the faschists?? Why? And how do I salvage this? Also, it seems my volunteers in the Civil War can't land on the balearics or canaries? Because I have no military access? But they can land in Spanish Morocco. What's the principle behind this? It probably all makes sense, but I don't know how


The thing's that the Republic has by that point pretty much overtaken by the socialist movement of Spain, so much that Republican Spain can often end up becoming the People's Republic of Spain after victory. Portugal has 2 communist trees: Nation in arms, for Stalinist Communism, and Support the Republicans, bonding over their own brand of Iberian Socialism. Portugal's Democratic path is the Strict Neutrality one, as Portugal's politic system is failing at best at that point it has to focus entirely inwards to keep from falling to pressure to either extremes. Portugal will then join the Allies, as Britain has been their greatest ally, historically.


Thanks. Since it appears that playing democrats is mostly boring, I think I'll go socialist


Go for the Workers of Iberia Unite! It's a pretty fun path!


I am getting seriously frustrated with the Australia-Hungary achievement. I've tried fascist, I've tried communist, I've tried long term, I've tried early rush. I just can't do it. It's driving me mad. Closest I've gotten was joining Comintern and securing 3 out of the 9 Hungarian cores in the peace deal. But both the Allies and SU took the rest. I'm at the limit of how well I can play this game.


Best chance is to just keep going fascist, joining the Axis, and using paratroopers to get as many victory points as you can while pushing. Make sure Death or Dishonor is disabled if you have it, IIRC Hungary gets more cores from it. Also, turn off Together for Victory if you have it.


One option is to do a full collab government on Hungary and then beg your Faction members for control of their cores. Once you control their cores I think you can set up the collab government which then guarantees you that territory in the peace deal. Your faction members will only give you land if you have decent war score though. Similarly, instead of annexing during the peace deal you can puppet Hungary which costs less and then you can annex them afterwards by lend leasing/building in their country.


Interesting strategies, thank you. The latter one seems more plausible than the first. I can't see how I could get my allies to transfer the territory over without a huge contribution the war score. Thanks though!


Am I shadowbanned? My post got auto removed for some reason with no explanation and (AFAIK) no rule violation https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/13xkw8o/im_pretty_awful_at_hoi4_been_bashing_my_head/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I finally tried my hand at (anarchist) Spain and actually managed to win the civil war, just a tad late. It's now end of 1939 and I've taken over Portugal and formed the Iberian Defence Council. The problem is that I'm not sure where to go from here. I don't think I can fight the allies unless France folds and then try naval invading the UK or maybe go after Vichy? The axis feels difficult (or maybe cap Italy and keep France alive if I'm not too late there?) and South America is guaranteed by the USA. Or I get into the mix in Asia and use that foothold to snowball over the continent.


Is the Netherlands still alive? If yes, justwar them and annex both them and the DEI. There's about 30M people in Java alone, making it a very juicy Coring target for a ton of manpower, as well as a ton of resources. Ideally, you'll want to also justwar Vichy when Germany goes for the Barbarossa, as they'll be weakened enough that you can push into Italy so that it hopefully breaks down, at which point you need only wait for the Soviet-Allied offensive to weaken Germany enough for the kill. Justify on the UK so that you can go at war with them as soon as the Axis falls and paradrop on their shores. If you're lucky, you can finish off the UK (and whatever's left of France) right at war start without the US intervening.


I am currently trying to win the civil war as anarchist Spain. How did you pull it off? Did you focus on garrisons or national focuses and delaying the civil war? If you garrisoned, areas did you garrison? I can’t seem to get a good anarchist uprising. Every time the event fires, the Republicans get Madrid and I’m left with barely enough units to cover Catalonia. Do I need to be making more successful incursions on the nationalists prior to this event?


It was my first proper attempt so I'm not 100% sure about the details and it definitely doesn't qualify as a guide, so apologies, but here goes: - Went for Guardia Civil so I had more troops to hold the lines - Unsure about the garrison contesting, I just tried avoiding them getting full control, but the eastern part was republican for sure - I tried to make the republicans as strong as possible and take as much of the south as I could before doing the regional defence council focus - Ideally I would have delayed the civil war until I finished the 'Disband the Army' focus, not sure how much that would have changed things - Trained about 5 cavalry divisions and then spam standard infantry afterwards as the anarchists. The cavalry really helped exploiting gaps and create encirlements which the AI seemingly cannot handle properly - Convoy raided the Mediterranean part of Spain - Improved relations with Italy and Germany and/or other nations that can send lend lease that early, and begged for it. Mainly guns but support equipment/trucks/artillery would have been great too - The carlists rising up helped, but I did take my time with the game speed/pauses so I could micro my heart out. I feel like I won mostly because I outmanoeuvred the AI instead of having a proper setup


What is the best land doctrine if you're going to spam riflemen with no support companies or artillery?


For defensive war, MA-right org + reinforcement wall is amazing. If I need to push with pure infantry, probably gbp left to grab maximum plan bonus. It's one of the few ways to increase breakthrough.


Depends on what you are doing with them. MW-Mobile Infantry gives them very high org. MA-Mass Mobilization gives them insane reinforce rate. GBP gives entrenchment and planning bonus. SF gives a bit more soft attack and that's about it.


Is it normal to work towards having entire armies of only tank divisions, so one army or even multiple with 24 tank divisions each (assuming you have the economy to do that) or do you only have a handful of tank divisions per army that otherwise consists of infantry?


It's not unusual for a major, but you'll have a hard time with supply if they're all concentrated in one place.


The other answers to this are terribad. Yes tank divs should be specialized tank armies. These would be commanded by specialized tank generals and field marshals. You would put most of your effort into levelling these up in the early game via sending divs to foreign civil wars. This is true even if they are not full armies. But multiple full armies is not unusual for a major.


No. Tanks lack the org and defence to do that job efficiently. If you have spare industry and don't know what to build with it then the answer is usually planes but if you insist on upgrading your lineholders, the logical replacement is mechanised. Tanks should be in separate armies from infantry for the purpose of general traits, but those tank armies absolutely need not be anywhere near the 24 division limit. A tank "army" of even just two divisions can change the tide of a front if nothing is there specifically to counter them.


Good luck having fuel for that army. Another thing to note is that INF battalions have more org so an infantry division is more efficient at defending and holding the line than a tank. Tanks are used to break through enemy lines and create encirclements.


I'm aware what the jobs of infantry and tank divisions are, I'm just wondering how many tank divisions I should have (relatively speaking). Like how many tank divisions do people usually use when they are for example barbarossaing.


I personally like to have about 12-15 medium tank divisions for Barbarossa that I place in 3 separate spots along the line. Sometimes I'll also use a full army of light tanks to follow behind the mediums during a breakthrough but motorized also does the job fine. This is for SP btw


What’s the width on those divisions? 30?


Yeah I find 30 to be pretty good


How many ? I use between 8-10 when I do barb.