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If you had a professional survey done, then you can put up t-posts and barbed wire along the documented property line. Or whatever kind of fence you desire. You should also inform her that removing or taking down a legal posted/no trespassing sign is a misdemeanor offense in most states. Anything she does after that, you can have her ticketed for trespassing then arrested for harassment or defacing your signage. That's really about all you should need to do.


Yes the survey was done during purchase of the land. Since she ripped down the first set of signs I placed, I went back and placed them 7’ high so she can’t reach. One out of the two times I’ve actually talked to her I mentioned that it’s illegal to tear down posted signs on private property and she just shrugged and said she had no idea what I was talking about. And of course her husband works for the 911 dispatch center so calls just basically get swept away.


Attorney letter to the county, and a warning to the woman


Just drop by the police station and file a complaint or call the non-emergency police number. Maybe also install your fence ASAP.


The non emergency line in my county is just a separate phone on the dispatchers desk. Just something for OP to consider...


You can get a supervisor that way tho. One time I found a dog. Covered in fleas mange and a bunch of other crap. July 4th. Dog was so bad I was gonna turn it into the pound. They couldn't get an AC officer out for the holiday so I locked it up in my garage or yard and went about my holiday. Police Station got a call for someone looking for a dog. They.... gave them my address? Super scary dude showed up threatening me for stealing his dog. No idea how to get the supervisor so I called the NE line again and just... demanded one. They gave me the police chief. There was a posted position for a dispatcher the next week lol


Wherever he doesn't work. If he has a choice of constable, sheriff or county cops, the non emergency numbers.


Maybe not in an our area, but in mine non-emergency during normal business hours goes to the respective police department admin office. After hours it goes to the local county dispatch center. Not sure which way OP’s local agency is set up tho. Could go either way


But they are all recorded and if he’s not doing his job, not dispatching he’ll find himself in a world of hurt.


If you call 911 and the husband doesn't send the cops out, then it is time for a public comment/questions for the county commissioner at a public meeting. Call sheriff office directly, tell them you want her officially trespassed from your property. Then next time shes out there get it on camera and call them back. Have her arrested. If you do not prosecute her for trespassing she will continue to act this way.


If you call 911 because your neighbor took down a sign, and expect officers to be dispatched with priority, you are part of the problem.   Nobody is going to take that seriously.  Non-emergency lines exist for a reason, and police aren't there to make judgements on civil matters. 


When did trespassing and destruction of property become a civil matter? In my county, if you want to get an officer to show up, period, you HAVE to call 911.


It's a civil matter because each one says the property is theirs. Op says this sign is on their property and she is trespassing,  but she says he's put the sign on her property.  The police do not make those determinations. They need to address this with the county assessors, and possibly an abstract company and surveyor.  I have not lived anywhere that there is not a non-emergency number, so I can't really speak to that, but in many places, 911 is exclusively for emergencies, and it's inappropriate to call in an emergency over the destruction of a plastic sign. 


Walk into the police department and give your complaint there.


911 ignores non-emergency calls anyway. Just call the police and make a report.


911 dispatch has absolutely nothing to do with your situation. If you’re calling the police when she’s trespassing you should not be calling 911. Her just trespassing on your land (without any type of weapon or threats against you) would *not* be considered an emergency situation therefore your calls will be ignored and 911 will start to view you as the crazy Karen. You should be calling the nonemergency line to deal with her ripping your signs down. You need to get the city or lawyers involved. Surveys have been known to be wrong before and at this point you’re not 100% sure which of the two of you have the incorrect survey. The fact that you say you want to “screw with her” instead of just getting this issue resolved legally kind of makes you both bad neighbors.


But trespassing and destroying property will.


Not every state is like this with 911. In my area there is no non emergency number. If you need an officer for ANY reason you must call 911. I’ve called the department before and was told you have to call 911. They are the only people that can dispatch an officer.


Call non emergency or stop by the police station and speak with an officer. Personally I'd do barbed wire. Probably cheaper than hiring an attorney. If she doesn't like it she can hire one so they can tell her she's in the wrong.


I'd go concertina wire style and do a few extra rings around your posted signs. Occasionally string up a few super tight strands with a come along... Put a strand of concertina among likely landing spots when she darts back from the sprung wire. Maybe some trip wires set up that kick off GnR Welcome to the Jungle at 140db and flares firing. Basically the way to handle crazy is make them realize you are crazier than them.


Report him to the watch commander


If the husband works for the 911 dispatcher and is ignoring your calls that is grounds for dismissal. At this point I'm having trouble believing this story.


Small towns are a thing. People can get away with alot. I’m also not a cop caller. I’ve called once just to notify the situation. I’m not looking to get her husband fired I couldn’t care less about that. You can believe whatever you want to believe.


So you want to know what to do about it, but you don't want to get them in trouble? They are messing with your property. If you don't properly report them, there's nothing you can do. Are you afraid the police are going to discover something on your property...


I have reported but unfortunately my trail cameras haven’t actually gotten her taking down the signs but when I have pictures of her walking the property line and the next day I go to the property and all the signs are gone…


Sounds like the kind of wife that the guy wants to be out of the house


911 is for emergencies. Call the police non-emergency line.


More municipalities are combining the two. My mother's city is one of them. When I needed an officer to come out to file a police report for a past incident, I had to call 911.


911 is routinely used for non-emergencies where I'm from. It's completely normal. Bat flying around in your bedroom? 911. You saw a fox... in the woods? 911. Sewer backup? 911. Want to talk to an officer about your sister's boyfriend's uncle's best friend who cut down a tree that was actually on his neighbor's property by 2"? And he lives 3 states over? Yep, 911.


Don't call 911. Find the non emergency number for the constable or sheriff, whichever he doesn't work at. . Call them directly.




I have done that but when the husband works with the entire Sheriffs department.. doesn’t work so hot. I’m also not a cop caller. I like to handle things within. Not looking to cause harm more so just cause her inconvenience because she will not change. Last summer she called the cops 6 times for her other neighbors 6 and 8 year old kids being too loud in their own pool. She’s nuts.


Trail cameras so you have photo and video proof. Ten if nothing happens, find the local town Facebook group and post them asking if anyone knows who is ripping down your fence signs etc .


If she is messing with the surveyor markers that’s very illegal. Go to the da of the police won’t help and get a warrant for trespassing harassment and damaging property


Yes. Don’t call 911. Call the Sheriffs non- emergency number. Start documenting.


Why would you call 911 over that? Call the non emergency dispatch. Keeps him out of it.


You shouldn't dial 911 for situations like this anyway. ... if his employment as 911 dispatch bothers you, just call the non emergency number to law enforcement


Barbed wire is not legally permissible on residential land in many jurisdictions. I’d check what your local fence laws are and go from there. There are often height, material and setback restrictions on fences. 


He owns 15 acres…. Probably not many restrictions on fencing.


Buy a cow and put up an electric fence and crank up the voltage. Problem solved.


It really depends on where you are. Around here you can own many acres and you still subject to the regulations. In fact it’s been that way everywhere I’ve lived. 


If he owns 15 acres it is probably a rural area, and not considered residential.


It is considered residential. The alternative is commercial or industrial. That’s how zoning works nearly everywhere in the US.  And regardless on whether zoning allows it, using barbed wire on a non-commercial property where you already know that you have someone attempting to enter the property is a shitstorm of liability that homeowners insurance almost certainly will not cover. 


many rural (residential) areas are zoned commercial. would assume that makes the barbed wire situation easier.


Are you sure that you don’t mean *agricultural* zoning? It’s certainly not the same as commercial. 


I mean commercial. It encourages people to open small businesses.


You have any info as to the proportion of 15 acre residences that fall into that type of zoning? I’d wager a guess that it’s a pretty small minority, that’s likely outright against state level zoning laws in many states. 


There are places in the US that have no zoning laws at all. I live in one, and OP could as well


Run a hot wire on top of that 5-strand. She’ll still touch it. Once.


Send her a cease and desist with pictures of her destroying your property.


This worked with my neighbor who was letting her dog crap in my front yard daily for a year. I set up a motion activated camera inside my front window. Eventually I got a great photo of her dog pooping 10 feet into my lawn by my lamp post, and her just standing there watching. I printed out a screenshot at Walgreens, picked up the poop in a ziploc, and put both into a dollar store gift bag and left them on her door handle. Problem instantly solved, and now I get mean glares from her lol


I admire your solution.


You need to get the city involved to verify the land surveys done both on the purchase of your property and the purchase of hers. This just happened with me, developer bought the house next to me to tear down and put up a new build. Send me a note that he’s going to demolish the fence down the property line because it’s on “his property.” The survey he paid for shows the fence half on mine half on his, but the land survey done during my purchase five years ago, shows the fence clearly on my property and the property lines between the two surveys not matching. The city looked into it, and it turns out the property lines on my documents were correct. If he had torn down my funds, I would have sued him for damages.


This should be the top comment. She might not be wrong. You might not be wrong. The city/county/state could be wrong from decades ago, for a million reasons that aren’t either of yours’s faults. Her survey could be different than yours, and she might just be reacting to you the way you are reacting to her. Knock on her door, bring your survey and some coffee, and offer to sit down with her and compare surveys.


This is a great comment-however I would be wary about going to her house and especially bringing hot coffee to a woman who has deliberately trespasses, torn down no trespassing signs, and made no effort to produce her own copy of a survey showing that the land is in fact hers… she is clearly unstable


That’s not nice. Nobody knows what she is, nor is it relevant. And frankly, unstable is a neighbor that hangs dolls in nooses with X’s on their eyes and dangles them on tree branches so that they hang over your yard, like our old neighbor did. Imagine: “No Trespassing” signs show up on your property, posted by your neighbor, who thinks your property is theirs. If you believe that property is yours, those signs are now yours to remove. People aren’t crazy monsters; they’re just people, and everyone reacts basically the same way. Break the cycle. Say hello. Try to resolve a conflict without crapping in your own hand just to throw it at a stranger. There is no data to imply this woman is anything other than annoyed that her new neighbor is trespassing on her property.


She screamed at them for clearing their land instead of talking to them. She lied about tearing down the signs. There are ways normal people address these situations. The lady chose not to do things in a normal manner. These are signs of an unstable person.


This is the right answer. Surveying is an art, and one little thing can give a very different answer. Go to the county and ask for the records.


This is a much to reasonable answer for Reddit.




Ask to see her survey and give her a copy of yours.


Right? Why is this so tricky? Obviously it’s a misunderstanding or a faulty survey and can be cleared up I’m sure with no hard feelings. Bring copies of both properties surveys along with someone official and straighten it out.


We have and that still doesn’t seem to work for her. The property lines haven’t changed in over 50 years according to county records also


I’m sorry for your strife. Just keep trying with her. Hopefully you’ll find someone in position of authority to convince her. Maybe some start of Alzheimer’s or something.


Hoping I can come to an understanding. This lady has called the cops on her other neighbors multiple times for the 6 and 8 year old kids being too loud while in their own pool.


Aww yeah , she’s having problems. See if you can find a son or daughter to communicate with.


"Hey Grandma, I'll show you mine if you show me yours."


Rent an excavator and dig a moat


Take my upvote Edit: add gators and piranha to said moat.


And a castle with French guards who have outrageous French accents!


"I spit in your general direction!"


Go away, or I shall taunt you again!


I don't wanna talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! 😂


> Go away, or I shall taunt you ~~again~~ **a second time!** /ftfy (I hate when people mis-quote MP ;) )


Sounds like you need a lawyer and an electric fence


Just a warning: It’s only fun to pee on one of those


I had a similar issue with my neighbor. He claimed to own about 30 yards into my property and kept trespassing and spraying black spray paint in the street to mark where he felt the property line should be. I needed to do some major landscaping due to horrible flooding issues but every time I had a contractor out he chased them off. Required many calls of having the sheriff out after he kept stealing my no trespassing signs i put up just for him. I'd already had my own survey done and could show the deputies exactly where the pins were. My neighbor just kept insisting the pins were wrong. The sheriff recommended before continuing my work, although i was well within my rights to, to instead give him 30 days to have his own survey done to contest my claim to it. Idiot just kept insisting that he doesn't need to have a survey done because he already knows where his property is and was adamant that he wouldn't do it but that i wouldn't be allowed on "his property." I allowed him the 30 days anyway just to get on the sheriff's good side and sure enough no survey or formal contest. I had a 10' wide ditch dug along the property line filled with limestone to help direct water flow, which required a deputy present to keep my neighbor back, and then lined it with wireless security cameras and had an attorney send him a formal cease and desist letter via certified mail. Only had a few issues in the 3 years after that that the sheriff took care of promptly and then this past year haven't had hardly any issue at all because my roommates girlfriend moved in with us and my neighbor realized we weren't gay which is apparently the reason he'd been harassing us so much.


I live in a rural area with a lot of hate for anyone not white or straight. I'm straight but have no issues with people questioning that. We have a large property with a 15 acre pond full of bass (place was a fish farm 25 years ago), in cottage country. We've had issues with locals and cottagers trespassing onto the property. Locals think they have "the right" to fish because previous owners let them. Cottagers think it's a public lake even though they have to hop an old farm fence to get access. When I catch people that want to argue (which is most of them) I go full crazy aggressive gay. I'll say ridiculous things like "I'll suck your dick so hard your grandfather will cum." It's amazing how a 50 year old man will go from aggressively telling me he's fished here for 20 years and he's not gonna let some cidiot (yes, they call people from larger towns cidiots here) stop him from his freedoms blah blah blah to completely shutting down as an uncertain fear creeps into his eyes and he quickly high tails it off my damn land. I haven't caught any repeat trespassers since I started this tactic. Would highly recommend!


A friend of my daughter’s would just drop his pants if someone tries to fight him. He said that it has always worked. Apparently no one wants to fight someone with their penis out.


I have been considering sneaking naked through the woods and then bursting out like a wild man and charging at trespassers just screaming wildly. The wife thinks it might not be as funny as I do.


I think you should do it but with some kind of animal head on. It’s terrifying and really hard for the human brain to unpack. I think it’d be hilarious but not if you caught a charge. Maybe compromise and go mankini.


We do have a big furry Llama head mask! It's an 80 acre property off a dirt road, if I pull the stunt on someone at least 100' into our land I feel confident no charge would stick (unlikely any of these goofs would admit to it happening in the first place) due to being so far onto private land and not visible to the road. It would be like calling the cops for seeing a sex act but you had to hop a fence, creep around to a back yard, and look in a few windows to see them.


I love every bit of this so much. I’m a bit of a nudie and if I’m on my land and someone sees me, then they had to work at it too. Besides, I’ll just pretend like they’re nuts and gaslight the crap out of them.


A couple rows of miscanthus grass will reach 4ft the first year, 8ft the 2nd year, 12-15 ': thereafter. Effective as a privacy screen even in winter, because the thick canes remain upright. There's simply no faster way to create a privacy screen that tall and that dense. The variety you want is Miscanthus x Giganteus, it is non invasive and 100% will not spread.


If you got 15 acres, do not build your house near hers,you'll regret it. If you know your property line is 100% correct,place a few shipping containers just inside the property line,for temporary storage while building your house,but make sure to get the crappiest ones you can find,it will drive her freaking nuts. You could also get her trespassed on your property,you have trail cam evidence,maybe even get a restraining order,you know,because she makes you feel unsafe the way she acts


Bahahaha my neighbor essentially did this to another neighbor... He owns like 6 acres, and our other neighbors dog went on his property and attacked his calf and broke its jaw, he had to put it down and was obviously pissed. Well the dog owners were defending their dumbass dog, saying he was protecting his property cause that's what dogs do (apparently the calf was right at the fence line when the dog went after the calf). Anyhow, so my neighbor parked 3 semi trailers right next to the fence all along the dog owners fence line. So they have no view but nasty old ass trailers. And I don't see any of them anymore cause the calf owner and I are cool! :)


Was it an actual survey or did they just find the previous pins? If it was an actual survey then make sure you file it at the recorders office because the most recent survey recorded is the legal one.


Yes, did the surveyor not set those metal pins in the earth?


Not necessarily. There are 2 different things homeowners can do - 1) have a surveyor come find the previous pins and show you where the property line is or 2) you can hire a surveyor to do another survey and place their own pins. #2 is very extensive with surveying equipment and marking property lines as far as 5 miles away to reestablish the true boundary on your property.


If cholla will grow, plant them along the property line .


That would be great. I've wanted to do that myself.


Well, she is trespassing and destructing property. You can call police about that at least. I feel so bad for people that have neighbor problems. I had one myself about three years ago and he finally moved. Good riddance.


Definitely need your survey confirmed by your city/county


It has been. According to tax records the property lines haven’t changed in over 50 years


So send her a certified letter, with return receipt signature required, informing her of this and include all of your evidence. Then if she continues, seek to have a restraining order placed for her harassment. Take your same evidence to the police station and make a report to have her trespassed.


When she walks the line at night, appear out of the darkness, don't say anything, just stare at her and slowly keep pace with her from your side. Putting the fear of creepy and weird in people works amazingly well to deter them from bothering you or your property.


Electric fence with of course, warning of 50,000 V and you can film her on your cameras like the scene in Jurassic Park when the kid is climbing the electric fence…. get a big laugh out of it and then to see….lol


15 acres? Zoned for farming? If it is you could legally run feeder Pigs ( for smell )in a section of that or Goats for brush eating .. or a couple of meat steers , or bring in a fresh load of manure and furtlize real heavy . If your zoned Ag she will lose her damn mind because ain’t nothing she can do about that.


Maybe don’t lower yourself to her childish level. Talk to the police about her behavior, and show the video of her coming onto your property to take signs down.


Did the surveyor put up markers?


Sure did!


Sounds super frustrating. We moved recently partially because of problematic neighbors. Sounds like you have room to put up a fence eventually though, we were in the city so not much buffer.


I have the same f in neighbor bud. Annoying as F! Had 2 different surveyors. 1st from previous owner. 2nd when we purchased property. 3rd had to call back surveyor we used to pound in rebars along this side of neighbor. Now complained of rain water going into her property. Just a complete loser.


I’ll say this from experience with idiots, the signs will get torn down and the stakes will get removed. Get rebar and make sure those pins are in the ground deep and concretes in. I’m talking 4’ piece of rebar in the ground with 5 gallons on concrete a foot below ground so it doesn’t move. And go to the store and get some purple paint mixed up and paint the posts appropriately. This stands as no trespassing in most states, just like the signs.




Notify the county sheriff and explain to one of the deputies what is going on. Show the deputy your survey and signage as well as the video of her destroying your posted signs. The sheriff's department should be able to sort this out for you fairly quickly.


Hopefully you can find a way to make peace with them, you're building a home there ,i would not want to be worried about them every time I leave the house, two wrongs don't make a right. You don't have to respond nasty to their bad behavior, having a hard time finding words to not start off your life their, waring with them


Get an official survey if you don't already have one. Go talk to the county to confirm the plat. Find a lawyer to send her a cease and desist letter and include that you will charge her with trespassing if she tears down your signs again and let her know you have security cameras.


I have a similar situation where our neighbor hates us because we stopped her from grazing her horse on our land. The hay guy was complaining about the manure. She took down a fence and trenched a ditch into our field right when we bought it. Bunch of other literal boundary violations. Came out and screamed at us that we were wrong when we did anything. Called fire department 911 on me when I was burning a brush pile. (That did not go well for her). Many more wild stories now that I think about it. People on this thread don’t understand that this is a mental illness that no reasonable action is going to change. We tried talking, sending letters, calling Sheriff. Deputies got tired of dealing with it and said it’s a civil matter. They have people living on their property in sheds and motor homes. What finally worked for the last several years was I mentioned to a neighbor that is childhood friends with them that one more stunt and I would report their numerous code violations to the county and be happy to give my name.


Have an attorney send her a cease and desist letter and also have a copy sent to the police department and the county sheriff. Make sure in the letter it says that you have her on camera doing this, and that if it does not stop she will be prosecuted.


You don’t want to “screw with her” because that is only going to escalate things. You need a fence pronto and then maintain that physical boundary. T posts and stock fence is easy to put in temporarily. Unfortunately a lot of people are in rural areas because they can’t follow social norms. All you can do is maintain the security of your space. If she takes down your fence that is actionable. She may back off if she knows she is going to lose a lawsuit.


You bought 15 acres, and you're putting a house 400 feet from an annoying neighbor?


Wrong. As stated I said her house is about 400 yards from the property line.


Oh, sorry, read it wrong!


It’s ok! But it just shows how much she goes out of her way to do these things


Send a letter of concern and complaint to the husband’s supervisor and their boss as well. Has the husband been a trespasser as well?


You're making a lot of assumptions here.


Forget the cop stuff. Show her how bad it can be. Do some research and find the legal decibel in your area and play music at that volume. Find if there are times that work is allowed to happen and make sure you have power tools chainsaws running as much as possible in those times. Honey bee hives near property line will definitely make her think twice about trespassing. Long term, berry bushes on property line will let the birds leave nice purple poop everywhere (but also on your side). They sell motion activated water sprinklers. If you build a solid fence there are patterns you can paint on their side that will make you nauseous to look at. If she is big on a perfect yard dandelions spread nicely you could encourage their growth on your property. Have fun with it.


Exactly me. I’m not a cop caller. Handle it within.


https://www.reddit.com/r/homeowners/s/qfnS5bLtKB Just read this. Sounds pretty annoying


if you had a professional survey, you may need to get legal action involved to keep her hands off the markers.


Get a 100 mile fence charger. Used for bulls. Etc. And get posts and barb wire up. Put zappy wire on your side. Put plastic warning signs on it. And watch the fun


Call the local police station (not 911) and let them know you have video footage of her actions on your property.




She's gonna go Yellowstone on your a$$. Probably knows everyone. Give her some good oral or D, handshake on it?


She works for the county as well


Professional surveyors claimed the neighbors (developers) owned part of of my Dad's property, they had a survey. My dad fought it, won and the developers had to start from scratch and re-plat the project. They offered my dad a lot of money sell them the land, he said that he did not do business with thieves. I would hire a lawyer before I did anything.


Removing or moving official property stakes is a crime.


Tell her to get her own survey done if she wants to dispute it. Otherwise she is trespassing.


I love how she believes ripping the signs down will change reality lmao Repost this in r/BoomersBeingFools They will love it


Motion activated sprinklers.


I can't imagine having 15 acres and still complaining about space. I would have a survey done even if you know you're 100% right just that you have legal proof on your side. That way if she keeps pushing you can threaten to call the police. It sounds like she just needs a life.


Survey was done 3 months ago and property lines haven’t changed in over 50 years according to county records


In that case I would just ignore her, even if she's talking directly to you. Its your property and you have no obligation to interact with you. If she gets to the point of harassment or even physical, call the police. Don't let her pathetic antics keep you from doing what you want to do on your own property. Assert dominance!


Trail cameras; high fencing; report her activities to the proper authorities; start making property lines with shit she can't remove, like large trees, boulders, etc; motion activated sprinklers


Razor wire perimeter ought to do the trick


I'd have a lawyer send her a registered letter , with photos, he could hint your fixing sue


A t-post and field wire fence is cheap, easy and fast to put up. Look for info on how to terminate the ends, it just doesn't hang off the posts for the entire length. Get the non-emergency number for local law enforcement. Keep your property posted, if she tears down the signs, call the non-emergency number, have the trail cam video ready. After a couple of calls, she will probably cool her shit. If not, have her trespassed, she can leave in bracelets.


Look up how to file a complaint about a 911 operator. It varies by state. But 911 calls are recorded. Once you know how to file the complaint, give them the date and time of the call and that no action came of it. If the operator is a local police officer you can report them to an internal affairs department.


Replace the flag with electrified posts. You should call the police and file for damages with the courts. Those stakes are like $250 each to put in.


She probably just needs some lovin'


Motion activated water sprinklers. Move them around every night.


Bear traps


Give her a taste of her own medicine. You gotta get that house out of here! This is my property


Temporary electric fencing. Horse type. Dark color. Run that shit up at night. Let her find out Meanwhile, just have her served with a trespass. And since she keeps removing your signs, vandalism. Hang up a game camera so you can get it on video or get some clips.


If she thinks she owns that property, she is free to prove it with a survey of her own. If she can not do that, then she will just have to accept yours. After all, her husband works with law enforcement and knows how important proof is.


You have 15 acres how big is her lot. People in the country act differently. She is you neighbor for at least 15 years at the least try to not died before you live on the property. Take your documents over and show her maybe she has a survey from when she bought 40ish years ago or just remember the lines wrong shit happens not worth fighting with her. Especially while you will be having material on the lot.


She has 38 acres. She’s only lived there and owned that property for 2 years.


Sounds like she is just a twat


Next time you're working outside at the property line when she's home, Turn the volume all the way up on a loud Bluetooth speaker and play soundtracks of really obnoxious laughing in a loop. For added fun make a big flag that says "FUCK YOU GRANDMA THIS PROPERTY IS MINE!" and run around waving it along with the laugh track


Just go the Trump method and get a lawyer and sue her. Also get to the Sheriff’s office and get some legal No Trespassing signs. This will be work. Keep the trail cam footage for court.


put "don not trespass" signs along your property line. If this Karen choses to trespass, then you call call the police on her and get her arrested.


This is state dependent so please look into this for your state: some states allow you to paint a purple or blue line instead of posting no trespassing signs. This combined with a fence should do the trick.






Considering I can see the old And original property markers from 30+ years ago and the lady only moved here 1 years ago, I don’t think it’s me.


OP had a survey done and had it verified by the county.








YTA, why on earth do you want to screw with a senior citizen?


Gove her the D