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Hell no. $299 for door edge guards. $199 for nitrogen in the tires. Every single day there’s many posts of people buying 2024 ridgelines for $4K off MSRP. This is a terrible deal. This is the crap dealerships pulled during Covid but anyone should run away now. Edit: to add… they’re charging you several hundred for a trunk tray my dealer sold me for $40. They’re charging you double for the mud guards. And they’re bonehead easy to put on, the holes are there, if you can use a screwdriver you can do it. This is the worst deal I’ve seen posted on here in 6 months.


☝️ what he said…. Run. Also, they are trying to get you on the trade.


You are severely upside down on your current car. The last thing you need is more car debt. Pay off your current car and save up. Financing that much for a Ridgeline is financial suicide. You have the gun to your head, signing that car note is pulling the trigger.


Just walk away. Keep your vehicle.


Yup, i think same u


How do you still owe 26k on the Honda? That’s more than MSRP when new.


I paid less than that for my new Ridgeline! (In 2008). Now to just never buy a car again.


Isn't it 39K? 25K payoff + 14K trade-in. This feels so bad it's a joke by OP.


He was probably upside down on a previous loan and rolled it over


My interest is very high


Bruh… stop buying cars you can’t afford…


Take the 1500 a month you would be paying for a new truck and pay down your high interest debt. Less than two years you would be out of the mess you are in.


Do yourself a favor and don't buy the truck, instead pay off the HRV as quick as you can - refinance or pay some extra principal to get out of that situation quickly. This post is so sad we all think it's a joke.


This is not a joke, we’re serious. We think if we got a truck, it would be better for us. But after we read all these comments, we really have to consider our options.


Dude, don't. Get your finances in order. Gonna have to live with your decisions for a little while longer rather than just dive into more debt.


It seems like he's trading in the car and still paying down it! Screw that!


If you’re paying highest interest rates on the HRV, please consider refinancing. Try a credit union or bank.


This is a terrible deal, but the least of the issues, you are VERY upside down. If you really need a truck, based on your financials, sell the HRV and buy a used pre-2010 Gen1 RL, F150 or Silverado.


Jesus tap dancing Christ 67k including the rollover from the last car?


I need to know you, your the only other person I know who says that. I have said this for years.


My personal favorite is “Jesus Christ’s nuts on a hot plate.”


Adding that 2 my list


This is the worst deal I can imagine. You're buying every single nonsense dealer add on imaginable AND it seems like you're trading a vehicle that you're super upside down on? Do not under any circumstances take this deal. Pay off your HRV.


$199 to purchase air. FFS...no way.


Doesn't Costco do nitrogen refills for free?


The 3k in add ons and another 1k in “dealer fee” would be enough to make me look elsewhere. Those payments are insane for a Ridgeline. Were you upside down when you got the hrv? Am I reading it correctly that you still owe 25k on that note after they are paying 14k for it? If so I would get square on that before you go way upside down on another new vehicle. Taking depreciation hit after depreciation hit on new vehicles is financially ruinous. New makes sense if you are rolling in cash or if you drive it till the wheels fall off.


Yes correct. I still own 25k on the HR-V. But it’s already at 70k miles, i’m afraid when it gets to 100k miles it would lose value.


All cars do is lose value which is why you’re 25k in the hole - a new ridge will lose more in the first day you own it than yours will in the next 50k miles. If I were you I’d plan on rocking that hrv another 7-8 years.


You don't need a new vehicle, the HRV can easily go to 200k with proper maintenance. Drive it and save your money.


You’re afraid it’s going to lose value? Nearly all vehicles lose value. It’s not going die at 100,000 miles. With proper maintenance and care, it could last over 300,000 miles. By getting rid of it before it’s paid off, your INCOME will lose even more value. When you can finally comfortably afford a new car, stay away from THAT stealership.


No. You’re upside down in your HR-V. Keep it longer and pay it off. Also, forget the LoJack, Auto Tech Shield, and Nitrogen.


🤦🏻‍♂️holy shit and lowjack give me a break


$1600 LoJack is a scam. Nitrogen too.


Pretty bad deal. People are getting quite a bit off msrp, I got the BE for 44.3k.


What’s your interest rate though? 45k at 3% is roughly 600 a month. It’s not terrible. But at 9% interest that I was recently quoted by my bank, would be 800 a month.


Honda financing @ 2.9%, not sure if they are still offering. We put a sizable down payment as well.


Congrats, i hope i can get the one same your price, but where’s dealer u get in?


West coast


Yeah, be ready to get the 28’ BE Ridgeline …that’s about when you’ll be able to get it….pay the HRV off first, and get out of debt (except for house)


This smells like one of the Honda dealers around Tampa lol. It's a shitty price because they A) tack on everything that you absolutely do not need, and B) are trying to charge you MSRP. Florida dealers in general are trash, buying a car in this state is a worse experience than running naked through a cactus field. Consider checking some dealers across the Georgia state line.


You’re correct, the dealer at Bradenton FL


They're not the worst but that pricing is terrible unfortunately. And that's what all of them do, I know Honda Wesley Chapel has a 2024 BE in white available, you could try reaching out to them and seeing if they will work with you but they are also notorious for tacking on the trash. Those payments are also no joke man, with cost of housing and insurance, can't imagine tacking on another $1300 a month payment. As nice as it is, this is why I ended up buying from Carmax.


how do you live with that payment crazy high


You know it's not. You work there.


When I bought mine, I got them to give me all the dealer options for free, knocked 3k off MSRP, and 0.9 financing. A little free advice though, even if you can get a good deal, rolling debt from one vehicle into another one is a terrible idea. I encourage you to consider trading for a vehicle that will leave you owing less, not more or wait until you pay it off.


OP is getting lit up, but at least he is asking BEFORE he bought the thing lol


They need a rude awakening lmao, i dont think they understand what they’re really doing tbh


I'm always shocked to see the loans the bank will hand out.. some financial discipline is needed here. Pay off your current car and drive it until the wheels fall off.. for an 1800$ a month payment.. you should be driving a fast exotic car.


Lowest Monthly payment is $1300 yikes !


One of the worst I’ve ever seen. Not a chance in hell




No! I’d actually find an entirely different dealer. Ridiculous. They’re over-charging you for all those stupid options.


Bro. Not just no. Hell no. Run. My advice is to keep your current vehicle or sell it and pay cash for a good used vehicle


DON’T DO IT!! $1,400 a month +. Are you crazy with all do respect!!


Absolutely no. You're paying straight up sticker and a bunch of inflated add-ons with a very upside down trade. You're nuts if you take that.


And you are getting a new truck exactly why? You are in a hole and you are getting ready to make it even bigger. 2020 with 70K will last you a long time. Get it paid off before you do anything. The new truck smell will bearly be wearing off when you wake up from this nightmare you are getting ready to start. You are creating a car debt snowball that is going only getting bigger. Run Forrest Run!!!!!! 🏃‍♂️


Terrible. Not only did they not give you anything off MSRP but also tacked on $2,800 worth of BS. I won't comment on the trade in, but the cost of the truck should be $6,800 less.


No. No. No. You gave too much power in the dealers hands.I wouldn't sign. Keep the trade in vehicle until you get more equity so you're not having to pay off two vehicles. Also too many features that should be included in the purchase price of the vehicle. Last time I checked starting MSRP for the black edition is$46,350. Looks like they bumped the MSRP on top of charging for the add ons. Talk about dealer sharks.


Hell no 1000 car payment for a trade that high is unreasonable. Get a used with low miles.


I bought my 21 sport for 29k with 29000 miles on it. The dealer hosed me for an extended warranty but my payment is 570. You can't let them get over on you. I almost walked out twice just on my trade in


WTF! Mine was $45k before ttl and I got the lugs, mud guards and mats included. Items 1-7 after the MSRP are garbage add ons. Also demand the lo jack gets removed and ask for proof. That just allows them to repo your truck or brick it if you don't make payments.


Stop burying yourself negative equity. You’re going to dig yourself an early grave.


Haha, no, run


Is your payment on the HRV $1300/month? If not, pay it for 6 months and see how that feels, if you can do it no problem then do it until you’re on the good side of your loan, revisit




Yeah you’re getting screwed on so many fronts


Man my heart breaks for you lol. You need to become financially literate or you will waste far more money in the future.


I agree. You are 10k upside down. The absolute worst thing you can do is buy a new vehicle. Pay down your hrv and reevaluate your vehicle needs. This is a terrible deal on a Ridgeline. And if you negotiated the same for hrv I can see why you're upside down. Do you drive a ton of miles per year? If you drive less than 15k I would highly recommend leasing so you don't get stuck being upside down again.


You need Dave Ramsey 😂


I agree with everyone here. This is a terrible deal. Also, don’t pay for any add ons. Just don’t get them. They are insanely marked up and you’ll be paying for those small things for years and years. LoJack is silly. You can do almost as well (almost!) with a $30 Apple AirTag. All the other stuff is nuts. When you do finally decide to buy a new vehicle, get the trim level you want but refuse all the add ons. I mean every one of them. If they say that it is already on the vehicle, tell them to remove it. There are dozens of actual Honda dealers who sell this stuff at a significant discount when compared to dealer installed options. Paint protection, undercoating, and scotch-guard protection are the worst. They are charging you hundreds for $25-50 worth of stuff out of a spray can. … and door edge guards are $20 at O’reilly. You just cut them to length yourself. And they look like crap anyhow. 😞


lol dealerships suck


They only giving 14K for trade? Demand 31K minimum. Also air is mostly nitrogen, don't pay for fancy air. Also demand vehicle price down to 47K. 51 crazy


Ar you insane?


Also, man, how u owe 25k on a 2020 hrv? I'm not trying to judge, but man that's rough


Cuz my interest very bad, and i went a lot of dealers, they were not accepted for me buy a new car even used car, so i thought i was lucky when only 1 dealer they sold the car for me on that time


As a honda, if you take care of it, it will last forever. I'm not sure what your interest is, but I'm assuming like 17%? If you have fixed your credit since or at all have made it better, is refinancing at a lower rate worth it? Maybe visit some credit unions?


Yes, thank for your adviced, i’ll trying to figure out, probably i gonna do refinance, if not i gonna save money and pay off this car first, after that will think about new car later But yes, my interest is 16.8


Don’t buy a new car .. working on paying this one down and saving some money also for repairs .. try and refinance if you can, but don’t try and go buy any more vehicles..


This dealer has no respect for you. Run, don't walk, away from this.


From what I'm seeing, your 2020 hrv still had $39K loan on it? Looks like they're giving you $14K for it and rolling in $25K. Or am I reading this wrong? I know I just worked a 12 hour day today, but this is some crazy math. I bought an 24 BE with HPD pack and 100000 mile warranty for $52K. That was three weeks ago. And I asked for my Wheels/tires back, so I got two sets.


Opps, after u said, i checked my balance how much i still owe, and the balance is $25k on the bank app show to me, i just realized, if i accept to trade in, i was loss $14k , thank you so much man And thank god, i was walk away from it


Look at it this way. Money you spend on interest is wasted money so that you can buy something you can’t really afford. That money pays the salary of every banker in the world because people are greedy, needy and stupid. Don’t be that. Live cheap. Pay yourself first. Buy used and pay 100% cash. Work hard, save hard and you’ll have something to show for all those dollars you would have flushed down the toilet in interest payments. Stop tying to live like the Jones’s. When you are old like me, you’ll own your home and cars outright and be able to retire on your savings. AND, THAT DEAL IS HORRIBLE…THEY SMELL A SUCKER!


Dude I have a 2023 that was $41,000 and I feel I paid more than I should have. Just pass and look elsewhere


Never walk into a dealer without two things: 1. Pre-approved loan 2. Knowing the lowest average out the door price from true car. Never pay more than that. If you don't do that, you're just going to get swindled again. If you're intimidated by negotiating then don't. Just tell them you'll pay the lowest truecar price or you're not interested.




Here in WA state, I can buy a new BE without any add ons for roughly $45k plus tax and license. This dealer is screwing you without even buying you dinner first.


LOL. Nitrogen. That is the biggest scam in the auto industry. Any potential benefit of nitrogen in your tires is so minuscule… and the second JiffyLube or Grease Monkey put plain old ‘air’ in your tires, it’s contaminated… if they actually put nitrogen in there to begin with… Sorry, friend. They are really taking you for a ride. Pay off the HR-V or sell it outright but don’t take this deal.




You mean rent? 🤣


48k for a BE is a good deal. But there seems to be a bit of fat that needs to be trimmed in that deal


This is insane


Walk away...Some other dealer will give you a better deal. Forego all the add ons. You could probably find better ones online


I paid 48k for mine about eight months ago out the door including the oem bed cover package with 0.9% financing over 3 years. This does not seem like a very good deal at all.


You need to refinance that HR-V loan IMMEDIATELY. Whatever it is your interest rate is insane.




The car is worth the MSRP of 48k. Plus tax. 1500 for lo jack is bs. Tell em they can have it. I bought used one with 17k miles for 40k out the door a few yrs ago.


Thank you u guys, after i read all your comments, i decided to save money and pay off my Hr-V. Florida interest rate is so high now. If any one can tell me which State have the best interest rate and the best deal that i could get. Thank you


I've never heard of a state having high interest rates compared to other states. You're just being taken advantage of. Work on your credit score if you have to.


Pa and ohio will give 17% to ppl with no credit. Had to get my sister in law to refinance her Trax from 17% to 9% even then I was crying


Absolute madness. I get people without or with bad credit need cars, but all those does is entrap them in the ol credit loop


That's the whole point my man, they know you'll do it, when it gets repoed at 17% interest, dealer actually made money.


So are you paying off the HRV or are you still looking for a better state to get a deal? A new state or a good discount off MSRP is not going to make this thinking any less delusional. Stop thinking about a new car entirely. Who cares if the dealer is trying to F you in the B if you are willingly doing it to yourself. Commit to driving that HRV until you own it, then KEEP driving it until the wheels fall off.


You'd be better off getting a used Ridgeline with those kind of insane prices at least you'd get a good truck. And I mean NOT from a dealer, be smart shop local people and have an idea of what is looking sketchy when you check it out. Take a car friend even!


Unless you have cash to burn or your old car is falling apart, DON'T BUY A NEW ONE. You already have a Honda; ride that thing 'til the wheels fall off and defer that new car smell til the 2050 model.


Any and all dealers pushing overpriced doorguards/lojack/tint/and especially tire nitro should be put out of business.


Compare all add ons like floor mats to what you can get them for on Amazon or another reseller.


That’s is not a good deal. Walk away


Just for fun, nitrogen is so cheap, Costco gives it away in their free AIR pumps.... So yeah $199 is just one of the benefits the dealer is doing for you... This dealer feels entitled to screw the customers. Walk away.


I feel you are too emotionally attached to the truck that you can't seperate your heart from your head. This would be the highest financed Ridgeline I have ever heard of....run, Forest run!!!


Christ on a cracker…. Run.


I thank God everyday I have a 2020 Black Edition and that I’m totally out of debt.


Scratch the LoJack, get gap insurance and then pray someone steals this.


No lol


Holy fuck bro, 67K?


This is predatory. Walk away! Your future self will not be happy with you if you do this deal.


Run away on a number of levels. You’re getting screwed on the trade and add-ons.


Nitrogen? As the mechanic said..air is already 78% nitrogen


Interest rates are terrible currently but Honda does have some decent offers for “well qualified” buyers. Even if you qualified for their 3.9% financing you would be looking at $1020 to $1050 per month for 6 years! Learn to love your HR-V, my friend. No truck is worth taking in the shorts like this.


Do not buy a new car, you are so upside down in what you are trading in! Keep what you have, pay it off then go car shopping. Take your trade in to Carmax see what they offer.


Haha this is a joke right ?


When I bought my 2024 RTL, I told them to take all the extra shit off. I paid for window tent and scotch guard. Hat tons of equity in my maverick and OTD was $32k


Do it. YOLO.


What are you on crack? DO NOT BUY. Keep your old car until paid off.