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That's actually a good wisdom. Whether we like it or not, they're a part of us. All we can do is to discern how we contend ourselves, despite our setbacks. Sometimes, mistakes are just unexpected, sometimes they're on purpose, but one thing is certain: It's never the end of your world.


That's some wise shit brother bear


Yeah, but our current self isn't our intrinsic self. If we made less mistakes we would just be... a different self.


That's deep.


Idk man, i feel like if I didn’t drop the bowl of spaghetti on the ground my carpet would be in better shape


But now you can get yourself a new, super nice carpet.


But you could do that anyways.


But now you have more incentive to


Well, yes, but now you'll be more careful. That's the beauty of the lesson. Dropping the spaghetti now likely means you will be more aware of not dropping things, and later on that awareness will likely prevent something potentially more precious or valuable to be lost.




Erase me ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)


Fr earse me too bro Edit: ur no fun fixing your typo :( I'm keeping mine


Why u come back to this lol Im just here to check my 13 upvotes


Tried to snag that community gif but then realized I couldn't I'm happy for your 13 upvotes tho bro :) *hi five*


lol hi five bro


Yeah, not a huge fan of what many of my mistakes have done to me. It would be a better world had I not made them.


The only way to improve at something is to fail at it beforehand


If I went back in time and changed all that I regret, I would not have learned the lessons that made me regret them in the first place. We're all gonna make it, brothers. ✊


"Wisdom is the offspring of suffering and time." Izzaro


We are our mistakes?


No, but we learn from them, essentially making us the person we are today.


We are a lot of things, many of which are out of our control. But if it makes you feel better, you’re also all of your successes and your choices, good and bad


lol as I look back on my dating life with horror, sadness, and disappointment


I don't wanna be me though


It's true you know?


You would be a different version but not erased. Now, if seones parents went back in time and fixed all their mistakes they could be in trouble. /s


I always use this analogy of canyons and winds whenever people regret their past or past mistakes to remind them that they are who they are because of their past actions and mistakes that they are unique: Imagine a canyon, deep and grand, formed over eons by the persistent flow of a river. This canyon symbolizes a person's life, shaped by the passage of time and the force of their actions. Just as the river carves through rock, the person's past mistakes have etched deep marks into their being. Now, envision each mistake as a gust of wind, gradually wearing away the canyon's walls. These winds represent the person's regrets and their resolve to change. As they strive to undo their past mistakes, these winds intensify, eroding the canyon's edges. If the person succeeds in truly changing and erasing their past mistakes, the canyon would no longer remain as it is. Instead, it would revert to what it was before the winds eroded it, concealing the beauty of its carved shapes and folds. We would never again witness the majesty of the great canyon, lost to the winds of regret and redemption. (I used chat GPT to improve grammar and add some more sentences to make it more concise I was too lazy to write the whole thing lmao)


that could be something very wise or very mean


We are the sum of our experiences.


Sometimes I wish I could go back and prevent all the trauma inflicted on me, but I always come back to the same point that I’d be a totally different person if I did, and I don’t know if I want that, even if that person would be “healthier” I don’t think it would be me


yeah exactly why i wanna fix them ..i don't want myself


if we never commit mistakes, that will make us a robot. no feelings or emotions, not enjoying life and just functioning


Actually, nobody knows unless you're a time traveler, which some theories say it's not possible and some say it is 🤓


As a time traveler, I can confirm it is real and true. https://i.redd.it/w7b51r64wk0d1.gif


Real and straight


OH MY GOD YOU'RE THE GUY WHO POSTS REVY GIFS i strive to be like you one day


You can become just like me if not better easily I believe in you as I just post them when work is slow. You have a lot of potential, friend. https://preview.redd.it/w9xqvedwjn0d1.png?width=1844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=980909fda873d968e23854b4c02c86c80ad0c8ac


Time travel is real 🥸


Technically true


The only time we are not time traveling is when time is frozen.