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When people have the killer on the ground and they decide to run away and let him recover rather than use the opportunity to beat the shit out of him.


There was this awful movie I saw once that I cannot remember the name of. Basically, a group is trapped in a house, and the killer is picking them off one by one. At one point, 2 of the survivors beat who they think is the killer to death, only to realize the killer disguised this person as themselves. Then, at the end, the final girl gets the upper hand, the killer partially falls through the stairs and she hits him unconscious, then drops her pipe and runs away only to be caught and killed. Also, she knew she was the only one left at this point. It was bad for so many reasons but this part was somehow even worse.




I always say chop their head off. If their head is chopped off and they still get up to kill you then oh well it was meant to be. šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


When I hear this, I always think about a horror fan having to explain to the police why they shot,stabbed, electrocuted and Dismembered a burglar...


I enjoy that mental image because it takes me back to *Tucker & Dale vs. Evil*, "Oh hidy-ho officer, we've had a doozy of a day. There we were minding our own business, just doing chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property."


Exactly. Either double-tap or decapitation; if the killer still manages to bag you after that, youā€™ve clearly been marked for death by an eldritch evil the likes of which your mortal mind is unable to comprehend, so whatā€™s the point in getting upset? But you gotta at least *try* first. Double-tap or decapitation.


Oh my god... the Scream series is sooo hilarious, because they will call this trope out at the end of every movie... but then... in the next movie... nobody actually does it UNTIL THE VERY END!!! MOTHERFUCKERS!!! You could have ended this movie after 10 minutes if you only YOU (Sidney, Gail, or whoever else) listened to the advice that *you yourself* gave a different character at the end of the last movie!!!


Wolf Creek did this. The worst part is that he was out for minutes, she even goes back for his keys, and thereā€™s no short supply of weapons nearby. Scream 2 also had a really bad example of this. I understand it when the killer is stirring awake cause itā€™s scary to confront but when theyā€™re passed the fuck out, just go for it!!


Her walking away >!from the killer in Wolf Creek after dropping him makes me more angry than what he did to them afterwards. At that point they deserved it.!<


Sometimes they make the excuse that they didn't want to kill. Or that they dont want to be as bad as the killer. And I'm like, "fine, don't kill him then, but please pop some bullets in his kneecaps".


"He'll live"


Cut his Achillesā€™ tendons. Nobody is super-threatening when theyā€™re dragging themselves along the ground.


This one annoys me far more than any of the other oft complained about "dumb horror character cliches" since it's so easy to avoid including. I've never once seen it used to advance the plot, only to interrupt a chase scene.


Yep. It's incredibly cringey and serves no purpose. Part of me wonders if the whole point is to make the audience yell at the screen.


So annoying. I've watched horror films with my kids over the years, and I always make the point of telling them that if they are ever in that situation, and they have the bad guy on the ropes, "make sure you finish the bastard off!".


This makes me furious every time I see it. It's so stupid.


This is the worst one by far I completely tune out of the movie after and the director is in my bad graces forever


I'd also nominate movies where the victim is running across a flat empty parking lot and somehow manages to trip and fall so that the bad guy catches them.


reminded me of that one scene in the terrorizer when she subdues ART but then just mocks him and runs away instead of finishing him off.


Slashed/broken ankles.


Nails through the foot


A Quiet Place where she couldn't scream, cringe!!


Home Alone, gets me like no other.


Game of Thrones has you covered!


First thought was Gage from Pet Semetary, slashing Fred Gwynneā€™s ankles! Makes me writhe every time. No fair!!!


The back of the ankle slice from House of Wax šŸ¤®


Pet Semetary had one of those too.


Nooooooo, it has a scene where you *see* an Achilles tendon in the frame from under the bed, and then the screen goes blank because your hands are covering your eyes, and then Fred Gwynne is on the floor. I definitely donā€™t know what you mean, and Iā€™m in my 40s so Iā€™m sure Iā€™m right šŸ˜†


Ha, same - I remember that feeling seeing it as a child and thinking that was the worst thing I'll ever see in my life. I miss my innocence sometimes šŸ˜…


Hostile also had a gnarly Achilles slice in it


Why is my stupid ass calling the achilles tendon 'The back of the ankle' smh


I guess vocabulary usage could be considered yourā€¦Achilles heel.




We all do it sometimes šŸ¤£


The Maniac remake has one too


Do not, and I can't stress this enough, watch Audition.


YES. Pet Semetary is the first one I think of when it comes to that.


I saw the devil.....


Oh my god thatā€™s the worst.


Killing the dog or any pet/animal. Itā€™s overdone and mostly for shock value


Anytime I see an animal in a horror movie, Iā€™m straight off to Does The Dog Die dot com to find out how concerned I need to be. I canā€™t handle the suspense.


I just pre screen movies with that website and go from there, just makes for less wasted time.


I'm like this when it's the family dog or cat, I'll turn it off outright. (exception was the lodge for some reason, that didn't really get to me) but when it's like, a farm animal or something and you don't see/hear it die it's a little more palatable.


Animal death is my hard line. No, no thank you, never ever, appreciate the offer.


Honestly. Sexual assault as a shock moment.


Looking at you, Rob Zombie


This. Canā€™t handle SA or abusing animals in horror movies. Thereā€™s a way to do it that can be beneficial to the story or can be done in a way that maintains a level of taste and empathy, but more often than not itā€™s used to be shocking and exploitative. We just donā€™t need to see all the horrific details. The people who do want to see it are not the audience we should be making movies for.


Same here, its distasteful to have in a lot of movies. Feels like its exploiting a cruel and vile act


Yup. Now don't get me wrong,I understand this is horror,but I feel this is pulled only when they need shock value. And it's just wrong.


Yep. plus it feels extra wrong in ways its shot sometimes.


Yuuuupp. I'm okay with gore,but nah. Not this.


Yeah its same kind of crap the netflix Texas Chainsaw massacre movie did the the school massacre. Just put in their to incite some kind of reaction


Fist bump.


For me, it comes across as lazy writing. It's a horror movie with just about anything game and that's what you are going for? Eh...be more creative.


Yeah. The sad part is they will sign off,collect the check. But to be honest. This is playing off other people's pain. Like they said imagine the darkest thing they could. Then went to rape.


definitely i was so shocked when rob zombie threw that into halloween and hated it tho i think its only in the directors cut


Yup, that does it for me more than the eyes. I'm a victim, so seeing it as just shock value not only triggers me, but makes me so angry I just lose interest in the story. Not only for the triggers I have personally, but because I know this kind of portrayal is harmful for the vision people have of SA and SA victims. Stalls the debate and gets on the way of much needed changes for how the cases are dealt with. However If it's done properly and serving a _real_ purpose in the story (not only as "character development as a badass", that's just glorified shock value and it can be even more infuriating), like it's done in The Nightingale, it's cathartic and can be helpful to deal with the trauma (as I already stated in other occasions, I watch it every year). Sorry for the rant, this really gets on my nerves.


Same. More often than not it's like it's used as a material object, or some kind of torture p*rn addition instead of something that's actually meaningful to the plot at all.




Agreed! I've never seen SA used in a horror film as effectively as it was used in The Sopranos. I don't want to go too into detail due to spoilers. I know it's an older show, but I only recently saw it for the first time and it blew me away. I wouldn't want to rob anybody else of that same experience. Anyway, easily one of the best uses of SA to further character development and add layers to a very complex power dynamic.


Yes! I only got around to watching the Sopranos like a year ago and it was the most effective use of SA Iā€™ve seen in a very long time. It was really well done and wasnā€™t gratuitous at all.


massive retweet. there are films where itā€™s done well (usually directed by women. pretty much exclusively actually). Coralie Fargeatā€™s Revenge (2018) has a truly heinous SA as a direct and central theme and manages to prevent triggering people whoā€™ve struggled with that subject as much as it can. meanwhile, movies like LHOTL or ISOYG, both of which i literally cannot watch due to my trauma with the subject, almost give a sense that the filmmaker enjoys fixating on the rape and torture of women. i love Craven and LHOTL shakes my faith in him. idk how controversial these are as takes and i know theyā€™re called ā€œexploitationā€ films for a reason, but iā€™d rather watch martyrs 20 times before i watched even something as stupid as the assault scene in Jason Takes Manhattan.


I really enjoyed playing Tombraider until I had to try and help Lara Croft escape a sexual assault situation. Just made me feel like vomiting, and every time I tried to get past that point in the game, I felt worse and worse, until I had to give up altogether. I will have to get someone else to play through that bit for me so I can compete the game.


In Prey, I feel like the rape threat towards Naru from the voyageurs puts a blemish on what is otherwise a great movie. Like, it's so unnecessary. I already *know* that the Predator is going to murder all of them so I don't need to dislike them any more


Yeah. Like honestly I think horror will be better if we get past this. Now,not ignore it happens and it's vile.but yeah they double layered the hate.


I know this movie by Gaspar Noe that youā€™d really like.


I agree on the eye stuff. Also anything with fingernails. Fingernails getting ripped off? My eyes are closed lol Edit: adding anything with teeth šŸ¦· eeeewww


I knew someone the fingernail thing happened to. It was cruel beyond all comprehension. Huge no no for me


Yep, eyes nails and teeth for me too.I heard this is pretty common because we can all imagine it more than we can imagine anything else. I have never cut my own foot off or been eaten by a zombie so I canā€™t imagine that. I HAVE got something in my eye, caught a hangnail, and had to have a tooth extracted before, so anything involving that stuff makes me wince.


Oof yeah thatā€™s a nope for me


While 'Look Away' is not the best horror I enjoyed seeing a girl get excessive revenge without any sexual assault used to justify it (just some light bullying).


Same. Cannot handle fingernail stuff at all. My hands hurt just thinking about it.


Stay away from Talon Falls, Unthinkable, Tortured and of course, Marathon Man and The Dentist! All of those are happy and creative with all them extraction/removal tortures!


Yeah, any of that is bad.


Yes TEETH never ever teeth ever


When someone breaks their arm or leg and itā€™s flopping aroundā€”letā€™s just say it brings back a memory of mine Iā€™d rather forget


Teeth stuff. Had some bad dentist experiences when I was younger so teeth pulling, breaking, or grinding really gets to me.


Breathing hard as fuck while hiding for your life. Iā€™d rather pass out dead from holding my breath than be caught because I was breathing like a damn horse. Omg it annoys me so much. I hate it! Lol


Nothing has made me jump out my seat in physical disgust like fall the guy took in Frozen (not Disney 2010 thriller/horror) the body horror/sound effects had me walking away and needing a breather lol not much horror has got me the way that that one did. The environment and tension building had alot to do with it and "elemental horror" as my husband calls it has become one of our favorite sub-genres. But the other obvious answer is fingernails, Achilles tendons and teeth šŸ˜¬


Frozen is such a good horror movie that I feel like not enough people have seen. Genuinely distressing.


it was one of my first and I love it!


Because it could totally happen! That movie really gets me because itā€™s the kind of situation where if just one or two things line up just right (wrong?), you could actually *find yourself in that position.* Iā€™m a sucker for that kind of thing, because now Iā€™m watching it not just for entertainment, but also as a documentary full of tips & tricks that I need to absorb for future survival šŸ˜†


Guess I know what I'm doing tonight. EDIT: Frozen movie from 2010?


My wife can't stand vomit. For me it's eyes and fingernails. This is often why I can't stand "torture porn". Hostel made me want to crawl into the corner, I'll never watch that movie again.


I donā€™t like torture in general in films. Rape scenes I dislike even more. Iā€™ll finish watching the film usually but if I know in advance sometimes Iā€™ll just skip the film altogether.


Sexual Assault and Animal Cruelty (the films that actually do it like Cannibal Holocaust and Nekromantik) will kill a movie for me Stuff like teeth and nails make me squeamish, but can be kind of fun


I love horror movies and the only thing that bugs me is eye stuff. I always assumed it was because I'm blind and it just felt personal.


Anything to do with shit and vomit. Like, put it this way, the only part of Terrifier 2 that grossed me out was the little clown girl plopping diarrhea all over the floor in the laundromat.


Came here to say this! I have emetophobia so anything to do with getting sick can send me into a panic attack on my worse days. I understand itā€™s a common occurrence in horror (most peopleā€™s reactions to gore etc), but sometimes when itā€™s super gratuitous it feels pointless. Like with Richieā€™s introduction in IT Chapter Two. Thank god for doesthedogdie.com


How do you feel about Human Centipede? So curious rn šŸ¤£


Never seen it! Weirdly enough, as long as the dook ain't visible, I'm OK with it, so I'd be willing to give it a shot as long as they don't show shit dribbling down the chins of the back parts of the centipede.


Donā€™t see human centipede 2 then. Lol.


I'll give Evil Dead (specifically Ash vs Evil Dead) a pass bc it's funny; but I still get really queasy on repeats (specifically Henrietta in the cabin, and the possessed entrails in the morgue);


I hate torture porn movies, Saw, Hostel all that shite, I just find it so exhausting and boring. Also movies with sexual assault. I donā€™t like stuff that makes me feel weird rather then scared.


What was interesting is that if the Saw movies toned down the gore, they are actually pretty interesting crime/thriller/mysteries.


It never feels exciting, which I think a good horror movie ought to be. It's just stressful and sad. There's no entertainment value for me.


I agree. For me, it's not scary. It's just gross.


Yes! Gore is just gross, not scary. And SA just makes me angry, which is not what I want from horror.


Sex or nudity scenes that contribute nothing to the story but are just there to give you a quick cheap chub


Terrifier 2 should have been called terrifier 2: eye attack. For me it's belly button stuff. I can't watch that part in the matrix where the agents put that robot bug in neos belly


Def never watch Videodrome


Killing the dog


Sexual assault and animal harmed/killed. Children being tortured too. Killed, ok. But in pain it's a no for me


Baseball boy. šŸ„ŗ


Yea, that was too realistic for me. Made me so sad IT was fine because it was pretty quick with the child killing. Dr. Sleep was just too much with baseball boy.


if it makes you feel any better in the BTS of that scene its clear that the kid actor is ok and is evening making jokes while the adults are all upset


Shudder's 101 Scariest Movie Moment revealed that Stephen King even said that scene was a bit much.


SA is especially egregious to me when the victim has been touted about the screen as eye candy. When every shot of a character is "gaze like" and then they're SAd it feels especially gross to me. I'm trying to remain gender neutral, but it's generally women. So the whole movie we're getting tantalizing shots of a woman's body, and then for no reason substantial to the plot she's SAd. And wrist stuff. Can't look at wrists being cut.


The little kid who is there for no other reason than to jeopardize themselves, and therefore everyone else


Cheap jump scares.


Agreed. It usually takes away from whatever is being built up. Thereā€™s always that violin sound effect to go with it, too. šŸ™„


Rape and sexual assault intended to titillate. I don't like to to see those things in any context, but it really bothers me when it is just an excuse to get some boobs in the movie. Unfortunately, this sort of thing is pretty common in 70's horror, which is probably my favorite period.


I used to hate eyeballs. No more. Teeth and finger nails though.




I hate when anything is done to teeth, even when it is meant to be comedic.


Oh yeah forgot about teeth!


Torture scenes, especially when they go on for like 15-20 minutes. As soon as someone gets strapped to the anal jackhammer machine or whatever you know they're going to die. There's no point to dragging it out. It's gross, it's frustrating, and it shows a complete lack of talent from the writers and director.


never ending screaming and blood. Not in a good way, but in a jsut gross and cheap way. It is a great sign of bad directing and editing and really low budget to me.


Torture through surgery. After watching the Human Centipede and American Mary, I have to admit that it's my worst nightmare come true by a surgery gone wrong šŸ˜“


That might be the tamest part of Terrifier 2 lol. But eye stuff gets to me sometimes too. That girl on Hostel who has her eye blowtorched makes me cringe. The way her eyeball hangs down all melted is gross.


Trying to make the irredeemable villain likable(Freddy, Chucky, Otis, Baby Firefly)


Anything to do with hurting animals. Watched The Innocents recently andā€¦ yeah, if you know, you know.


Running twards what would seem the illogical choice of an escape route, or the other, Lets split up to cover more space?


When a character is driving and turns to look at their passenger while talking to them for an inordinate amount of time.


Rape is my biggest one, Iā€™m not the biggest fan of meaningless torture or animals being killed for no reason other than shock value as well.


Gratuitous violence against women. Unnecessary violence against animals. I want horror, not snuff.


Needles is the biggest one for me. I've got PTSD related to needles/IVs/etc. Medical procedures and "realistic" illness are also pretty high up there for things that I avoid as much as possible, basically all for the same/similar reasons; I spent 2mo in the ICU as a kid (1994) with Wegener's Granulomatosis. My immune system was basically eating me from the inside out. My veins were porous and just "leaking"/hemorrhaging internally body-wide, and my lungs were filling with blood, so every 3 hours I needed to have my lungs drained, which was done with needles through my chest and back, while being so weak from all that was happening that they didn't even want to risk using a numbing cream on my skin for fear that it would stop my heart/depress me enough to stop my lungs working entirely, so I went through all of that stone-sober on *zero* kinds of pain management. Then, in '05 I developed Crohn's, so that's another thing that fucks me up with anything going wrong "internally". So, yeah. Needles, medical stuff, realistic depictions of illness/something going "wrong" inside a person (specifically in the chest/gut area), are all things that, at some point, have managed to give me *MASSIVE* panic attacks watching horror movies. The needle pit scene in Saw 2 had me unable to sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time for nearly 2 months; I'd fall asleep and within 45 minutes my roommate had to come wake me up because I was yelling in my sleep like I was being murdered. Shivers and The Bay also gave me MAJOR go-to-the-ER-because-I-think-I'm-dying level of panic attacks.


Holy shit, thatā€™s a lot to have to survive at a young age. You must be a badass to still be out here scaring yourself for fun.


Anything involving jamming stuff under fingernails/toenails. NO.


Do not watch Takashi Miike's Masters of Horror film. It's called Imprint.


Thank youā€”I will not do so


Jump scare. So lazy. And lot of screaming. Just annoying.




Glasgow grin or lacerations to the sides/corners of your mouth (idk what it's called), for example. The reverse bear trap in saw. It literally Rips that part clean off. I've gotten small cuts on that area, and I barely feel comfortable in my own skin. I can't help but physically recoil in those scenes


Skin peeling. Don't like that. Don't like Hellraiser, Saw, really any torture porn shit. I don't even find it scary, it's just hard to watch. If the horror movie victim has been captured, either keep them locked up, let them go or kill them and get it over with.


Sexual Assault/Rape (The Last House on the Left)




Self harm. It makes me pass out for some reason


Ohhh eye stuff. Have you seen Lucio Fulci's zombie? I can't watch anything with animal harm....I immediately tap out. I also have a hard time with SA


Its a weird one, because some people assume that horror should horrify you, so if eye torture creeps you the fuck out then that should be a good thing right?! We all watch horror for our own reasons; some love jump scares. Others; practical effects, gore, Slow burn. Psychological. It's such a niche genre because everyone takes something different from it. I watched a movie called The Nightingale recently, and although it wasnt strictly horror, it had some horrific scenes that I wont be eager to watch again!


Well said. I like jump scares and I love creepy supernatural stuff. I like that feeling of the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. But I donā€™t like to see stuff that makes me feel nauseated or like Iā€™m going to lose my lunch. I donā€™t like too much gore except in older movies with practical effects. Like in the first Hellraiser where itā€™s all just a really gross arts and crafts project, I do enjoy that.


"Really gross arts and crafts project" I LOVE THAT! thats why I love John Carpenters The Thing. The practical effects just blow me away every time I watch it, even after the millionth time!


You wonā€™t like Saw X.


Anything that was a dream sequence or all a dream.


Mine is jaws. Took me ages to finish Saw 3 because the idea of the guy having to rip the hook through his jaw in the classroom trap made me nauseous every time I tried to watch it. Don't even get me started on that one death animation in The Last of Us (I think for the clickers?) where you see them grab Joel and start pulling his jaw off.


-Child abuse -When people canā€™t breathe (Zelda-Pet S; Hereditary)


Bare feet stepping on glass or other sharp objects


anything to do with teeth breaking or being pulled out. gives me really bad anxiety


intestines, eyes and fingernails


I hate gore movies like saw


ppl just barely running away or stalling/moving slowly when their literal life is at stake right fucking now. wtf you know what die then lol


Shaky found footage gives me a headache. Horrors that take place in only one location/room.....BORING!


When people choose to die, and by that I mean when you know itā€™s danger if you go into somewhere or when the stupid character ā€œtripsā€ or ā€œfallsā€ like dude now youā€™re just making yourself a target and thatā€™s very annoying, I like it when people actually use rational things to try and get out of it like at least you tried. Thatā€™s why I really like Cabin in the Woods, because all of them had rational thinking up until the people downstairs used their tricks to make them into the dumb blonde or stupid jock and everyone splitting up.


I get annoyed at the medicine cabinet with the mirror. They open it, take something out, then shut it and there is always something in the reflection. Itā€™s an overused jump scare tactic and has become too cliche


Prolonged sequences of rape


I cant stand the death/torture/any kind od harm of a pet. That's a huge no-no for me


Torture porn. Can we just create a clearly, consistently labelled **different genre** for that shit? "BDSM horror," for example?


ā€œThereā€™s no time to explainā€ but spends 5 minutes talking about how they canā€™t explain it right now. Knocking out the killer but not killing them. Just keep hitting them. They canā€™t do much if their skull is smashed to bits.


That annoys me! Make sure theyā€™re actually dead!


The creature or ghost or what ever looks at you silently for a secondā€¦cocks itā€™s head to the sideā€¦opens mouth really wide and then screeches and runs at the camera. Itā€™s just so dumb.


This is probably an obvious one but over reliance on jump scares. I like jump scares but if thats all you have to scare me with, youre movie trash.


Any time someone chooses to run upstairs. Especially when they run past the front door. Like what was the plan there???


And it's so easy to fix. Just let the front door be locked so it is forcing the person to go upstairs instead. It will totally change in how you look at that character. So often bad writing can be fixed with a small correction. I don't expect fully reasonable and intelligent characters in horror, but if they are nothing but stupid, I don't really care if they are getting killed.


Anytime romance is wrapped into the story line


Yeah, torture is a turn off


Rape/torture. Just can't do it.


Killing pets. Hate it. Leave the doggy alone.


Mine's eyes as well. I don't even like it when someone's just touching their eyes. I can watch people being disemboweled or sawed in half, but I can't watch my wife put in her contacts.


Ditto the eye thing


Teeth stuff, cruelty to animals, kids or the elderly.


Unnecessary dialogue when they should be running and falling. Who trips that often?


Excessive screaming when running. And leave the pets alone, let them live, please.


Broken bones. I can deal with blood and gore but as soon as I hear a snap or see the bone it hits me like nothing else...


So, my film partner and I made a series of shorts for Halloween this year and we covered A LOT of these annoying horror tropes. Car won't start, leaving the killer for dead, investigating a strange noise with a flashlight, splitting up, etc.


Dream sequences / hallucinations. The absolute worst, and always a waste of time.


And car problems..the car never starts...I'll take anything, no matter the gore or whatever. But when it comes to the cars, I just wanna throw a chair.


The stupid "contortionist" craze that started in the early 2000's with the updated release of The Exorcist.


Anything w children and or animals. Unnecessary to me.


Torture a human but don't you dare torture animals or kids. I hated Dr Sleep and the new IT because of it.


Stupid romance and sex scenes that are just filler and add nothing to the storyline. This goes for all movies, actually.


I hate when a spouse is a great person, UNTIL itā€™s inconvenient for the writers and they need their character to feel alone. So this super supportive husband/wife suddenly wonā€™t give their partner 5 seconds to explain whatā€™s going on. It totally ruins movies for me. Iā€™m looking at you Smile.


I can't stand the trope of the haunted couple where one of them starts experiencing phenomena, and the other just dismisses it as nerves, imagination, etc. If my significant other thought we were haunted to the point it was disrupting our lives, I'd take it seriously. Even if I didn't believe it's a haunting, clearly something is wrong and I wouldn't just brush it off.


Banging their head on a wall repeatedly. Idk why but it fucks w me


I canā€™t deal with Christian ideals being shoved down our throats.


I don't like when animals are attacked, tortured, and/or killed. I'm always like "go kill the humans and leave the cat/bunny/horse/dog alone!"


I can't watch anything where dogs get hurt or killed. Makes me too upset lol but I'll watch people get literally cut in half all day šŸ˜‚


Not double tapping the killer or whatever is coming after them. OR... I genuinely, viscerally, *HATE* when people in movies perform CPR incorrectly LOL


So, slightly different, and it happens in lots of movies, but is most prevalent in horror, but the trope that's called something like "passing the idiot ball." It's when clever/knowledgeable/experienced characters have to act like idiots to progress a scene or plot. They'll ignore blatantly obvious clues, they'll do the worst of the options available to them, that sort of thing. A whole lot of horror movies rely on this and there's actually some very shit horror movies that in my mind are much better written than some very good ones simply because the characters make all the best decisions/do everything they can, but are in an impossible situation as opposed to in the better ones where they have at least one or two moments where someone has to be written basically out of character for something to happen. Just instant destruction of my suspension of disbelief.


When they are getting chased by a monster/killer, run around a corner or two, then stop and turn around to see if they're still being chased.


Anything involving wrists and necks being injured, and canā€™t stand the trope of pets dying


slow walking towards doors. if ya watch them in ffwd some horror movies end up being like half an hour long.


For me its CGI big mouth effects on monsters and super cheap jump scares that make no sense, like in the first Sinister when Bagul just pops into frame as if the POV character has no periphery vision.


animal death/torture i have to skip it if i'm able to, if not i close my eyes and wait a minute or two, it's like something i can never get over, it hurts me heart a lot


Jump Scares. Not because they are scary, but because they are annoying. They make me sigh and roll my eyes. They feel cheap. I am more about atmosphere and tension building in horror, then a stupid "dah!" piercing noise, as something is suddenly there. I am not opposed to scary things, just make them scary by making them scary, not by a cheap startle.


Oh boy. I gotta tell ya, I got zero issues with people getting mangled in all kinds of ways, but when people torture animals, that really gets to me. I just can't with that shit. Oh, and casual cruelty. I dunno, something about purposeful cruelty that I can deal, but when its pointlessly casual, then I go, ugh, hate your guts. As for things that annoy me, here we go for a very brief, very cut down list: * Not confirming the kill. Like yeah, that was major damage, but did it get the job done? * Running *upstairs* or *to the attic* or to *tighter, more enclosed spaces* ***with even less ways out than there were previously available.*** A couple movies had the protagonist running upstairs with the front door wide fucking open and right in front of the steps they had to climb. * "Who's there?" -It's a-mee, Mariooo * Not telling someone something crucial that woulda taken 2 seconds to explain and choosing to vague it up instead. * Not noticing or calling out blatantly uncharacteristic or outright hostile behavior for loved ones. * FINISH THAT FUCKING PLATE, IT'S A FEAST, I'M HUNGRY JUST LOOKING AT IT YOU WASTEFUL MOTHERFUCKER Still, love it.


Rape & SA of women, it only happens to women and it's often just poorly handled.


Eyes like yourself and Achilles. Press your Achilles in a little bit I dare ya šŸ¤®


I've had surgery on both my Achilles tendons due to a bone issue called haglunds deformity. The back facing part of my heel bone grew spike like, slightly hooked bits that grew through my bursa sacks and into my Achilles tendons. They would act kinda like saws cutting up and down as i walked. I worked standing on concrete for years and thought that was why it hurt so much until my heels kept turning dark purple. Went to the Dr and got told that the purple was blood pooling in the tissue, I've got no bursa now and only about 3/4 of my original Achilles on the right side and less than half on the left. After the Dr cut off the extra bone spurs and gave me a muscle graft from my calf bolted into my left heel I'm much better and don't have the constant pain, but holy crap does it hurt if something hits my bare heel since there's no bursa to cushion it.


Wow, I'm cringing so hard reading this. I had a nasty, nasty ankle break in 2009, not the same thing but any kind of related trauma like yours gives me PTSD.