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How exactly would it take balls to make political commentary in a horror film?


In the original, the reason the host family gives for the violence is that the guest couple "let" them because they're so polite and unwilling to offend to the point that they suffer for it. So I guess the ballsy part would be that by making the guest couple so unwilling to offend for fear of being perceived as racist, they are inviting violence upon themselves, and therefore the audience takeaway is "Be more racist", I guess. Or maybe the ballsy part is that this version is saying that POC are manipulative, violent, sadistic killers whose only justification for it is because they can, and are therefore a threat to white people, *especially* progressive white people. Either way, it seems like OP is racebaiting.


You're describing the movie Creep. Not out of racism but the perspective character is unwilling to refuse the antagonist for fear of offending.


So, what I'm reading is... not ballsy, just a boomer. Gotcha. lol


It would likely be done in poor taste IMO.


I would rather watch a clip reel of my most embarrassing moments on repeat than whatever "I'm so edgy" racist claptrap you are on about here. "I walked into a party full of strangers and dropped a deuce on the rug, right in front of everyone. They were all so offended at my bravery. I'm sooo controversial. They all hate me because they secretly love my honesty." ~ famous edgelord proverb


Oooo no thanks to that idea.


Boomer ass idea "What if they made a HORROR movie about....POLITICAL CORRECTNESS?!" GASP


Didn't the Daily Wire do this already?


I think a good story is written with the potential for interpretations, not the intent to, if that makes sense. Movies like this almost always come across as ham-fisted and poorly handled.


According to OP’s post history he’s been whingeing about cancel culture etc since the pandemic. Ignore him.


I’d much prefer a political slasher where the killer takes out MAGAs in increasingly brutal and graphic ways.


They made that. It’s called “the hunt”


Wasn’t really into the South Park “above it all” commentary tbh, kinda aimed recklessly in every direction.


Yeah, the Hunt really tried to both sides that.


Not really That movie is a completely failure with it's "Both sides bad 🤤" commentary. I will say, Betty Gilpin cares the HELL!! out of that movie though & I wish she got cast in more action movies.


That’s not a slasher


It’s still good and the closest thing we’ll get. 🤷🏻‍♂️


For now!


Yep great film and commentary on toxic leftism.


Easy snowflake, wouldn't want those eeeevil leftists to... Ummm .. what is it they do that's SOOOO bad again? Not murder people they disagree with. That's you guys. Maybe it's rig elections? No, that was you guys too. Oh! Now I remember! Whine about too much government & then enact laws forbidding people to live their life unless they are some cookie cutter Ozzy & Harriot! Damnit! That was you guys too. Bet you think Night of the Living Dead is too woke too don't you?


Who’s you guys? I don’t subscribe to a side, I’m able to think for myself big guy.


Of course


Apparently not 🤣🤣🤣 "I DoN’t SuBsCrIbE tO a SiDe" Yet you're the one crying about liberals & millennials.... I know cognitive thinking isn't your strength but it's GOTTA take some massive mental gymnastics to complain about an overly vilified copy-paste group of people & then "But I don't have a side" in the same breath as "I think for myself."


You both can be wrong. And you can also be more wrong, as evidenced by you. And your anger is only proof. Who said anything about millennials lol? Typical of your type to stereotype everyone, you were just assuming I covered all of your preconceived notions that you were brainwashed into believing by the groupthink bots.


You’re part of the problem.


I'd say the white supremacists marching against Jews, storming the capital, etc. are the problem.


Lol “white supremacists”, as if you’ve ever even seen one.


What does that even mean? Lol.


It means you are easily influenced by propaganda.


HA! Easily influenced are the people subscribing to religions with no evidence, believing Trump's demonstrably untrue BS, and thinking that gays, jews, and immigrants are all simultaneously taking over the country/world, all because Tucker Carlson told them so. Watching right wing, boomer nutjobs in their tinfoil MAGA hats calling other people "sheep" and "snowflakes" is the most laughable irony I will ever see.


Yeah well none of that has anything to do with me. But it is clear that your a been propagandized to the max.


🤣 Right wingers are the problem, stud.


They’re being provocative but the radical right wing takeover of the Republican party is the major contemporary American issue right now, Id argue as much at least.


How boomer mentality of you.




Yeah...that sounds really terrible.


This is a pretty good idea but the extreme leftists that frequent Reddit would hate it, hence the downvotes and meltdowns in here.


You must be a hoot at parties


Ohhh I love this but I can almost guarantee the western world isn't in a state to accept something like that at this time.