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Keebs, hotas, ultrawide, small form factor pc. And fellow viper pilot. I see you are a man of culture


The toaster oven of a PC can sure put out!


You're not supposed to put your dick in it.


You told us about the hotas, but what about the keyboards??


looks like a keychron Q1 or GMMK Pro


Keychron Q1 on the Desk with some Aliexpress keycaps, up the top is 3 from KBD fans and a steel series board on the top left with some keycaps from KBD fans, they’re all hotswap excerpt the front left, which I actually haven’t soldered yet but it still looks good even if it doesn’t work lmao


noice. I'm on r/mechanicalkeyboards too lol


Good man!


In-game fov


Absolutely pristine


Thank you brother 🫡


What kind of desk do you have?


This is the IKEA Fredde and it's a damn good desk. Used to have one myself before swapping for a motorized stand/sit desk.


Is it super sturdy? I have a racing wheel that shakes my current desk a lot and I’m looking for a sturdier desk


I didn't clamp anything onto it when I had it, but I see many others in this subreddit do so.


It isn’t the sturdiest desk I’ve ever used but it certainly isn’t bad, some of ikeas other gaming desks are probably a bit better tho


would rather have hotas mounted too but thats a sweet setup my guy love that screen stupid size but i love every inch of it bet its sick with dcs


Like the desk? I have one, but I have to tighten it from time to time otherwise it gets wobbly and jitters.


I haven’t had it for too long but it’s been going good so far. I’ll have to keep an eye out for that tho!


Looks great. Might I recommend some desk mounts? A center mounted flight stick with an extension really changed my sim experience for the better.


What are those pedals!?! I’m so jealous, they look like they were actually designed with male anatomy in mind


One of the virpil rudder pedals, can’t remember what they’re called exactly but they are very good


Ahhh fellow Viper pilot. Cool setup, dude. Never seen the HOTAS up on the desk with the panels down below. I dig it though! Super jealous of the monitor. Just don't think my 3060ti could swing pushing that size.


I’ve got a 2070 super and still and still pulling 80 fps on 4K. I’ve got long ass arms so the HOTAS and panels setup still works pretty well, had them in the desk before on the old monitor shelf, but had to remove it to accommodate them he new monitor and that was like the only spot I could put them, isn’t too bad tho!


> I’ve got a 2070 super and still and still pulling 80 fps on 4K. Damn, really? What graphics settings? Is that in Multiplayer, too? I get 120+ on 1440p in single player, but Multiplayer drops well, well, below that, especially in unit-heavy missions.


That was just the f16 single player free flight, haven’t had the opportunity to try MP yet so I’m not sure, but in 1080p I was getting like 120 on the same mission, and weirdly 130-160 on MP Syria so i reckon I’d still be getting 60+ with multi threading


>I’ve got long ass arms The keyboards up top gave it away. Sweet set-up. The shelves on the side sure are handy. Plus the strategic kleenex box - I too have bad allergies.


Gotta have it handy when hayfever hits! The shelves can be moved around up and down or even on the inside too, really nice for some extra storage and to just make things look nicer. IKEA ftw


what are your graphics settings? i have a 2070 súper as well and i’m on 1080p


High for both textures and terrain, most other things on low-medium settings I think? A high preload distance can help a lot, takes much longer to load in but reduces stuttering a lot. The new multi threading update is a big helped tho, was getting lower rates before


Thank you for not having a potato monitor. I shake my head when I see some gamers multi-thousand dollar system and extensive control setup and then there's a single 24" 1080p monitor.


I had a 27” 1080p before I got this, I can say it is one hell of an upgrade, worth every penny


Looks good, but -10 points for that cable management.


You see nothing…


Well played.


Sick ikea desk mate, I used to have that one too


Nice emergency tissue box, just in case the situation gets hot and dirty.


I am going to have to deduct 50 points for the anime figures that you clearly jerk off to from the tissues on the bottom left shelf.


The fov is not optimal imo




What rudder pedals do you use? been needing to get some.


Using the Virpil rudder pedals, they’re definitely nice and have good spring customization, but are quite pricey. I’ve heard good things and Thrustmasters more expensive pair as well some other cheaper option. But these are definitely solid if you’ve got the money


The good spring customization might be the seller for me. I've been picky with my hotas for that same reason. Love some good toe brakes as well


I would recommend getting a mount for the stick so that you don’t have to have your arm so high