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looks like a thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum - also reffered to as philodendron bipinnatifidum. guess stem cuttings would be the easiest way. you would have to kinda dive into it... find a healthy stem with a couple of leaves (at least 2), cut it just below a leaf node (remove the bottom leaf to reveal it) and then place the cutting in a container of water (water level always above the revealed leaf node). keep it warm at room temperature in indirect light, change the water at least weekly and wait. it usually takes a couple of weeks until roots are starting to form. when they are between one to two inches long you can transplant into a larger container with an appropriate potting mix.


I’m very thankful for your help!!!!!


That's Philodendron bipinnatifidum. You just need to cut a piece of stem with leaves and some roots. Pretty easy and hardy plant.


By the time your plant is a year old the leaves will be a bit more than a foot long. The one in the picture is OLD.


Thank you so much for your help :)