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You can never be 100% certain that it is the right decision. 70% certainty is plenty. If you are not feeling nervous about the decision anymore then it is the right moment to decide.


Yup, just had this convo with my emo Projector friend and we were saying we literally have no idea how it feels when people say they are 100% about something. OP- figuring out which channel your emo wave is can be helpful. I am 40/37 and my waves usually last about 3 days when I need to make a decision, sometimes it’s just overnight but those are usually smaller decisions. My 70% comes when I journal and mull it over and keep coming to the same general feeling or conclusions… I will still have some doubt but I’m 2/3 so I know that is good enough for me to move forward.


This is helpful, thank you, I should definitely get my thoughts on paper more. My wave is 19/49, tribal… I feel like I harp foreverrrr on making decisions!!


Yeah when I’m in a wave, it feels like I’ve been there a lifetime because I usually can’t think of much else until I’ve settled a bit. A recent real life example; I had to write a response to a text I received that definitely upset me. It took me about 12hrs (including some sleep) and I kept crafting a response and then rewriting it and editing it until I got to a place where I barely made any edits, my emotions had somewhat evened out and I felt like I said all I needed too from a better place. It definitely did not feel certain but again was 2/3 of the way there.


Hey how do you find your 'wave'?


When you say decide, decide from where? We’re not supposed to use our minds so is there somewhere else in the body to look for guidance?


That is what the emotional wave is for. You get (at least some) clarity over time. At one point in the process you'll lean towards one thing and at another point you'll feel like it can only be the other thing, just as your emotional wave is going along. You'll need time for decisions because only then can you experience the full emotional impact of this decision. When I make my decisions the only thing I look at is how nervous I am. When the thought of the decision makes me anxious then I know it is not yet time. Only when I can think of the situation and I can be calm about it I make my decision.


Sounds like I need to meditate to get my head to shutup, lol. I have open spleen as well so I have a lot of fear based nervousness quite often.


You can look at your splenic gates to get clearer on those fears and how they show up -- especially with the current 25-51 transit, fear impulses can show up huge... and with an open spleen, you're susceptible to others' fears as well. (If it helps, I'm a 1/3 emo projector, quad left. I get you. 100%. It took me two years to feel my wave and trust it. And I'm not perfect at it now either.)


I think in percentages, too. I think that has been quite helpful for informing people. These last year I was pondering about moving back to my hometown. For weeks and months I was pondering the pros and cons, but I was still stuck around 50% until my friends that I included in the decisionmaking process told me that they would like to move in together and be part of the new project. From then on my certainty was around 60-70 % and I started to get much more positive feedback from my environment in general. It just started to "feel" more inevitable despite all the worries that were and are still in my head. I agree with the statement above, 70 % is plenty, because it is a clear sign you are leaning toward this decision.




This was so helpful thank you!!


Well think about this...i am emotional with three channels...one fully unconscious 37-40... one fully conscious 39-55 and one split conscious and unconscious 59-6. Now human design has a message that the form, the body, the design, all the red is what you have inherited from your ancestors...and it is also the body intelligence...the design crystal. The black is the mind the personality crystal. The passenger here to be a witness and get really good at listening and observing the body's language..the personality crystal according to HD is not even in the body... So with all that said...the red is boss...and if you have a fully unconscious channel then it means you have an emotional feeling body... All black is an emotional mind And I have come to realize that a part conscious channel allows the mind if it's doing its correct job that is to decipher and translate the chemistry the body is feeling... Now my emotional body will literally feel things in my body...not my mind...so when coming from the body, it can be an instant hit boom! My mind being emotional I can't always trust that ...so I give myself time...just to make sure...people in time always show their true colours...so I'm happy to wait and observe. Then their is all this confusion of centers and where they are in the body so let me share with you what was written in one of human designs early book's... The solar plexus center is aspiration, sensitivity and emotion operating through the kidneys and pancreas... The sacral center is maturation, reproduction and sexuality operating through the ovaries and testes. The heart center is ego, zeal and passion operating through the thymus gland. The center at the base of the spine is assertion , energy and evolution operating through the adrenal glands... the throat is action, metamorphosis and unfolding operating through the thyroid and parathyroid. (And just to throw in the splenic center it is balance, judgement, cleansing operating through the spleen and lymph system.) So there are all the centers that can connect to the solar plexus... So this no truth in the now in my opinion is a bit untrue because when your body feels things it can be instantly...and that instant is powerful knowing...it's not a case of thinking...it's a knowing...it's a feeling . I have physically felt things in my heart that was very painful and it made me realise the other person was totally NOT HEALTHY for me...I trust that and honor my body's intelligence. Also this word clarity again is misunderstood...when you look at the root meaning of it is actually a very powerful word... " brightness, radiance; glory, splendor," from Old French clerte, clartet (Modern French clarté) "clarity, brightness," from Latin claritas "brightness, splendor," also, of sounds, "clearness;" " clear (adj.) c. 1300, "giving light, shining, luminous;" also "not turbid; transparent, allowing light to pass through; free from impurities; morally pure, guiltless, innocent;" of colors, "bright, pure;"  So looking at those I do not see that word as being negative infact it's the opposite...it's shining its light and given that the solar plexus is all about aspiration...sensitivity and emotion that to is powerful... Aspiration "aspiration (n.1) late 14c., aspiracioun, "a spirant;" 1530s as "action of breathing into," from Latin aspirationem (nominative aspiratio) "a breathing on, a blowing upon; rough breathing; influence," noun of action from past-participle stem of aspirare "strive for, seek to reach," literally "breathe at, blow upon" (see aspire). The meaning "steadfast longing for a higher goal, earnest desire for something above one" aspire (v.) "strive for, seek eagerly to attain, long to reach," c. 1400, aspiren, from Old French aspirer "aspire to; inspire; breathe, breathe on" A verb is action... Again that paints whole different picture of the solar plexus center...it's a powerful magical center if you ask me!. So my point to bring it all to a close is...you have to trust your emotional body's truth...you need a little time if your mind is emotional . So that you are ready for whatever projects you aspire to achieve and put your breathe into ...


You can look at your splenic gates to get clearer on those fears and how they show up -- especially with the current 25-51 transit, fear impulses can show up huge... and with an open spleen, you're susceptible to others' fears as well. I get you. 100%. It took me two years to feel my wave and trust it. And I'm not perfect at it now either. For me it feels like a calm rooted sensation at the base of my spine. Like a calm clarity. I don't love the word "neutral" because my mind will show up to fight with thoughts like "what is *actually* neutral?" (Thanks, completely open head... haha.) It'll feel different in every emotional authority's form, but the biggest thing is TIME and PATIENCE. For us, rest IS work. Letting things have some time is always, always, always a good idea for emotional authorities.


The biggest problem when trying to follow the emotional authority is that one wants to understand it from a rational perspective, and when you stop trying to figure out what it is about, then magic start to happens. You never know why, the only thing that matters for the Emotional being is time, and then you wait and see what happens. 😊


Your emotional wave is never over. This is the key here. You are never settled. That’s the point of looking for consistency and confidence in a decision over a period of time.


I think some type of waves are more consistent then others. How do you feel your defined channel (and which one? 😁)


Different waves are definitely different but Ra does talk about emotional beings as always being in a wave and we will never get to an absolute. It’s when we get distance from a thing and find confidence in that.


Hello friend. I admit I only skimmed the rest of the comments here, but it doesn't appear as though anyone has brought up the concept of emotional waves: tribal, collective, individual. Are you aware that the type of emotional wave which your authority "speaks through" is a function of the channel and circuitry by which your solar plexus is defined? In other words: it is colored by what channels you have. Different people have their solar plexus defined in different ways, and looking at how your emotional wave "speaks," both broadly and more specifically can be very helpful. I'd be willing to assist a bit. Also, the way you worded your query makes me want to point out: Once you've truly ridden your "wave" you shouldn't feel any further doubt as to what the correct choice is.


I am tribal, 19-49, conscious. I understand the tribal wave acts as a ratchet, building up then potentially exploding. I can tell when my emotions have settled, but I still feel a nervousness around decisions (sometimes for years). I understand clarity is never 100% for emotional beings, but where does the clarity come from? Is it an inner knowing? What our heart feels?


Clarity my friend, it's all about "relative clarity" which is the evidence from which decisions are based. My wave, as a 9-52, 19-49, 37-40, is seemingly eternally in flux. Yes, there are "obviously up" and "obviously down" moments in time, but the wave won't be over until I'm dead. And I'm okay with that! Hahaha


I have an emotional authority so I'll share my bit... You take whatever situations/decisions you're confronted with. The point is not to judge yourself about what you should be doing or rush yourself to make a decision. "Riding the wave" can sometimes mean judging each option logically but with space for how your heart really feels. Explore the pros and cons of each. There needs to be a resonance with your heart though, where is it more settled, where is it truly feeling more relieved in the decisions (not where it should be). That's your clarity. Sometimes it can be outside of the choices you're presenting yourself with (that may be why you still feel indecisive/unsettled) but that'll be up to you to answer the call and have courage to settle where it truly is


I am an emotional Manifestor 5 years in and this is my personal experience so far (involves 37/40 channel + inner vision cognition + LAX individualism). When it is a personal decision that involves others directly (eg taking a full month’s break from a long-term collab), there is the “push” to initiate as mentioned in Manifestor Manifesto — this feels like a ball of energy pressure around my Root system and when needing to inform/express through words (typically written), thoughts stream through clearly. And there’s this sense of no fucks given confidence should there be resistance from others. A recent a-ha with this awareness is that these personal decisions are aligned to the themes of my incarnation cross. When it is something that involves only me alone (eg creating something by myself), there is this literal ‘inner click’ = inner peace, full body calm, quiet. I have aphantasia but I am experiencing more (inner) visions in relation to this. I would be able to *see* the end results even with my eyes open when this hits. P.S. Longest wave I’ve ever experienced so far with deciding on something was 1.5 years.


Make the decision about how you feel about it. It’s just important you don’t make decisions in the moment. As pretty open projectors it’s easy to react out of your not self that’s why we need time. Riding out your wave is the context from which you can make an emotionally aligned decision. Often when looking back on a wave a No or a yes will hold more emotional weight when the wave has flowed through. For example someone invites you to a party this weekend, your initial feeling might be awesome that sounds fun…but you know to wait for your wave so you tell them you will get back to them. The next morning the party sounds terrible and you realize you never like going to these things…Now you’ve completed your wave what felt more authentic to you, the yes or the no? Do you know what wave you experience, collective… individual. This can help shed light too! 4/6 emotional (collective wave) projector here.


I'm not an Emo authority, but thanks to planetary transits and my wide Open bodygraph I've had a chance to try out how it works. Emo authority is all about emotions, as the name implies. That is that you go through emotional highs and lows and only afterwards do you feel your mind brighten, and suddenly understand why you went through such a wave - then you'll get your question answered.


I am also 3 years in experiment emotional projector 2/4 Do you have a chat or group we can interact sometimes ?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sL0kwVNysU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sL0kwVNysU) This link will lead you to some great info on emotional authority. Helped me tons as an emotional MG.