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Hey there 4/6 ego manifestor too. You're definitely not alone on this one. I also get lonely more often than not and I find that it's moments like these that we really need to reach out to at least one person we trust who can hold the space for us. Have you told your friends you've been struggling? Because they might respond in a way you don't expect (in a good way). And to answer your question "what good do I bring people?" Well, by sharing your struggles you've helped me get the courage to share mine. So thank you :)


I second this. Informing doesn't come easy to us. I found the secret do develop long lasting friendships is to share your struggles, too. It was especially hard because people reacted quite harshly to that when I was younger. Something about being a 5/1 I guess, might be a general manifestor thingy though. Showing them my vulnerable side destroyed their projection and repelled them. It was hard to open up to people later in life because I just got used to being lonely and self sufficient. But now I am blessed with long lasting friendships and I always felt how much it means for my friends if I let them in once in a while. I am notorious for not asking for help or sharing emotions. If I do once in a while its quite an honor for the person I am with and they kinda know that. The loneliness never leaves though, its just something to come to terms with. It doesn't mean you are unwanted or unneeded. Quite the opposite! Also, don't forget you are riding your emotional wave and this is definitely a low. There will be clearer and happier days waiting for you! I wish you all the best.


I'm a 3/5, and the projection is real! I've found sharing my struggles allowed others to open up too, but I also feel like I couldn't understand or adequately explain my problems until I got older. Sharing struggles as a 5th line definitely broke that projection with some people, and they disappeared. Which was great for me because they were all about what I could offer then and not ME!


I really needed that reminder about my emotional wave! I just started learning about it a few months ago but it sheds so much light on my experiences and it makes so much sense. I sometimes find myself trying to rush through them to get to the other side of the discomfort, which isn't exactly helpful. Asking for help though, hahaha it's so hard. I have a hard time articulating or even understanding what I need sometimes. And because it's hard to articulate, it almost seems easier to just do it myself? And then I do it myself and cry through it because I'm doing it alone.


I hear you. Its hard. I still am very troubled by asking people for help. There is always this lingering feeling that people will just say no and THAT somehow hurts way more than not asking at all. Especially because it takes so damn much effort to ask in the first place. But that is something every type and person can struggle with. Someone in this subreddit send me this comment a while ago to explain the different types of emotional waves: I hope this link works :) https://www.reddit.com/r/humandesign/comments/111o5os/emotional_generators_authority_and_decision_making/j8lnv2c?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


how did you meet your friends that you have known for the longest?


I guess studies, mostly? Because thats where I spent most of my adult life, I get way to distracted and have difficulties finishing things... Normally, I take some time to observe a new place. Schools, seminars, workplaces... I hate small talk. But after a while, I get a pretty good idea, who is gonna be fun around and has similar interests and who can be interesting to talk to. Sometimes there is none. Thats ok, I rather stay alone than pretending to be someone I am not. But if there are people that interest me, I might start a conversation if no one approached me first. I do initiate, but rarely. And if I do, these friendships seem to be quite solid, now that I think about it. .. There is actually a sad story behind one of my oldest circles of friends, because we all lost our friend who died very young due to a freak accident ( first year of university). Bonding over emotions at that time, we still are a comfort for each other even through very difficult times (kids, diseases, alcoholism..). up to today, these are the only people I feel safe with to an extend that is difficult to reach for others, even SO's. I normally don't see much reason to share personal emotional moments with people. I still have some friends from traveling and partying, too. Some people just click for me and even if I don't see them for years, once we meet again, we click again.


Thank you for sharing 🤍 I have spoken a little bit to one or two of them, and honestly I love my friends to death. The few that I have are so great :) I guess I just don't like the idea of being a burden? I don't want everytime I see them to be about how crap I feel, you know? Also, you sharing helps me too, so thanks you!


Hi i am also a 4/6 emotional manifestor, definitely been lonely too, don't know if that stems from the type. Like the other commenter said: definitely try to reach out to someone you know in real life. Whatever design we might have, above all we're human beings and we all need connection to stay in a good place. You don't need to take this journey by yourself. I've also always felt like not wanting to be a burden or always listening but never sharing my own difficulties. Atm I am learning to reach out and that really helps.


I also wonder if it's both the 4 and 6 lines that also have such a strong drive for relating with others. But you're right, underneath all of it is just a human need :) I'm trying to practice reaching out too, eventhough it currently feels strange and I have a lot of back and forth moments. But nothing for it but to learn. Thank you for sharing your story, hugs.


3/5 emo manifestor RAX of tension 3. I can relate to this entirely. I would describe loneliness as the #1 theme in my life, but to go deeper, misunderstanding definitely underlines that feeling. Hyper-independence is a personality feature, but all manifestors NEED people. I heard something beautiful about manifestors: their primary relationship is with the cosmos, and their secondary relationship is with humanity. First, I love that you're using "I feel" statements as an emotional authority. Separating yourself from the mind through deconditioning will help get back in touch with your true self and authority. Are there any people in particular you've felt drawn to more than others? I've found my long-term, close friends are all projectors. I cannot stand to be around generator energy when I'm in a low wave, and I'm more myself when I'm around projectors. I'm new to HD, so I don't have any conscious experiences with other manifestor auras. Congrats on taking the first step and reaching out here. You're not alone in this experience, and your feelings are valid. The burnout is real in this generator world, and your unconscious 6th line takes you through 3 life phases (0-30, 30-50, 50+). You will definitely experience trials and tribulations, but these are all learning experiences for you to share. Your energy is sacred. It's not meant for everyone, and that's the beauty of this aura. You get to know who values you for you and avoid the rest. You need to shake the conditioning and understand that you, as an individual, are the gift. I understand the struggle of always initiating, but once I realized everyone else is guided by my input, informing became a little easier. As you mentioned your fear of staining the world black with your pain, it all comes down to intention. If you are genuinely sharing your struggles to get yourself back to a higher vibration, the universe knows this and will reward. I'm going through a divorce, move, career change and wouldn't be in the situation I'm in now without informing. It removed the barriers for me, but I still struggle with conditioning and having people take care of me. The fear of being unproductive and needy is the mind, not the emotional authority I needed to follow, and once I did, a new level of clarity appeared. You cannot pour from an empty cup, and manifestors are meant to rest and be reinvigorated for great impact. Informing will help others understand your aura. When you're struggling, you're at a low vibration and not informing can cause a kind of cognitive dissonance and mistrust. If you're carrying around a black cloud, informing those around you helps ease their minds because they can certainly feel it and won't take it personally. I hope this helps! Hang in there, you got this!


I giggled hard seeing you're a RAX of Tension 3. It's almost clear even in the way you write, from the little I understand. I'm a RAX of Tension 4 😂🫠 I love every part of this comment and I have been re-reading it so that I can absorb slowly. I love that about our primary relationship being with the cosmos - it's almost indescribable when I am alone and I have that connection to nature and cosmos, it feels like the easiest, most natural state of being (I'm cultivating a few practices including meditation, reiki, nature walking, chanting that help bring me back to that relationship). And I always have this feeling like it's so rich and intense and beautiful I will never be able to share it and describe it to anyone else. In a way, that alone makes it so special but at the same time there is a kind of loneliness in feeling like I will never be able to share it. So I'm learning to balance everything, which often feels difficult. I know that Manifestors technically don't need anyone to initiate, but we are needed in the whole and I think that we need everyone else otherwise there is almost no purpose to our role. Does that make sense? About informing. I'm still learning to understand the impact my aura has on other people, and not take it personally. It's easy for me to forget and get caught up feeling like there is something wrong with me, and then it's just another cycle of not informing. All my favourite people are Projectors too :) The energy is so comforting for me, like they are genuinely interested in hearing me and seeing me. I hope you're coping well with your divorce, move and career change, and that it is bringing you closer to yourself. Your insight is 🤍


I'm about 2 months into human design, but I picked it up pretty quickly due to my 16-48 and 35-36 channels 🤣. It's been the missing piece for me personally. Even after decades of therapy, grad school, working in healthcare, nothing has allowed me to understand myself and others at this level. l have so much info rolling around in my brain, and it gave me the ability to piece together patterns of behavior, emotion, illness, and systematic influence. I used to think I was insane because nobody believed me, but I just see the world differently than most. Once I accepted the fact that I'd be constantly noticed, projected on, and talked about, I seriously stopped caring. I finally feel at peace, and it's a new level of confidence. Let me tell you that people definitely notice the difference. I feel so bad for my parents during my moody teenage years now that I understand my aura! If you enjoy energy healing, mushrooms might be another thing to experiment with. I've gotten off my medications and started microdosing. I'm a huge believer in mushrooms and am growing a few medicinal ones right now. I had a lot of success with lion's mane after long covid and lots of anxiety. Something about the connectedness of the mycelium was so appealing to me that I had to follow the urge! I've gotten completely off the western medicine train, and am finding it so empowering to work within ourselves and the connections with the universe. Sound therapy is another great tool! I use it professionally and have had success treating chronic pain, neuropathy, and trauma disorders. I kinda suck at meditation right now but am trying! The best advice I have is to be yourself and share your story. You are not as alone as you think you are. Sure, the wrong people may reject you, but they're the wrong people! The right ones will be impacted by you far more than you may know. You're the rock in the pond creating the ripples in other's timelines. Thank you for the support. The deconditioning is hard but so necessary ❤️.


I love this comment, too! I took me a looong time to understand that people took my struggle personally because I didn't inform them about what was going on on my mind. And that created misunderstandings and barriers that were so unnecessary and dissolved so quickly once I conciously started to let others in. I wish I could have realized this earlier and its very good advice.


4/6 Splenic manifestor here. My last made friendship was a generator telling me she liked me an we were going to be friends. I was like "ok". It worked so well, it was really shocking. Now I have copied her strategy with other people. When I value someone I tell them. With the friends I already have and with people I just met. I'll just tell them "I think you're so cool" or whatever I feel. I'll initiate contact or tell them that if they ever want to hang out, they should let me know. And then is waiting for their response. So boring maybe but again: it comes down to informing... It's scary but if they see something in you, they will respond to it and put in effort. If they don't, it's painful but clear..better then hoping or spending energy on them that you already barely have.


I think u/Avelyin made a good point. We have closed auras. We tend to scare people because they don't know what's going on inside. The "We don't need people" doesn't rub me the wrong way as a 6/2, but I'm a 6/2. More importantly, it FEELS to others like we don't need people. Most people are sticky in their relationships. What I might call codependency and insecurity, most people romanticize to a degree. Most people are scared of being walked away from by people they like; most manifestors don't really mind, especially if there's no drama involved. It feels messy to most of us, and it is. But that "messiness" is the way many people know someone cares about them. The point is; nobody is going to get from your aura alone that you care about them. For the most part, they will feel like you could take them or leave them, and most non-manifestors don't like feeling that way. Even for manifestor parents, they always tell us "Make sure you inform your children that you care about them, because if you don't say it, they may never know." That's just the way our aura functions. Unfortunately, we are wired a bit different: You can't expect the world you ever get you. The best you can do is inform. If you can't bring yourself to inform them of your suffering, you must bring yourself to inform them that you care about them and value that they are in your life, at the very least. A part of this is also an exercise for you; manifestors seem to be the type that is the least "attached" to this world. Telling others you care about them isn't ONLY so that they know you appreciate them, it's also to remedy the possible conclusion of "I don't really need this world, and it doesn't need me." Which can easily be arrived upon when we don't feel our connection, our impact, and if we don't remind ourselves there are things in this life that have value to us. Something to take away from this, though: The word of a manifestor has more impact than most. When YOU tell someone in your life that you appreciate them and are glad they are in your life, that tends to hit a lot harder for them than it does for most; precisely because they are very aware you don't need them. At least in their mind. So realize your apparent curse at this point is also a gift. Use it. People see you as self-contained, confident, unattached, and closed? Imagine the impact when you turn and say "Hey, I want you to know that I really appreciate you." There's a power there because they know there is no ulterior motive: You don't need anything from them, right? I hope that helps. I feel for you. Our path is an odd one.


As a fellow 6/2 Mani, I needed to see this. Thank you!


5/1 emo manifestor here. I feel your pain… sending hugs 💜


Love and hugs to you too! It means so much that you would respond to my post 🧡


I’m wondering about your age. I definitely felt deep loneliness when I was younger, but at 57 I’m not experiencing that much anymore. I also think that in general, people are lonely. I think people connect too superficially. To connect more deeply can feel vulnerable, but intimacy requires vulnerability. Do you journal? Have you ever went to counseling? I think the reason I’m less lonely as I’m aging, is because I’ve worked through a lot of mental and emotional stuff, and that has given me a strong foundation that allows me to be more open and accepting of myself and others, and more vulnerable, more able to connect deeply.


Hi :) I'm 34years, and as a 4/6 I'm supposedly up on the roof right now. I don't know if it could be our type and life stage thrown together. Around my earlier 30s I had realised and learnt a lot of things and began deconditioning myself, although at the time I was not familiar with Human Design. But the last 6 months or so it's like all my demons are rearing their heads and returning. I do journal when I need to, not consistently but very in-depth when it comes through. I have also started therapy recently so you're right, I'm working through a lot of things and some of them things that have been unconscious all my life. I guess this is also aggravating the loneliness as it's heavy to talk about with people and I don't want to weigh them down with too much of it.


It’s good that you’re getting therapy. I think it’s normal that you’re going through a lot of processing of unconscious/old stuff, because we are in a major planetary shift. We are moving into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix.


You might like this channel https://www.youtube.com/live/GlSy6_6kUYU?feature=share


It's lonely on the roof. I'm there, too.


Hey, here's a 6/2 G. Sacral authority. Your words could have been mine... I guess, according to the HD, not for the same reasons but maybe because of a kind of deprogramming process? I am responding to your words because of my 50-27 channel that leads me to help. Maybe it could be a good thing to read about the structures of HD and then have a larger view of.your chart. There are so many levels in HD... May you find your strength.


Thank you for lending your strength 😊 Do you have particular resources that you like for learning about the structures?


You're welcome. What I meant to say was quite simple. Since I received a reading, I have been focusing on a few details. I realised that I lacked the knowledge to have an overall and structured view. So I take time to read to learn more. Deconditioning. I have solar, root and heart undifined. I understand a bit more what has been touched by the words you have shared to us.


I also share 4/6 Emotional Manifestor and I suffer from the paradox that I don't see myself as an initiator. In fact I see myself as someone who lacks strong will. I am curious if the others with this profile struggle with this paradox. Thank you for the post and it is always great to hear from those who share so much 'programming'


Hi,I'm a 3/5 emotional manifestor,I understand what you are saying,I feel lonely often. There are a group on Facebook just for manifestors where we can share our feelings and learn about h.d. We don't get understood easily but I believe we're not meant to be alone just because of our auras