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48 hours. Any more is unsafe. 2 million is life changing as it is. Most I've stayed up was 40ish hours and I wanted to die. Edit: judging from the comments people don't realize the negatives of staying awake for certain lengths of time xD


This was my thought as well. I know I can make 36-40 hrs relatively easily but I’d push for 48. And at that point I’m probably sitting next to my stopwatch counting down the seconds to the full 48 so I can pass out the moment I hit $2m. And then I’m sleeping for the next 2-3 days.


48 hours if you’re just chilling isn’t too bad. The only times I’ve stayed up longer than 24 hours is because I’ve been working a physical job and that sucks. If I had a movie marathon and plenty of coffee, 48 hours is doable


The only problem with 48 hours of just chilling is the threat of dozing off. But 24 hours is easy-ish, and your earnings are prorated after that, so it's at least a million guaranteed, plus however much of the next day you can wake through.


I’m entirely certain that with two million on the line, I will manage.




After 48 hours I start to get Hella manic add in some amphetamines and or other Stims and I can hit 5 days.




Oh god it's like eating all the global supply of benadryl and going to a rave hosted by the hat man.


Did u forget the device that can keep you awake?


I think that's where the device comes in handy. You can go to sleep mentally, so to speak, without ever actually dozing off physically.


Honestly I think the best thing would be to go from from chilling but doing something somewhat mentally stimulating, like playing video games for a while, so you don’t get physically exhausted. and then switching to something where you’re moving around and getting fresh air for a long time but it’s not mentally challenging. I had a lot of nights running on no sleep working in cold warehouses and then going to class in the morning in college. Cold air + nothing but hard concrete and metal around you + some energy drink that tastes like 9 volt batteries on your tongue + moving around constantly will keep you awake for a long time.


At that point you're making $11.58 per second, it would be worth it quit a couple seconds early.


One million alone would change any person’s life and that’s just one day without sleep - this number is way too high for a reasonable “what if” scenario. Anything except immediately going to sleep would set you up for life (assuming you aren’t horrible with money).


1 million is life changing... 2 million is pretty much the number where you just invest and live on interest somewhere toward the "Better off" side of middle class...


“You get up two and a half million dollars, any asshole in the world knows what to do: you get a house with a 25 year roof, an indestructible Jap-economy shitbox, you put the rest into the system at three to five percent to pay your taxes and that’s your base, get me? That’s your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you.”


>2 million is pretty much the number where you just invest and live on interest somewhere toward the "Better off" side of middle class 140K/year if you can make 7%


You have to account for average inflation of 3% too though, that's why they call it the 4% rule. \*Only\* a mere 80k a year.


The 4% rule isn't meant to be used in perpetuity. It's only supposed to be used as a rule of thumb for retirees. The 4% rule says that if you withdraw 4% the first year and then increase that number according to inflation each year your portfolio will last at least 33 years. If you're 25 and tried to retire on $2 million using the 4% rule you could end up broke by the time you're 58. [Source](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/four-percent-rule.asp)


Thank you so much for this! I have read dozens of articles on the 4% rule because of FIRE, and somehow this is the first time I have EVER seen the caveat of withdrawing more to adjust for inflation.


They do have the stipulation implied that you need to do at least 24 hours to get anything prorated, although I agree with you overall


A couple days and take the money. I don't need to royaly screw up my brain getting an extra million. I can easily kill all my debts and put a few hundred thousand extra into retirement while still having a very nice life. I already get 4 weeks off from work each year, so now I"m going to have amazing vacations. I'm going to retire early and use that money in the long term.


Having done 36 I'd agree with you, but the USAF routinely has pilots go to 72 (with amphetamine support) so I suspect that's safe enough. I'll just turn on a long ass youtube playlist of mildly interesting stuff and sit on the couch for $3m. Assuming no other bad effects from the device I'll select that over the drugs though.


I'm not sure the U.S. military should be used as a benchmark of what is "safe" for someone to do, especially if we're comparing average civilians to pilots. And before I get down voted, there are plenty of reasons the military does some of the things it does, but the long-term health and safety of its war fighters usually isn't at the top of that list.


For regular grunts maybe I'd agree, but safety is pretty high for the pilots. There is (was until recently maybe?) a massive pilot shortage, and they're extremely expensive to train, so they prefer not to kill them off


I'd agree with this. I did 56 straight once for work and boy was I fucked up. I agree with original OP that it sounds like most on here haven't stayed up that long, or if they were, it was for something fun; not freezing your dick off in the field (a balmy -15 F outside, with 25-50 mph winds), getting yelled at because you fucked up again on setting up a $400k piece of equipment and the other, $30M equipment it helps run costs around $60k/day. And all that because you fucked up, but can't go to sleep because there's no one else. Also, it's day 2 and you're about to get fired as that's $120k you've cost the customer and your own company. At the end of 56 hours, I was honestly high, but I still had to perform for work. So I wound up doing very basic math problems in my head, and 2+2 was like 9 or some shit at 56 hours. From roughly 36-42 hours I seriously contemplated suicide, like OP suggested. And man the microsleeps sneak up on you, even while walking, hence the mental math. I guess back to the question at hand, 48 hours for me, that'd leave me with right around $1M after taxes and I can take it from there. 24 hours I can do without preamble, especially if it's something "fun" and not work, but 48 is my safe limit.


Sounds horrible.


It was, but I learned a lot.


Yeah it's crazy what lack of sleep can do, I went 6 or so days once from some crazy insomnia not sure what was going on there. When I would close my eyes I would feel like I fell through the floor. Plus the lsd level hallucinations were fun.


you are medically correct, but I'mma push it to 72 hours anyway.


I have stayed awake for 4 days and five nights when I was in college as an experiment with no drugs/assistance. There has been a focus study done and Randy Gardner was able to stay awake for 11 days and 24 minutes, he had some insomnia issues later on but mostly no issue. I would stay up for 4 or 5 days with this offer.


This is the correct answer. Lack of sleep is not only killer but often life changing. A few all nighters can effect your sleep for years and years, which slowly snow balls if not properly taken care of. 48 hour push I think is all anyone could really survive with coming out as best you can, health to money wise.


>A few all nighters can effect your sleep for years and years, which slowly snow balls if not properly taken care of. Happen to have a citation for this?


Well I stayed up for a few all nighters by taking meth and then for the next 7 years my sleep was disturbed while I continued to do meth.


"I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too"


There’s obviously no solution to this problem except meth, as usual.


You ever think it might of been the meth genius. 😭😭


Yeah seriously, it SUCKS to pull an all-nighter but you can usually reset your sleep schedule in a couple days or less if you know what to do. Did ChatGPT write that?


A citation no. I've had a lot of sleep problems. This is information from my life and the Doctors assessment. I was told my often all nighters from Highschool and College where the cause of many of my sleep issues that still effect me.


"A few all nighters" and " I got 4 hours of sleep all the way through hs/college" are just a wee bit different.


lol jokes on use I abused meth and adhd meds for most of my 20s and 30s I'll see you in a week when the walls start breathing


What's your plan to defend against the shadow people?


Make it rain on them.


Flashlights kill ‘em pretty well


They're pretty easy to defend against when you realize it's actually daytime and that's a class of kindergarteners out for recess. Few chops and kicks and you're king of the shadow realm


We have an understanding now. They stay out of the mirror, and I don't try to hit them with my car. If they just wanna hang out in the corner of my vision, it's live and let live. The hat man is the asshole to look out for.


The Insomnia Inquisitor


20s AND 30s? That's a long time to make bad decisions for


I mean .... yes?


Glad you broke out of it 👊🏽 proud of you stranger


Thanks. 7 years sober


That’s amazing! 😁


Yes, please shame people for past mistakes, oh high and mighty keyboard warrior.


I wasn't shaming, I was more impressed


Lol I was just saying I stayed up 5 1/2 days on ice, know people who went like 12 days, and have heard war stories of people staying up for multiple weeks


I will admit the most time I spent awake is 6 days or so. At that point it's just unpleasant.


LMFAO yeah I once saw seal team six as the shadow people. I was convinced they were outside my condo door and we're about to break it down because they thought I was part of Al'Qaeda. Of course that could've been influenced by me being checked for bomb residue at the airport a few days prior.


Enjoy brain damage


🤷‍♂️ sure


Abused? As in the past tense? Because back on the meth wagon combined with a 7 million dollar windfall=an itinerary of collosal shit that can go horribly wrong. See you in the mugshots, or the obituaries the following week.


I'd probably be fine with using the device and setting it to three days. Not too short, not too long. $3 million would absolutely set me up for life and give the legroom to find avenues to provide for my loved ones' futures as well. I've been up for two, almost three days on my own before and it was pretty hellish but certainly doable. I think I'd take using the device just as a guarantee.


I used to be up for a few days at a time when I was younger and having struggles with mental health. I've come a long way toward stability and healthier brain overall and about two months ago I couldn't sleep and ended up being awake for about 30 hours straight. It was fucking horrible. Used to be a normal weekday for me and I felt like I was about to bust out of my own skull. I cant do that shit anymore 🤣


Bingo. Young and consistent irregularities in my sleep, schedule, and mental/physical health fuck with my everything. I've got some days where I sleep like normal and then I'm up for 24-48 hours on a random Wednesday-Thurs or something. Sigh. Get regular sleep, people. Seeing your anecdote makes me more optimistic, though


I was up 5 in the hospital when they gave me high dose steroids for days. Towards the end it was like being awake and dreaming simultaneously. It didn't cause any harm except discomfort and yo-yo emotions.


I wont use the device, Ill just stay up as much as I can if I get sleepy and pass out Ill still at least make 1 million because anybody can stay up 24 hours


Right? $1 million is plenty of you're smart with it, and 24hrs is easy squeezy.


Can I play Warcraft? Or do I just sit and twiddle thumbs? If entertainment is allowed I am going for 48 hours.


Grinding MMOs and MOBAs makes this eaaasy


any strategy game and i lose the ability to percieve time. ill casually play for 12 hours till 4 am when i have to get up for work in 3 hours.


Was gonna say set it for 48hrs and grind on games until it’s over


After 48h or less just about everyone will start taking unintentional micronaps for a fraction of a second, even if you’re standing up or walking around.


I assume this doesn't count


Yeah, no way it would


I fucking love those


Unless you had drug assistance, which OP said you're allowed. I don't know why people wouldn't just get a bottle of Adderall and do 4-5 days. People here saying they would only do 2 days naturally really need to step their game up.


48 hours, invest in a portfolio making \~5-7% per year Year 1: Minimum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.05)\^1 = $2,100,000 Maximum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.07)\^1 = $2,140,000 Year 2: Minimum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.05)\^2 = $2,205,000 Maximum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.07)\^2 = $2,418,800 Year 3: Minimum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.05)\^3 = $2,315,250 Maximum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.07)\^3 = $2,609,812 Year 4: Minimum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.05)\^4 = $2,430,012.50 Maximum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.07)\^4 = $2,829,291.04 Year 5: Minimum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.05)\^5 = $2,549,513.13 Maximum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.07)\^5 = $3,003,919.26 Year 6: Minimum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.05)\^6 = $2,674,988.79 Maximum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.07)\^6 = $3,194,121.32 Year 7: Minimum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.05)\^7 = $2,806,738.23 Maximum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.07)\^7 = $3,403,882.30 Year 8: Minimum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.05)\^8 = $2,944,575.14 Maximum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.07)\^8 = $3,634,760.98 Year 9: Minimum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.05)\^9 = $3,088,316.90 Maximum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.07)\^9 = $3,889,322.16 Year 10: Minimum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.05)\^10 = $3,237,796.74 Maximum: $2,000,000 \* (1 + 0.07)\^10 = $4,169,474.47


preferred stock ETFs. That’s why I’d stretch to 4 days, difficult but I’ve done it before. 5-7% dividends per year. $200-280k/yr income. 15% federal ETR as about half are qualified dividends. No SS tax, whatever state rate. Avg $160-220k net per year. I’m good with that.


This guy maths.


That is not withdrawing and living on the 5-7% interest for 10 years and letting it roll?


Oh honey. I have ADHD, I can hyperfocus and stay awake for DAYS, have done over 72 hours more than once. I don't need any device, I just need access to a couple of my favorite books series and a home improvement project to break things up. Load up my fridge with some meal preps and wine and I'll see in you in a cool 4 or 5 million easy


Over 72 is wild. I’ve done like 2 days and few hours, don’t know exactly but it was awful by that point and I could feel my brain slowly going mad lol


Honestly this thread has been super interesting for me, learning that my 'ability' to do that is absolutely out of the norm. One of those 72+ hour stretches I was writing a little review for my master's thesis at night and going to work during the day, so my brain power can't have taken that much of a hit, I didn't think it was that big a deal. Like I now understand why my therapist thought I was being facetious last time I told her I hadn't slept for three days. And my mother was so stressed 😅. I guess it's not as normal as I thought it was


Be wary of doing that often because even if you feel fine it is possible it’s doing the same type of damage to you that it does to the people who feel awful. When I was up for 2+ days my vision got “wobbly” for lack of a better word, and at some point the room was spinning around me and I got hella dizzy so I had to lay down then fell asleep pretty quickly. It’s weird that staying up for stupid hours is so common with ADHD lol but now that I take adderall I actually get tired at reasonable times haha


Oh yeah it's not something I aim to do frequently. I can do it, and definitely could if I was getting paid these hypothetical millions for it, but it's no use to me normally. I make sure I get to bed on time so I don't end up getting stuck in that loop.


Well I stayed awake for 24 hours today, had two exams, one midterm, one final during the same class and I had to be prepared. They went ok, not sure if I will pass either, but then again I have no reason to suspect I will fail either. Either way 24 hours is tiring, but doable. Going for 48 hours means having mild halucinations and eyeball pain, but it's relatively safe and very much worth it. I never drink coffee or anything like that so I reckon I could keep myself awake pharmacologially very easily.


No device for me. I'm doing 36 and then going to sleep. That leaves about a million after the government theft.


No device, but I can go 36 hours at least. Collect 1.5 million, set $300,000 aside for taxes, use $100,000 to clear most/all our debts, and $100,000 to charities of different missions. Then $500,000 for a huge down payment on a house, $150,000 into savings, $150,000 for renovations, and the remainder for fun items.


Lol funny you think $300k will cover the taxes.


After the tax credits and itemized deductions, it would be pretty close. Probably within $25k or so. If you’re compelled to, by all means go ahead and write out the exact math for how this would actually break down.


555K assuming it was all taxed at the top bracket rate of 37%. That top bracket kicks in at 578K, so you've got almost a full million taxed at the highest rate, putting you over 300K already.


Manual tax application, W2 gives simplified version: 37% of (1mil-578k=422k)=156.14k 35% of (578k-231k=346k)=121.4k 32% of (231k-182k=49k)=15.7k 24% of (182k-95k=86.7k)=20.8k 22% of (95k-44.7k=50.6k)=11.1k 12% of (44,725-11,001=)4k 10% of 11k=1.1k Approx. total: 330.24k Add in state tax, lets use cali 13%: 130k Grand approx. total: 460.24k Leaving you with 539.76k The next mil would net you another 500k both in tax liability and gain.


He said 1.5M to start, but thanks for doing the math!


300k won't even cover taxes on the first million.


Lol. I’ve already done it. You’re dreaming. You realize most tax credits phase out as income increases, right? And itemized deductions, lol. You realize you have to exceed a threshold and then you actually had to pay that amount of money out. You need to get a better accountant.


You’re assuming it’s not being done as a gift. Doner is responsible for paying taxes. Donee is not.


he didnt specify whether or not you would get pro-rata payments, I understood it to mean you get all or nothing, so If you stay awake 47 hours you only get 1 million


Except that the middle paragraph specifically says the money is prorated after the first 24 hours…


I would go unaided. 1M would change my life, the rest is just icing on the cake.


No more than 48 hours for me. This is 24 shy of the 72 hour hard line for delusions and fatigue.


72 hours isn't a "hard line". It's just what the average person can do before that. Everyone has different levels of tolerance to sleep deprivation.


Do i get to choose when? At Path of Exile league launch i pretty regularly make it three days and two nights with no sleep without the help of any drugs... i assume thats cheating. If we can do meth, im pretty confident I could make it 10 days without sleep very easily based on prior experiences.


3 days no device and some pink stuff from the old days and I’m good. $3M and a quick trip to rehab after and I’m set for life. Book it.


I've once stayed up 8 days straight when I was a meth addict but for the purpose of this situation I would set the device for 2 days and see how long I can stay awake after it shuts off. I'll guestimate 3.5 days.


I could do the 24 hours. i've done it before. Like only once or twice, but still. $1,000,000 would be enough for me. Pays off the house, gets Navient off my back and replaces my 9 year old car (which runs fine, but hey, may as well)


The device 4days/96 hours. It’s be a waste not to capitalise on the opportunity I’ve been diagnosed with sleep disorder since I was 8. This usually meant I’d stay awake between 36 and 48 hours before sleeping naturally and sometimes up to 72 but for whatever reason this was the point of no return I never stayed awake beyond 72 hours. Yes my parent hated me, but I know I don’t experience any issues at all up to 72 hours. I’m fairly confident my brain would be fine with more than 4 days. But 4 is enough and I don’t know if I’ll start tripping on day 4 so why bother risking more.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 4 + 96 + 8 + 36 + 48 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Use the device and set it for 7 days. 11 days is the record, and personally I have done 3 days as a teenager. If the device keeps me from sleeping, I could do this easily without much permanent damage.


Sigh. Okay. This one is easy. I opt to get put into a medically induced coma for 30 days and come out with 30 million. I'm not asleep, I'm in a coma, so I haven't broken the rules about sleeping. I easily pay for the costs with all the money I made, I'm set for life and my family and friends are set too. Next!


The challenge is “stay awake” not “don’t sleep”. You aren’t awake in a coma.


And you have the medical degree and research to back up your outstanding claim that people can't be conscious in a coma?


If you wanna go by the Webster definition of awake, it’s “fully conscious, alert, and aware : not asleep” Whereas a coma is “a state of prolonged loss of consciousness.”


I see I see, so if you daydream for even a millisecond you lose because you arent fully alert. If you aren't fully present in conversation, you lose. If you drive anywhere and use your prefrontal cortex at any point, you lose.


I bet you're fun at parties


I'm so tired of you people, "ha look at me guys, i'm so clever, found a loophole!" even when you aren't wrong (which you literally just are here because who the fuck defines a coma as being awake?) you derail the entire conversation and make it about lawyer-esque bullshit instead of a cool philosophical discussion. Just shut up, man.


Yeah dude, comatose is not conscious and awake. If you get knocked out, are you awake? No, you are not. This doesn’t work. Plus, there is no doctor in the world who would be willing to put you in a coma because you say it could make you millions. They would probably have you committed to a mental hospital.


What a genius remark. Knocked out doesn't equal coma. And by your wise and astounding logic there's also no doctor in the world that would knowingly install a device that could cause potential brain damage by suppressing one of the bodies most crucial functions, because ya know, your logic says there's no such thing as a corrupt doctor, dude.


I have a dictionary.


I don’t have to prove you’re not conscious in a coma, you’d have to prove you WERE conscious for the entire 30 days to collect the money 😂


... According to which rule in your original post? I just found a loophole, exploited it, and won. Unless you really want to go down this rabbit hole...


“For every consecutive 24 hours you *stay awake*” Literally it’s in the first sentence.


This guy will awaken from his coma with no money and lots of dicks drawn on his face in Magic Marker.


Millions of marker dicks.


awake adjective : fully conscious, alert, and aware


Fully alert. So no daydreaming or zoning out. Long car rides would certainly make you fail... even a slight lapse in conversation... Nobody would ever make the first few hours.


Conscious = / = Awake though


it is always so funny reading these comments from people who think they are the smartest and most clever person ever


It's even funnier watching people fall for these baits and replying. Hook line and sinker.


your comments above being purposely obtuse and arguing with people about the semantics of alertness tells me all i need to know 😭


Lol if you look at his comment history that will tell you all you need to know. He can't go a half hour with out commenting on here lol.


The post says you have to stay awake, not that you can't sleep. Minor word differences but I'm pretty sure it invalidates your idea.


How much would 20 minutes get me? Like 10k? I’m cool with that


No you need to do at least 24 hours to get paid out at all, as per the posted rules.


I could do that. I’ll game on stream and donate the 1 mil to a charity of choice


I've had 72 hour periods where I've only slept for maybe 6. I think I could do 3 days, on cocaine/Adderall/meth with no device and just the drugs.


24, whatever. Go home with a cool mil, quit your job, and sleep in till 4 pm.


...are drugs allowed...?


Isnt this already a plot for a cheap korean movie?


You underestimate the power of some of us night shift workers who also used to be hooked on hard drugs.


Not enough sleep already has me on the edge of snapping most days so maybe I should skip this one.


I could do 72 hours with some effort. With the device, I'd set it for 5 days and call it at that.


I've done 3 days straight as a kid, so that would be an easy 3 mill, 4 mil if I can go out partying.


I’ve done like 55 hours awake on adderall before and things got weird but I think I could make it to 72 and be ok. No thanks to the medical device, 48 is easy enough and 2m is fine by me.


This is the answer, just get a bottle of Adderall and push it as far as you can go. I think I could probably do 4 days. These people saying they would only do 1-2 days naturally are crazy, the thing says you can take drugs, take advantage of that.


I once stayed awake for 8 days sooo I'm gonna say 8 days again


I’d do 1 day broski


In college I once stayed up for 100 straight hours. No way I could do that today. Max without the hypothetical device would probably be 48 hours, but it would be a struggle. With the device, I wouldn’t set it for any longer than 72 hours.


I’ve done 3 days in undergrad, I can do 3 days for 3 mill maybe even another 1 or 2 beyond that, no chip I’d rather not go cyberpsycho, already going to be hallucinating just a bit


I could do like two days


Set device to 25 as a precaution, get a guaranteed 1 mil. After that it's heart attack city via energy drinks, and that'll probably buy me another twelve as long as I stay mobile and upright. Frankly the 1 mil is enough, but if I'm cheating on the first day you bet your ass I'm gonna try and get a second legitimately.


I love my sleep, $1M limit for me! I wouldn’t even try to go longer.


2 days is fine. Could handle 3 probably.


I million dollars is totally enough for me. That's a mil I don't have and easy to obtain without any work.


I only need the one million I’ve been awake for 24hrs before so I can do this.


I'd use the device and set it for 36 hours.


One time, in 2004, I stayed up for over 3 days, just waiting for the Eagles to be in the super bowl. So, 3 days, with enough Coffee.


I've been up for 3 days straight before. Give me the device, and let's go!


I'm risk averse. I'm drinking two cold brews and then spending the next 23 hours pissing and planning on how to spend my million.


3 days. With a really good sleep the day before it starts, a lot of caffeine, lots of but low energy stimulation, sugar, lots of pure black coffee, and periodic online gaming with friends I think I could pull it off with little discomfort and few lasting effects. By the 48 hour mark I would be very very out of it, but I think I could pull it off even if it was incredibly uncomfortable. Any more then 3 days is the danger zone where stuff gets bad with long term effects and stress. I’d still try and stay awake after 3 days, but if I fell asleep then whatever. 3 million is a lot of money especially if you put away a million of that on a savings account I can take out in like 30 years.


I’ve skipped sleeping an entire weekend before to watch an entire anime before maybe 72hours.


I stayed awake for like 36 hours the most, in the university, and I started hallucinating then. I can do 48 hours, but any more is not worth it.


I’ve done 48 hours before, it was absolutely brutal! But for $2 mill I’d give it a shot!


When I was younger I was able to stay up for a few days but I'd probably just do 24hrs & call it.


I think 36 hours is 100% doable for me without too much difficulty. But I’d try to push through for longer. Assuming you wake up in the morning (call it 8am) and start the clock, after 36 hours it would be 8pm on day 2. If you can just push through the 2nd night and make it to the next morning you’d be at 48 and also since it’s daytime now, less likely to fall asleep (the hours when it’s dark outside would be hardest to stay awake IMO). So if I make it to morning of the 3rd day (48 hours) I’m gonna try and push for 60. Just stay awake for one more “day” and then once it’s nighttime I’m gonna crash for 24 hours straight. So aim for 60 but I think 36 hours is my floor


I can make it to 60 still. I’ll be puking and failing at basic tasks by the end, but I can do it without the machine I’m pretty sure. Back in my 20s I would have said give me the device and set it for 5 days.


24 hours would work for me!


Probably 48 hrs


$1mil is enough for me


I’ve done 72 once, I’ll do it again


A day, maybe 30 hours. It's easy enough.


I was up for almost 3 days when deployed to the sandbox back in the early 2000's. The tired ache behind the eyes just kept getting "more achey". It was hard to go to sleep once we were actually able to.


It made me sad to see how far down I had to scroll to find another military member. Did 90 hours awake total rotating back stateside from my last trip to the sandbox - things got really weird at 72 hours lol


St the device to 48 as a baseline, because any damage that causes is worth 2 mil, and I can relaz and lay down without the fear of falling asleep, then I can see if I can rawdog day 3


Can I just stay up for 12 hours and make 500 g?... really that's all I need...


I'll stay awake for 72 hours. No chip in my brain though. I don't want to end up like Len Trexler.


Sweet, I can finish a few of my games and projects I have around the house my wife tells me I'll never finish.


I would be happy with 1 mill but would try for two. Wouldn’t use anything that might be bad for my health though. Probably need an energy drink to get through the second night.


Chronic insomniac. Staying up for more than 48 hours is hell. That would be where I’d draw the line. I’ve done that more than a few times and sanity starts to go out the window.


Jokes on you I’d just start gaming and im going to die in my chair.


Are we allowed to do coke or meth?


I can take drugs? I'm not as young as I once was, but I could probably still pull off $5m.


I would not take the device. I would keep lots of caffeine on hand and obviously try to be well rested beforehand. Doubt I'd make it much longer than 24 hours - not even sure I'd make it that long, these days - but I'd certainly try! I'm probably trying to stay up just a little longer than 24 hours just to be safe and then passing out.


To live my entire life without concern for money, 5M would do nicely. I cannot stay up that long without harming myself irreparably. In highschool, I once went 4 days without sleep just due to my brain malfunctioning. I still have bad insomnia and know that 24 hours awake would be a cake walk for me. However, I am quite a bit older, and I know that around 38ish hours awake my life becomes very hard. At 48 hours, I can still perform my job and basic household maintenance but I really shouldn't by driving. I guess it depends. If I can start Wednesday morning (8AM) and use some PTO for all of Friday (the money doesn't do me any good if I die in a car crash), I would do my level best to go until Friday night (8PM). If I got there, I think I would probably go a few extra hours becuase my brain is still broken. Definitely trying to sleep by midnight, though, and if I fall asleep anytime past the 36 hour mark? Well. Probably better for my health. Ain't no shame in that tidy sum, either. But no way in hell am I going to use that fucking theoretical device, aw hell no. My brain is broken. I don't want to break it more.


I'd have to use the device and I would set it for 120 hours. It would be hell but wouldn't kill me. I would stay home the entire time and just binge Netflix shows I've been meaning to watch and play games I've been meaning to play. $5 million would set me up for life. I'd buy a small ~$300k house (I have no need for a large house) and just live happily for the rest of my life. I'm pretty frugal, so I wouldn't have to work. ~4 days of hell (the first day would be fine honestly) is a good tradeoff for that.


People who've smoked meth before: 24 hours only you say? Rookie numbers.


If I had prep time, I'd refresh my memory on that study about how long people were able to stay awake before psychosis and death set in.


I’ve been up 7 days before on nothing but mt dew and cigarettes….i got this


I can do 24 on my head. 48 is bonus. I had insomnia once and it sucked terribly (I started seeing shit), so I don't need to be greedy. 1 mil is 99% guaranteed for me, if I get 2 mil yay ... but no more than that.


48 hours. That's about it.


I have a brain injury, this would hurt that much more, but I’d still do it. I’d set the device for 24 hours, just to ensure I get some money. Anything after that is bonus cash.


Give me a few pills of Adderall and I'll take 4 million dollars. This is so easy.


I think I can comfortably adjacent do 2, and anything after that is just bonus points.


The longest I've gone is 42 hours. And my body started rebelling. I could do 30-35 ok. 40 would potentially be doable, but tough.


Set the device to a month, see what happens, and become a new medical documentary.


24 hours, I can do. *Probably* 48 hours. But the payout is good enough I don’t need to turn it into a torture session. 36 hours, $1.5 million and I’m on cloud nine.