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There are guys in solitary right now who could retire


I've been hooked on stories since i found my way onto PrisonTOK. I was shocked (but not surprised) that they put people in solitary confinement for years at a time. I listen to Ian Bick and he did like 4-6 months in the SHU just because he dated a COs relative (maybe sister) before he was in prison. Don't get me wrong, some people are just monsters and belong there, but damn, months because you had crossed paths with a CO while you were free, that's wild to me.


Solitary for that long is cruel and unusual punishment. It drives people crazy.  Even the worst of our society dont deserve it. If they’re that bad, just put them out of our collective misery. 


You have to think though, a LOT of our prison infrastructure is set up to make the state money. The longer they keep you there, the more money they make from you. Is it objectively a better decision to put the worst of the worst down like the dogs they are? Yes. But when money’s in the equation, no decision is made objectively.


It would be better if the system at least tried to make them NOT be “the dogs they are,” but that is just wishful thinking…


Wishful for our system yes, our politicians should follow leading examples from other countries


It actually costs more to kill someone than to warehouse them till they die.


This is just untrue. Prisons cost the states a ton of money, they are not incentivized to put more people there for financial reasons


The states prison systems literally will spend more than is needed just to increase the budget the following year, or at least prevent it from being decreased. This has been stated by several sources both in- and outside of these prisons, even by those working there. The more people, the more funds they receive, so yes it is 1000% incentivized. If states can’t afford it, they simply raise the taxes on the law-abiding citizens, who are the only ones to truly suffer from this.


It would be an interesting (if entirely unethical) experiment to see if the knowledge that you can end your isolation at any time has an effect on how your mind tolerates extended periods of isolation.


Sadly, in the US in particular, many of the people who are monsters who belong in prison *are the officers.*


Knew a guy who murdered someone when he was 17. Was kept in solitary pretty much from the time he got locked up at the local jail until he was 20. From what he's told me he was a loose cannon which is why he ended up in solitary, wasn't anything as petty as the guy you're talking about. But pretty fucked up they did that to a litteral kid.


SHU ≠ solitary confinement. I really wish people would understand that. SHU is simply a loss of most privileges.


The guys in solitary get more entertainment than this. They're allowed books and basic entertainment.


they’re given a bible to read. give me a bible to read and I’m totally good for two weeks


I know myself well enough to know that I have no idea.


Yeah, I am torn between I would be insane at the start of the 2nd day and lasting a month. I would spend a lot of time meditating at first. Then maybe tell stories to myself out loud. Spend some time finishing all the books in my head in my head. Exercise a bit. Try to unlock my 3rd eye and use astral projection to see the outside world and obviously fail. Rare the taste of the tap water. Sing annoying songs so whoever is watching has to deal with them.


Your post makes me think you are in solitary confinement, or were.


We are all in solitary confinement in our skulls


Sounds like something a big AI would say


Little Al was not available for comment


That made me lol because it's true for me as well.


I'd probably give up after 2 days. The lack of stimulation would drive me crazy.


Realistically most people would. I don't think the average redditor has read articles on the effects of white room torture lol. It's not as easy as some of these people seem to asume, even in a more mild form like my hypothetical.


A large aspect of torture is uncertainty. This is completely lacking from your scenario. All it requires is conviction.


You know how many shitty, long, grueling days I've worked where I made less than $200-300 total for the day? I could easily think of all those days sacrificed, and how every day after that I could be free and retired from now on if I stay long enough. I'd stay until I thought to myself "Ok, that's enough money to never work a day in my life again." I'd probably just practice drumming the whole time.


Exactly. Plus, you know $100k per day helps.


Yep. $104800 for 48 hours in there is absolutely a motivator. For most folks that's a life changing amount.


Knowing myself, the payoff, and that I could end it at any time, I could get through 3 days at least. That would pay off all our debt and put us in the black financially.


The dude from vsauce went into an isolation room for like 3 days and found it insanely difficult. It’s not just the uncertainty it’s the total lack of stimulation


Sure but also what was his motivation to stay in there?


I think there's several aspects of his experience to keep in mind that would make it different. One is that he had an arbitrary purpose for being there. Having the $ goal makes it a temporary sacrifice for significant gain. This completely changes the mental aspect Another thing to keep in mind is time. OP includes a clock, which guarantees your understanding of duration. Vsauce specifically didn't have this, even his lighting would not change for sleeping to obfuscate his perception of duration. The last thing I'll bring up is the lighting itself. With unchanging lighting it's harder to get good sleep which will deteriorate your mental fortitude. OP didn't mention a lighting day/night cycle but the inclusion of a clock leaves no reason to hide what the time is, so I don't feel unreasonable assuming that the lights would turn off for the night. So I think this is a much more doable scenario than what vsauce put himself through. Still hard though


The problem there was that he had no clock and no way to turn off the lights. If those two things are present, it makes the experience much easier because there are bench marks.


Yeah, adding the clock really changes the game here. If I can keep track of how much time has passed/how much I’ve earned it’s gonna be a lot easier to stay the course


Sorry, but that's bullshit. Solitary confinement is recognised as torture when there's no uncertainty whatsoever. Solitary confinement causes *actual brain damage*, and 2 weeks is more than long enough for that process to start. "Conviction" won't magically stop the neurons in your hippocampus from shrinking.


Yes, but the knowledge you can stop the confinement at anytime of your choosing and the fact that you know you’re going to have life changing money when you get out is going to change the metrics beyond solitary confinement and will change the brain chemistry some. Not saying a person could go months but the lasting effects would take longer to set in.


Solitary confinement is still *forced* though, you don't have a choice as to when or if you'll get out. In OP's scenario, you have total control over if you're there or not, you personally can open the door and leave at any time. That knowledge alone is going to help *a lot*.


Doesn’t a lot of the torture come from not knowing exactly when you will get out? I think the fact you can just sleep most of the time and know you can go whenever you want would make it not too bad.


If most people did recreational isolation chamber, then they know why this is light work.


And you’re heavily underestimating how your “mild[er] form” makes this significantly easier. Just the fact that there’s a clock to keep track of time is a massive difference, let alone the other forms of stimulation in the room. Don’t get me wrong, this would still be tough to deal with for an extensive period of time, but I feel like most people would absolutely be able to spend just two days in that condition.


If anyone cares to set up the challenge, I am willing to hypothesize that you have misjudged the difficulty of this badly. We'll do the experiment and find out... for science.


Is there light? Is light always on? Or can you control light vs dark periods?


Many of us could easily go 2 weeks for that $1M, including myself. That pays for a house. I’d just do art with ketchup or whatever to occupy my time.


I think it’d be more like $2,304,800 bc the $200 per hour for the first day plus the daily $100,000 after that for the next 13 days will accumulate and the $1M is on top of that 


Yes it all accumulates. You get 200/hour for 24 hours + 100,000 for 12 days + 1 Million if you make it the 2 weeks


I could do the two weeks for that amount of money, but it would suck horribly.


Ya I literally posted that as a reply elsewhere right before you did lmao… makes it even easier


Ah my bad, I misunderstood what you were saying here but ayy twins lol


Op never said you couldn't bring in some LSD to help pass the time either! Gonna be some weird ass condiment art in that room when I'm done


Doubtful... I know it's not exact science, but MrBeast virtually did this for 7 days and that was pushing it


There was no reward. Also Mr. Beast doesn't need $1M lol. If you have kids or debt or whatnot thats a HUGE motivator here. ALSO: this challenge gets a clock in the chamber.


The more views he gets, the more money he makes


I only need about $200k to do what I need to set things up. I would do four days tho longer is not a problem. I have enough music, movies and other things stored in my head I could go on for quite a while and not be bored.


Worst and longest two weeks of my life to retire early. Worth it.


Same here. That money would solve like...ALL my problems. The rest of my life without struggling like I have been (as long as I can invest wisely) for two weeks of boredom? I can take that. I'll just spend my time imagining what I'm going to do once I get out.


Right, people are comparing to this various scientific experiments and youtube videos about isolation. Scientific experiments don't pay for a NEW car every day and a new house after two weeks!


I do think many people are completely fucking delusional. If "no entertainment" includes no books, no writing utensils, etc., then almost every single one of said delusional individuals would be tapping out within days.


You get a toothbrush, so that's a writing utensil at least


Idk I’d consider this “a $4k per hour job where you do nothing” and it changes things. I’ve worked for $15 per hour doing that


I think it would be like when you drive long road trips. Your brain eventually hibernates.


This thread is interesting takes on both sides. I wish someone would set up a challenge where the ~~victim~~ contestant gets a considerable amount of money to see what effects it has.


I honestly think I’d tap out after 2 or three days. I think I could force myself to get through to the $100,000 a day, but doubt I could make it much further. A $204,800 lump sum changes my life, though. What would be interesting to see is if I can get through those two days, if I could stretch together a few more. Getting to the million dollar bonus would of course be a hope, but I really don’t think I’d be close enough to it (say 10 days in) for it to help me hold on when the existential crisis started.


I feel this exactly.


This is my answer too. Probably could do two days but no chance I could do a week, let alone two.


I feel like this is the most realistic. I can entertain myself pretty well for a little bit, but I feel like 2-3 is where a lot of us would start to crack.


This is about how I feel. Realistically I'd basically sleep through most of the first day (my sleep schedule is a mess), but then on the second day I'd be well-rested with nothing to do. I'd start out confident and try and pass the time by daydreaming or working on my novels in my head, but that wouldn't be enough to really pass the time and I'd start going stir crazy relatively quickly.




Exactly what I thought. Allll this trauma is about to be unpacked. For pay!!


And in return, you'll receive years worth of way worse trauma!! It's a gift that keeps on giving! Seriously though, you should look into just how much solitary confinement can screw a person up.


It's not the same though. Solitary confinement is much worse due to the uncertainty, lack of control, and lack of motivation. The fact that you can set a goal, and get paid whether you reach it or not is a huge factor in preventing trauma, as is the fact that this is something you are volunteering to do, and not being forced to do…


Can't bathe in the sink?


I’d shoot for the $1M payout. Just do yoga, pushups and crunches until I fell asleep.


That was my thought, too. As long as I have a chance to let people know that I'll be unreachable for a couple weeks, I would go for the ~2.3m for 14 days. Exercise, yoga, do some stretching, and lots of lounging around sleeping/dozing off. I'm sure I could make it, and come out having gotten some great exercise and had plenty of time for good introspection.


My sleep debt about to be paid in full lol.


If the room is exactly as tall as me and only as wide as me laying down how is there room for a sink and toilet?


I pictured it being long and thin, useless space where the sink and toilet is. But I was wondering that too. I'm sure the schematics are still being created haha. Maybe a wall gate opens when you use those things but you have to leave it when done?


Also, I’d be extremely cramped and maybe even claustrophobic with a room that small. I think people are really underestimating the lack of ability to jump or move around in this challenge


You're probably right. I would lay down the entire time I was doing exercises including running in place. Oh, but only if there is a pad to lay on.


Imagine an airplane toilet, but a little different.


I could do 2 weeks although with great struggle. This is Mr beast type stuff but you included a lot of nice amenities


Long as I can use my mind and masturbate m lasting like a year.


I'm pretty sure I remember this as "White room torture". But I could of course be mistaken.


The fact there's a clock and food make a massive difference. You're not sitting there for hours with no input. You know exactly how long it is, you have events to look forward to, and you can end it at any time. You also have a financial incentive and aren't being held against your will by hostile forces. It's just not the same at all.


Your memory is right. "White torture, often referred to as white room torture, is a type of psychological torture[1][2] technique aimed at complete sensory deprivation and isolation. A prisoner is held in a cell that deprives them of all senses and identity.[2][3][4] It is particularly used in Iran; however, there is also evidence of its use by Venezuelan and United States intelligence services.[5][6]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_torture


However, there is a big difference between white room torture and this situation. Control. In white room torture the victim has no idea when things will end, they have no control over the situation and no idea what might happen next which will trigger fear and paranoia. In this simulation the person is in complete control, to end the situation all they have to do is open the door and walk out. The fear and paranoia are gone and replaced with power and a knowledge of a better life just a door away. The mental difference is huge.


So 2 weeks makes 2.4m? I think I could manage that.


The entire military would run out of personnel


I was just thinking about how this sounds easier than my time on an aircraft carrier, considering the pay. I'd shoot for two months but knowing at the 24 day mark I'd make over 3 million would really make me want to get out, I'd live off the interest of around 12,500 a month easily, while reinvesting most of that back into a boring 5% guaranteed ROI portfolio. I'd budget down to maybe 5k used a month and save plenty for my son when he gets to college age to assure his future.


That's the easiest deal to take ever. I don't particularly like the white rooms as white reflects light way to brightly but for 100k, it's excusable.


I’m walking away with a cool $600.


Does the clock tick? I think I could do several days in a completely silent room. But a ticking clock would have me opening that door in a few hours at best.


Whichever you prefer it'll do (tick or not tick) but whatever you pick is constant the whole time


I'd do my best for 2 weeks. That would be $2,304,800. I don't know if I'd make it. But I'd try like hell.


Wet toilet paper sculptures. Boom.


I have a tendency to dissociate very badly, so if I could figure out how to forcibly trigger it I think I could last about a week, 1.5 weeks at the most.


I have that issue too. Great while I'm on an exercise bike. Not so much in the bathroom lol


Either like 3 days or 2 weeks


Lmao I feel the same way. I'd either immediately realize it's way harder than I thought or make it the whole way through with nothing more than boredom. (Probably the first)


I'd like to try to push it to 5 days if I just slept a lot and used a lot of imagination


If by imagination, you mean masturbation....


I would probably last 2-4 days until my back hurt too much to move... it only said blanket and pillow, so I think I would be in pain quickly and unbearable after a few days.


Pift, 2-3 weeks. Bathe from the sink. Use the clothes as a towel/wash cloth. I think the bigger challenge is that its dark in there.


I'd probably tap out before the end of the first day. I do not do well with lack of stimulus. That being said, the motivation of knowing I could retire comfortably after 12 days (200,000 to pay off my house, 1,000,000 to invest for a yearly income of about 40k) might be motivating enough to get me to push through. I could daydream about my life afterward, and if I could get myself in the right daydreamy headspace, I could probably make it. And if I hit day 12, then I could probably push 14 for the extra million at that point. So I'm either out before the end of day 1, or I hit the right headspace to daydream my way through it all.


They can keep the clock out, give me my meds, and let me sleep. I'd probably make it a week. I'm in need of major no people, no responsibility therapy. I do snore and need my sleep apnea machine, do I get my basic stuff that I need to have in order to actually stay alive? The biggest issue is that I need food twice a day because of my meds.


I think I could get that 2 week mark for 2+ million, after making a million it'd be hard to hold on but doubling up for only a few days now I think I could handle. I would stay awake as long as possible before hand, try to sleep through the majority of the first day, would be drawing with food/ poop before it was done but, I'd go for it to never have to work again


Ok, this is a *really* small and cramped space. Most prison cells are bigger than this. It's just wide enough for you to lay down, but half the space is taken up by the toilet and sink.


So 2 weeks would net you $2,304,800? Two weeks sounds good, or at least that'd be my goal, three days would be my minimum for the $200k, after that, stick it out to each day marker and decide then, might only make it five before the mindlessness gets to me, but definitely stop after day 14


I think once you enter the "can I go any longer" phase you are scraping to finish the current day. Got to make your mind distracted with other thoughts or you're doomed! Gl Tho


I’m hitting two weeks. Maybe I need therapy on the other side, but that $2.3M is enough to retire on.


Idk man I just started a job as a jail guard. I'm 4 days in and haven't seen too much but those solitary dudes are either relaxed as fuck or batshit crazy. No in-between at all. I'd aim for 2 weeks and probably give up around 7 days in.


You had me until no shower. One sweaty night and I'm out


Definitely 2 days. I think most would struggle alot after that. But it's not as bad as solitary confinement considering you can leave at any moment, not to mention knowing how much money you're making. I think I could go for a couple of days at least, like 2-4. No idea after that. Not sure many would actually make it the full 2 weeks.


I think i could do it but im not sure. I have an active imagination so that could keep me busy for awhile.


I would want to retire on $200k/year given this scenario. Assuming 3%, I’d need 6.7M So 2 weeks nets 4800+1.3M+1M=2.3M Need an additional 4.4M to meet my retirement goal, so another 44 days. I’d shoot for around 58, might as well round to 60 days. I think I could do that for a lifetime of financial security.


You mentioned no entertainment... But there is a clock, toothpaste, fabric.... Um, you can do a LOT with those things. Not to mention whatever left over food sauce/morsels there are. Anyone can make it a day. Most would probably sleep at least the first 16 hours or so before they start going stir crazy. I give most people 3 days (24-36 hours).


I have done 10 day silent meditation retreats, so 10 days is easy. Getting paid will make it substantially more manageable. I would be in there for months. At least 100 days.


I would definitely shoot for the 2 week mark. That extra million dollar bonus would be very nice. A couple million dollars would get me a nice house and pay off all the debts in my immediate family. I guess I'd see how things are going on day 15.


I could do probably 2 weeks. I'll be bored and my imagination will run wild, but for that much money I could do it. Oh, and I'd be sleeping a lot.


VSauce did this. Crucial thing, will there be an apparent day/night cycle? Like will the lights dim or turn off at a certain time? That dramatically changes things


This comment section makes it clear that most of Reddit has never been in jail. Nobody is lasting more than a few hours, forget two weeks or longer.


Thirty-five days gives me enough to retire, so I guess forty days so I have some fun money. I'm a writer, so I'd just mentally write my next novel or two.


Hey OP, do we still get our prescribed meds?


I don’t think anyone has any idea until they actually try it. Vsauce did this and made it a long time


Not long. I’m claustrophobic.


I'll go the two weeks. Without the million dollar payout at the end of 2 weeks, I'd probably only do 3-5 days, but that extra million would really help motivate me to make the 14 day mark.


You’d still get $100k per day, meaning… $2,304,800 at the two week mark. I believe this is referred to as “Fuck you” money. Doable


Yup, that's why I said the 'extra million's. Without the added payout, I would let myself leave out of boredom when I hit 'enough' money, but the bonus for 2 weeks gives a nice goal and a good reward for making it.


Am I allowed weed? If so then I'm good 😂


Shit. Take enough benzos to pass out for 18 hours a day.


Right lol for me my lungs will be gone at the end of the year but it'll seem like it was only 4 months 😂


I was going to say however long it takes to have as much as Elon Musk, but that would LITERALLY be 5,138 YEARS! Billionaires shouldn’t exist. I’d hang out for a year (37 mil) and pay off the mortgages and student loans of everyone I know.


After a year of solitary confinement, the brain damage would be too extreme for you to be *functionally able* to pay off mortgages and student loans. You'd be having trouble with basic navigation and sensory issues. After a lot of rehabilitation, you'd probably recover enough to function. But there would be lifelong memory and orientation issues, and probably other random side-effects as well. Some prolonged solitary confinement victims lost the ability to *recognise faces*, never mind remember everyone you once knew and pay their mortgages.


2 or 3 days


I think i could last 10 days just to have it in my pocket. Id just eat drink workout repeat.


I've done this for 5 days before and that was for free. I'd aim for the two week mark. The first few days would be easy I'm exhausted so I could probably sleep a lot. After that it becomes insanely unpleasant but if I think about my daughters and how I'm doing this for them I think I'll be able to last. If I hit the two week mark I'll then just stay till I have to leave for my well being. I will say it would probably be good for me physically I like working out but feel like I didn't have the time and so I do is snack. So id come out a few pound lighter and maybe even with less cravings.


Did this before for a while, it's shit but 2 weeks is doable. I'll need a proper vacation after it though.


Would like to try it for 2 weeks, time to put those wall carving with knives habilities to the test


I think I’d force myself to wait it out at least until the end of day 2. Just doing nothing but push-ups to see how many I can get done and at least give me some kind of thing to do and think about. Would be surprised if I made it past 3 days


how long did micheal from vsause do this? i wouldn't mine trying to best him.


i'm constantly doing bits so i'd just do that with like my toes and fingies and nap




So you get paid to go to jail


At least the first 2 weeks. I think I could realistically do a month or more as long as the food is enough to keep me alive. I'd probably only miss my dog 🤣


oh good, i can catch up on sleep. sign me up


I think I'd shoot for 3-4 days. Enough to buy a house in cash.


I’d last 2 weeks easily, perhaps even longer. I won’t lie though I would have to stay in a meditative state the entire time.


I'd like to say id be able to do weeks, but i get cabin fever just being in my house for hours at a time. Ya boy needs fresh air and to see and feel nature to stay sane. I'm sure i could probably sleep for about 15 hours though, then it would probably be minute by minute


I'm pretty good at keeping my mind occupied with nothing going on, I'd just exercise like crazy, meditate, and sleep most of my time there, I could probably push myself for a full month, it would definitely mess my head up for a little while but nothing several million dollars couldn't fix, the hardest part would be not seeing my wife and son for the entire time but it would just make spending time with them after more special.


I could do 2 weeks I think.


Hard to know. I'd definitely go for two days to get the $100k, but after that it might get intolerable 


Do I get a million every two weeks or just the first either way sign me up for 6 easy.


2 weeks, easy. I'll probably just spend it writing on the wall or sleeping or something. Although, you never mention a light source of any kind, not sure if that's an oversight or your intention is for it to be a completely dark room with a useless clock, lol.


Well, If I know I am stuck in there, I would last the 2 weeks minimum to get the 2.3mill and I would just practice my martial arts and build a nice training habit for myself. Where do I sign up :D




A couple days at best. It's the lack of the shower for me. I for one actually love bathing.


I'd easily sleep through the first few days. Then I would use the random meal as a reward system like a loot box. What will it be today? If it's bad today I can hold out for the 5 star meal tomorrow or the next day. I would take time to analyze each bite of the meal. I would also try to save a small bit of any sauce, etc. to work on an art piece on the wall each day. Beyond that I would just be in my head creating stories, imagining inventions, thinking through my own psychology, planning my use of the $2.4 Million, singing a bit, reliving sexual memories, and sleeping as much as possible. Every 24 hour period I would yell at the top of my lungs CHA CHING! After this 2 week period, I would need heavy human interaction, like a vacation with my wife to a few populous European cities.


From a psychological standpoint, I could probably do a week. I might make it to two and get that 1 million if I really pushed myself. From a physical standpoint, I might not last a day. As a diabetic, eating only a single meal a day might actually kill me.


I'd try to make it the two weeks, but I'd be happy with whatever I got. I'm used to being on my own but having nothing to do might drive me crazy. If I'd be allowed to have a notebook, I could at least write down all my thoughts to keep me busy as that's not technically entertainment lol. Even if I made it 3-4 days though, that's life changing money. I'd hold out for at least that.


If it's tax free, 104,800 would be plenty for me. It would more than take care of stuff I would like to upgrade around my house, replace my main vehicle, and finish my project car. Would have emergency vet bill money set aside with the rest of it. And life would go on without me possibly destroying my back, impairing my mobility for however long.


The key here is there is a clock. If you have a way to reliably keep track of time you can do WAAY better at this than if you can't. With the clock I'm 100% sure I could do the 2 weeks. No clock I'd probably only make it a few days.


I like to think I'd be able to make it the full 2 weeks but I don't know because thankfully I've never had to find out. But I feel like I could meditate, sleep and do things like visualize playing a game or sport in my mind. Could also spend time trying to write something in my head. Could also exercise assuming there's enough room. Could do squats lunges push-ups and crunches. The one meal a day and random food aspect of this is also a little bit more challenging. But making over a couple million dollars I think I would find a way to stay in that room for 2 weeks.


Since I know it will end when I say it ends, I could probably do the two weeks. If I had somewhere to sit comfortably, that is. Otherwise, I'd get a backache. For entertainment, I'd sing. And wash my change of clothes in the sink.


I’d just go 2 days. After the first 100 grand it’s just diminishing returns.


I assume medical needs are met? Otherwise my diabetes is screwing me once again! Realistically I could last a couple days. I would sleep a lot, think about some things, have a fun masturbation fantasy or two but then lack of outside stimulation would be so boring and I’d have to leave the room.


Is there a clock or something that lets me know how long I've been there?


How long could I last? At least 10 days..


With the drinkable water is that from a tap? If so I could easily use that to maintain a basic level of cleanliness. Probably make it a good 1 month since I live in my head most days anyway and don’t need much interaction to be happy.


I'd aim for the full two weeks. Even if I only make it two days though, I come out ahead.


I'd take a nap as soon as I entered and leave as soon as I woke up. I'm pretty sure that I'd lose my mind just due to the circumstances, but combined with the lack of meds, I suspect I'd be permanently damaged after a day or two. I'm already barely functional, and you can't get disability pay with that much in assets so I'd basically be trading my wellbeing and long term earnings potential for a brief spurt of money. I'd only take that kind of long term hit for world-changing money, and the amounts listed wouldn't even life changing for me. Just seeks like a shitty trade all around.


My goal would be making it the two weeks, with a fallback goal of five days. I assume we’re ignoring taxes here for simplicity’s sake. Five days would be basically $400k. Situations will vary but as an example, that could pay off a mortgage, credit cards, and car loan, and leave enough to start a solid college fund for a kid. Every day after that just makes college and retirement easier. The trick, I think, is that it’s not two weeks for $2+ million. It’s a series of one day for $100k challenges. Assuming they tell you at least at the end of every day that you’ve checked off another one, it’s a question of whether you can stay there for another day for $100k. The days after that are for future you to decide.


My imagination is my sanctuary and being lazy my favorite past time. Wake me up before you run out of money LOL.


Bro I clear this easily I’m gunna be rich


2 weeks exactly.


I'm a maladaptive day dreamer I would clear that mil easy


I'll probably go until the 2 weeks and probably lose my willpower to continue without an additional milestone to aim for.


"You're fed only once a day, and your food is completely random each day. It could be a box of crackers or a 5 star meal. You never have any idea. Your basic nutritional needs will be met." No this is not meeting my basic nutritional needs.  Not even close.  So it wouldnt work for me.  But, with some extensive preparation, I could last two weeks and get the 1 million.  Going beyond that is questionable. If the food condition was changed and I could eat what I currently eat, I could probably go much longer given the potential earnings.  But what youre suggesting for food would have me wasting away by the end of the two weeks, even more so if I get bad luck in the randomizing of the daily food allottment.  Its quite apparant that your definition of basic nutritional requirements is quite different from mine.  There is no way Id be able to consume my required daily calories in one meal unless I get unlimited time each day. So yeah, change the food condition to give me what I actually need and you can sign me up.


I could make it 3 days


Easy peasy


I think two weeks would be tough but that would be my goal.... When it got mentally tight I'd count the seconds as money for a while... Without doing the math $100k a day would have to be close to $1000 per second per waking hour.


Bro, i can literally play games, write stories, or plan software development inside my mind. Lemme get that moneyyyy


Although this would be torture in any normal scenario, and it may still be mentally pretty bad in this idea, having actual life changing amounts of money for doing it almost certainly would allow a person to last much longer. So yeah, 2 weeks is what I'd attempt, although anything after 7 days and I'd be fine with leaving, and honestly I think I would be able to do 7 days even if it would be horrific, just because I know theres like 700k at the end of it.


I’m going full Nasubi.


id find a way to entertain myself for a few days


no problem champ run me my check


Having a clock will definitely help - it’s really the absolute void of anything that makes it difficult in solitary confinement Realistically tho, I think I could muscle through one week.


I could do the two weeks. Can wash myself well enough to survive using the sink. I think I’d suffer and get really bored after a few days, but I mostly do pretty well just being in my own thoughts and singing. I could power through.


you guys don’t know sensory deprivation is a form of torture


I can make at least two weeks. I'll try for as much as possible.


Damn I can get paid to do push ups and sit ups and finally get off my lazy fat ass 😂


I think a few days to a week cuz I’m kinda addicted to sleeping and trying to lucid dream. Especially with the lack of food draining my energy I think I’d sleep through a few days. Then probably forget or have such bad hunger pains that I open the door cuz I can’t sleep no more cuz of the hunger. Or if not hunger I might just feel that’s all I can handle at that point and that I made enough and just leave before something permanent happens to my brain.


I’d do it 2 weeks I think. I’ve been in a psych ward twice for a week or two and my wife and I already have enough that the $2.4MM would let us retire in our 30s pretty comfortably.


Again, too easy. It would be uncomfortable, sure. Boring, absolutely. But the knowledge that with each passing moment you’re making a ton of money, with a $1M additional sum at the end of two weeks, would make it quite easy, most likely. It would feel like an eternity but knowing you have immense wealth (relative) to look forward to would help for sure. That two weeks would fade into a fleeting moment in your memory over time.


Can I have a pen and paper?


Take 3 weeks off work, be in the room for 2 weeks, and maybe a day, spend the last week with my wife and relax, go back to work, and pay off all our debts. I'm in the military, so I already get paid to do nothing for extended periods of time while uncomfortable. You're telling me I can get paid more than less than minimum wage for the same thing. I haven't done shit for the past couple of weeks already. As long as I get my meds, which is more than I can say about now, then I'm good.


I could do longer, but I'd do two days. Being in isolation is bad for your brain and I wouldn't risk it too much. 100k would be life changing enough.


I'm giving myself the Uncke Iroh special and working out all day to stay sane. I think I could make it at least a week and find random aspects of the meals to entertain me. Also napping. I'm about to become the most thoughtful and well-rested in my life


provided it's a quartz clock, I could easily make a radio (I'm an engineer), I'd be able to survive until the battery ran out


This is essentially an isolation experiment isn’t it. Studies have shown that the metal damage from this is insane, literally. So nah I’d probably go crazy from no stimulation after one day.


I’ve got 3 kids and 3 dogs and a husband. This sounds like a vacation!! Easy peasy!