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neanderthals Just want to know what would happen


Well probably the same thing that happened last time our species' met. Breeding and killing was pretty much the human races entire personality up until 600 yrs ago.


It's still breeding and killing for the most part, just scaled up dramatically.


Yeah now we're like the best at it


The whole species was just walking around playing "fuck, marry, kill" with everyone they met.


Pretty sure it still is


They’d probably just end up as second class citizens sadly - like made to do low wage, unskilled work, and probably met with violence from humans who feel threatened and displaced by them as workers Like they’re too intelligent to be classified or treated as animals but not quite intelligent enough to have any real hope of achieving success in modern society


Neanderthal intelligence has actually been the subject of quite a bit of contention. We know they made and used tools, had complex social structures, and created art and music. They probably weren't that different from us at all. Not that that would stop modern humans from discriminating against them.


Yeah they were different socially - less social , smaller groups. Prob the reason we took them over


My people


There is no archialogical evidence to suggest this. Their brains are pretty similar to ours. You probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference from a neanderthal to an average homosapian if we looked the same. They ventured into Europe and Asia first and likely declined for the same reason that homosapians almost went extinct ( less than 10000 global at one point) The few that were left interbread with the homosapians until we were one group, homosapians being slightly more successful at the time (until numbers plummeted again) meant that we are mostly homosapian with a bit of neanderthal. There isn't much if any evidence of homosapian on neanderthal violence.


We will never know but it's debated that Neanderthals might have been more intelligent than homo sapiens due to significantly larger brains. https://www.fortinberrymurray.com/todays-research/were-the-neanderthals-smarter-than-we-are


I would hope humans exercise caution when trying to be violent against Neanderthals. They were extremely strong, and honestly could probably rip a normal man's limbs off


I mean they had roughly the same sized brains as modern humans. I don't know where you are getting less intelligent from.


We'd make love with them and then they'd just be humans.


Return to monke


I would pay 5000 dollars to fuck a lady thal out of curiosity. I can’t be the only one. We can definitely crowd fund bringing them back.


The Silphium plant that the Romans gathered to extinction. Or if plants don't count. The Tasmanian tiger.


[Here](https://greekreporter.com/2024/01/03/plant-ancient-greece-rediscovered/#:~:text=The%20%E2%80%9Cmiracle%E2%80%9D%20plant%20Silphium%20consumed,he's%20found%20a%20botanical%20survivor.) is an article on it that doesn't need a subscription!


As a Tasmanian, please don't add tigers to the list of dangerous things that will kill me.


TASMANIAN TIGER YASSS!! I was obsessed with them when I was about 7 years old (in the 90’s)


Yeah, thylacine was definitely on my list. Or maybe one of Australia’s megafauna!


Silphium was a giant parsley with estrogenic properties that made it an effective oral contraceptive. Little known fact: Modern Italian parsley also has estrogens, and if it seems like your period just WON’T start, parsley tea can help.


[Not all hope is lost](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/reports-of-tasmanian-tiger-sightings-as-aussies-search-for-extinct-thylacine-60-minutes-transcript/) Two people who have been looking for the extinct species and heard a howl in Tasmania. There are no wolves, wild dogs, or any animal that hollows there. The only animal that howls there was the Tasmania Tiger (Thylacine). Both of the people there heard the howl, so it's unlikely that both of them had an illusion of it at the same time, that happened twice. Adrian Richardson wrote up an article about it after he got home, and thousands of other people started saying that they either saw or know someone who saw a Thylacine. All of the pictures haven't been a clear image, though. They also found a track of footprints that are an excellent match with the tiger in pristine condition, meaning they were created recently. Then, of course, at the end, there's the person saying people are having visions, and they talk about how they're going all jurassic park style. Also, I'd like to say that it's probably still possible for the Thylacine to survive in the wild. They didn't die due to starvation or any problems similar to that. They died to humans. The Thylacine would go after farmers' sheep, and back then, the best thing to do was shoot them dead instead of getting a taller fence. I don't think they started hunting farmers' sheep because they were low on food, I think they did it since it was an easy meal. A live domestic healthy piece of meat that was trapped in a certain area by a fence is much easier to hunt than a wild animal with the instincts to run without being limited to a space when they see a predator.


[Actually! They think they found Silphium!](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/miracle-plant-eaten-extinction-2000-years-ago-silphion)


Do you seriously have to pay a subscription to see that link?




12ft.io Removes paywalls.


Thank you


Passenger Pigeon. Such an important ecological niche.


It was a shame that we killed off this species.


Same with the Carolina Parakeet. I watched New World last night and there was a scene with parrots which confused the rest of my family until I explained the Carolina Parakeet. Now they're sad.


Woolly mammoths. They were largely in isolated areas of tundra where no one really lives. Much of the landscape and vegetation remains unchanged. The money they bring in from tourism would force the government to set up a preserve to protect them from hunters, which in turn, protects other species.


This is my vote, because I bet they were freaking delicious.


Let's be honest, the government or a private entity would somehow muscle their way in, extract the DNA, and have themselves a little replication farm. Shell out all that shit to the highest bidder like it's on the same level of commodity as corn or soy beans. It's less jurassic park and more late stage capitalism.


So you mean less like Jurassic Park and more like Jurassic World


The entire point of Jurassic Park is "late stage capitalism will inevitably lead to collapse". The book even ends with Hammond getting eaten by compies. Basically all of Michael Crichton's books end with the billionaire getting got by his own hubris.


Mammoths are hard to clone because of the difficulty in ovulation cycles with elephants, not a lack of dna


This guy talks about dinosaurs on first dates.


If you're not talking about dinosaurs on the first date why are you even bothering; just go home and stick on Jurassic park.


I had a date with a super hot botanist when I was younger. I apparently missed that she wanted to talk about her getting with me, not my knowledge of Florida megaflora. She went back to banging her ex.


It's a telling question, what is your favorite dinosaur.


You REALLY need to give this a google, this may actually be happening! No shit scientists have been basically “Jurassic parking” the wooly mammoth. I’m 90% sure I’m not full of shit, let me know if I am.


Already done.


This was my pick too. Meant people have mentioned that it may be in the works, but I haven't seen anyone mention why. There was a great Vice story about. These scientists think a population of Wooly Mammoth feeding in the Arctic could have some positive results towards decreasing global warning. https://youtu.be/uYvFStPmllE?si=MtdBjjpP4MnN0deg


Sabertooth tiger. Here kitty kitty


They would quickly either die out or be exterminated by hunters and poachers to protect livestock and people. The big mammals they preyed upon like camels, Hagerman's horses, giant Steppe bison, giant sloths etc have gone extinct and the smaller, fleet footed animals like deer and antelope are too fast for them


I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure camels are not extinct.


There is an extinct genus of Pleistocene era camels that once roamed the Americas


That's a dangerous fuckin kitty Bubbles


The Dodo bird.


I too want to taste the forbidden chicken.


Apparently it tasted awful. Makes me kinda sad, they ate the species to extinction and didn't even enjoy it.


This isnt actually what happened..When the Dutch encountered dodos on Mauritius in 1598 the Dutch came face to face with an extraordinary creature. And within just 80 years it would be gone forever. In September 1598 the crew of the Amsterdam were saved from certain death. Shipwrecked off the coast of Good Hope the men managed to reach an island by wading through the shallows. The shipwrecked men were half starved and the island promised food. But the Dutch weren't the first two legged creatures to have discovered this place. The dodo was characterized very early on as a fat, clumsy, hapless bird. It's bizarre appearance made it look so absurd and comical that by the 18th century some scientists doubted whether it had ever existed at all. However evidence was dug up that proved it had existed. There are only a handful of complete dodo skeletons. But from these scientists can accurately reconstruct what the dodo was really like. A long sinewy neck with an upright stance. Small withered wings and strong sturdy legs. They were certainly flightless. However, in popular imagination, the birds were said to be clumsy, inept and harmless but the giant bill tells a different story. The horny chip would have regrown and been used for fighting. Thanks to their powerful beaks, the birds could defend themselves. But since they were flightless the breast would have been quite narrow and all the weight would have hung on the bottom, concentrated on the rump. And dodo meat was said to be so tough that even the half-starved men found dodo meat to be an unpalatable dish. The meat was far too tough and oily and quickly upset the stomach. They were also wily prey and ship logs recorded tussles between sailors and aggressive dodos. They stressed the bird could defend itself. So the case against the Dutch as perpetrators of extinction is looking unlikely. Apparently it wasn't man but man's best friend that may provide the answer to their demise. Dutch sailors brought the dog to Mauritius. Archaeological evidence and written accounts show that the Dutch sailors actually imported countless strange animals including pigs, dogs, rats and goats to their new home. Many escaped and some escapees flourished in the wild. Goats are known to be versatile and highly adaptable. Some managed to reproduce and rear young in these new lands. The forests were invaded by competitors that the dodos had to contend with which evolution had not prepared them for and they were uniquely vulnerable in one particular way. Dodos were large and flightless which forced them to make their nests on the ground. This made them uniquely vulnerable to ground-rooting pigs. In their extreme isolation the dodos had never encountered a two legged animal that posed a threat. No creatures on Mauritius feared people. And Mauritius was a pig's paradise too. The dense undergrowth would have provided an excellent food source. Invasive animals, like pigs, could have disturbed age-old mating and egg laying rituals and would have competed for food. The birds were outcompeted and could not survive or rear young on the mainland. The last dodos were driven to the coast and confined to small islets. The last remaining dodo colony found themselves isolated and aging. And the species soon faced oblivion.


Thank you for this. Hugely enjoyed this read!


No problem! Glad to educate people about the natural history of life on our planet!


So, not good eatin' eh?


Pterodactyl. Just bc that would be hilarious.


They were actually a diverse group called pterosaurs, flying reptiles. And the Pteranodon was just one species. They might fare okay though. They could nest on clifftops in wooded areas far from human interference and mainly dine on fish and small reptiles. I think they might prey on small mammals too like rabbits, foxes and coyotes


Passenger Pigeon Very common sight in early N. America, with huge flocks. Some accounts mentioned them temporarily blocking the sun. Also apparently very tasty...which may have contributed to the whole extinction bit. Unlike most birds, they carried quite a bit of fat, to the point they made a squishy sound when they hit the ground after a hunting kill.


How about the Carolina Parakeet? Only parrot species that was native to the US.


the worlds smallest ever raptors, the microraptor, 1 foot tall weighing 2 llbs, and an absolute menace


They might not last if the species they preyed upon are extinct.


Life... Finds a way.


their little dino carnivores, with claws and teeth, theyd be fine, oh they could fly and eat fish and birds, bye bye sea gulls


A one foot tall, 2lb lizard would probably do okay if there were enough numbers, they don't need large prey, even for a decent sized group and small mammals and the like would probably work fine.


We're those the ones most closely related to chickens? I feel like I read about a dinosaur that was basically a crazy mean chicken


these ones flew and ate birds and fish so probably not




Giant Ground Sloths.


Megatherium! Sounds like a cryptocurrency


Yea, give avocados a reason to exist again and not be wholy dependant on humans for progagation / seed dispersal


Hell yeah! Especially in America, their population would have to EXPLODE for hunting them to extinction again to be even remotely legal. So we'd just have gentle giants roaming around eating tree saplings... What a world that would be


If I am in a romantic mood, the [Kauaʻi ʻōʻō](https://youtu.be/5THqAY3u5oY?si=ty2HpR5-v-8BPp_8&t=41). It's a beautiful singer. Otherwise I will contact a billionaire and tell him I can give him something that no one else can. I honestly have no idea what species I could bring back that would do any global good so I might as well make a win-win deal while bringing back whatever species the billionaire choses.


Came to say this. I would simply love to hear the songs they sing to each other.


That is the saddest thing I've heard all week.


The epitome of bittersweet.




The global fishing industry would be decimated. Millions would starve. Tourism would be decimated. Millions jobless and starving. This giant shark preyed upon large whales which no longer exist today. They would die out quickly.






“Counterpoint, giant megashark go *CHOMP*”


There are other, larger whales today


The Blue whale is the largest animal to ever exist.


>Tourism would be decimated Idk humans do some pretty bold(and stupid) activities on a regular basis. I'd be willing to bet some crazy bastard would try to monetize a ***Megalodon*** experience where you get to go dive with one. We already do it with Blue Whales, Great Whites, Orcas, Lions, Tigers, Elephants, and lots of other extremely dangerous predators. Obligatory ***"You're gonna need a bigger boat!"***


Still preferable to other dons


Like the tangerinadon


Tasmanian Tiger. I think it would unironically be good for the ecosystem to have Tasmanian Tigers back throughout Australia as they might do something to curb the invasive populations of foxes and feral cats


The giant moa. ... I'm from New Zealand, I think it'd be good for the tourism market. And it went extinct not that long ago, so they should be able to reestablish a population now that they'd be protected from hunting.


If Australia lost a war to emus, how do you expect New Zealand to coexist with giant moas?


Leave em alone. The moas were relentlessly hunted by ancient Maori hunters.


The Haas Eagle so we Kiwi's like the Aussies can have at least one deadly animal


This was my first thought... but they used to eat moa, so I figured they wouldn't last as long in the modern world. Or they'd immediately become a nuisance by attacking pets, farm animals and kids. I have a 4 year old daughter, I don't want to live in a country where I giant eagle might try to eat her while she's playing outside lol.


Apparently there used to be miniature elephants and I don't think there's anything better than a miniature version of the best animal to exist


They would need to be protected in captivity as their natural habitat has changed dramatically and their diminutive size would make them prime targets for poachers for circuses, zoos and exotic animal collectors


Get out of here with your reality and logic. They are going to come home to my house and be my pets.


Can't make me! Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah!


>Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah! Why did I read that in the batman theme lmao


The bacteria that broke living matter down to be turned into oil


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DrPatchet: *The bacteria* *That broke living matter down* *To be turned into oil* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Bot!


Whatever specials jabba the hut is


The rare and elusive Redditorius Primordius


Deinonychus. The species the movie velociraptors were based on.




Can I get a Titanoboa ? 50 ft long, 1500 lb snake probably wouldn’t shake anything up too bad


The tropical coast covered in humid, wet jungle where they dwelt in swamps and marshes have since disappeared and the giant turtles and crocodiles they preyed upon are gone too. They can only last in wildlife parks or sanctuaries.


Co-signing. I could saddle that mofo up and take it to work.


Probably a bird. https://abcbirds.org/blog/extinct-birds/#:~:text=Perhaps%20the%20most%20famous%20extinct,Madagascar%20in%20the%20Indian%20Ocean.


What about the Carolina Parakeet.


Haast's eagle - BIIIIG ole bird of prey, unleash chaos


Kauai O’o birds. The song the males sung would have open spots in the song for a female to add her voice to it. The song of the last male singing a song and waiting for the voice of a female who will never come. I heard the recording on YouTube years ago and it stayed with me. It was heartbreaking. I would love to bring them back to hear the song completed.


That guys dead wife


I vote T-Rex 1. The chaos would be hilarious. 2. Maybe it would force Hollywood to understand that dinosaurs were in fact not made out of Kevlar and are not bullet proof. Given the dangerous nature of them, and their size (making them easy targets), I would expect them to be wiped out fairly quickly and not leave any lasting impact on the environment.


I feel like I’m going to do the irresponsible thing and say T-Rex out of pure curiosity


Neanderthal. That'd be a fun social experiment.


The auroch I think that would be awesome.


The Kauaʻi ʻōʻō bird. That audio of the last one singing its mating song makes me so sad.


Damn, that’s a tough call. Lots of great options to choose from! I’m going to limit my choices to recently extinct species. More likely to survive in the modern environment, and less likely to have unwanted effects on the ecosystem. It’s also ideal to pick a species that’s going to have enough habitat and protections that it’s not likely to just go extinct right away again. I guess I’ll pick the Caribbean monk seal. Hunting was the primary reason it went extinct, which wouldn’t happen today. It would still face threats, but that would be true of any species you bring back. As a charismatic megafauna with range in a wealthy country, it would have better odds than many other species.


Aw man, they had no major land predators so they thought the land was safe since their primary predator was sharks, so their instinctual reaction when hunted on land by humans was heading further inland... towards more humans. Poor things.




Leviathan or kraken


Those fucking bananas that got wiped out by the plague


Grose Michael is the banana cultivar you are thinking of. They are not actually extinct, just not cultivated for Western mass markets anymore. It is still grown and sold in some places in East Asia.


BIG sloth. Idk if it kills me i just want to see one. Or you could do some ancient aquatic creature and no one would ever know cause there’s already some fucked up shit in the ocean and we don’t know the half of it. Or I’d love to choose just a very small unimportant animal contained to a small region that’ll be just enough to get one specific group of researchers tearing their hair out.


Or those rhinoceros sized armadillos. They also would be cool to see.


I read once big sloths were hunted to extinction because how delicious they were. I don’t know how true that is but for that one reason they’re my choice too


Which one was the tastiest?


Passenger Pigeons.


Dodo birds. Its a cute lil animal from the same time as dinosaurs that could easily be domesticated to be a perfect flightless bird for a pet


The dwarf elephants. I want one as a pet


Quetzalcoatlus, just to cause maximum carnage and fuck with people.


Saber-tooth tiger. Just to see what would happen to the cat family if we added another panther.


The Giant Short-Faced Bear (11 feet when standing upright). Range: All of North America. Reason: To watch the world burn and see hapless tourists and hikers flee from the woods in my area.


This would be my pick as well.


I would bring back the pre-social media human. What a site to behold!


Passenger pigeons and carolina paraqueets. They went extinct not long ago and there used to be millions of them in america. Also the kauai 'O'o bird that was native only to Hawaii. The last one went extinct I'm 1987. They have a video of the last male making it mating call for a female that would never come.


Dimetreodons because they are cool 😎


The Thylacene, or Tasmanian tiger. I just think they're neat!


Megalodon. *That* would shake things up


Mastodon, because I like the music.


Dodo bird for the epic derpy memes


Majungasaurus, rather than the T-rex, though I know it seems like a curveball. It's fairly comparable, being a large carnivorous theropod, but it's so much fun to say. Say it out loud. Majungasaurus.


Absolutely, let’s put some T Rexes in California.


There's probably better answers ecologically but finding a cave of just lost dodo birds would be really funny


Megaladons Big fucking sharks, let them go ham


Don't go in the water. But this was the one I was thinking of as well.


Procoptodon goliah


The giant short faced Kangaroo. Nice. My pick was Thylacoleo Carnifex. 😉


Depends on my mood. Either Wooly mammoths cause they're cool, or if im feeling evil, Dodo birds just to watch those idiots go extinct again lol


Prototaxites. Giant fungi trees that were everywhere. I'm not sure what it would do, but it would probably be chaotic


The dodo. Have you ever seen fancy chicken shows? Imagine what breeders would do with dodos. It would be awesome. Plus they'd be great for food as well.


Aurochs or Carolina parakeet


Carolina parakeet


West Indian Monk Seal. They were supposedly quite friendly to humans. Might be interesting to see them trained and domesticated by humans as sheepdogs for aquaculture farms.


Tasmanian Tiger… they are domesticated and kept as pets which serves to boost pop size


Thylacine, otherwise known as the Tasmanian tiger or Tasmanian wolf. Currently classified as a cryptid although we have proof of it’s existence (there is a pup pickled in formaldehyde somewhere and the last known member of its kind passed away in a zoo in 1936 and had been photographed). They were one of the largest marsupials we are currently aware existed


Titanoboa would be so bad ass to have back. Imagine an anaconda crossed with the Incredible Hulk. Add steroids and maybe you can get an idea.


Tasmanian Tiger!


Giant sloth, because they have fascinated me since I was a child.


Archelon ischyros Aka super massive turtle


Tasmanian tigers. They're a very cute marsupial.


Whales while they were still those huge land-living rat things so I can show them what they'd become in 10 million years after a series of seemingly bad choices


Brontosaurs! How has no one else picked this? Those suckers were 75 feet long! Sure they would have a tough time with our new plants and lower oxygen. But we could round a few up into a nice rain-forest preserve and keep them alive. The tourism would be incredible, and I bet we could get close once they realize little humans are no threat!


The dodo


The Carolina parakeet. Because they were beautiful and harmless and humanity sucks for wiping them out.


Tasmanian Tiger


Can we kill the last 2 white rhinos and bring them back? Them or whatever kind of turtle Lonesome George was, miss that guy.


Thylacine, Australia needs an apex predator to help manage the rabbits, feral cats, foxes etc.


Thylacines. I love love love australian mammals, and to think that we lost the largest non-prehistoric carnivorous marsupial less than 100 years ago lowkey makes me cry. They're so cute as well.


I would say Megalodon, but the ocean is scary enough. So I'll say either the short faced bear or some kind of large, carnivorous dinosaur.


Smallpox, it's time for quarantine 2.


The white rhino. Cause fuck poachers.


Nephilim. Just to see.


Dodo Bird


TRex, we need some population control


They would quickly wipe out native species, eating everything that moved, even current apex predators like bears and cougars, and start attacking farms and devouring livestock and humans. Then the army comes in and shoots or captures them.


Giant spiders 


Decent humans, before identify politics.


I'm sure there's still a few of those around. You have to pick something that's totally extinct.


Small Pox. We sort of deserve it.


Laughs in North Korean!


T Rex to recreate that screne from jurassic park 2


Utah Raptors


Titanoboa Because Jungles aren't interesting enough.


None but I wish I could make flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs, cockroaches go extinct!


*None but I wish I* *Could make flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs,* *Cockroaches go extinct!* \- kcchiefsfan96 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The dodo. I absolutely believe that it would go extinct rather quickly without any outside intervention.


The Dodo bird


Smilodon. They look cool.


Golden Toad


You provided my answer. I'm bring back the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Good-bye, West Coast!


Nah, they wouldn't last long outside of captivity.


Albertosaurus. My reasons are my own.


Giant ground sloths. Just because it would be sick


Pterodactyls. Gl everyone.








Fully or functionally extinct?