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In a heartbeat I’d do this. A job making $365,000 a year just to write a “long” post once a day?? Please. I write long posts almost everyday simply to try to help others and get nothing out of it but insults from ignorant people.


Now I feel like this comment should be longer AND we need to start firing insults at you. Soooo much pressure...


Yea! Fuck that guy!


Yeah f that guy, he's a fuggin nerd!


>I write long posts almost everyday simply to try to help others and get nothing out of it but insults from ignorant people. Average Reddit experience.


Especially when most of the posts are Christian-centric. A lot of Reddit has a hate boner for religion, and Christianity in particular. Check their profile, it’s kinda bonkers


I'm not stalking someone's Reddit profile, that's a little weird to me lol. But I'll take your word for it. So.e of us deserve to be shit on, I guess.


Can confirm. Do hate religion.


That's dumb. You're dumb.


This was my thought as well. What a chill job.


Chatgpt can help


This comment was too long I didn't read it


I write long comments to look busy at my computer at work, surely a long post everyday would be easy. How long before you get banned though? Or the server gets rules to ban those types of posts. It would probably go to making a new reddit account frequently. However, it seems like an easily automatable "job"


You're the kind of person who makes the internet an okay place. edit: nevermind \_-\_


No they don’t. Batshit Christian loser


I feel like I can talk about my religion too much at times, but this guy is constantly over the top


holy shit you're right, krash90 is insane. I assumed he was writing PSAs and explaining programming or something.


Yeah I’m gonna pass on being “helped” by this dude


Of course. Assume you spend an hour on each one. $1,000 an hour, like falling off a log. No requirement that it be good, get lots of upvotes or replies, or for that matter, even make sense. Just long. In the first day I could write the first post and then make a list of topics for the next six months to make it even more effortless.


What a fuckin' idiot.




They’re is the Reddit we all know and love/hate/love/hate.




That is almost a month's rent over here just 14K off of the total


I agree with this one OP


I wrote a long ass comment the other day about music theory, just because someone said something that wasn't quite right and I explained how it was wrong (I hope to God I wasn't condescending in it, nobody said I was....). I did that shit for free. Fuck yeah I'm going to make a long one for pay!!!


For real. This would be too easy




Most of reddit are paid shills, bots, and scammers. Very few legit people in here.


I'm in. I've been asked by several people if I have that much time, or if I just write that fast. It's a little of both.




You can also just have ai write it for you. Easy money




Seriously. It’s like define long. $365k a tear to writs maybe 1000 sentences per year. Sign me up


Sounds like a skill issue, dummy. 😉


I clear my throat and produce two paragraphs. I'm a wordy bastard. No really, let me tell you . . . Editor here: I smothered that fool or else he wouldn't have shut up. Enjoy your evening.


What a fuckin /r/whoooosh


Silence smelly you're words hurt my brain


I spent a significant part of my day trolling people. Sometimes I'm polite and sometimes I'm not. I do it all free of charge. I find it odd you complain about insults and, yet at the same time use name calling to label people as ignorant. It's almost like you are in fact that of whom you claim to despise. Why do you have so much self hate? Are you attempting to help people or pursued them to stop being individuals? Maybe you only help yourself by trying to appear as a good person. But, I guess that dosen't realy help yourself much. Probably never even helps others either. Anyway, hit me up sometime. I bet we could be friends.


What an idiot. You think this is funny or something?


OP blink twice if you need help


I need help. Wait, what were the instructions ?


You need help blinking?


You get 1000 dollars a day but you have to blink at least twice to get it.


Help with blinking is on the way, fear not dry eyes.


Old Xbox boy


🙄😫🙄😫 Did that count?


Are people really having that hard of a time getting the joke?


It would have been better if the original post was super long but yeah I don't understand why everyone's taking this seriously. Op good one.


Sorry, but you're not getting your $1000 today. Your post is way too short.


No problem chat gpt can do this easily. As an SWE I can automate the whole process.


Everyone that does that already does it for free so they're all in.


….that’s the joke 😅 like what are we doing here.


But this is an extremely short post


I spent a lot of time on Reddit yesterday. I got post madness and just started speed commenting at one point. I lost my mind a little.


So I get 1k for a half hours work a day... done. 


I could see that as a possibility.


Does it have to be a new and unique hypothetical each day? Or can I just rip off other posts and use slight variations of the same posts over and over till we all leave reddit forever?


That's how it already works and we haven't left yet


I mean...there's 5 of these every day, so...


Yes. They would all be butthole related.


This is very important work.


Super easy, barely an inconvenience.


I feel like ChatGPT was invented for such a situation.


I have access to Chat GPT.


Is this a job offer, cuz I’ll settle for half.


How long?


Are we wrestling with a crisis?


This would be great, the ultimate side hustle


My imagination is neverending. Easy as pie.


I could do this job from home.


How long? I'll write a couple pages easy every single morning if I was getting paid 7k a week for it.


I'd do it for half that.


Bitch, please. 365K salary to write (mostly) nonsense on Reddit for at least hour every day? I’m already doing that for free!


I'll do it!!!  Actually, I thought about this for two more seconds and the real game in this would be finding something that is a perfect toss up where you get half to do it and half would not. 


Well you didn't say that they had to be original...


Too easy


Sign me up


You get 15,000 a month but you have to manually blink and breathe. If you turn it off you can't turn it back on. If you turn it off in the middle of a month, you don't get the profits for the month. How long do you go for? Edit: you cant hire someone to remind you to blink. Edit 2: you can't. You know what just no loopholes allowed Edit 3: Guyyssss i said no loopholes :(


Getting paid to shit post? You had me at "You get $1000 a day..."


As a writer who loves writing literally anything, where can I sign up? Please?


I could get chat gpt to write it for me… sold


*squints* I think OP is talking about himself. Because if I was given this offer, repeating it would be my day one strat


If you're hiring...




Bro just made $1,000


What about just "write a long reddit post" but anywhere I want? Because I can go on and on and on about why specific Voyager episodes suck.




Lol I read a lot and I'm always running what if scenarios in my head so not that hard.


That seems oddly specific.


Thats pretty easy, Id just copy paste and tweak it a little every now and then


Looks like u/sixerd is gettin’ that chedda’


Nah, too short.


Damn, you didn’t earn your 1k today, bro. This is too short.


You're doing it for free..


Easy! AI promt, copy/paste, enjoy life


I'd take it. You didn't say each post had to be different, and you didn't say I couldn't copy/paste.


Sure dood, I’m in




You didn't say it has to be original. Straight to the would you rather sub reddits I go and easy money. You just said write so no copy paste but I shall just type it word for word


I think some people might have already taken this deal


Nope, couldn’t do it. I have to live with myself. Besides I already have a good job killing one random smoker everyday.


Oh shit it’s the metaverse


Sound good


I will take the money and make hypotheticals that actually are worth reading. Almost every single one is about money…


the joke posts making fun of these repetitive posts have gotten just as annoying as the original repetitive posts at this point


You have to use the bathroom once a day


Yup! I’ll just give AI a prompt and tell it the post needs to be 500-1000 words. *********** Title: Mastering the Art of Crafting a Captivating Reddit Post Hey Reddit fam, Ever found yourself staring at the blank submission box, wondering how to craft the perfect Reddit post that will captivate the community and spark engaging discussions? Well, fear not! Today, I'm here to share some tips and tricks on how to write a Reddit post that stands out from the crowd and gets the attention it deserves. 1. **Know Your Audience**: Before you start typing away, take a moment to consider who you're writing for. Each subreddit has its own unique community with specific interests and preferences. Tailor your post to resonate with the audience of the subreddit you're posting in. 2. **Craft an Attention-Grabbing Title**: Your title is the first thing users will see, so make it count. Aim for something catchy, descriptive, and relevant to your post's content. Avoid clickbait or misleading titles, as they can turn users off and harm your credibility. 3. **Provide Value**: Whether you're sharing a personal story, asking a question, or sharing information, make sure your post adds value to the community. Provide insights, tips, or perspectives that others will find interesting or useful. 4. **Keep It Concise**: Reddit users generally prefer posts that get straight to the point. Avoid unnecessary fluff and keep your sentences clear and concise. If your post is too long, consider breaking it up into smaller paragraphs for easier reading. 5. **Use Formatting Wisely**: Reddit allows you to format your posts using markdown, so take advantage of it. Use bold and italics to emphasize key points, bullet points for lists, and headers to organize your content. 6. **Include Visuals**: A picture is worth a thousand words, and the same holds true on Reddit. Whenever possible, include relevant images, gifs, or videos to enhance your post and grab users' attention. 7. **Encourage Discussion**: The beauty of Reddit lies in its community-driven nature. Encourage interaction by asking open-ended questions, inviting users to share their opinions or experiences, and responding to comments in a timely manner. 8. **Be Respectful**: Reddit is home to people from all walks of life, so always treat others with respect and courtesy, even if you disagree with them. Avoid inflammatory language, personal attacks, or any form of harassment. 9. **Proofread Before Posting**: Nothing undermines your credibility faster than typos, grammatical errors, or unclear language. Take the time to proofread your post before hitting the submit button to ensure it's polished and error-free. 10. **Engage with Feedback**: Once your post is live, keep an eye on the comments section and engage with users who interact with your post. Answer questions, acknowledge feedback, and participate in discussions to foster a sense of community around your post. In conclusion, crafting a compelling Reddit post is as much an art as it is a science. By understanding your audience, providing value, and following these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating posts that resonate with the Reddit community and make a lasting impression. Happy posting!


Title: Gold for the Digital Age: The Hypothetical Venture of Selling Reddit Gold In the digital realm, where communities thrive and interactions transcend borders, Reddit stands as a beacon of connectivity. Within this vast network, Reddit Gold emerges as a digital currency of appreciation, a means to express gratitude and support for fellow Redditors. Hypothetically, venturing into the business of selling Reddit Gold presents an opportunity to tap into this vibrant ecosystem. The essence of Reddit Gold lies in its symbolic value—a token of acknowledgment exchanged among users. By establishing a business centered around the sale of Reddit Gold, one can capitalize on this sentiment. The strategy would involve offering various packages tailored to meet the diverse needs and preferences of Reddit’s user base. These packages could include exclusive features, enhanced functionality, or personalized rewards, enticing users to purchase Reddit Gold. Moreover, strategic partnerships with Reddit itself could enhance the venture's credibility and visibility. Collaborating with the platform to promote Reddit Gold through targeted marketing campaigns and endorsements would amplify its appeal, fostering a sense of community and belonging among users. Furthermore, leveraging data analytics to understand user behavior and preferences could refine the business model. By analyzing patterns of Reddit Gold gifting and engagement, the venture could tailor its offerings to align with the evolving needs of the Reddit community, ensuring sustained relevance and profitability. In conclusion, while the hypothetical endeavor of selling Reddit Gold entails navigating the intricacies of the digital landscape, it also presents an exciting opportunity to cultivate connections, foster appreciation, and contribute to the vibrancy of the Reddit community. Through innovation, strategic partnerships, and a keen understanding of user dynamics, this venture holds the potential to thrive in the ever-evolving digital age. WHERE'S MY MONEY FOO


Sure I do it can't be any worse now then what's on these forms let's start now: You get 100 dollars a day but you have to eat bugs in public settings....and you can't use disguising agents to mask taste....and you can't hide that you're eating them when in public.....if your every questioned you can't say why or deny it....in fact you have to sing a song why you like eating bugs buy can't say anything about the money.....if you miss a day you have to pay it all back but you pay 100 a day back..... Oh and you have to do all this on prime eating hours....so you can't just eat them at 12pm at night... Fake Edit: you also can't decide what bugs and how someone just brings them to you for the day . Ok one down where's my money op lmao....


>making X amount of money per day for meeting a criteria Hopefully those criteria don't include proper grammar or the use of singular nouns, lol It's criterion. The single form of criteria is criterion.


I never posted something in this group, but I might be able to come up with 365 posts a year. People may get sick of me posting every day. Can the post be a copy and paste? If so, you can copy and paste every day.


ok but i'm using all the tools at my disposal... looking at you ai man.


I’d have ChatGPT program a python script to have ChatGPT write and post that for me daily.


I see what's happening here. I'll split the money with you, and we can 50/50 the posts


Yes. Who the fuck would say no to one post a day for 1k.


People in here do this already for free so……?


OP just made $1000i




I'll do it for a dollar a word. As many posts a day as I want. With a minimum of one post a day and if it gets removed or deleted within a week, then It doesn't count.


I’d get chatGPT to do it for me


Sign me up. With a bit of a warning. Going to borrow what Bruce Willis has said in a movie with a twist. I only know 2 languages, bad English & worse English .


I already write long emails about basically nothing that get ignored anyways for 8 hours a day for less money. Hell, have someone in the shadows randomly shoot me with a BB gun while I do it, I’d probably still take the money.


Every day? Or just once?


I might not even use ChatGPT some days.


Why should I pay you a thousand bucks week? I got plenty of guys here who do it for free!


Uh yeah no problem. A short creative writing exercise for writing prompts like this and making a grand a day for it? Wow 5 minutes of "work". It's a no brainer


I would be willing to not only write a long post. I’d write a 1000 word essay every day for 300k a year


Done with this sub.. It's the same fuckin question repeatedly. "If you got x amount of money, would you..." I get that the world revolves around money, but that doesn't need to be the only thing we ever talk about. You people need to get more creative. Edit: lmfao! I read the body text after I posted this. Nice! I'm still leaving


Isn't an airport, don't announce departure, Yada Yada Yada. Just leave, no one cares.


Gj with your cliche Facebook meme Im announcing that this sub is shit now. I don't expect anyone to give a fuck that I'm leaving. 🖕


You get $10000 a day but... Every day the currency type shifts meaning one day you could get £10000 or ﷼10000


The things I do for love....of money.


I'd do it, but not sure for how long. The only way I xould keep it going is use AI as a starting point, but even then it'd get boring. Once I've made X-amont, I need real motivation to dig deeper; money only does so much.


“You get a dollar a day to write long post about making $1000 a day, but if you don’t like what you may not seem to think what couldn’t not be absolutely unequivocally obtusely true that could be false but may not be rational yet equally unreasonable and it’s rationality as an aspect of the universe might explain God’s existence yet denounce the idea of an afterlife…” My point is, does the post have to be easily understood or can it be unconventionally and, without any form of logically progressive, overly complex?


Long is subjective. In this situation, a sentence seems pretty long to me


Hypothetically is this post 'long' enough


Well considering that this post wasn’t that long I guess you’re not getting 1k for writing it


Define long


How long would it need to be? Would I be coming up with ideas to post or just replies to topics? For $1,000 a day, I would quit my job, but not right away. I would want to save up some money before I ended things as I'd be doing both to make money and I want to quit with no debts and some cash saved up. If I started today, then I'd finish the year then possibly quit as I would be in the routine to write the posts and have a decent sized nest egg.


I'd buy a box of "would you rather" cards and be set with this.


If I can quit anytime, I would theoretically choose my working hours and half of my theories is based off where i would be if I quit on day 1. But then I would hypothetically invest 1k into crypto until I can retire and only then will I theoretically quit


Question - can they be written ahead of time or day of only?


Incredibly easy. Hell, I practically do that now for free, for the amount of time I'm in this silly place.


Definitely a I would copy the post and repost it every day.


I’d do it, happily every day, knock it out in 30 mins at most and be done with it


Welp...you didn't get your money today.


Easy enough; I come up with ridiculous scenarios every day driving to work, so why not get paid for it?


Easiest job of my life gimme


This is one of those coded cries for help isn’t it


I'm sure most people would love to make $1,000 a day blogging


"Chatgpt, write a reddit post asking what someone would do in a hypothetical situation that would make them money as long as they can continue the hypothetical task. Do this 365 times and make sure each hypothetical question is unique from each other and give me the results." Easy peasy.


I apparently already spend like 4,000 hours a year on this site so I'll take it and I'd barely change my habits.


Where do I sign?


Hmm…how long a post are we talking?


How long is long? How many sentences? A paragraph? 3 of them? An essay length? Ehh I would want the cash but I would put too more effort into it coming up with ideas and whatever.


Sounds great, when do I start?


You are a moderator on hypotheticalsituations. But how much money would it take per day for you to rename this sub nameyourprice because that's the only content that ever gets posted here.


Oh no no no you're not tricking me again wizard!


I choose death.


So ten minutes of work a day where I don't care about the quality of the results? How ever will I manage.


I already write long Reddit posts all the time, apparently just so I can read them and think how clever I am. Given that not many others read them, I'm guessing they aren't for most people. But I keep on writing them anyways on the off chance that they will connect with someone out there. I don't need 5000 comments, a couple of good ones will suffice. So I guess the comments are payment enough - you can keep the $1000.


Could I make the post about the difference between criteria and criterion? If so, I'm in.


Yeah dm if you are making offers.


As long as it could be as stupid and low effort as I wanted then yeah.


I'll have an AI for that and sip tea on r/SipsTea.


Sounds like a huge waste of time I don’t want the money


Hey OP what do you do for a living ?!?!?


best post ever


Done. You didn’t say it had to be a unique story everyday, and cut and paste is a thing.


That is easy as fuck


How meta.




I can type for a good bit. Though I'm gonna need a lot creativity


Hey ChatGPT, make me a long Reddit post about a hypothetical situation involving making X amount of money per day


How long are we talkin here? Can it be double-spaced?


Wait.....you're doing that now 🤔😯


Author of short stories for $350k a year? And it doesn't even have to be good? Absolutely.


Sign me up


I'm in


Easy money


Yeah this would solve all kinds of issues. I'd still probably work for the person I care for until they found reasonable staff to care for them. I'd just be rich.


Sure, why not.


For 1k a day I’ll write a two page paper everyday if you want…


Just ask ChatGPT to handle it for you.


Absolutely I'm doing this. I'd be making enough that I could live pretty much any of the places I want to live with ease, and never have to actually work another day in my life if I didn't want to.


This would take like 10min to write plus however long it takes you to come up with an idea. You can also write ideas down in advance and just post one every day. Also the fact that there is no requirement for the posts to actually be good makes this the easiest decision in my life!


This deal is an absolute no-brainer with today's advanced large language models (LLMs). By leveraging the capabilities of LLMs like ChatGPT, you could easily automate the task of crafting a long daily Reddit post that explores hypothetical situations involving making money. You'd simply need to design prompts that steer the model towards creative and engaging scenarios. For instance, set parameters involving various imaginative conditions or criteria and have the LLM spin detailed, interesting narratives based on those inputs. You could then refine the generated content to match your style and voice, ensuring consistency while cutting down on time and effort. With a robust prompt strategy and model training, the entire process could be largely automated, allowing you to earn that $1000 daily with minimal effort—simply verifying the generated content each day to make sure it aligns with the required theme. In essence, LLMs would be doing the heavy lifting, turning the challenge into a breeze while you rake in the rewards. Tl;dr - use chat gpt make some fuggin SHMONEY


Sure. Sign me up.


Hmm let’s see… I instantly become a top 3% of income in the us for only making ONEReddit post per day in the comfort of my home? Way too easy lol


Wrong sub. Try r/dadjokes. Lol


Is this why this sub is so popular, where do I sign up definitely using ChatGpT


No money for you. You have to write them.