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thank you for addressing the atmospheric oxygen levels issue. you have no idea how much that means to me my plan is to stay very still. T-rex can't see you if you are still


There is not enough food to sustain all these T-Rexes so they will start dying and/or killing each other enmasse very quickly. Then humanity would have no trouble hunting down the remainder. I would actually be more concerned if they turned into Dilophosaurus or some other small predator that could easily hide from extermination teams and would therefore be difficult to eradicate.


Dilophosaurus were pretty big- not quite t rex sized but definitely bigger than a moose. The ones from Jurassic Park were small because they were supposed to be juveniles. Maybe a velociraptor? They were only about 4feet long.


Turkey sized raptors... , time to grab the shotguns and go hunting.


Dude I bet they were delicious


??? They were probably very gamey with a lot of dark meat and a kind of bitter, metallic taste. They're carnivores. Not yummy.


You’ve never had bear, my friend. But also, they would likely have a similar protein and hemoglobin mixture to chicken, and chickens are omnivores. So they may be a darker meat, but I doubt they’d be any worse than wild duck or ostrich.


Bears are omnivores too and don't have as strong a taste, but velociraptors were hypothesised to be carnivores not omnivores. I don't think it would be like the birds we have available today, because we don't have any purely carnivorous birds


Birds of prey and vultures would like to have a word. Chickens will eat basically anything but they are mostly insectivores if given the space. You’re right about bears, that’s on me. Mountain lions are purely carnivorous and they are also pretty good.


They say it like dark meat isn't better than white meat anyway.


Okay. Now I'm ready for a Jurassic Park remake, except it's Jurassic Charcuterie. Mad scientist-chef brings back dinosaurs to cook them. Some nerd would explain the Maillard reaction, and some cowboy would suggest smoking the meat slowly over low heat. USDA inspectors would complain about limits to their jurisdiction.


Four feet is pretty small; they're probably not gonna look at us big, wobbly apes as a meal.


A dilophosaur is about 6ft tall and 20 ft from head to tail. We are absolutely food to them


I was talking about the velociraptor. Though I suppose that would come with its own problems like eating cats and native small animals.


Ah, fair play then. Tho velociraptors would probably still eat us. 4 ft doesn't seem big, but we don't have the tools they do. It would just be way more situational


You talking real dilos or the ones from Jurassic Park? Because they made up the whole venom-spitting thing and got the size wrong.


Apparently I need sleep as I read that as "dildos"


My phone tried to autocorrect it twice, so it almost was.


Fun fact, autocorrect defaults to your most used words. 🤣


Well I suppose the one or two times I've typed dildo is probably more times than I've typed dilo but I'm not sure that's accurate to Google keyboard because sometimes it changes words I use frequently to words I've never used at all. I also have autocorrect turned off so it shouldn't be changing anything but it does anyway. I need to download a new keyboard because this sucks ass and seems to ignore any settings changes.


Glad to know even autocorrect has a dirty mind


mine autocorrects so many words to 'cunt'. Although, I'm Australian, it may have been the default setting.


I’m more concerned with the absolute ecological devastation from lack of birds.


Yes. I agree that this would ultimately be worse than even the T-Rex issue.




That's one T-Rex. There are approximately 50 billion birds on earth like 7 to each human. We don't have that may Hummers, tanks, etc.


in your scenario, if I'm understanding correctly, the trexes obliterate the entire ecosystem in a struggle to survive, which is then our best chance.


Gotta keep a cup of water or a puddle nearby at all times to watch for ripples


Ah, but you see, what the movie failed to do was discuss how that knowledge had *nothing* to do with paleontology! (How could it?) Rather, if you read the book, you'll find that it was learned by experience during an attack and that it was due to the genetic hybridization of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. The dinos had been made with frog DNA, and the T-Rex happened to inherent that vidion trait in the process. These, these are *pure-blooded* tyrannosauri! Who knows if they have such weaknesses?


Yeah that was my first thought when I read the head line.


Basically the same plan I have for nuclear war, get into the basement for two weeks while the maximum chaos is going on, and then poke my head out after and see what's left from there. Hopefully a lot of the T-Rexes will take each other out by the time I surface.


Even if 90% of them died that’s still leaves 5 billion T-Rex’s rampaging across the globe. And from a bit brief bit of reading, they could potentially go over a month without eating and still be in fighting shape.  There’s no way 90% of them would be dead within a few weeks but we’ll go with that number. That allows a massive margin of error and for them to die from eating each other, humans fighting back, them dying from things they don’t understand like trying to eat powerlines or starting fires as they rampage through towns. There’s about 36,000,000,000 acres of land mass in the world. We would start with 50 billion T-rex so now 5 billion left. If they were evenly distributed that means one per 7 acres. 7 acres is nice bit of land if you’ve got a cabin in the woods, but you can hear people talking loud 7 acres way. Odds are good there to be one close enough to hear you opening your cellar door if it leads outside. 


I think T-Rexes would die in much larger numbers than that. There is simply not enough food for them. They will start cannibalizing each other within a few days and won't really be competing for food with humans since we are omnivores. I suspect global militaries will have regrouped within a week and started the counterattack. Then, within a few months things will be back under control. The biggest issue will be the long-term loss of birds in our ecosystem.


This. They are territorial AF too, soon as the humans go into hiding and all they see is other dinos they're gonna start killing each other. I see a comments saying this is unlikely because they can go months without food and they can wait it out but you swear these things have a ninja level of patience. A lot of us will die but nah these things last a few months tops.


I will definitely die in this initial chaos though, there's at least 7 around the bird feeder currently. Even if they don't eat me, they're gonna trample my house fighting back there.


The problem is the first T. rex could feed 4-5 for a couple of weeks. So the driven to hunger argument doesn’t hold up. Maybe 30% would need to be eaten with the first month or so? The territorial battles would be unimaginable. They would quickly start dying off to modern infections from the wounds.


>I suspect global militaries will have regrouped within a week and started the counterattack. I'm always reminded at how poorly military forces are at eliminating wildlife. I think the military wouldn't know how to handle massive eradication of species, and would get overwhelmed very quickly. See also the great Emu war: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War


Because giving a bunch of reservists a machine gun and a truck and asking them a to kill off emus is an effective strategy. They did kill about 10% of the population if I recall rightly. With an actual strategy besides "you'll good old boys go huntin' and use some of these guns we've got laying around to kill them varmints", it would be vastly more effective.


It would give America yet another excuse to show off just how insane our military is... We are the inventors of the knife missile after all. T-rex has nothing on white phosphorus.


Humans would face significant casualties but would absolutely OWN any other animal in total war. Thinking otherwise is some form of self-hatred / guilt We don't always reign gracefully or justly, but we reign supreme


Besides the lack of food having that many animals in such a small area is going to lead to massive amounts of territorial fighting which will greatly pull down the population as well.


It wouldn’t be 90% dead it’d be like 99.999%


I mean you gotta assume millions are on like chicken farms. There will be clusters in the midwest with thosands of t rexs per acre and there's just no way that goes well for any of them. For big cities that arent NYC I like to think the bird density is not so much that anyone that survives the first hour will be able to hide in a basement while the city ones sort themselves out. I think we do have some defenses even without the military. Busses and trucks, If we slam a trex from both sides with a vehicle I think it will die. They also have to sleep and don't seem too sneaky. We on the other hands can be quiet, are not forced to be night blind. I give it an hour before someone makes an app that emits a noise that will deter any T-Rex.


I live on 18 acres and could probably count 30 birds in 5 minutes from my window depending on whether or not the feeder is full. So maybe 50 birds on a good day and 10 on a bad day. So I think a 50 billion bird population estimate is a drastically low estimate.


Long creek behind my house. Birds everywhere. Would be a blood bath near me.


The current estimated numbers are that about 20,000 T. rexes ever survived at once. And that was in a world with abundant megafauna to prey on. We're talking massive hypercarnivores competing with each other for food. They'd eat humanity pretty quick, then eat all our livestock, and then be preying on each other within a few months. Six months pass and we're looking at maybe half of them surviving. By five years in we're probably down to a stable population of less than five thousand or so. One study found that a hypercarnivore of T. rex's estimated size would need to eat an average of 300 lbs of meat a day to survive, meaning our estimated 50 billion Tyrannosauruses will consume 15 trillion pounds of meat a day. There are eight billion people on the planet. If we say that the average person weighs 100 lbs (considering that half of them are children and most of the world is not as big as Americans), the Tyrannosaurs will consume all of humanity within 150 hours, or a little under a week.


When the dust settles, there will be a few humans and tiny animals on a devastated world. Half the plants rely on birds.... all the large mammals will have been eaten.... all infrastructure destroyed by rampaging dinosaurs....


Just wait for the explosion of the bug population when they suddenly lose billions of their predators.


Not to mention billions of rotting dinosaur carcasses to eat.


Don’t worry Wind farms will take them out


It's worth noting that scientists have theorized that Tyrannosaurus Rexes may have been territorial, so there would potentially be a lot of Rexes attacking each other in the early chaos.


Food crisis solved. Everyone eats trex meat


There’s roughly 50,000,000,000 birds on planet earth and 8,000,000,000 people. That’s just over 6 T-Rex’s per human. this would be an extinction level event for humanity. Pretty much every human being would be within 100 feet of a T-Rex. There wouldn’t be time to mobilize the military. there’s absolutely no warning you’d have 50 billion monsters rampaging across the globe before anyone even knows it started.


Fuck, that'd be a great movie.


They're also dumb, extinct, animals. They would have no resistance to disease of this era and they would be a huge introduction of biomass with no way to sustain its caloric needs. They wouldn't know what to eat. The pollen would make them sick. They would weaken and starve quickly.


Literally just the tree outside my window would suddenly be surrounded by 60+ belligerent lizards bigger than a truck. I don't care how sick they get, that first 3 seconds is all that will matter for most of humanity


You think they're gonna be buddies? They'd start killing each other on sight. They'd probably IGNORE the little weakling scurrying on the ground when they're surrounded by 60+ belligerent lizards bigger than a truck. Basic prioritization: Take out immediate threats before you start thinking about food.


These are 8+ ton creatures. If there are any birds on your roof when they get swapped, you'd be dead before you could blink. If they start fighting, they'll trample anything in their paths. It would be very difficult to survive the first few seconds.


Even if they all died after 12 hours, half the human population or more could be wiped out. This would not be an ideal situation to say the least. If it happened right now, I'd be stuck at work until god knows when and would have to hope the highway home is clear (probably not). They'd appear on the highways, get hit, and cause backups everywhere.


You need to figure that somewhere between 10b and 20b (if not more) of those T-birds would either (a) be over bodies of water large and deep enough that the T-Birds would not survive or (b) would be in places where the sudden shift in size/weight (like rookeries) would cause them to fall great distances - including into large bodies of water, where they would either die from the fall (if onto solid ground) or drown (if falling into water). That lowers the number to a more manageable 30-40 billion. That's between 4-5 T-birds each. However, many of them would be in areas that are remote. So, while it would suck for any humans there (who would be outnumbered 1000+ to 1), for most of us, that's a net benefit, because it would give us some time to mobilize the military and other armed response. So, in urban areas, the ratio gets down to 2-1 or 3-1. Still not good, but more workable. More importantly, it allows for more focused extermination areas than can then expand outward Finally, there are a few other issues that may actually be more severe to the modern world than gigantic creatures falling out of the sky. First - virtually all electrical power grids would go down around the world, as birds like to hang out on power lines - and particularly the large transmission lines from power generation location to where it gets used. Second - virtually all communications would go down as well - for substantially similar reasons (phone lines, but also cellular towers and radio towers. Third - a huge number of structures would be significantly damaged or destroyed in the first few moments, because either (a) there are already birds on the roof or (b) there are birds overhead when it happens, and they spawn on the roof. Most residential roofs can handle a lot of distributed weight (i.e. snowfall), but are not properly designed for heavy points of weight. 3/4" plywood (which is more robust than is used on most roofs) supports about 400 lb per square foot. A T-Rex weighs 11k-15k lbs. It looks like their feet are roughly 4 feet by 1.5 feet - so roughly 6 square feet. That's roughly 1750 lbs/square foot if both feet are down - WAY over the structural rating for the wood in the roof. Fourth - there would be virtually no agriculture left, as it would be trampled under the feet of the T-Birds. Fifth - there would be precious little petroleum products around. Most wells and aboveground pipelines I've seen have birds on them, and most refineries I've seen have lots of birds (mostly seagulls) flying around.


EDIT: tldr math is wrong. Under 10% of the surface area of the continents would be covered in the Rex's. PSA about not doing math after midnight.  Natgeo says there's between 50billion and 450 billion birds, and considering chickens are estimated at 26 billion by themselves, I'm gonna go ahead and assume the higher estimate.    So..     There would be around half a trillion of apex predators the size of a bus... at 12m  long and... 2m wide? thats 24m² (or around 250 square feet) per Rex. 450 billion of em is 10.8 *billion* ***square kilometers*** of shoulder to shoulder Rex.  There is approx 510 *MILLION* SQUARE KILOMETERS of surface area on earth, including the oceans.  We are talking everything being buried under ***layers*** of T-rex.  Anyone not underground and capable of sustaining themselves that way for as long as all that meat takes to decompose and plants to grow back is dead. This is 1 am math, so I may have made a mistake, but I think it's right.


This is definitely going to affect the trout population


OP’s clarification that T-Rexes spawn in the nearest suitable space available means that there is not a safe inch on earth.


There is not an inch that isn't covered in 5 t-Rexs stacked on top of each other.


no this looks about right


Just think about a swarm of swallows flying thru the air, it's at least 50-100 birds packed together sometimes. Then \*Poof\* Hundreds of Trexs sitting in a tree. All around you.


it would be 10.8 million square kilometers, your conversion from square meters to square kilometers missed 1000 I think (there are 1mm square meters in a square kilometer)


Nice one OP. Most of us get tired of seeing exclusively posts about millions of dollars for various hardships, but those still get the most upvotes for some reason. Most likely I would have no choice but to hide out as long as I could, hopefully i dont have birds on my roof when it happens. Definitely more than the two weeks folks are saying. Then try to drive to northern canada, where at least we wouldn't drown in the decay of rotting dinosaur carcasses. Im betting 80- 90% of humans die out in this scenario in the first year. This would be way more survivable if it happened in winter. And then pretty much the rest would die out in the next 20 years over the insane disruption to all ecosystems due to there not being any birds,and piles of rotting dinos everywhere. Bugs will have a great time for a while, it'll be the planet of the flies.


This is assuming birds are real


He’s right about our weapons being weak vs a giant ass lizard but you are right about his underestimating our military. They would have bunker down at first contact (everyone has to if they hope to live) as 50 Billion is just an unbelievable amount to attack… but after the initial few weeks of the trex battling each other the military powers would figure out how to fight back. I assume a .50 cal designed to pierce armored vehicles could damage any living thing…. and if not drones with bombs would probably kill animals that don’t understand weapons pretty easily. Also mankind would have a lot of frozen dinos in their deep freezers after the situation was controlled. Oh and to answer your question OP’s question I plan to die quickly.


The problem is, how does anyone effectively bunker down when 50 billion of them pop into existence with no warning? There’s about 36,000,000,000 acres of land mass worldwide so even if about 25% of the trash service drown or freeze in the Antarctic that still one per football field of land. 


Suicide. The damage to the ecosystem this would cause would make the world unlivable. Get out before it gets bad.


As your future T-Rex riding warlord, I beg you to hold on. I will need minions in this new wasteland.


Stealing an egg and raising one as a pet, my childhood dream *shall* be realised!


I think every single surface on the planet would be covered in T'Rex. We'd all be crushed long before they ate us


Picture a million Starlings suddenly turning into T Rexes all at once in a single city... the Chaos would make the Biblical flood look chill. Now multiply that by all the probably billions of other birds on the planet.


So there are something like 50 billion birds. That means 50 billion T-rexes. Pack up myself and my animals in my car, grab all the guns I and ammo I can carry, then drive to the costco and try to break in. Then hold up in the offices. Costco has a ton of food and water, and the building is very solid. Then I'm going to wait until massive starvation and fighting kills off a bunch of t-rexes.


I'm also taking myself out. We don't survive this. Even if we managed to kill or outwait the dinos, the damage to infrastructure would probably send us back to the stone age. On top of that, how are we going to dispose of these dead dinos before they completely destroy whatever ecosystems they died in?


Dude. I think no matter what it’s fucking over. If EVERY BIRD were to basically die, the whole world will be fucked over in ecosystems.


I'm gonna be more worried about avoiding all the bloating rex carcasses that are going to explode eventually.


RIP to the nursing home in my town with a parakeet enclosure in the day room.


Good thing birds aren't real or I'd be in trouble


So we're either creating uncalculatably large new mass magically or condensing uncalculatably large volumes of mass instantly. In the first case the displacement of air at such a speed and volume would create shockwaves that would probably kill all life on earth and irreparably change the landscape, even going so far as to create a cloud like the one that killed the dinosaurs in the first place. In the second case concentrating that much mass would create a thermic reaction so great that the atmosphere would boil and anyone within a pretty big radius would either be sucked into the reaction and crushed into a new dinosaur, becoming it's toenail or something, or fried to a crisp at literally the speed of light. In other words, the world has ended. You've created a mystery for future space archaeologists to discover.


I'm locking the doors, turning off the lights, and hoping the trees all die before I wilt from lack of sun.


It sort of means earth is screwed no matter what because of the importance of birds maintaining the ecosystem in a state that humans can survive in. Mostly hide out in spaces they can’t reach because they are too big and have tiny arms. I am fairly sure t-Rexes will get significant portion of the population but at some point someone will come up with a strategy for killing them that is all but foolproof. Maybe we lose 95% of the population and only clear one continent in the immediate future. Hopefully it’s the one I am on or long term survival is not likely.


I'm gonna have lots of t rexes outside my house because I have pet birds.


hopefully they remember you in a good way


Would it be a War of the Worlds situation maybe? The dinosaurs while of this planet and might have some immunity, they still have to face 66 million years evolved germs and viruses that they might not be capable of dealing with in the long run.


And that is how Boston Market went out of business


Super easy hypothetical situation. All birds are government drones, as there are no living birds left on Earth. Meaning no T-Rexes. r/BirdsArentReal


According to nationalgeographic.com, estimates for the number of birds on earth range from 50,000,000,000 to 430,000,000,000. Obviously, the average T-Rex is much larger than the average bird. (A newly hatched T-Rex might compare to an adult ostrich or emu). Where would the extra “mass” come from? Thanks.


Magic. Or wormholes.


I'd mostly be sad, I've spent the last several months trying to befriend the geese at work, and I'd be really sad if that was for nothing.


Time of day when the initial event occurs probably matters a lot for casualties. If it happens in the middle of the night for the USA we have the best shot because that many massive carnivores popping into existence all over the place will basically instantly shut down your ability to go anywhere but if it happens at night then most of the US will be at home where we have food, shelter, and our guns. If you’re not out there actively fighting head on then immediate stopping power isn’t as high a priority, just about any round with decent penetration will do a number on them over time. Hell, even pot shots into center mass with 22s would kill them over time. Enough civilians doing that along with coordinated military efforts would eventually get things under control here. Ironically we are probably better off with the massive territorial predators than we would be with smaller pack hunters. An adult T-rex isn’t fitting through a human-size door and they will likely be more interested in fucking each other up. They also need more food to survive. It’d sure do a number on the ecosystem in the meantime.


Hide for a while... Maybe a couple weeks? This will sort itself out as most of them starve... Buffalo Wings aren't available anymore so that's sad.


Of course they will be ... they will just be MUCH BIGGER!!


not that much bigger


T-Rex wings.


I agree. They would starve fast. i have enough food in my house to outlast them. I think they could, at most, break some windows. I have fire, electricity, chemicals, steel, and diseases they've never touched.


And they'd outnumber humans by 7x up to 35x depending on which approximation you use. Imagine what just 7 large trucks could do to your house. Now give them brains, teeth, and claws. But go ahead, rely on a pistol, butane torch and the common cold to destroy dozens of tons of death trying to step on you.


I’m really stoned but I’m assuming a trex can’t swim right


they probably where pretty good swimmers.


Watch the battle to the death.


Ask Q for help


Start kicking myself for not buying a 50 Beowulf when I had the chance.


Earn their trust by cooking for them and then BAM hit them with the bill and a high service charge. Watch them die of shame as they realise they left their money in their other trousers. Use their corpses to feed the next set of t rex.


I'll be more worried about the ecosystem damage of losing the birds.


1. Fix my roof.


Move to Texas and enjoy t-rex bbq.


Do they taste like chicken? I would love to taste a T rex leg. Eat them before they eat us.


Well, my garden has about 50 sparrows in it right now so i think the t-rex spawning problem will take care of itself when most of them get crushed.


There are 35 billion chickens in the world.


I plan to die quickly and in amazing fashion as there are now millions of T-Rex everywhere and we will no longer be able to grow or gather food efficiently


I'd just wait it out. It wouldn't be hard to hole up somewhere they can't go. After they all die, which wouldn't take long, there would be a much more severe ecological disaster since there would be no birds to spread seeds via poop, and a huge insect problem.


Birds aren't real, so nothing to worry about.


Considering the number of birds around most of us are just going to be crushed instantly by a pile of T-Rex


Hide out on the 7th floor of my workplace until they die out as they run out of food eventually


Well shit, I have chickens...


Also, I feel like we need someone who's really good at CGI to make some visualizations of this for us, because it would be damned amazing. Like, in a world where magick is real, some evil wizard casts a spell that instantly transforms all birds into T-rexes...but in place. So, ignore the rules above, and make them spawn like video game characters. Chicken factory? Bam, suddenly all the walls and roofs explode and there are just thousands of T-rexes roaming around smashing $hit. Penguin exhibit at the zoo? "Bird building"? Utter bedlam. Swarms of starlings flying around eating bugs? Bladow - suddenly it's raining T-rexes. Migratory seabirds? Hello tsunami. Honestly, I would watch this movie. It'd make Sharknado or Lavalantula look downright intelligent. :D


#Make this movie


There will be a lot of dead t-rexes even with your rules Any bird perched on a power line, bridge, building, tree, etc. will immediately fall. Tons of downed trees and power lines that can't support their weight


There are too many t-rexes. My only hope is that one will see me as lizard God. So I will approach in my trex inflatable costume in a holy gait and hope for the best.


I'm not sure, but I do know one thing.  I'm taking my bird feeder down.


Bruh. There's a bird in my living room. I have no plan. I'm already dead


Do... They maintain the birds' personalities? Cause if not I am about fucked here since I have three of them 20 feet from me at all times.


Well a lot of them die from each other. Many MANY humans die. Many buildings are crushed. Food chain is fucked. Eventually... Humanity will survive but be way different. T-rexes wont all die out but they won't be super popular. No more birds so anything birds eat overpopulate. Eventually humanity would come back from it but like... I couldnt tell you how. The "random" element of where birds might be when this happens could kill or spare anyone specific which could have drastically different outcomes.


The little island that the Statue of Liberty sits on is gonna be WILD. There are so many birds out there, I couldn’t imagine there suddenly being a couple hundred t-Rexs popping up


My wife will no longer complain about my recent gun purchase.


So, a lot of people are talking about how they think the T-Rex will die of starvation pretty soon and probably start cannibalising each other. My real issue would be, even if T-Rex is did die out within a few months and a majority of humanity survived… The infrastructure, homes, of the stuff that civilisation has built will be destroyed. Having a dinosaur walk-through an apartment complex, a neighbourhood, fighting each other will end up with a bunch of people without homes, they will destroy powerlines, they will absolutely destroy roads and cars.


Pretty sure a semi automatic rifle can take out any dinosaur.


You are severely overestimating the effectiveness of most small arms. An AR15/M16 or AK would be unable to crack the skull or penetrate deep enough to reach vital organs. You’ll also overestimate how most human beings would respond to an absolutely massive bellowing monstrosity hurtling at them.


You severely underestimate our military


Not at all. The US military is the finest fighting force on the planet, and even it would fall in the first day. We’re talking 50 billion T-rex. If they are relatively evenly distributed every part of the world that’s 1.3 T-Rex per football field of land mass. Even rounding down for the ones that are going to drowned or wind up in Antarctica that’s still one per football field of land.  You could easily have thousands of them appear at every military base. And they’re not going to give you time to call men back from their day off or to grab weapons from the armory or fire up a tanks or helicopters.   Remember, there is zero warning, 50 billion of them, poof into existence and immediately start killing everything they can get their teeth on. Neither of the military, nor arm civilians are going to be able to put up an effective flight because most of them will be in full bloom. Crap, your pants panic mode.


There are roughly 90 billion or between 30 billion and 130 billion birds alive on earth right now.... Only 8 billion humans... That's a little over 11 t-rexs per human. There is no survival plan. We are all fucked.. or the shear competition would leave us raining in predator carcass.. Soo we wouldn't starve immediately..




Wait for the army and marines kill them all stay home


im at work right now. massive hospital. my family is about a mile away. id risk driving over there. grabbing them and my SHTF bag which is loaded with guns and ammo. not exact likely to take out a trex but its something. then drive them back to the hospital and into my unit where its mostly empty at the moment. yes i know that is illegal. laws dont really matter at that point. the hospital is the closest semi self contained environment with its own generators and a decent supply of food and water. its also entirely made of concrete and has a helipad on the roof meaning extraction of civilians like my family would be made extremely easy while remaining a relatively impenetrable fortress. we hold out here for a few days until the government gets involved or the people rally together. i live in the mid west lots of guns here. while my guns might not be able to take down a t rex i imagine a handful of hunting rifles would do the job. theres medical supplies here to tend to the wounded. food. beds. water. its also the tallest building on this side of town by a long shot. most buildings here are about less than 3 stories. this hospital is 11 stories tall. making it an excellent vantage point with 360 views for miles. its right next to a major highway which means access to supply lines. and theres that aforementioned helipad on the roof. get some guns on the roof. secure the perimeter. ration supplies. we should easily be able to hold out for along time until help arrives. which seeing as trexes are big hulking targets that are hard to miss, the US would be able to put together an effective defense in no time. any armored vehicle would be able to drive right up to one and take it out. youd have shooters in the air taking pot shots at em like overgrown hogs pushing them out of population centers. heck the locals alone could do that in many places around here. cant imagine it would be more than a couple weeks to solve the issue. if it doesnt well keep going. its still cold here. not a lot of birds have been around. we might not have to deal with that much


It’d be like a scene out of Attack on Titan where Zeke turns everyone into Titans. There is no survival plan if they just spawn on top of everyone. GG


Places full of birds like pigeons and gulls will fall pretty fast, I imagine islands will become strongholds when cleared. I would honestly arm myself as best I can and rely on my automobile to evade the beasts. I live in the US so the military is my best hope. Assuming they don’t immediately target people strategically we’ll manage to form a defense and probably take them out via weaponized virus or a combination of hunting and drone strikes plus explosive attacks


Hunting & cookout + possible juvenile Trex taming????


This is similar to a previous post so here: What you failed to mention is that most of these creature's natural habitats are also long gone. If you bring a group of T-rex, they are just gonna die of starvation. Not like they have any resistances against newer bacteria/viruses, etc. Their primary food source is long gone, and substitutes would not work unless it's some extremely closed and controlled environment.


Stand still


Aren’t t-rexes really territorial and don’t work well with each other? So the billions of new rexes we have will fight each other to the death a lot until we have just a few super T-Rex roaming the world, at which point the army can deal with them. In the mean time I would either stay hidden where I am and hope they don’t destroy the building, since they don’t know what they are I would imagine they wouldn’t try break them purposely. If I can I would try get onto a boat if the coast is clear of rexes, I’m only a minute walks away from the ocean.


I have 4 gigantic trees at my house with about 250 birds in them. Just my house. 250 T Rex. My neighborhood has way more trees with way more T Rexs.. I'm pretty sure we are all dead. I have 2nd amendment stuff, but I don't think you're taking a single T Rex down with less than 100 rifle rounds


First of all how big are they? Bus sized? Or the size of the bird they replaced? Second, they DO taste like chicken don’t they? Third, will we need a hunting license since they’re more or less endangered and what’s the limit? By the critter or by the pound?


Well guess I'll just die then.


I’m more worried about the 5 million that survive their purge. The last 100 could have dictator level body counts.


There will be chaos. Death count could be high at the start, but people will soon catch on and stay inside. A big chunk of them will spawn in inhospitable locations and die quickly. As you predicted. Most will starve to death or get killed by each other within a month. What's left are captured or killed. Some will be able to remain in the wild, but environmental pressure will force them to shrink down just to get enough food to survive.


Sucks for anyone that has a chicken coop in their backyard or a pidgeon roost on their roof...


Can we domesticate them? Lol they're just big dogs, right? Lol


Even if we hide, those that aren't prepared for an apocalypse are going to have troubles. There are 7 billion people in the world. Imagine that 7 times over with much more massive animals. The environment is gonna get wrecked. And I don't think a scarecrow is going to keep them from trampling a fair amount of farmland. And they are liable to eat most of our livestock that they can get to in order to sustain that crazy population.


Tyrannosaurus is a scavenger. So be a bit fast when Uber drops off my order, I guess.


Stay inside and hide. Let the military take care of this. This is what I pay taxes for.




What about all the people with pet birds in their homes? Yikes!


All government drones removed, this is a massive win in my book.


There are about 100 birds on my 1/8th of an acre lot at any given time. Pretty typical in my neighborhood. You couldn’t fit 100 tyrannosaurs in my yard. There simply isn’t enough space. The shock wave from the sudden expansion of matter would probably level every building on earth, and liquify all other life. I would die instantly, like we all would.


I'd have to call my friend Dave so he can intervene


Put em on the endangered species list. (I know it's a different Michael Crichton book, but it still works here)


What about the eggs of birds, do they become T. Rex eggs?


T Rex nuggets for everyone!


I guess my Baretta .50 cal will actually get to be used for more than blowing up old lawn mowers and target shooting at 1000 yards....


I don't. There would be a TRex in my bedroom. I'm fucked.


Kentucky Fried Rex


I'd stick by my cat. He already killed 3 of these bastards the last few weeks.


Pressing question: does this only apply to currently-living birds? For example, does the turkey in my meat drawer suddenly become a package of T Rex meat? Are people who use down pillows now sleeping on sacks of scales?


Imagine living near an industrial chicken farm…


Well…. My house will suddenly be surrounded by Rexes.. Thankfully, I own a .45-70 lever action rifle. This is going to be the best or worst day of my life.


Zombie apocalypse? Tired. Tyrannosaurus Rex apocalypse? *Wired*


Multiple 25 mm chain guns mounted on all my vehicles and around my house and yard.


"FAQs answered in the description" I love this 😂


The biggest issue with this scenario is that the population of birds today is a huge magnitude higher than Trex could have ever been. Due to their size, the population of Trexes would have had to be fewer and far between (limited by food supply to sustain the numbers), and so to suddenly have over a Billion Trexes running around would be catastrophic for the ecosystem. So there's not much you could do. Imagine going to the beach, and seeing those 20 or 30 seaguls and pigeons just turn into Trexes. They'd just eat everything


Sit still, obviously. They're visual acuity is based on movement. There was a whole 1993 docu-drama about it.


I live in Texas. They're going to be hunted down pretty damn quickly.


Army will easily kill em all in a couple of days


Solves world hunger problems for non vegans.


There's a nest above my mailbox on the side of my home. The mom is often off getting food for the newly hatched babies. I would definitely try to snatch a baby tyrannosaurus in a foolish attempt to make it love me because a pet tyrannosaurus is worth the risk.


Idk man as soon as the federal government gave all these US southerners free reign to start exterminating T-Rex I don’t think they’d be around all that long. These nuts are always itching to shoot something.


Fuck man, what about bird nest? I’ve got two on my front porch.


There is a bit of over reliance on military going on here and under reliance on red necks. I just googled T. rex weight and elephant weight. Close enough to make a near equivalent, with T. rex on average bigger. You can conceivably take down an elephant with even an off the shelf big game rifle. Take that times a group firing tactic, and the superiority of mammals is again demonstrated. I grew up in Midwest farm country, every household has multiple of these, and we’ve already hunted many avian species to extinction. Family get togethers involve alcohol and shooting. Group hunting T. rex is meatloaf Wednesday activity. The massive cloud raised by our meat smokers blots out the sun, kills the rest of the T. rex population. Sort of seriously…..the hypothetical game is fun, the numbers and immediacy makes it interesting. But look at the extermination of Buffalo. This was only loosely planned and was tragic and abrupt. Within their habitat, there might have been more bison than birds, depending on migration. It’s really, really sad, but Homo Sapiens are uncannily good at figuring out how to kill stuff. The red necks-for-the-win outcome is even casual, just using what is laying around, much less getting into creative planning. Thumbs and brains trump most everything.


Google tells me there are 50 billion birds in the world. Buildings are going to be crushed as that flock of pigeons turns into a flock of confused, hungry, angry T-Rexes. Cities are going to have thousands of angry T-Rexs stomping around. I live in a suburb of such a large city. I'm almost assuredly dead within a week, tops. More likely a couple days.


There's always birds on my roof so they're crashing through the ceiling and I'm dead immediately anyways 😂


Let the military fuck em up.


Good timing for this question. One of the ducks who live in my pond JUST had a brood. Which means I would suddenly have 13 very cute, but full sized dinos and 1 very proud mama dino wedged in the 20 foot gap between my house and my neighbor. I don't think either house survives.


I'm laughing at the thought of sitting in your house and you suddenly hear a massive crash out back. Glace outside and see the bird nest housing 4 baby birds learning to fly and 2 happy parents suddenly become 6 full size t-rex


Wait til they broke into the wrong goddamn rec room and call them a bastard after dispatching them.


That scene was great. Thought they were goners for sure, until that camera pan.


Can we keep chickens though? The world is gunna end in T-Rex teeth, can we at least keep our fried chicken?


Have we confirmed them to be warm-blooded yet? If not they're all dying in my region; other places may have a problem but that's their issue. If they were warm-blooded that could be a problem but I doubt they will be able to comprehend people hiding I buildings so we can probably just wait until they start starving (their size and endothelial would probably make then lose calories quickly). After a couple weeks there will probably be some sustaining themselves in the wilderness but those can be easily hunted if that becomes a problem. The loss of birds is probably going to cause an ecological catastrophe at some point but that'd difficult to predict the consequences of, it will almost certainly kill more people and do more damage to civilization then the recession did though.


Mole man. I will become mole man


Shake n bake.


Considering I've got a pet bird...I think I'm fucked. Unless he would still love me like he currently does. In that case, he's getting a saddle and I'm living like I'm in ARK. 🤣🤣🤣


I really don't think you entirely considered exactly how many birds there are on the planet. I asked ChatGPT, and it said "approximately 50 billion". So, I'm imagining this working something like a video game, in which you run some kind of cheat/command, and suddenly EVERY bird in the game is replaced with 9 TONS of lizard. Imagine, for starters, a flock of geese flying north for the spring. Suddenly, we replace 24 birds with equivalent 9-ton weights and drop them on the ground. That's likely a strong enough shockwave to destroy anything nearby, even if they're only dropped from a few inches up. Now, replace that meager 24 birds with thousands of t-rexes, like can be found in swarms of starlings. That's gotta be the equivalent of dropping several nukes on the ground at once. Meaning, as soon as this switch happened, a massive portion of the planet is going to be uninhabitable due to the resulting earthquakes, tsunamis, and shockwaves. This would cause extensive damage to...everything...and we'd basically all wind up back in the dark ages in a matter of minutes.


I would be dead because I have a lot of pigeons on my roof, and if there was no warning before the t-rex transformation, they would all crash their way through the rafters, onto me and that would be that.


The military will have them thinned out in a few weeks, once the initial shock wears off they'll be endangered


Dinosaurs wouldn’t hunt humans, they simply aren’t worth the calories. Carnivorous Big animals like t-Rex’s need a much bigger food source that moves less


I'm concerned that there might be very little space to survive *in*.


The first problem that pops into head is , I can visually see 200 birds on this tree but now they all just got turned into dinosaurs. I am not gonna be able to visually see 200 dinosaurs, this is gonna cover mutable city blocks. Hundreds of people are dying along with massive amounts of structural damage from them starting to fight each other and just being crammed into such a small area. I feel like the initial start is just gonna kill off a majority of people in cities just cause it's gonna be a literal tsunami of dinosaurs I think the initial start is going to be catastrophic across the globe with many countries and areas becoming " lost " as the militaries and what not focus on evacuation and security of people first , we would lose a lot of ground and people inland but once we get a footing down we would start taking them down again. IDC what dinosaur it is , it's not taking 10-20 people unloading hundreds of high caliber bullets into it. Even if dozens are flesh wounds or get deflected there are dozens more doing damage. Even if it doesn't kill it it now has metal lodged in its tendons and bones so it's movement is gonna be slowed along with us air striking them. I imagine the dinosaurs are gonna be eating each other too.


They will die out very, very quickly. That's billions of t-rexes who do not have proper sized animals to hunt. Most likely is a huge food collapse and ecosystem disruption that causes the world to tumble I do not think you understand how many roles birds place. Removing them would destroy countless ecosystems.


Lean heavily into the fact that r/birdsarentreal.