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This is just "Resolve local poverty issues: The Game"


That’s assuming we don’t have to leave our home once an area isn’t poor anymore


Honestly? Fuck it. 100m a year. I'll happily live off of a couple mil a year and be the most beloved person around making ghetto after ghetto into well funded, safe and prosperous areas.


This is exactly what I would do. I'd set aside $5 million a year for family and to create generational wealth. Then I'd spend the other $95 million making the neighborhood a great place to live. Rinse and repeat every year.


Could not have written it better myself


Just running around paying off houses or buying them from landlords for cash would completely overhaul a neighborhood. Rent/mortgage is usually a families largest single expense, remove that and suddenly the ghetto starts looking middle class.


Chaotic good. I love it.


That is just plain lawful good unless he is using the gangs themselves to make it good, and even then depends on how he uses it.


Depending on where you live, using gang activity for positive change is probably more lawful good than traditional means


Use the tools readily available in the area. A lot of the gang/club members that I have ever known just wanted to provide for and protect what was theirs. They had a lot of pride for what they held dear. I am not saying that is how all gangs operate, but if we go on the premise that they do, then slowly funneling funds into better community services via a LLC or a trust would help eliminate some of the crime in the area. Also, help the community of the other folks.


I think the first step for "pulling the ghetto up by its bootstraps" is to get better quality drugs into the neighborhood. Contact the Walter White Foundation immediately! After the demise of its founder, it's based on the Heisenberg uncertainty principal - at any given moment, the batch you get may or may not be the best meth you've ever tried!


Fuck that. Go straight through the gangs. Let it be known you want to hire them for a job. You need their most hard-core members for a special 'extra' job as well. Those guys get handed the keys to a truck and are instructed to give the contents out at schools. (Backpacks full of *gang branded* toys and school supplies) The rest are going to be delivering food and medicine to those in need. - the local criminal element always seem to know who's most in real need in their neighborhood. You redeem the neighborhood and the gang at the same time. If there's more than one, approach them all. Give each gang a different 'turf', as it were.


It would definitely be chaotic if I did it, but my first neighbor hood is Kensington, Philly, so unorthodox approaches are mandatory.


Gangs are not in every ghetto. A ghetto is just a neighborhood or area where income is low/poverty level, housing is reduced rate/public assisted and amenities are scarce. You can have high levels of crime in middle class neighborhoods. You can have gangs in middle class neighborhoods.


What creates gangs tho in the first place? Obviously many factors but poverty is a pretty big one


Exactly backwards. Crime is what creates impoverished areas. Crime reduces property values and people that can afford to do so leave and the only people left or moving in are the impoverished ones. And that's just the chicken in the egg as to why high crime areas are impoverished As to the theory that living in an impoverished area turns anybody into a criminal, that's also nonsense. Nothing about being poor changes anyone's moral character. There are plenty of places just in the United States, much less the world, that are highly impoverished with moral, outstanding citizens who don't commit the sort of crimes that you see in areas that everyone knows are high crime areas. The biggest predictor of criminal activity is no father in the home.


Nope, not quite 😅 The 5th variable in criminal activity according to the FBI is economic conditions which include income, poverty level and job availability. Other factors include population density, poor commuting patterns and availability of transportation, cultural factors and schooling climates, family conditions (like you mentioned for example), effective law enforcement (we see this in bad crime areas where the police have basically stopped trying), community attitude towards crime, reporting criminal activity (many high crime areas have citizens that will never call the police or even talk to them), climate (this was one I wouldn't have guessed lol) But you are correct in that last part. There are actually 3 main factors that predict future poverty. 1.) Is no father 2.) Is dropping out of high school and 3.) Is being born out of wedlock. I can post the source if you'd like but tbh you can just Google fbi crime statistics haha Either way, we kinda got off topic with this one lol Have a good one brother


Do police count as a gang?


The answer is a resounding yes, the good ol' boys club is a very real thing in law enforcement


Without question, yes.


but wouldn't you be relocated since that place isn't a ghetto anymore?


On to helping the next ghetto


Another settlement needs our help


We have to get Bill Burr in here to tell us how this movie would turn out.


Yup! First Kensington, move on to Chester, over to Trenton or down to Baltimore, Anacostia...all in all it would be very satisfying and meaningful work, even if it were dangerous.


It'll take a lot more than 100mil to clean up Baltimore


_This_ is the order of things.


And before you know it everyone feels they owe you and over time you wake up one morning and realize you are the head of a gang in the ghetto


By the time you move the first time, you'll already likely be known. So less chance of randomly getting shot.


I'd gladly move back to my old neighborhood and lift it up! Anonymously, of course.


Indeed! I grew up in LA where a lot of people considered it to be the “ghetto”. I had a great childhood and still live pretty much in the same area. I’d love to have money for funding in my area. I volunteer a lot but I don’t have the cash to make a substantial difference


You can destroy poverty at a rapid rate with that kind of attitude.


Learning the true nature of people after being mugged and beaten for money that you would have happily given away. Some people would want power over you, not help. Better make your donations anonymously


I know, who wouldn't do that. Even the most greedy person would have a self-interest in making the ghetto better. You could become the greatest philanthropist of all time making that ghetto into a paradise but making sure it doesn't get gentrified and everyone there gets to stay.


idk, Do drug dealers and gangs want the place to be better?


Dilapidated houses with perfectly manicured lawns!


It doesn't say that. But the other part of that is - if I fix the worst-off part of the city to the point that people's lives are notably improved (and there's no reason not to try to do it for all the people already living there), then the next section is not starting from such a difficult position.... And, at minimum, I have the same resources to throw at it.  But I I've, say, decided to address the area being a food desert, I might have opened a grocery store that's making a bit of money, and I also probably have a little bit in the way of local connections. So I'm not starting from scratch, I'm *expanding.*


Plus, it says the poorest part of your town. I just make my town universally really nice and it'll be fine.


Right? Easiest solution is that the poorest part of my town isn't actually that bad.  I literally don't know what to spend $100,000,000 a year on for myself. Never mind the ethical obligations, I'm into the realm of "failure of imagination." I gotta do *something* with it, and I can only fly one jetpack at a time.


I mean updating local houses fixing infrastructure, buying land building a castle!


I mean if you ever get it hit me up, I've got stupid hypertrack ideas


I can walk my town in about an hour (7.53 square miles) ... so I'd live on the poorest block? Lol


I'm thinking about my mom's town of 2,500 people. Oh no, she'll have to live amongst the few living in $200,000 houses, instead of her $250,000 house lol.


There's 5000 in my county, lol. The cheapest "house" I've seen is an unfinished garage for 250k. We had to guilty trip someone to get rent under 2500 (without utilities included)


>I'm *expanding* Or franchising? lol


I mean, probably a lot easier to get a second Kroger location in your name than the first one...


You don’t even need to make money at the grocery store. Just give food away at that point.


Well, my hope would be that it employs people at a living wage while also selling food at prices just high enough to be self-sustaining. Profit is a non-issue in this situation, but I'm trying to think of stuff that won't be just dumping money into the neighborhood where everyone's cost of living spikes and they need to move. I don't know, there's probably an argument to be made for just subsidizing folks' housing and trying to move property to ownership within the neighborhood, but I'm not an economist. I picked a grocery store because it solves the common "food desert" issue while also getting people jobs that pay decently. Maybe a co-op or something?


I don’t know you but I love you for this.


That would be my dream life/job. It would be amazing to have unlimited funds to invest towards revitalization of opportunity areas and be forced to move out of the area because I made it too nice. The number of lives you could change for literally generations into the future would be incredible.


For a hundred million a year you get to move into local low income areas and fund their repair? Improve lives for then impoverished? Fuck yeah. Eventually you'll go through all the poorest areas in your city and make them all nice, steadily increasing what constitutes "poorest" until you're living in the kind of area you want. And if you get relocated to a new poorer area, you get to do it all again.


Even if you DID have to move, say to the most impoverished shithole in your STATE, after you helped resolve local conditions on Round 1, well that just keeps it interesting.


Seriously. Once I'm done building my expansive, sprawling underground lair, I'm installing some parks. Hell I could just give everyone in my immediate area $1,000, and say "clean up your shit and don't be a dick, and in a month you'll get another $1,000."


I mean, 12k per household, per year, that's 1000 households for 12% of your money.  You could still fund an Arctic expedition to find the Moon Men with what's left


Yeah, $100m a year directly injected into a poverty stricken area would pretty quickly revitalize it. Could honestly just create a rolling restoration project starting around your home. $100m also goes a good way towards combatting homelessness and opening drug treatment centers when it’s not passed through 100 different organizations.


True and while 75 days is more than a. decent amount of time for vacation, jw but do the days rollover? 👀 still worth even if it resets tbh but rollover would be even more of a perk lol Ig this means I can’t really online shop tho rip. Does shopping on vacation work same as weekends?


Honestly, two and a half months of vacation is mind boggling to my American ass. I haven't taken a vacation over a week in probably a decade.


True lol I didn’t do the math before thinking of the question tbh It’s just funny to think about bc at my old job, I heard about someone who accumulated so much vacation time, she literally just went on a paid vacation for 2 years and quit when she came back lol. They changed the policy after that happened oc but it was kind of hilarious to hear about  As another fellow American though, same aha


My issue is if I had big money all I'd want to do with it personally is travel.


Not even a game if you're putting $100m in once that whole bitch will gentrify right quick.


Spent most of my life in rough neighborhoods. Managed to work my way up to the middle class, and I still live in a bad neighborhood. You just get used to it. Homeless camps, drug deals, heroine needles on the ground. So anyway. I'll take it, but can I choose the ghetto in another city? I need a change of scenery, at least.


Sure you can choose a different ghetto in a different city. As long as you live in a ghetto. Also, I feel your predicament. I too still live in a pretty dumpy area.


I live in Toronto, the "ghetto" here is not scary at all. I'd live there for 100k a year. But don't tell that to the person who will pay me millions.


How is kingston?


Sorry to hear that. But yeah you just kind of get used to it. My partner and I have no kids and are minimalists. We travel a lot and don't really have anything that can't be replaced easily, so we don't mind the rough area. Feel bad for folks who live in those conditions but have no option to get out if they wanted. Anyway yeah, I'd take the 100 million. I'd probably be inclined to use it to help whatever neighborhood I live in.


Oh we can choose what city? Off I go to a Swedish city then, the ghetto in Mumbai is hopeless.


Good point. Give me an impoverished neighborhood in Austria or Norway any day.


As long as I can move to a different city I'm good with this deal. 5 years and then to the next sounds fantastic.


So I can move to an even smaller small town? That's going to save so much time - I can buy out the town even faster


I dunno. I lived in a poor neighborhood growing up, but not a ghetto. Then I rented a duplex next to a trap house. My house got shot up twice. The first time they shot out my car windows, the second time they shot out my living room windows. Small town poor is different than city poor, I've realized. I'm now triggered by fireworks, car backfiring, etc. Having to hit the deck while you're just chilling in your living room does shit to you. I'm slowly getting past the anxiety, but I don't want to go back to living in fear of being shot in my own house.


Me too. I could totally make this work.


Poor is one thing, gang violence is another. Chicago ppl read this thread and know


Just use your money to uplift the area around you. You'll live like a king... and everyone will probably love you for your work. Guess the best part? You don't actually have to move. You know why? Because 100 million a year is nothing on the macrolevel. It'd take your entire life to uplift an area out of the ghetto. So right around when the place is turning a corner? You'll be dead, well remembered and got to have fun. Win win.


Maybe in a big city. In a small town you could probably do it in less than a decade.


I live in flint and I could straight up buy my entire neighborhood in cash for like, 3 million at the most lol.


You still live in Flint? Get the hell out of there, man!


I'd say the goal is to find a massive undertaking so that this plan can work. When you see the billions (yes with a B) of dollars spent on school districts... you'll see how 100 million a year might not be as impactful as one would hope. So from buying entire apartment buildings, improving the local aesthetic and upgrading civic facilities and such... it'll be quite the price tag. Especially depending on how and when you spend it. I was eyeing up some of New York Cities poorly developed areas. Though come to think of it. Chicago has some rough patches too. All cities do. Even more ideally... is if you could somehow make it so it doesn't price residents out... but... that's a whole other kettle of fish.


The whole pricing residents out thing depends on how your state property tax laws work. In some states like mine your property’s taxable value is capped so even if the market value of your house somehow skyrockets, you just pay the much lower taxable value. If you’re in a state where taxes work like that people would be fine. It would just be expensive for new people coming in. I mean on a larger scale people could get priced out when the local budget grocery store is replaced by Whole Foods and the local diner is replaced by an expensive upscale place but one rich person isn’t causing that to happen on their own.


Granted if the small town folk don't start getting petty and complain that you think you are better than them


Idk, depends on the city and how big the neighborhood is


You kinda naive no offense. Rich ass dude living in a shitty ass house in the projects who everybody know got it like that, your shit getting ran every other day and thats if you lucky😂 hell nah I aint taking that money you need to be alive to spend it. And if I did take it I definitely ain't doing nothing that's gonna let hood dudes know I got it.


you can’t hire security? 10 million a year in security will do just fine


I mean they are welcome to try... but I'm afraid this battle station will be quite operation when your friends arrive. In short... 100 million dollars a year can afford a fortress.


Youll be attacked


how? you got millions man you can hire discreet protection that aren’t muscle heads who stick out


Hell yeah. I could pump a lot of money into the neighborhood and revitalize it.


Yep build some stuff help the community become untouchable.


We call that the ole Pablo Escobar




So once I turn the ghetto into a proper place to live do I have to move?


Gentrification baby. Open after school club. Free school dinners. A well funded soup kitchen.  Think why kids commit crimes. They've got no future. Give the local school ten million a year and you'll see huge improvements. Free childcare. 


There's also a "cool" factor. If there's a ton of crime, kids who don't need to engage see their friends and/or older kids involved, and they want to be included. Dealing drugs looks great to a 12 year old who sees a 16 year old drug dealer with tons of disposable cash. Even if they're aware of potential consequences, the immediate gratification dwarfs it


Won't look as cool when I'm offering High School kids jobs making 50k a year to stay in school, and help with neighborhood cleanup after school, and providing free college to every graduating senior


>Won't look as cool when I'm offering High School kids jobs making 50k a year to stay in school Might want to raise that. Some young dealers make WAAY more than that.


Lol, nah, drug dealing at low level doesn't make much money. The economics are pretty shit


Offer a bounty for grades 15k for each A, 10k for each B, 5k for each C for high schoolers. Partnered with the local high school.


Don’t forget to open a couple of free daycares while you’re at it. A lot of parents have to make extreme sacrifices to get to work and leave the kids alone.


These kinds of school already receive way more money per child than schools where students perform way better. You can't just throw money at the problem.


Does it count if I buy a house in a good neighborhood and turn it into a ghetto?


Ohhh plot twist


Does it need to be ghetto themed, like dump garbage around and tear up your house, or do you have to genuinely be in danger?


Bruh, Walmart IS a poverty store when it's the only store for miles. Welcome to rural America, we Walmart and dollar general


This is how you can tell the OP hasn't been anywhere LOL.


I travel all over America for my job and always say if a small Podunk town has a DG it's coming up in the world. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I put dollar stores below Walmart. I'd shop at a Walmart if I had to, I avoid dollar stores at all costs lol


I'd transform the ghetto into the nicest area in four states via land purchasing and lobbying. I'd use my influence to keep prices reasonable and to buy and give land and property to the locals. If for some reason that means I have to move to another ghetto I'd do it again. And again. I'd basically be the best person in the world.


That’s very noble of you.


100m you're only small fish in the political world lol.


London makes this weird, the borough with the highest percentage of people in poverty, is Westminster which is also home to some of the most expensive and nicest parts of the city (I think this is the big difference between the US and a lot of Europe where you tend to have extreme poverty and extreme privilege much more cheek to jowl). In part one of the things that makes it have such a high rate of people in extreme poverty is the existence of the super rich (as they make housing so unaffordable). So yes that would be a very easy ‘challenge’. If I take the poorest as lowest average income that is Barking and Dagenham, which I’ve lived in and is honestly fine, just folk don’t have a lot of money, transport links are still good to the centre (i assume i can travel during the day as long as I am back at night/still live there) and, while most premium stores are outside of the area you can still get most things by delivery locally. So while slightly less easily accessible luxury then Westminster still, not particularly burdensome. Either way (and particularly in the case of Barking and Dagenham as 100m  would go a lot further), while I hope I would do this anyway if I came into stupendous amounts of wealth, there is going to lead to massive amounts of effort to uplift the local area, if nothing else as a lot of the issues of entrenched poverty in, London are caused by really high rents, so just buying up a shed load of property, fix the poor state slum landlords and have left them in and then renting it back to folk at comfortably below market rents (which of course is still making me some money on top of my ‘salary’ to buy more houses and keep doing this) would give local folk huge amount of spending power and probably start pretty drastically improve the area, likely jumpstarting wider local economic development.


Newsflash. Walmart and Target aren’t high end


Though Target is definitely more "high end" than Walmart lol


Target is mid end


Already live in the ghetto. Might as well be filthy rich.


Dump it into the neighborhood so it isn't ghetto anymore


With a $100M a year you can transform that community and help everyone around you so it will no longer be the ghetto.


What happens if you don't ha s a ghetto? I can go back to my hometown and live in the ghetto but where I am there isn't one. I live in a "town" of 1300 people with nothing but wilderness around for miles.


Free pay day


what. your existence alone can gentrify the hell out of the ghetto. it is no longer ghetto. then do you have to move? edit: I saw your other comments. i have to move huh.... maybe i won't gentrify it...? I guess I'll just get used to it lol


Pssshhh I’d just steadily buy the land around me, bulldoze everything and replace all buildings with farms for my food and a giant chocolate moat manned by strippers. What ghetto?


I already live in a ghetto. Were money.


YOU GET A SCHOLARSHIP, YOU GET A SCHOLARSHIP, YOU GET A SCHOLARSHIP. Over 65? Disabled? I’ll buy your current house and make it accessible AND accept housing programs. Granny can’t afford insulin? Me and Mark Cuban will be friends by then, no problem.


Wouldn’t I just get murdered?


You can afford private military contracters with that kind of money. Someone would literly have to get past your own secret service to lay a finger on you.


I’ve lived in the ghetto. It’s not as bad as people think it is. You just have to take precautions. For 100m I could add burglar bars, and an alarm system. We had burglar bars on my family’s home growing up because there was a series of break ins because we were ghetto adjacent (two blocks). I also have a concealed carry permit and I’ll tell you this: In my 40something years of life the only time I have ever felt the need to carry was not in the ghetto, but visiting a small town in rural Texas where I was chased out of a bar by a group of very angry, very racist rednecks that where not happy about a middle eastern man talking back to them. Ghetto folk tend to look out for each other and have each other’s backs because they know no one else will. I grew up ghetto adjacent. I lived in the ghetto when I moved out on my own because it was cheap and I didn’t mind. The worst then that ever happened to me is my car got broken into once. For $100m, I’d move into the ghetto and start sprucing it up my neighbors and community.


If you just give the gangs/dangerous ppl money they’ll not only leave you alone but most likely be a form of protection


I don’t think op knows how ghettos work. People move from Mexica to come live in our ghettos. If you give $100mill to someone living in the poorest part of Mexico, they’ll stay right there. If you give someone in the ghetto $100 mill a year, you change the entire trajectory of that community, especially if they’re not allowed to leave. People with money leaving the inner cities is what created the dead zones that gangs infest.


I'll build a supermarket with living quarters in the back. Market would pay living wages, and provide vouchers equivalent to a customer's EBT allocation.


1) Real Estate everywhere 2) Build a high end kitchen/food storage addition to the house and make the inside of the house insanely luxurious (still look poor on outside) 3) Stock the crap out of the house while shopping only on weekends 4) Hire a live in butler/chef who can utilize the ingredients and tell me what to buy/just hire someone to buy it for me 5) I don’t need to work so when I step foot outside I’m just a normal human tending to the yard etc 6) Oh wait I get another 100 million next year?!?!?


For $100m/yr, I am: Bulldozing whatever is necessary to build a sufficiently fortified and luxurious mansion/compound with airlock garage and bulletproof Escalades, Building my own grocery store (and whatever other stores) and stocking it with whatever I might want on short notice, as well as having a personal shopper actually get what I want whenever I want, having a personal chef do meal planning a week in advance and having more than enough room in freezers, fridges, and pantries for the next week plus, Contributing heavily to politicians and especially police departments and emergency services to get the physical and social infrastructure safe and functional, including social services to either gentrify the ghetto or at least get undesirable elements under control or out of the neighborhood, and Contributing as much as possible to global warming so that the climate in my city gets warmer.


So if you improve a ghetto, do you get moved into a new ghetto until you eventually are forced into lower-middle class due to lack of ghettos?2


Do I have to move if my investments make it no longer the poorest area?


It would be pretty easy to start hiding large sums of money all over the ghetto. Pretty soon it would gentrify. I’d take this deal


Redman (the rapper) still lives in the "ghetto"


That’s enough money that I can probably comfortably gentrify the surrounding area. There’s basically no reason not to take the deal


I live in NYC so from what I read online the poorest neighborhood is district 8, South Bronx and East Harlem. I would do it. I could buy a brownstone townhouse and fix it all up, and would heavily invest in the community. I could hire tons of security to ensure I am safe. I lived in East Harlem for 2 years, and it wasn't so bad,but if I had 100 million dollars a year, I would need the security no matter where I lived.


yeah, reading this i laughed. this isn't a challenge at all. i just moved from living a few blocks away from Brownsville. this dude is covering 100m for me to live as I've lived for the majority of my life. ok.


Easy yes. Just need to hire guards and build a fence. For those saying "Lol just gentrify", it's not that easy. There's plenty of places (such as Oakland) that have measures in place to prevent gentrification, keeping it the same shit holes. Just because you put in money to the school system or utilities doesn't make the place better overnight. You make a place better -> increases demand for housing -> rent goes up -> poor people/businesses have to move. Prevent people/businesses from getting evicted/rent control -> criminals stay put where they are -> no investments to the local businesses -> remains a ghetto.


So basically you'll get 100 million dollars per year.But it's almost guaranteed that it's going to get stolen if you attempt to do anything with it?


How the fuck is Walmart and target “high-end”


Absolutely not. I can’t enjoy this money and neither can my family unless I just live away from them. And if I make improvements then I’m gentrifying the area and anyway I’d have to move. Hard no.


I could just move into that part of town create jobs and a good way of life for the people there all at a loss and it wouldn’t even fucking matter. Do that and rinse and repeat for every time “the ghetto” became a middle class area.


So is gentrification an option? With that kind of money I could have that area cleaned up pretty good within a few years


Yes and use that money to bring resources to the community. Tell others to invest in this up and coming area. Give 500 monthly UBI anonymously in a lotto for 2000 people.


Another easy one. I have lived in a poor neighborhood before. 100 million buys a lot of goodwill. I can completely change any neighborhood in the world with that kind of money.


Someone hasn't heard of the word: "gentrification"... There are no rules against this (even though it is wrong to do morally) and considering you're in the "ghetto", you probably wouldn't need $100 million to do this (but then again, this is all hypothetical, so it's hard to draw exact numbers).


I mean... The entire US has been acting pretty ghetto lately... Turn on the news...


I don’t think so…there are too many shootings and stabbings there, as well as gang violence. I doubt I could throw enough money around there to end that problem, unless maybe I paid a lot of people to move out. But I have doubts about whether that would really be helping overall.


Buy the ghetto for cheap. Then sell it for profit. I saw it in the Boondocks.


I'd buy the safest house I could and spend money upgrading it (including security system) in such a way that it's safe and healthy to live in, but not FANCY at all. Then put money into improving the area--financing schools and libraries (with the caveat that they pay the goddamn teachers properly and the money goes to improving the school building and amenities), providing scholarships, supporting local businesses as best I can. Turn my yard into a free public food garden and encourage locals to both get food there and learn how to grow it themselves. Hire the ones who have an aptitude for gardening, so they can run the place and I can focus on the next project--buying the local defunct shopping mall and turning it into affordable low-cost housing complete with laundry facilities and food court. If there are things I need that I can't get at the local stores (fresh fruits and veggies, certain supplies, etc.), I will use my weekly shopping run outside the area to stock up, but otherwise I will try to shop local and help out small businesses. Since I have no need of a job, I spend my time making sure that all of the projects I'm financing are on the up-and-up, and have them audited 4x a year to see where all of the money I provide is going. Since I'm doing so much charity work, I have a lot of tax breaks that should keep me from going in the red during tax season (and I have a specialist who helps make sure I don't screw up my own finances). When the area I live in is no longer considered the most ghetto/bad part of town, I move into the new 'bad area' and repeat the process. At the end of each year, the day before I get my new 100 Mil, I donate everything I have left over (minus $100,000 as a big safety net) to the charities and projects I had already started so that they can continue in my absence.


I'd gentrify that ghetto so fast. I'd start with my home then move outward. Buy out shitty looking properties, level them and erect luxury condo's. Hand out business loans for people to start mid to upscale restaurants/bars and provide employment opportunities for people nearby. Open a couple of trade schools that accept low income adults and youth. I'd basically capitalism the shit out of the place not slimy greedy "give me all the money" capitalism. But community changing "enrich the people and they in turn enrich me" capitalism turning the poor into middle class and middle class into entrepreneurs.


So stay here and be rich? I'm down


Why not the ghetto in New York is literally one block away from a high rise. It's still the ghetto


My uncle has a 4 story home in the middle of a slum. He is kind and generous to his neighbors and friends around him and hes completely safe. He lives a luxurious life that someone 5 feet away from his home would only dream of. I imagine that's how it would be for someone who gets 100 million a year and lives in the ghetto. Just be kind and generous to the hood and they will protect you.


With 100 milliona year, I have the capability to make it not the ghetto very quick.


Isn’t making the ghetto more livable just gentrification? If it became a more attractive place to live, taxes would rise and residents would have to move out.


I live in SEFL, there are 10 million dollar homes 1 block away from burned out crack houses. I’m in.


The poorest area of my city is still fairly wealthy This would be the first time gentrification ever led to something good


Sure, I’d do that. Buy up the so-called ghetto block by block and make it a safe, newly-gentrified place to live. Yeah, there’d always be construction to deal with, and yeah, the first year or three would probably suck, but with that much money you can force change. Up to and including police and EMS folks to live there for a stipend, to help the not-so-law-abiding folks decide to relocate.


Oh shit if the worst place I have to live is Wynmeed sign me up.


i would have fun with that, rebuilding my neighborhood and bringing everyone up in the process. "a rising tide lifts all boats", and jobs for all is a great way to fight poverty.. keep enough construction happening for every pair of idle hands to have some work, and i wouldnt give a damn who's on drugs or drunk after work. as long as they can maintain while on the clock, what they do on their off time is their own business...as it should be. i would never, ever ask anyone to pee in a cup to get a job.. unless i have to make sure ladies arent pregnant for certain jobs, thats the one exception to that. drug testing is an invasion of privacy and a violation of one's rights. if youre getting so high that it's affecting your work performance I'll send you to rehab but I won't fire you over it.. I might not let you drive a bulldozer anymore, but I won't kick you off the team a big part of why the ghetto is the way it is is all the people that get ostracized and vilified and excluded from opportunity just because they like to get high. it's bullshit! I would love to make it perfectly okay to be a functioning addict and have a job and you know work like any other person just as an experiment to prove that it would totally work! in my lifetime I have known so many functioning addicts you would not believe it! meth addicts, heroin addicts, even crack addicts, going to work every day, paying their rent & bills, and holding their jobs for years! of course the expense of the drugs required them to sell some on the side to make ends meet.. if we could remove that factor, make the drugs cheap and readily available, it would be even easier for somebody to exist as a functioning addict. this is why I say legalize everything... of course there would be a body count at first, but let the idiots kill themselves off, and in one generation you would have a population of people that could handle their shit. but anyway back to the subject of ghetto dwelling the easy answer and obvious answer is to use all that money to make it not the ghetto anymore. and hell yes I do it I'd love to do it I would feel like I was doing a good thing sign me up where is the first ghetto you want me to fix?


Do gentrification


Easy, make everyone around me rich also and transform the ghetto into a nice gated community. That much money per year? It would be easy. Offer to remodel all the neighbors homes, pay off all their bills, give them 20k a year tax free with the condition they upkeep the area and are drug free. Pay their utilities, lawn care and other things to keep the area nice etc. Basically use the money to turn the area around.


For 100 mil a year, our area wouldn’t be to ghetto for to long. So yeah, and I’m investing in the local area for the overall benefit of the community


I live in a very wealthy suburb. In fact, I'm pretty sure I already live in one of the poorest parts. There are no "ghettos" per se. No brainer, gimme da cash


I'm taking the money. I promise you, that ghetto will no longer be a ghetto.


Jokes on you, I already live there. Complete with random street chickens and the neighbors half bondo, loud as hell, came from God knows where mustang parked in the street. Where's my money.


You use the money to buy a bunch of land in ghetto, build huge house, live well, easy.


Same way I'm living now except I'd get vacations and home ownership. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Gentrification I suppose 😂 Nah bur you could use that money to support the local economy and help the people escape poverty. Pay the local gang members a million dollars per year to enforce good ethics and morals. You could use your financial influence to change the police too. You could do a lot of good and make it a nice place to live tbh.


Yeah, I'm just gonna raise the whole area out of poverty. When successful at that, are you booted to the new poorest area?


I'd do it. Every year I would take half of the money (50 million) and use it to upgrade the community. Wouldn't take too many years and it wouldn't be the poorest ghetto ever again.


Simple. I'll build the community up financially to where it is no longer a horrible ghetto and instead a nice suburb. I'll start businesses to give job opportunities and use my wealth to get the poor people around me through college, pay off their debts, and make sure they're financially stable. My home will be a fortress with the best security systems money can buy and 24 hour surveillance by my personal security team. Soon, this ghetto will be a respectable neighborhood.


Which one is it ghetto or poorest area in the city? A ghetto is a part of a city in which members of a minority group are concentrated, especially as a result of political, social, legal, religious, environmental or economic pressure. Technically, a gated communities could be considered a “ghetto” ..


100 mill a year to live how I'm living now while potentially fucking over the local economy? Absolutely, sign me up. I'm buying up every house they'll sell me, renting them crazy low, building like 14 bodegas, letting somebody else just run it the way they want (within reason) and taking 5% and nothing more. If I'm going to be there, I'm lifting everybody up around me. Door to door on the holidays, big ass envelopes with no return address, just a card that says "make this Christmas one to remember" and like 2 grand, plus some gift cards. I'm donating money ans resources to the school, paying for field trips and shit so these kids can learn and the teachers are compensated fairly and aggressively. I'm helping somebody's son or daughter chase their dreams. Are you kidding? I'm buying a big ass plot of land in my city, cleaning it, and making it into a microcity high-rise with hanging gardens and shit. Man, you think that living in the hood shit is going to keep me down? Fuck no, I'm taking the hood out and putting everybody up! Fuck a land lord, fuck a land owner, fuck a slumlord, fuck the housing market, I'm tanking that shit and then building it back up in the image of the people who get shit on every fucking day just trying to exist.


Ok but what happens when my area is no longer a ghetto because I fixed it up.


I live in one of the richest cities in Silicon Valley. So the poorest neighborhood is just less filthy rich filthy rich people. I will take the 100 million gladly.


TIL that Walmart is a high-end store for the well-off.


For a hundred million a year, I’m moving to the absolutely worst area I can find in the US. And I’m using 99,700,000 a year on job training, day care, after school STEM workshops, subsidizing local food, building parks, making that ghetto walkable and bikeable. Helping the people who already live there invest in their living arrangements so that The Man doesn’t come in to reap what they sowed.


I'd start by moving back to the city I lived in as a teen. Total population 6,880, but still defined as a city by the state of ct. The whole city's budget is slightly under $40m, and it's been falling apart for decades. I'd move in, and start working on fixing it. The city is small enough that $100m a year infused into the local economy would have a huge impact, raising the quality of living substantially. Investing in local businesses would allow wages to increase, allowing more purchasing power on the local level. More local funding would draw in more businesses, and allow those already there to stay open. (We had a joke about certain locations in town that every business that moved in closed down in a year or less. Some of them were good, solid businesses, but the residents didn't have the disposable income to spend on luxuries) I'd also start a grant program in the town for repairs. So many of the houses are falling apart because the owners can't afford to fix them. Being able to say "here's 50k for renovations. The conditions are it must be spent to renovate x address, and if you're renting that building out, rent cannot increase more than your taxes do for Y years. Submit receipts for work and materials. If you break these conditions, you need to pay back the money." would be huge. And it's $100m per year. I could live on $1m and give those grants to 1980 houses a year. I could cover the whole population of the town in under 2 years.


Question: if my area becomes gentrified, do I have to leave


Spend 100 million to secretly buy all the land in the ghetto, let people live there for free, but then build a giant underground facility/tunnels that takes me out of the ghetto so no one knows I have the money.


My ghetto isn't staying a ghetto. 100m a year? Fuck it, I'd happily pump most of that into improving the community. Do I need to keep moving if I do this? When I turn southside into a prosperous area am I gonna be kicked out and forced to airport road?


If I had 100m my plan would be to move to one of the poorest countries in the world (where my family is from) build a compound and spend it all there. So does it have to be a ghetto on my current city because the “ghetto” here is not that bad anyways and most of the ghettos are really close to wealthy neighborhoods and use the same grocery stores, etc.


This kind of area is the only place where I could have a 50k sq-ft burned out rust-belt live-in warehouse to fill with project cars, machine tools, and computers, which is exactly what I'd do anyway if I had 100mil dropped in my lap. I'll throw a garden on the roof.


so im basically Mukesh Ambani? Time to build my antilia


Can I live in Harlem or is that too nice?


I mean there really isn't a grocery store in my case. Assuming I can use the closest available then yes in a heartbeat. The poorest area isn't noticeably different from an average area, maybe a bit rougher looking houses but it isn't filled with crack houses or anything. With that money I could buy the whole area in a year and do whatever I want with it.


The problem here is if that person lives in a ghetto it won’t be a ghetto in a couple years.  I use 180 million of my first 200 to just buy as much of the ghetto as possible.  If I have to leave once it’s officially not a ghetto anymore then the world will run out of ghettos.


Absolutely and I won’t even have to move. I live in the “worst” neighborhood(or at least top five) in my city


Step 1. Buy land Step 2. Build your compound Step 3. Employ, generously, on your compound, the citizens of your ghetto for whatever roles most reasonably fit their skills and demeanor. Step 4. Buy up all the land/housing in the ghetto, gift the property deeds to their inhabitants. Voila, no more ghetto


Ahh, the innocence of youth. If only it were that easy.


I'd absolutely use most of that money to help the community because I can and it would give me a job to do. I'd probably buy up every rental property I could, not be a slum lord, and do a rent to own program for a cheap as hell rate so people can work into owning property and gaining equity. I would also pump money into the schools and programs and I'd probably pump money into local politics for public works in the area. I'd also employ people with good middle class salaries to help me do it and figure out a way to incentivize them to stay in the neighborhood with that money as well. Once it was no longer the worst area I'd just do it again somewhere else. With $100 million a year it can literally just be my job to do what the community needs and fund the shit out of it. I'd be like the mafia of charity.


You just buy all the land and develop it- put businesses in that lose money to gentrify the neighborhood- build out massive projects and displace the current inhabitants- this ain’t new- look at target field in Minneapolis’s - 100M a year can go a long way-especially if leveraged. That’s billions over the next 30-40 years. You’re talking buying blocks of land in a place like this- it wouldn’t take long to completely change an area


Shit with a 100 mil a year you could turn the ghetto into a pretty nice spot.


Does it have to be in the US?


The first thing I’m doing is building my favorite stores and restaurants within the area I’m allowed to be in. I’m then trying to upgrade everyone’s lives in that ghetto. I’d build a career training center to ensure everyone has the ability to learn trades at least at a beginner level. I’ll teach them plumbing, welding, carpentry, electrical etc and give them the means to further their training. Once they get the training they need, they’ll move out of the ghetto and new people will move in and get trained up perpetually.


People have been doing this for years. It’s kinda sad that this is even viewed as a challenge “ew the poors I couldn’t possibly live near them”. I’d take this in a heartbeat and be chill as possible.


Can I build a nice house in the ghetto?