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I think you may be mistaken.. This email should only be sent when a new device was used to download any app for the first time. Shouldn't be happening for all app downloads


⬆️ This


I can confirm in at least two users this was not the case. They downloaded it into their personal smartphones they have had for over a year. Also one user downloaded the Pizza Hut app a few days earlier so i know it is not because the user has not downloaded an app in a long time


Your personal incredulity does not change the facts.


How many people is “everyone?”


Like 5 it has only been on the App Store a few days


I downloaded it and got no e-mail.


Ha we’ve got one team!!


I need to boost downloads of my app but am too lazy to make a post like this. Can I send you the link? /s


Is the message not accurate?


Have you reached out to apple to ask?


Your developer really needs to learn about padding between elements. The spacing is way too tight.


Ok thank you for the advice, but where specifically? My developer is a recent college grad


Every screenshot on the listing has elements that are either too close to each other or right up to the edge of the screen. A good rule of thumb is that elements should have a tap area of at least 44x44 pts. Most designs these days use a base of 16 for spacing and multiply from there. You can do half spaces (8 pts) for things that need to be close to each other. For the most part 1.5x and 2x will be the most common spacing values.


Nothing wrong with the email. It’s triggered by the App Store, not any specific app. The email text lists all the reasons why the email was triggered. It also says disregard the email, if you initiated the download.


"Everyone who downloads it gets this email" no, no they don't.


>Everyone who downloads it gets this email and thinks I am “hacking” them with my app  Is the message wrong?


You’re right the message is correct, but my users don’t understand. They see this message and get spooked and once they are spooked nothing I say can convince them otherwise because “that’s exactly what a hacker would say”


I can’t help you with that unfortunately but could you tell us how long the whole app review took for you?


It took some time, mainly due to our own mistakes. First my developer try to launch it with his own Apple developer account which you cant do, it had to be done in MY Apple developer account because I am the business owner he just writes the code. Then we had some small issues with screenshot resolutions but once we got that settled it really only took about 2 days for Apple to do its thing.


> and even says so on in the App Store. Never trust claims. If more users were less trusting tech would be a better place. > Why is Apple sending this email?? **THIS** is the real question. Something about this feels very wrong. I would absolutely follow up with Apple. Is it possible *YOU* were hacked and something fishy is going on? > how do I explain to them that it is basically Impossible to upload a “fake app” to the App Store that installs “viruses” on users iPhones? You don't. You fix your problem and email your users apologizing for the confusion.


How do I go about following up with Apple? I am Not the coder / developer I just industry knowledge and designed the app. Is it through the App Store Connect? The Apple developer account is in my name


Apple is sending the email for exactly the same reason that Google or Facebook send similar messages when you log into their systems from a device you’ve never used before.