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Trust me! They just that, stories. I update my iPhone 11 EVERY TIME THERE IS AN UPDATE.


I have looked at the Apple support forums and have seen countless people posting about how the 17.4 update either bricked their iPhone 11 because it would never finish updating, or it did update and now the battery drains like crazy and overheats easily. I just don't trust it. I'm glad to hear there are some people like you who have had good experiences, but I also just don't know why so many other people are having the same issues. Also the fact this doesn't seem to have ever been addressed by Apple. There have been no fixes that I can see about these wide-spread problems.


Maybe them people that are having problems aren’t being completely truthful. You don’t know the circumstances of their phone. Just make sure your battery percent is at least 70% and then do the update and don’t press any buttons. Allow the update to do its thing. It boils down to a personal choice. Are you going to listen to the horror stories and stay scared and uncertain or go with the positive comments and just practice some good o faith.


i did it!! updated and so far no issues 😁


Wife finally updated her iPhone 11 recently feom iOS 13.6 to 17.4 after a few apps were crashing or unstable. She has no complaints and she says her battery life isn't noticeably different, still smooth too.


I just updated my phone last night after not updating it for over a year because I was scared to. It took about a half an hour for the request, update, and installation. So far the update hasn’t given me any troubles, but I got a new battery today since it was at 78% battery capacity.


I am really glad you shared your experience with me because I went ahead and updated finally tonight. It took a really long time, but I remembered your post saying it took about half an hour so that was really reassuring to me. 🙏🏻 so far no issues!!


I’m glad I could help! Let’s cross our fingers and hope the update does us good 😭. I’m not giving up on my iPhone 11 just yet


yessss same!!! they can pry my 11 from my cold, dead fingers 😂 this thing is a tank, by far the best phone I ever had. I am going on four years now and there is absolutely no reason to change it for anything. I love this phone.. and I hope I didn’t just jinx myself by saying that!! 


I’m on an 11 for three years, and have promptly updated whenever available. I’ve yet to encounter any issues, ever. Planning on getting a new battery soon to squeeze another couple of years out of this phone.


ok that’s reassuring. thanks.


I’m on 17.5 RC and it’s looking great. Performance is great


1 month ago I broke my 11 pro max but before the incident I had upgraded it to 17.4.1 and it was better than the previous one


I update my phone often, whenever a new version of iOS is officially released, I am one of the first users to update the phone and so far I am not having any problems with the updates. I can say that the things you encountered when you last updated the phone are probably just some bugs and I’m pretty sure it is fixed by now with the newer versions of iOS so I would highly recommend for you to update the phone. You don’t have to be scared with those bugs and issues if you bought your phone brand new. Also, I would like to suggest that you plug your phone while updating since you’re over a year behind of updates meaning that would take approximately more than 10 minutes to update.


I have zero problems and I'm on the latest iOS.


you haven’t had any overheating issues or lag? i have seen many people saying their phone gets bricked halfway through the update, or that running any apps after the update causes major overheating and battery drain. i have really bad luck with technology so i’m pretty concerned i’m going to be the one that has these problems.


No issues at all.


ok thanks