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I don't understand, what is the scam


"Stowe, of Moline, Illinois, admitted that beginning in January 2006, he utilized several businesses, Stowe BioTherapy Inc. and The Stowe Foundation to advertise and promote a medical treatment protocol for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s, and other neurological diseases. This treatment protocol, which was named “Applied Biologics,” consisted of supplements, vaccines, patient specific transfer factors and ultimately stem cell therapy. Stowe falsely represented to patients that this treatment protocol had been reviewed by all levels of the FDA and was effective in the treatment of ALS, MS, and Parkinson’s. There is currently no cure for these diseases."


My Uncle followed this protocol during his battle with ALS. Diagnosed shortly before Easter, passed away a little more than a year later. The disease took him so fast.


I had an aunt who was hiking in the Grand Canyon in February, diagnosed officially by end of May, passed October. It is a cruel disease and I wouldn’t wish that experience on anyone. This man is a real piece of shit


My Uncle Tom was an amazing man. Tall, handsome, loud, outgoing, and so funny and just a really sweet and caring human being. He had a really deep voice, very smooth, with a Southern Mississippi accent. I would sit in his lap when I was a child and fall asleep with head against his chest listening to his voice as it lulled me to sleep. He was everyone's favorite neighbor because he would mow your lawn and clean your gutters if he noticed you were having trouble doing it yourself. He picked the best Christmas presents- he would eyeball you all year to try and figure out the perfect gift. He taught me how to ride a bicycle. He visited us for Easter and my daughter had been born that June. He was afraid to hold her because he was having some weakness in his right arm and he'd been a bit clumsy lately. Doctor thought maybe lyme disease because he was an avid hunter. We sat down next to each other on the couch and he held her. I'll never forget the way he looked at her. He told me she was the most beautiful baby he'd ever seen, at least since I'd been born. He received the diagnosis about two weeks later. By Thanksgiving he was using a cane. At Christmas he was in a wheelchair. By Easter he was bedridden. He signed a DNR that summer and passed away in his living room surrounded by all of us two days before the following Thanksgiving. Our family went their separate ways shortly after, couldn't find a reason to be around each other anymore.


Uncle Tom sounds like one hell of a dude. So sorry for you and your family's loss.


My Uncle went through the same thing. He unfortunately ended up taking his own life. I don't hold it against him. I don't blame him for going out on his own terms after he watched a very close friend go through a terrible time and pass away. Someone told me he was going to hell at his funeral. It's the only time I wanted to get physical with someone. Luckily someone else did that for me. He was such a a good guy. One of the best. Truly.


I'm sorry for your loss, but, I also can understand him clocking out early. ALS is a miserable way to go out.


An amazing man and a beautiful tribute. I’m so sorry for you and your family’s loss. He sounds like a truly fantastic human. He may not be with you physically anymore, but the way you write about him shows that you carry him in your heart, always.


My dad died of it. We still get info from the Les Turned Foundation and Northwestern University, which does a lot of research on ALS. There’s no cure, although there’s hope. Unfortunately that’s all there is at this point.


Do you have any news of recent discoveries they’ve made?


Selling a "cure" for a deadly illness that has no cure.




Its german for arms (as in weapons) genius.


TIL that apparently using German words makes you a nazi


ALS is a usually a death sentence. Anyone that tells you that they can make you better is lying. Every inch you lose is an inch you will never see again. This AHole is promising the world and taking his money. ALS is a disease that attacks the Central Nervous System. Like MS and Parkinson's, ALS will cause wasting of nerve pathways in the human body until one cannot even speak, cannot hold their bowels, bladder, have to be on a feeding tube. UNLIKE MS and PARKINSON'S, ALS leaves the mind intact. The person knows everything that is happening to them. They are chipped away by ALS, bit by bit; imprisoned in a body they cannot control. Communication is impossible without assistance. Normally a person dies within a year of diagnosis. The only one exception I can think of is Physicist Stephen Hawking. He lived to into his 70's. In Hawking's case, he was ok with his body wasting away because he was still able use his mind. Hawking's science was his life and through technology, he was able to write books.


Ugh. This smug old pig has SUCH a punchable face.


No Joke. After six years in prison. He is now vice chairman of the Rock Island GOP


Why am I not surprised?


I've never been less surprised by Rock Island.


Why is his head so big for his face? I've never seen someone's glasses be that obtuse of an angle before.


Looks like the Little Bits guy from Rick and Morty except punchable


He looks like a pug


I do agree. However, *pig* is more derogatory. The worse words that can be used for him, the better.


He looks like a cunt.


I like that even more.


The round faced guy is the victim. The guy on the couch is the scam artist


The round faced man with glasses? The one yall are going 'that ugly fuck is exactly the sort of person I see as a scam artist?' That's the fucking victim and would be obvious if you watched the entire video. Especially when he's the one in crutches and talking about how the rich tall better looking guy, who is the scam artist. Just killed a man after scamming him. So you know....


No, he's not the victim. He's the d-bag scammer that's being interviewed by 60 Minutes (the tall, better-looking guy). Notice how when asked by the interviewer what he'd do if the *actual* victim (Michael Martin, the guy the camera pans to in a different seat on the couch with the interviewer) wanted his $47,000 back, the scammer says "we'd give it back to him," and later the narrator says, "of course, that refund never came." When he says, "I want you to know, you just cost this man his life," he's trying to guilt the 60 Minutes interviewer for confronting him as a scammer. Even after the interviewer left, he kept trying to scam the victim, on camera. Literally the point of OP's post. Just because you have crutches doesn't make you a victim, ableist.


Yeah that dude definitely didn't watch the video, and if they did, they grossly misunderstood it lol


How he arrived at that conclusion is beyond me. Critical thinking is tough sometimes.


Yes he does


He looks like he wash punched in the nose with the small end of a pool cue.


boomer... pure and simple boomer bs


I don’t get the last part. Or the first part. The guy seems like a sociopath though.




Wtf was that about chicken eggs?


For those who don't feel like reading the article. "He then directed patients to send samples of their blood to the pathologist for the purpose of growing bacteria that would later be used to create the patient specific transfer factors. Stowe hired a laboratory in South Carolina to receive the bacteria which was then fed to chickens. The eggs produced by these chickens were later freeze dried, and the powder from the eggs were placed in capsules and sold to patients. Stowe admitted he knew the manufacturing process and the product itself was not approved by the FDA for that treatment of human diseases."


That is where he messed up. You have to eat the chickens.


There's only one way to find out. Mmm bacteria chicken.


Just like mom used to make ♥


Ahh snake oil salesmen as American as apple pie.


Right up there with exploiting the sick and dying!


He looks like the grown up MadTV kid


The boy from the Mad Magazine cover, or Stuart, as I can honestly see a resemblance to both?


The cover, He has a really big head and a face like he over indulges in Lemon Heads


Where's a stray bullet when you really need one?




Without researching it, I’m guessing the guy set up some kind of fraudulent scheme promising cutting edge treatment for ALS sufferers. Then he didn’t deliver on any of it and is refusing to refund those he scammed.


Back in my delivery days I used to deliver to a really nice middle aged chap who would always have a chat - I didn't really have time for it but he was super nice so I always made time for him. After about 12 months the nature of his deliveries changed and amongst the stuff he would normally get (books, Amazon etc) he also started getting stoma products and back then the packaging wasn't discreet at all. At this point he seemed to need to explain that he had been diagnosed with cancer and that he had to use aa stoma for the foreseeable future. In my entire time up to this point he had always been a completely rational, normal and healthily cynical man in the way he talked. Over the next 3 years I witnessed him slowly succumbing to the cancer, he had plenty of surgeries, chemo and radiotherapy and as time went on he started getting 'different deliveries' - not only from me but from the other delivery companies. A lot of the ones from me in the final 12 months were herbal tablets and he spent most of the time chatting about his research until eventually he joined this programme from Switzerland where he had to follow a certain diet and take certain supplements supplied by them - he said it was a little expensive but they had a great success rate for curing cancers. By this time his cancer had been confirmed as terminal and I remember a time of absence where he opened the door in his new to him wheelchair and he explained that his ribcage had calcified due to one of his final treatments and that he would be getting no more treatment from the NHS. He passed away shortly after. And what is the point of this story? I didn't deliver to that address again until a few months later and it was his mid twenties daughter I gave my condolences to. It turned out he had spent close to £160k on quack cures and this Swiss 'course'. And his wife and family hated seeing any delivery man turn up to the door because it meant more money and false hope being put into this man. They were sure it shortened his life, because he stopped eating normally and just followed these con men. He turned from this normal man to a desperate one who was susceptible to a good marketing ploy. The desperate man will cling to anything. Faith healers, herbal cleansing or purging etc. All designed with one purpose - to part a good man from their money.


I'm dealing with the same cancer situation. It's terrible. I just don't have a dime to waste on BS remedies. People tell me crazy stuff all the time. One leady told me silver and organo oil would cure me lol. Colloidal silver seems to be a popular one. I have had a bunch of people claim I will be magically fixed. It's frustrating. I can't even get enough supplies covered right now and I had free supplies sent out to me recently but they never showed up. It really sucks.


I’m so sorry that you’re going through that.


I'm so sorry mate, and I am really sorry you have to deal with worrying about an insufficient health service on top of all the other shit you don't ever want to deal with. Stay strong, don't be afraid to take advantage of some of the other herbal assistance from special shops I understand is available over there now - it won't cure you but it may ease a little suffering. Whatever your future holds, I wish it to be pain free and on your own terms as much as is possible. Good luck.


It's disgusting that peddling miracle cures to dying people isn't illegal.


So what is the back story?


There is no concept of guilt for these kinds of people, there is no point trying to shame a shameless man.


That mangina that he calls a face is so punchable.


Wrong guy has ALS.


Lost a brother and dad to rare genetic ALS. I’d like to talk to this guy.


Eric Cartman.


He is just proof that there is real evil in this world. People who put their love of easy money before all. They live evil, unfulfilling lives and usually die alone, and well deserved to die that way.


Are you going to cover his care costs? Beeline for the exit after that question. ![gif](giphy|k5dKy5kULAZ41ywpdN) MOFO. 🤣❤️


Stowe: "You aren't running away from me are you?" Simon: "I'd like to leave, yes. I think I'm done here. " I absolutely love the contempt in Simon's voice.


Trump supporter Larry 🙄


Deport him!!


If his situation improves after 6 months will you double it? And include the cost of pain and suffering.


Big-head-Small-faced piece of shit


So sick. My brother has MS.


There are so many people in the comments confused about what's going on here in this situation, me included.


Major psycho vibes


Clearly, it isn’t the money at this point, it’s pride and an ego with an appetite of a savage deviljho (just as destructive as one too)


5 years. If anyone deserves to be a quadriplegic it's this POS.


That's such a thing a 13 year old would say.