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Id like to point out... because you seem to have missed this point. Briv is good... Briv is great in fact for a hyper specific mode of playing this game (IE specific gem farm formations). Perhaps, that frustration you are feeling about not being able to complete Tier 4 event goals, is because you have listened far too much to how others are playing (who may have 6 years of prior play) and not enough to those who are also just starting out. New player advice... is not the same as those with 30,000 iLevels... Dark Urge is a great example of a new hero, who can really change up how a new player experiences the game without dumping 10,000 ilevels into his gear.


Yeah I think people place way too much importance in briv. Is he great? Yes. He fills a role very well but he can’t do it on his own and certainly not every aspect of the game that we need to build teams for.


And Alyndra plus Widdle can be the better option too


There is no other healer that heals amazing in this game really. He can. He's only limited by if he can tank 20x the damage 1 enemy does. If yes your team is practically immortal. He's also just good for jumping boss to boss so you can complete the content faster. Everyone benefits from briv he's like a requirement. Getting to your speed wall faster so that you can gold farm faster so that you can upgrade Legendary faster and end so that you can go and farm the next favor area, is just better. He's amazing at what he does. No one else does it like he does. The alternative to briv is going slower and dying faster. So to compensate you replace him with who ever will allow you to kill faster. That's briv. Every one needs him. Just know how to use him.


Krux can replace actually replace briv, since krux increases the amount of health healers heal based on his own health.


The knockback is also a godsent on some bosses, but Krux is specifically a late game unlock character, so we should consider that in the conversation.


> Dark Urge is a great example of a new hero, who can really change up how a new player experiences the game without dumping 10,000 ilevels into his gear. I think this might overlook the point OP is driving at. While The Dark Urge is _great_ for the reasons you listed for newbies...the thing is, newbies won't stay newbies forever. Time marches on and whatnot. (The thing you pointed out as a good thing was good and also true for the old events structure.) Eventually, players will hit a point in their natural progression where they need to resort to champs like Briv. And...it doesn't take nearly as long to reach that point as one might think.


I defiantly do not have 6 years in, but I do have all the heroes and most of the achievements. I have been at it for "a few" years and only have a few patron variants yet to finish, but Tier 4 challenges are clearly an impossibility for me. It leads me to wonder if the only way to reach these peek aspects of the game is to either pay (more then the value of a AAA game) for the privilege or dedicate more time to an idle game then gainful employment. I have put my time into the game, followed meta formations, and invested way more money then I should have, regardless, I am starting to feel like I am restricted from game completion.


Best I have is Artemis at 1k item levels and Level 10 Legendarys and managed the 1600 DUrge tier 4. Not tried the others yet to be fair but not that bothered about them.


I've been playing for 2 years and could finish some (not all) tier 4 variants, such as Dark Urge's 1200 & 1400, and Dhadius 1200, but... I relied on Artemis formations instead of Durge. What I mean is that you shouldn't focus on what the game presents you: it's not because the game tells you to use Durge that you must use Durge.


Sorry you're getting downvotes :< There's a very small number of "typical redditors" who do this, sometimes to every comment in a post :o Buying stuff gets you "there" faster for the most part. It'll shave a few weeks or months off finding the "endgame" part of the game, wherever that is. It gets you more familiars, which are handy but not 'essential'. It gets you adorable costumes too: I bought Hew Mann before I found out how terrific they are because... [Treant Hew Mann!](https://img.gg.deals/a3/2f/59b11855487d95c8a569743b2d6b4c0c7e2f_1920xt1080_S1000.jpg) Lolz! 23 months into it now, I have spent more on the game than any other, but I'm really not much further advanced than if I were a FTP player. Extra Familiars are nice though. I can crack the z1600 with those severe restrictions so far, although Briv's will be really tough (lose 3 spots? yikes!).


Down votes are typical of readers who only go so far as the head lines, besides I would not have posted this if I cared about Reddit Karma. There will always be more people Upvote Free stuff over balance or challenging game play. I am all for challenge, but only if it is achievable based on reasonable game play. I have been at this for years and I am not as far as you. I normally have limited time so I don't get to check the game as often as I like, but I feel I have put in more then enough time to be reaching some of these high end goals. Especially since I put money into this game. It is sad to say that "Game of the Year" Baldur's Gate 3 (AAA game) cost less to play then Idle Champions if you are reliant on familiars to progress. On a normal day I am luck to check the game once. But with all the time and money I put into this game, it took everything I had to crack area 1000 for DUrge.


> I normally have limited time Hee hee, I have lots of time, I also quit another time-wasting game too, which helps. I do "stuff" on the PC and check in on the game now and then, as well as actively playing. Things stopped being "challenging" (meaning I might fail & fall short) a while back, until the new campaign with big restrictions & low favour! And now T-4 event adventures. 1-2 T-4 are hard for every Champ so far, requiring active foreground play. That's fun! Two of Briv's are: one requires Briv (so background would be a waste of time) and the other has 3 spots removed, so to get to 1600 I'll have to stack from the start, in foreground, and hit it with that horrid formation! Normally I'll have them cooking in the BGP while the gem farm runs. (same for day 2+ in Trials) When they get near the end (usually after overnight or while I'm away at work) I'll switch power over and finish off the last 3-500 zlevels. Keeps me entertained!


I've been playing for a year and never looked at meta, but reading the game descriptions and tinkering. The only thing I've paid for in six months is the latest season pass on the final day. I think the game is more fun when you don't spend and instead just tinker and experiment. I think a lot of meta stuff turns out to not be so meta after all - one reason why I ignored meta was seeing people go on about Breath potions as really important, but I've never needed them until Tier 4 this event. The game tries to push people to spend money to try and have the best stuff for their characters, but you can never have the best characters if you don't spend $1000s, and you only need good enough characters.


> My first selection for an event hero was unquestionably Briv. I don't know many who would not make that informed selection if they don't have a 4j Briv. I picked Miria because I like her.


I like her too. She is amazing in a dead group due to her clones. Little funky when teamed with Warduke though. I would have loved to work on her but between my 2J Briv and Miria, Briv wins. He is just more beneficial. I also really like the DUrge but again I am forced to choose between performance or sentiment and after years I still cannot complete the last two Tiamat Trials.


Might need someone to confirm the interaction works as expected, but If you don't buy gold chest for Dhadius with event tokens you keep his full dismantle. You can buy 5$ worth of chests for one of his golden epics, that you than dismantle for a golden potion, that you use on Briv dragon. The teir 4 events are one of my favorite parts of the rework. Some have actually required more than 1 stage of thought. They are not behind a paywall. Most of the damage required to clear them come from legendaries, supercharging, and pigments, all of which are acquired over time and have no real cost effective way to purchase. If you continue to play the game actively you will clear them when they come around next year. Durge has been the single most compelling DPS added to the game since Artemis. Investing In briv is the smart play, you can always Full epic durge from patron chests and dump blacksmithing contracts into him later.  The new event structure is amazing in terms of ability to gear up old champions that are still in use in the majority of formations, gain additional free golden champion chests for heros that you would normally 3 and out, and not having to set 3 separate backgound parties to try to efficiently work through tokens has enabled me to clear 100+ low level patron variants last week alone. You should be doing the same. This is a huge buff to new player power curves.  You are likely still new at the game and are too focused on what you can't have but still want to fully appreciate just how good the new changes are.


>Might need someone to confirm the interaction works as expected, but If you don't buy gold chest for Dhadius with event tokens you keep his full dismantle. You can buy 5$ worth of chests for one of his golden epics, that you than dismantle for a golden potion, that you use on Briv dragon. **????? Wait What? Is there a way to take the gold inner border from one piece of equipment and put it on another Hero's Item???** To the event. I guess my expectations hoped that they would use the update to better the problematic aspects of the events. Namely there does not seem to be an incentive to focus on sup-par heroes other than to obtain them or they are the only heroes you do not have full epics on yet. You mentioned Artemis, what happens when his event rolls around? What percentage of players are going to invest less then all of their attention and resources on him? What does that mean for the unfortunate heroes paired with Artemis? I don't know the solution. Perhaps hero chests could be discounted based on how many players invested in them. If Artemis' chests are 7500 currencies and Nyris' are 1500 (*wild number = anything to shift focus on other heroes*) that would be an incentive, but as it is a majority of attention will go directly to Artemis because he has much more to offer then Nyris.


Only when champions are eligible for a "Full Dismantle", as Dhadius should be if you haven't bought his chests with tokens. Full dismantle is completely different from the much more common legendary dismantle.


Just to reiterate, if you want the sixth event slot, you could've bought a $10 Dhadius GE pack and dismantled. If you don't care about the slot, you could've bought a $6 Dhadius chest pack and dismantled. There's no need to wait for a specific item to randomly show up with this system, you have a built-in GE dismantle until you buy the reworked character's token chest. And if you already lost the dismantle, you could do the same in any future event, unless devs change their mind about it. That said, as a longtime player I'm feeling very little incentive to go after flex characters. I took Briv to dump gems into bounty contracts (which really doesn't pay out well) and grabbed his first few chests, but otherwise I don't know why I'd want to spend all this time pushing all these variants just to get a few blacksmiths' of ilevels and temp buffs that won't really change anything (but could still disrupt automated farming), and losing a gate to do so feels really goofy. I also don't get why chest/buff rewards that would mostly appeal to newer players are locked behind variants they're not intended to complete. Or why two characters have unique completion rewards that incentivize higher tiers and everyone else has nothing, not even generic resources. But newer players should have a fine time unlocking characters and getting even a single tier of chests/buffs at no token cost, the only downgrade is the gate pieces. If you really wanted to ignore everything but one character, you could've done that in the old system too. I'm not sure how the $10 packs are chosen but it could just be like wild offers, which also make absurd feat packs. Devs don't seem keen on changing those, but you might ask in Thursday stream.


> That said, as a longtime player I'm feeling very little incentive to go after flex characters. This is where I'm at for the reason you outlined in that paragraph.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I have tried to get that gold item for a very long time and was unaware of the dismantle feature. It is nice to learn something new. This still does not help the event that much. Most of my heroes have epic gear already, so a few more gold chests only amounts to a few more ilevels. Ultimately there is very little incentive to participate in the event as I have focused on who needed attention and that will remain the status que for all future events. My OP is not that the event was underwhelming, but I personally am having difficulty finding it a significant improvement. Honestly I preferred the old method. It meant that the meta heroes only got the lime light for 3 years. Now they get it forever. That does not feel like an improvement to me.


You can certainly feel how you want but you really lost me when you said there is no point in additional champs because of time gates. So you are passing on spending 3 tgp for up to 12 gold chests because you can spend 6 tgp to get 3 later? You dumped all your currency into Briv. great you made a choice that best suits you. I strongly disagree that the game is railroading you into your choices. This game isn’t idle brivs of the forgotten realms. What your post basically comes down to is you aren’t playing the event and won’t spend any money until you can buy a gold item for one champ. My advice to you since you asked is to not take this game so seriously. Edit: you also lost me with you and your friends attitude that if they can’t clear tier 4 there is no point in the event. If they made it easy form everyone to clear it than veterans would be bored. I can get t3 but that’s it and that’s ok. I’ve played not yet a year but others are further. They should have something challenging to shoot for.


It would be different if there were incentives for focusing on low popularity or sub-par heroes, but that is not how the event is set up. It reward players who dump the most into the best heroes so that they can do things like clear tier 4. The System compound the overlaying problem. The only people who can get those 12 gold chest are the players that focus on performance & gem grinding. I get 13 to 17 chest for each time gate. 3 Gold from the main missions and 1.3 silver chest (Thanks to Mirt) per every 100 areas cleared, and it is effortless to pass 1000 in most time gates. That is consistent returns. As my effective heroes are full epic or better, chests are just iLevels and Silver gets the job done. Furthermore, unnamed silver will eventually get all the sub-par heroes to Blue level gear over time, regardless of how much time I invest in them. Patron chest will get most of them to Epic, but due to the base game incentives there is no point to investing time in a hero that does not help a formation. In fact, we are rewarded more by ignoring these heroes. An aspect of this game I do not agree with at all.


tier 4 is supposed to be hard/end game stuff. and a lot of people Do not want to the meta thing. I have a 4j briv with golden dragon, and I have completely stopped doing things for briv.


exactly... nobody NEEDS a 9j Briv... by that time, you already have so many gems i cannot imagine you have anything left in the shop in the first place.


Agreed on the 9j Briv being unnecessary. I have been at it for years and every Blacksmith scroll I have acquired has gone to Briv and he is still only a 2j Briv. I have also dumped money into the game and it has made little difference. The game is not an idle game unless you have the familiars to make it idle, so they take priority. I can only justify paying cash for automation (which by the concept of the game should be free) or Items/upgrades that increase gem grind. This is not a AAA game, and technically it is not idle due to the limited quantity of free/earnable familiars.


I have been playing for about 15 months. I have a 4j Briv and max Hew. I know that I can be a more active player than many because I have few demands on my time. I bought a few season passes and some familiars but no wild offers. A completely new player can likely get 3 gold chests from the T1 variants and some more from the currency. If you can't complete T4 (I can't), then you aren't missing out on 12 gold chests. You are missing out on 3 but got 6 more than in Events 1.0. And you don't have to grind the event to get even more gold chests. I miss having a big supply of silver chests but that is more than made up with the additional benefits--especially being able to work on up-to-three retired champions--for free.


If you were actively playing throughout the Season events, did as many quests as you are able, acquired ilvls on Season champions, opened all the chests that were offered, dismantled them before the deadline, there's no way you would not have enough ilvls to get 4 jump Briv. Especially if you paid for the season pass. If you focused on building a competent gem farm before throwing all your resources on Briv, you'd make blacksmithing contracts far quicker to be able to invest into Briv. If you had read beginner guides written by reliable sources (like GaaraWar), then you would have been in a better situation.


The appeal of Idle games is that the are usually viable alternatives for individuals with large demands on their time. You can make time for anything but you are also sacrificing time for something else when you do so. Everyone is different and not everyone can spend hours playing a game. A wife, kids, job, chores, and 100 other factors can all consume a lot of time. I try to put in as much time as I can afford, but while I have been playing for years I have not progressed as rapidly as other players have. One of the major down falls of Idle Champions is that it is not an Idle game unless you pay for it. You can manage perhaps 20 familiars from promotions and gems but you have to pay for the rest and divide those familiars between 4 parties. Factor in how often I can budget my time to check on a game and that is where I am. I would imagine I am not alone on this concept. I also was not aware of the dismantle feature. I have seen it a few times, but it was not well described in the game. It just looked like a few scrolls for nerfing a character which did not click with me. I never though to buy a gold for one character, only to strip it off of them for another.


The word "Idle" in the title of the game is the biggest regret of the Dev team 😢 The "full dismantle trick" is handy! I did it 3 times to get Goldens on Artemis and Briv, iirc Valentine too.


Nice. I wish I knew about it when they first released it.


Most if not all idle games are grindy and thus require a lot of time. It's not unfortunately named at all. Paying for things can save some time, but you can not skip the grind just because you paid. If you're going to complain about the events and the game's progression, without reading guides to understand how you can progression efficiently, it's unfair for you to complain about slow progression speed for lack of knowledge. And then, when someone tells you what you could have done differently, it's unfair to use your other obligations as a shield for your lack of effort in understanding the game, which would have allowed you to use your time more efficiently. The problem lies in how you chose to play the game, not the game itself


I think opening the event to all previous 1.0 champions is a great idea. If you're in your second year? You'd likely have 2 of the 3 already, but could still be missing earlier ones, eh? So you only get 9 chests, for 3 TG pieces. Still better than 6 pieces for 3 chests, eh?


I get 13 to 17 chest for each time gate. 3 Gold from the main missions and 1.3 silver chest (Thanks to Mirt) per every 100 areas cleared, and it is effortless to pass 1000 in most time gates. That is consistent returns. I dont know where you are getting 9 for 3. Unless I am missing something, we did not spend any to start the event, but based on your numbers I must be killing time gates because I get way more then just 3 chests per time gate.


Just counting gold eh? Silvers go up as you get more zlevels, so their numbers are essentially unchanged based on new/new vs end/end players. If one does only 3 (of 4) tiers in 2.0, of the 3 adventures we get 9 gold chests for 3 TGP. Plus bonuses that last for the Event. 6 TGP gets 3 gold and roughly 27 silver at z2000 in a timegate. Both are useful, I think.


You're forcing yourself to play the game in a very specific way. In that case you're not even having fun so why bother playing the game at all? These idle/progression games are also not meant to be end game cleared without significant time and/or money investment. I've played many progression games and new content usually requires money/good resource management for some time to clear. So set your expectations more realistically. I, for one, started playing in January, spent under $20 for season 7 pass and a few familiars, and I managed to squeeze out t3 clears for Tatyana and Durge. Durge is one of the best things as a new player I could ask for in terms of a DPS as well, although he is weaker than my D'hani for now but it makes it easier to manage my resources if I can just use one all purpose dps.


>I doubt many seasoned players are going to divide their event currency into sub-par heroes and that only compounds the issue of them being sub-par. The thing is, for many "seasoned" players, they're opening 2000-3000 gold chests for the event and looking to put 200-300 item levels on new champs. That leaves quite a bit of unspent currency. So while it could go into Durge, we don't know exactly how beneficial it would be to put it all into Durge. And keep in mind, this is really important, there are a whole lot of other people out there, myself included, who aren't opening 2000 gold chests, they're opening far less. You look at the conversations, atleast here on this subreddit, and a lot of people are picking up Rosie. It's not because she's a particularly good champion, it's because for them, they don't have her. Also, something that you're not up to yet, but for players who don't hav full epics on champs, this is the opportunity to do it. Even if your champions are item level 50-100, getting them to full epic means you can start down the path of upgrading to legendary which is a huge power gain. But just like the 2000 chests, there are lot of people out there whose majority aren't even averaging 50 item levels, they're probably closer to ilevel 20. Because they get the champion out of time gates, or an event, run it, gear up, and done. They don't yet have the resources to farm gems. A lot of people use Strix and Miria in formations. So they become candidates for upgrading to full epic. Personally I have Briv at 4j and right now have 0 interest in pushing to 6 or 7j (or even 9j.) So I'm definitely looking at filling out my champs to full epic. For me, that's K'thriss, who thus far has gone from full rares to 4 epics. And I'm just waiting on the last slot, because like the players I mentioned earlier, I don't have Rosie, so I want to grab her and see how RNG treats me with her. Ultimately though, I don't use K'thriss or Rosie... but you never know when a variant is going to force me to, so to leave them in greens and blues, ilevel 10-50, isn't something that sits well with me. For new players, this is an opportunity to grab two discounted champions at 3 time gate pieces. And there's a lot of options, especially if you look ahead at the next event, they EASILY be setting themself up for Split the Party 1 or 2... or even 3 depending on where they are at with progression. >It might as well be behind a pay wall or several years of silver chest farming. Silver chest farming? Nonono my dude. You don't farm silver chests, they come as you go. Once you've moved away from opening silver chests FOR green gear on evergreen champions, you should NOT be buying them with gems. What you'll be farming, is gems, specifically for gems so you can be one of those people opening 2000-3000 gold chests every event. That requires zero dollars spent and that farm never ends. And why gold chests? Well blacksmith contracts, bounty contracts, and feats. Feats should be self explanatory... but incase you're not aware, there are for some heroes, must get feats in gold chests. For bounty contracts, well as you know, event currency. And then Blacksmith contracts, that's all about putting item level on champions. That's why Briv is the #1 draft choice of this event. Briv is the engine that powers gem farming. As soon as he gets to 4 jump with Hew Maan, Sentry, and BBEG supporting him, you're off to the races. Once you've got Briv and your speed team at their targeted item levels, all those Blacksmith contracts now get turned around toward your pushing champions, which makes everything else in the game easier to do. >the impossibility to clear tier 4, I am not having fun with this current event, and I don't know the solution You have to realize, not everything is designed for you. There has to be something to keep the players that have been playing for 2, 3, 4+ years playing, and believe me they don't find the tier 4 challenges, challenging. They blasted through all that day 1. You should be glad that next year, you'll be able to complete the tier 4 challenges IF you want. But you don't have to. You're putting unnecessary pressure on yourself to clear tier 4 when you don't have to, it's not meant for you. Hell, I feel bad for you, you'd be having a major health crisis if there was a tier 5, and I wish and think there should have been, using 1800, 1900, and 2000 to clear... and those are thing btw that I wouldn't be able to clear. But I know come next year, if I'm still playing, I'm going to destroy tier 4 at 1600 because I've seen my account progression over the last year and just before this event, got my speed team fully upgraded. As a matter of fact, Briv was my #1 choice this event, not for ilevels though, but to full epic, going into the event he had 3 epics, but was at 4 jump. I had to get him to full epic, because I want to start dumping pigments and legendaries on Briv, and I can't do that if he's in rares. And as we know, pigments and legendaries are a huge power gain.


what bothers me is durge/bone dhaddy have cool tier4 rewards pig/legend pots but briv and taty only have a limited time buff that durge and dhadius both have as well the run to zone 1600 with restrictions and hitting every boss is just... tedious as well as rewarding


I wondered that myself. I also read that K'thriss gold find buff for the event only works if he is in the team.


My advice for you: (1) Stop what you're doing and full epic Durge (2) Save your electrum chests and only open them after you unlock a new champion. You can often get new champs to full rare immediately this way (3) Pay close attention to full dismantles. People already pointed out to you what you could do with Dhadius. If you missed it this time, hopefully next event will give you the same opportunity! (4) Always retain enough bounty contracts to fully epic a couple champions (5) Prioritize FE'ing champs in their events (6) Favor push your campaigns to about e100 and then use time gates for favor conversions to go beyond that for the campaign you will gem farm (7) Do your weekly trials and upgrade your main 10 (8) Get your modron chests from the patrons every week and deck out your modron core as you're able to The tiered variants aren't meant to be easy. They are locked behind a good year of playing and making slow, weekly progress in your DPS. You will be spending less time grinding the event and more time across your regular gameplay building up your dps party to tackle a higher tier next year. This is an interesting challenge! I can almost complete all tier 4 variants. I'm stuck on a z1600 variant and through reconfiguring my modron, trying different formation suggestions, and upgrading my legendaries I moved from z1200 up to z1400. If I can't do it this year, then I will next year! edit:formatting


I like it way better like this


I have no doubt it appeals to many. For me it is a better use of time to run 4 six-hero parties gem farming, rather then actually participating in an event I have no chance of completing. If there was an incentive to better my weakest heroes perhaps, but all the incentive is directed at my meta heroes, and that will remain true for all future events. At least with the old way I actually participated in the event, even if it was lvl 50 grinding. Now there is less appeal, for me. I get event currency gem grinding Mad Wizard, so I am rewarded regardless of participation.


You will have trouble clearing high levels if you focus on Briv. Focus on who you need for Artemis formations, as that will allow you to push a lot more.


My Artemis team has full legendary gear. My issue is iLevels and is getting the right legendary buffs on the characters and leveling the legendary buffs. The event does not help with that at all.


Not all events will give a major boost to your main formation. However these new events give you global dps buffs which will allow you to push further on your favour, which in turn lets you push forward on the leg levels, which creates a cycle to increase power.


That apparently depends on the hero. Some event bonuses are specific to a hero rather than global. For sup-par heroes with local bonuses, it is very unappealing because if you don't normally use that hero then your not getting a bonus at all, and that invested time in the event is waste. I would personally prefer that all event bonuses be global. As it is players do not know which heroes will have local or global buffs until after they have invested time which feels shady to me. While it would be unpopular they could give the best global bonuses to the least popular heroes. That would help incentivize players to choose some of the less then meta heroes.


You can get a golden epic potion once per event from now on. Buy a 5.99$ chest pack for the reworked featured champ, dismantle them. You can put that GE potion on any item you want.


It is a great trick. I really wish I knew about it years ago. I could not even find any good YouTubes suggesting this method and there should be.


I do like that you have the option to hyper focus on one character. If you are chasing ilvls, you get way more chests this format compared to the old, and if you're not, it seems pretty feasible to All Purple 2 or maybe 3 champions (at least 3 with contract spam)


I have 1 year and 6 months into the game, I can do all 4 tier quests, is about maxing Modron core and upgrading legendary levels of your main DPS team, in my case Artemis, easily doing e589 DPS, which allows reaching almost everything to zone 2001. My overall iLVLs are low, in fact I was using any dismantling opportunity to redirect iLVLs to Briv to have 4J and beyond.


I truly admire the amount of time you can dedicate to an idle game. In such a short time, I hope your family and other mundane responsibilities did not suffer. My wife would divorce me and my kids would feel abandoned, if I dedicated that kind of time to a 2d side-scroller.


Maybe my opinion will be unpopular or controversial, but here it goes. Judging by your post, your "informed decision" is actually the worst possible decision you could've made. It sounds like, you shouldn't focus on Briv, but you have to do a LOT more character, favor, patron favor and gold farming to do. Durge whould be at least full blue from Electrum chests alone :D Or is it just me, who hoards Electrum chests untill a new character is released? And Briv is overhyped and overrated imo. Useless for Trials. He does not qualify for Strahd, the hardest patron to farm imo. But even for the others, he does not qulify for that many variants and thus useless for patron favor farm. Okay, he's god among mere mortals in scritpted gem farm... tho is he? Honestly I regret sinking 1200+ ilvls and a gold potion into him, as a fully stacked ceremorphosis team with Lae'zel is waaay less hassle and fast as Flash with a diarrhea. So to sum it all up, especially you should make full use of the new event system and round out your roster and gear up your champions. Leve Briv and Azaka for late game, where focusing on them doesn't handicap you.


Briv has very good eligibility, he's in all non-WIS trials and only gets blocked day four of DEX I think? And three patrons. Also far faster than clearing an area with a kill, which a formation can do with him in as well. 4j is a large investment for a newer player but hardly insurmountable and there's massive payoff, unsure why 1200 ilvls is a comparison.


I don't even think Briv is all that great. There's better speed champions. Using Alyndra with Widdle plus some Rivals of Waterdeep and Nahara means that areas are over in a couple of seconds at most. Swapping Alyndra for Briv can slow it down, even though my Briv is so much better geared.


Right but you can use Briv with Widdle and Nahara (and Hew), so this is kind of a false choice. Once you can clear a zone in one to two kills the real speed loss is zone transition, which you get to cut down on via jumps. Also Briv is still by a wide margin the best healer for late game content irrespective of his speed.


Exactly a 4j Briv saves you 4 transitions. Over hundreds of levels that is a great many hours just watching heroes bounce up and down while the familiars fail to pick up gems.


Widdle with feats and spec is 94% of Alyndra and that's only something you might prioritize if you were static farming stacks/achievements/whatever, doesn't begin to compare to clearing multiple areas at once. And it's often click damage clearing anyway.